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Robert Carlyle/Dr Nicholas Rush Thunk/Appreciation thread

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    Originally posted by Eri8321317 View Post
    Well they don't really watch SGU with me either. Although they will look over and watch a bit, while they're cooking. Or they'll ask me what just happened, if they hear a whole bunch of noise coming from the TV heh. They're actually a bit shocked that I like it, and can follow it.

    When Rush was talking about all that math stuff in "Human" my mom was like, "What the hell is he talking about? Are you following any of this?" And I just looked at her and simply said, "Nope." LOL, it was funny xp
    My mom and my sister typically watch the show with me. They aren't as into it as I am, they like "Fringe" much more. And mom is perplexed by my attraction to Rush. She thinks he's too scruffy.
    This episode made both of us yell at the TV a lot. Ah, good times.


      I watch it with my dogs; they're not into it like me ...


        Originally posted by EllieVee View Post
        I watch it with my dogs; they're not into it like me ...
        Haha, yes, the dogs watch it too. Mine are very into it; they turn their heads sideways when we watch "Space" and they hear the aliens chirp. They also had a barking fit at the
        big effing monster
        this time. Dachshunds are high strung little critters.


          My dog was not liking this episode apparently because she barked for around ten minutes
          Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


            Originally posted by yessika View Post
            Do you have Syfy?? Because they are airing it today just before the new episode, maybe you can record it...
            I don't have cable. That's why I have to watch it on Hulu.

            "Look, you don't know me. This is when I'm at my best. This is when I shine: impossible deadlines."
            Dr. Meredith Rodney McKay
            "That doesn’t matter! You’re hostages! We’re your…we’re your captors! We’re heavily armed! There’s rules! There’s a whole school of etiquette to this!"
            Dr. Daniel Jackson
            "My name is Dean Winchester. I'm an Aquarius. I enjoy sunsets, long walks on the beach, and frisky women."
            Dean Winchester


              Originally posted by rimorob View Post

              beware the fangirls!

              "Look, you don't know me. This is when I'm at my best. This is when I shine: impossible deadlines."
              Dr. Meredith Rodney McKay
              "That doesn’t matter! You’re hostages! We’re your…we’re your captors! We’re heavily armed! There’s rules! There’s a whole school of etiquette to this!"
              Dr. Daniel Jackson
              "My name is Dean Winchester. I'm an Aquarius. I enjoy sunsets, long walks on the beach, and frisky women."
              Dean Winchester


                Very detailed Lost summary:
                In the beginning of the episode we find Riley using the Kino to record Rush and Brody, they are trying to find a way to get Eil, Chloe, Scott, and Greer back abord Destiny. All of the sudden the non-essential systems start shutting down... Lt. James and TJ are discussing James' relation with Scott, the conversation is interupted by the lights going out.
                On the planet, Eli, Chloe, Scott, and Greer discussing the possibility of catching up to Destiny by getting from gate to gate until they can get on Destiny's range.
                On the ship, Young and TJ discuss Lt. James; I find his judgemental attitude towards James because of her relationship with Scott kind of ironic; he had an affair with TJ, who is he to judge James?
                Rush and Brody have created a map of the path Destiny has followed since they boarded it. They find out that they are at the edge fo the galaxy, which means that the need to find Eli and the others when they drop out of FTL because the next time the jump to FTL they will be going to another galaxy.
                On the planet, Chloe finds a map of the laberinth (sp?) and Greer gets separated from the group and he is buried under the rocks; Eli and the others leave Greer behind.
                TJ and Dr. Park discuss about TJ telling Young that she is pregnant, after this conversation TJ tries to talk to Young but he is busy...
                Greer wakes up, he is somewhat trapped under the rock and he realizes he is alone, while he is trying to get out he has flashbacks about his childhood and we find out why he is claustrophobic and that his father was sick. Meanwhile, Eli, Chloe, and Scott find an exit and are debating whether or not to stay and wait for a rescue. They decide to dial the gate and Greer is running to catch them (and having a flashback) and they leave before Greer can catch up to them...
                Eli, Chloe, and Matt encounter a huge creature on the planet they gate to, thankfully Eli dialed fast enough for them to go just before creature could reach them. On another planet, Rush, James and others decide to split up to try to find the others faster. Alone in the planet, Greer is remembering being in the hospital with his father and his father attacks another patient...
                TJ tells Young she is pregnant, she says she is keeping the baby, he says they are going to make it work and then they hug *sigh*
                Eli, Chloe, and Matt arrive to another planet and the send the Kino to a planet that is toxic, Matt offers to go first to the next planet. Meanwhile, Greer is remembering a conversation with his mother, he tells her he has enlisted and we find out his father was a soldier...
                Eil, Chloe, and Matt go to the next planet and Eli realizes they had been going the wrong way because he recognizes the address of the planet where Rush was left behind. They decide to gate to the planet and use the alien computer to try to figure out how to get back to Destiny. In the ship, Chloe helps Eli figure out the alien computer
                Lt. James and her group find Greer, Young welcomes back Greer and he explains what happened. Rush and his team have not returned yet...
                There is an incoming wormwhole on Destiny, it's Rush and his team. Eli, Scott, and Chloe get a busy signal so they dial back but Destiny jumps into FTL before the gate finishes dialing. Eli, Chloe, and Scott are left behind...
                I was really surprised that they were left behind and I can't wait till next week

