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Robert Carlyle/Dr Nicholas Rush Thunk/Appreciation thread

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    Originally posted by Cairistiona View Post
    Some Uzbekistan OT

    We (my mother and I) decided to go there because it's really different from everything we've seen before. And we have had so much rain on our last trip to Scotland. It was a journey with a group, and we booked it at a travel agency. I'd go to a lot of countries on my own, but not there. We only needed a visa to get there, and we could fly directly from Frankfurt to Tashkent.
    I really loved this country, the mixture of Russian, Asian and Arabian culture and influence. Most of the people there are Muslim, but they are very tolerant. It was no problem to visit all the mosques, there wasn't even a need for women to cover their heads.
    We made a tour through a good part of the country. It's mostly dry, they need to irrigate everything they grow. A lot of cotton comes from there.

    If you like to learn something more, or like more pics, just ask

    And I forget before, I have been to Namibia, too.
    Great photos, Cairi! That must have been a wonderful trip. That's a part of the world I really don't know anything about. Or Namibia, either. I had to look it up and learn about where it is and what they do there.


      Originally posted by NancyP View Post
      She's just starting to get into SG-u and has watched the first season. I insisted she start watching it so, once her company's busy season is over, don't be surprised to see some Rush art.
      Can you post the link to her? I can't find her on Devianart.


        Sorry I'm a little late in posting this but RL got in the way until I slapped it back. Here's the link to the Ferreira Fest 29. My homeboy, Louis got a funny story to tell about his role on "Touch". I was laughing so hard! Enjoy!


          what do i watch OUAT or the Block?
          Ohhhhhhhh WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM


            Originally posted by LT. COL. John Sheppard View Post
            what do i watch OUAT or the Block?
            I have no idea what the Block is. When I goggled it I got a restaurant in St. Louis, so if I were you, I'd watch OUAT. Unless you're hungry.

            Seriously, when OUAT started, I wasn't sure about watching it, fantasy fairy tales are not my thing. I only watched because RC was in it. After a while though, I started to enjoy it, by far RC's Rumpy/Gold part and Lana Parilla's Regina are worth it. As the season goes on it gets much more interesting, and I'm quite hooked on it now . I always liked Jennifer Morrison too.


              Originally posted by Cairistiona View Post
              Some Uzbekistan OT

              We (my mother and I) decided to go there because it's really different from everything we've seen before. And we have had so much rain on our last trip to Scotland. It was a journey with a group, and we booked it at a travel agency. I'd go to a lot of countries on my own, but not there. We only needed a visa to get there, and we could fly directly from Frankfurt to Tashkent.
              I really loved this country, the mixture of Russian, Asian and Arabian culture and influence. Most of the people there are Muslim, but they are very tolerant. It was no problem to visit all the mosques, there wasn't even a need for women to cover their heads.
              We made a tour through a good part of the country. It's mostly dry, they need to irrigate everything they grow. A lot of cotton comes from there.







              If you like to learn something more, or like more pics, just ask

              And I forget before, I have been to Namibia, too.
              It seems a beautiful country, I did not know that they are tolerant over there, I would more have thought the opposite but it is the good thing that they are opened. Mosques are beautiful also, I like colors and architecture
              Thanks for the pics ^^
              by AresLover452 ^^


                Originally posted by NancyP View Post
                I believe in you.
                by AresLover452 ^^


                  Originally posted by jeri View Post
                  Go ahead and write, girl! There is nothing to worry about, because you don't have to show it to anyone if you aren't happy with the way it turns out. Just write it for yourself and don't think about what others will think of it. That is how to find your own voice, write to please yourself. Then you may write something better than you imagine.

                  Technically, the best thing that I've learned in the last few years is to just write without stopping to wonder about spelling or grammar, or the right word. It is imperative to get the idea out and down on paper. (or virtual paper) Then later, you can edit all you want. Don't let the little details get in the way of your ideas. It's just like RC told Lana, don't stop, stay with it. In other words, don't lose your idea because you stopped to fix mistakes.
                  (See how cleverly I included RC in this.)
                  It's really kind to encourage me, it tempts me to write finally and it is true whom I'm not oblige of shown what I write to whoever.
                  I have ideas which are there and evolve in my spirit for years, but I had a difficult adolescence and then I always thought whom I wasn't well enough to write.
                  In brief, now that I think of it more and more and that to give you of sound advice, I would write
                  (RC is always good to include everywhere )
                  by AresLover452 ^^


                    I sometimes I write little things only for myself, indeed. This helps me to think through what I am trying to figure out, or what I will do about something. I often wrote when I was a teen, it helped me a greatly to work out my frustrations. I doubt that I could ever write anything as long as a good story or a book! That would be too much like work.


                      Originally posted by jeri View Post
                      I sometimes I write little things only for myself, indeed. This helps me to think through what I am trying to figure out, or what I will do about something. I often wrote when I was a teen, it helped me a greatly to work out my frustrations. I doubt that I could ever write anything as long as a good story or a book! That would be too much like work.
                      A book, it's take years, but it's true that the writing can help also to feel better maybe ^^
                      by AresLover452 ^^


                        by AresLover452 ^^


                          by AresLover452 ^^


                            Originally posted by Duval View Post
                            Drop the magic potion into the well, and see what happens. A metaphor for your writing.


                              What I would give to be the Dark One right RL so sucks...can somebody not just shoot me?


                                Originally posted by jeri View Post
                                Drop the magic potion into the well, and see what happens. A metaphor for your writing.
                                Yes, Good idea
                                by AresLover452 ^^

