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Robert Carlyle/Dr Nicholas Rush Thunk/Appreciation thread

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    Nothing spoilery for me, I just like it!


      Hi everyone. I have liked RC for a long time, but have only just found this forum and this thread. I have spent many lovely hours looking at all the posts and the wonderful photographs. I am in the process of adding to my RC collection, the last one being Marilyn Hotchkiss Ballroom Dancing and Charm School. Just love it and RC is excellent as he is in everything.

      Look forward to chatting with you all


        His face is very diferent nowadays.


          Hi, time to come here again after some very busy weeks, but now I have some days off, to do some work concerning SGU.

          So, OUAT had its season finale …
          Well I think it was okay.
          They gave us a four months lasting happy ending for the main characters Snow and David, Emma and Killian and Gold and Belle. Not a happy ending for Regina and Robin. I must say I feel very sorry for her, but well, there has to be a reason for a fourth season, I guess.
          Really Regina against Emma? Again. Well. *sigh*
          Gold's betrayal of Belle (Again. Well *sigh*) feels like that will bite him somewhere he won't like. Though I understand it partly. We've seen him acting for his son like this before with Regina and now with Zelena. So, is this really that surprising? I don't think it is.
          That he has to tell Belle a lie again? I think that has a lot to do with the writers wish to reduce Rumple's whole 300 years lasting life with the merely two years he knows Belle. And that feels for me the same way irritating as Belle, who is very often used as some appendix to Gold to push the story forward, and to bring in some kind of twist.
          Well anyway, I can at least understand why he hid the dagger. One reason is of course he has to, because he can't tell Bell he lied to her. Another reason is surely that thing is really dangerous, one of the most dangerous one can think of. Because we've seen what happens when someone with bad intentions is able to control him, don't we? So better to make sure that thing will not get somewhere were it does not belong. And Belle, regardless how much she loves him, is not able to take care of it.
          But, it's also true he could have told her what happened. But, and now we're back at were the whole problem started, he's a coward. He just can't tell her. He rather tries to live with a lie, than to face the results of his betrayal. That's so him.
          Does it mean he doesn't really love Belle? I think he does, but the rest is very complicated. Is it really possible to ignore a life of about 300 years before Belle? I'd call that unbelievable, and a mere service to those who want to see nothing but the romantic two years love story between him and Belle. And therefore, I'm all right with what happens. They had their wedding, and the payoff will happen in four months.


            Will have to wait until it comes out on DVD to watch OUAT Season 3 unfortunately. Still sorry that Channel 5 here in the UK never renewed the series. Oh well - will just have to watch RC in other things. I must confess I haven't yet seen Stargate Universe and it doesn't seem to be on television here at the moment. Going to have to get that on DVD as well some day. Having seen the trailer, I think it will be something I will enjoy watching, and with RC being in it too...


              Originally posted by rachdun View Post
              Will have to wait until it comes out on DVD to watch OUAT Season 3 unfortunately. Still sorry that Channel 5 here in the UK never renewed the series. Oh well - will just have to watch RC in other things. I must confess I haven't yet seen Stargate Universe and it doesn't seem to be on television here at the moment. Going to have to get that on DVD as well some day. Having seen the trailer, I think it will be something I will enjoy watching, and with RC being in it too...
              Hi and welcome here rachdun!

              Well, in Germany we've seen the second season of OUAT until now, and it's not clear, when or whether we'll see the third season. But there's no need to stick to that.
              I put my two cents about the OUAT, season 3 finale into spoiler tags, because I suspected that not all people have seen those episodes, and most people don't want accidentally be spoiled.

              If you like science fiction shows in general, SGU will please you as long as you don't expect it to be the same as it's two predecessors SG-1 and SG Atlantis. If you haven't seen those two shows, don't worry, it's not necessary to know them by heart. The series will give you all informations you need to know to understand what's going on.
              To get it, look for special reduced prices in your surrounding, the DVD's aren't that expensive anymore. Unfortunately it's not easy to watch it for free on any local TV station, cos scifi is a rare genre there, and SGU especially. But maybe you'll be able to get them as a gift for a special occasion one day.