                I tried to keep it chronological
                Now I know why I don't do summaries
                Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                  Originally posted by Daro View Post
                  Haha, yes, the dogs watch it too. Mine are very into it; they turn their heads sideways when we watch "Space" and they hear the aliens chirp. They also had a barking fit at the
                  big effing monster
                  this time. Dachshunds are high strung little critters.
                  One of my dogs watches it. I'm training her to growl when Young comes on ... The other one isn't into television at all.


                    some comments:

                    Originally posted by yessika View Post
                    Very detailed Lost summary:

                    On the ship, Young and TJ discuss Lt. James; I find his judgemental attitude towards James because of her relationship with Scott kind of ironic; he had an affair with TJ, who is he to judge James?
                    It's because he's
                    an arsehole.

                    TJ tells Young she is pregnant, she says she is keeping the baby, he says they are going to make it work and then they hug *sigh*
                    Oh honey, just
                    don't go back there. You're meant for someone far more clever. He'll go back to his wife the first moment he gets.

                    Eil, Chloe, and Matt go to the next planet and Eli realizes they had been going the wrong way because he recognizes the address of the planet where Rush was left behind. They decide to gate to the planet and use the alien computer to try to figure out how to get back to Destiny. In the ship, Chloe helps Eli figure out the alien computer
                    And I believe it's
                    the return of the glasses, too! Yay, glasses thunk!

                    Lt. James and her group find Greer, Young welcomes back Greer and he explains what happened. Rush and his team have not returned yet...
                    There is an incoming wormwhole on Destiny, it's Rush and his team. Eli, Scott, and Chloe get a busy signal so they dial back but Destiny jumps into FTL before the gate finishes dialing. Eli, Chloe, and Scott are left behind...
                    I was really surprised that they were left behind and I can't wait till next week
                    *considers the available spoilers for next week*

                    I tried to keep it chronological
                    Now I know why I don't do summaries
                    You've done very well! Thank you!


                      Thanks Ellie!!

                      Oh, one thing about my summary...
                      I didn't include the return of the classes because I posted that in my previous post
                      Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                        I loved how focused Rush was in this episode on solving the problem. I wish we'd seen more of him, but I guess it's to be expected that he wouldn't get as much screen time after "Human."


                        Haha, let me know how that goes. I love the character of Young, but if I met him in real life, I'd hate his guts most likely. Then again, knowing my own penchant for being outraged when someone is rude to others for no reason, I'd probably also dislike Rush. At least he's brilliant and driven. I know if I was Dr. Park I'd have already told him what's what.


                          Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
                          The what?
                          Pay-per-view is what you do in hotel rooms when you watch porn

                          Originally posted by Eri8321317 View Post
                          Yep, it is Friday. Only a few more hours before "Lost" comes on (here anyways). LOL. I've noticed a pattern, family wise. For the past 3 Fridays (including this one). I sit and watch SGU, and we dub it pizza night. Again, we're having pizza and I'll be watching SGU lol! xp
                          I watch it on my own, then with hubby and the kids on either Saturday or Sunday night, but always with pizza


                            The picture from SyFy for the next episode (which we've seen before, as a mistake for this weeks episode) is a little bit spoilerish, for a small detail, you could very easy miss

                            You can see a part of his his glasses in the front pocket of his shirt. I saw this directly when I looked at this picture before, but just thought, ok, something is wrong, but what? Now, I know the 3 will come back, because of the sabotage accident


                              Linky to picture?? I don't remember it.


                                Be careful, beware of spoilers!

                                The link to SyFy

                                You know the picture already