              See you all!


                Thanks for the welcome Artemis. I hope I get to see the show one day.

                Just got the DVD of Black and White today, so will settle down to watch that tomorrow night.


                  Originally posted by rachdun View Post
                  Will have to wait until it comes out on DVD to watch OUAT Season 3 unfortunately. Still sorry that Channel 5 here in the UK never renewed the series. Oh well - will just have to watch RC in other things. I must confess I haven't yet seen Stargate Universe and it doesn't seem to be on television here at the moment. Going to have to get that on DVD as well some day. Having seen the trailer, I think it will be something I will enjoy watching, and with RC being in it too...
                  Hi rachdun, welcome to the thread. To bad it´s so quiet in the forum.

                  I must confess I only watch OUAT for Rumpel/Gold. Love how RC can make guy´s who are on first sight not very likeable interesting to watch. I haven´t seen OUAT S3 either, just screen caps and and some episode spoilers. But he look very sexy in all of them.


                    Thanks for the welcome myhelix

                    I watch OUAT mainly for Mr Gold as well, but I must confess I do like Hook. Such an interesting character...


                      Welcome rachdun! Always nice to see new people here, even if the old ones aren't around so much as they used to be.

                      Maybe I'll give OUAT another try, maybe I have a little bit more time because my favourite series are on summer vacation as well. But I was happy for all OUAT fans about the renewal, just like for my favs Castle and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.


                        Thanks for the welcome Cairistiona - good to be here

                        I like Castle as well - it's a show I thoroughly enjoy watching.


                          Hi anyone,
                          Hi rachdun, nice to meet you.
                          I'm UK based too, and trying hard not to learn too much about S3 of Once, so that I can really sit glued to it when it eventually comes out on DVD.
                          And add another Castle fan to the list! We all seem to like a lot of the same things on here don't we.
                          I've now collected virtually all of RC's list except for Go Now and Priest (which I will have to buy on video and have put onto a dvd for me) and some of the tv movies. I even added Trainspotting and I'm not a fan of that movie at all, despite some great performances. I'm watching them all slowly, and keep being hit over and over again by the way in which Robert can make each character come to life so convincingly. Although I can now understand better why he said he now does less to get results. To be honest I know I'm biased on the subject of RC (what, really??? It doesn't show does it?) but I honestly do think he is one of the best actors around at the moment. It goes to show, determination, and very hard work do pay off.
                          And my helix, that is a lovely pic, and i didn't snurch it...honest!


                            If you haven't found it yet, there's a Castle thread.


                              Thanks for the welcome wolfsong - it's nice to chat with people who like RC as much as me.

                              I know what you mean about OUAT Season 3 - I am trying to stay away from the spoilers as well, but must confess I had to find out if Mr Gold/Rumpelstiltskin survived It just wouldn't be the same without him.

                              I am also gradually collecting all of his films and television series - still got quite a few to get, including Stargate Universe. He is always vastly different in everything he does - he always brings so much to every role. I must be biased too because I completely agree with your assessment that he is one of the best actors around at the moment. I have recently completed an essay about the Nazis and it was recommended by my tutor that we watch Hitler: a rise of evil. What can I say? Robert's performance was spellbinding. It has really made me want to get my hands of everything he's done that I can


                                It's Bobby's own idea. He doesn't want people to get tired of him or figure hi out so he follows the theory that less is more.

                                Originally posted by Tritonium View Post
                                It's really surprising how little screen-time they're giving him. The other characters are not nearly as interesting, except for Regina off course. They don’t have the same duality in their personality.
                                Does anyone get why? Isn't Rumplestilstskin really popular amongst oncers?

                                I was a bit disappointed that Rumple got his **** together so quickly though. Wouldn’t it have been wonderful with a beardy crazy Rumple running around giggling in Storybrooke, with that crazy crazy hair?

