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Robert Carlyle/Dr Nicholas Rush Thunk/Appreciation thread

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    Originally posted by NancyP View Post
    It shrunk when it got wet...?
    I thought so too, but also maybe they wanted to make it look like he was losing weight, so gave him a tight shirt earlier in the season? No one would ask RC to really lose weight!!! But they did David Blue, and he did, slowly.


      Originally posted by Mrs. Rush View Post
      Thanks *hug*. She was really confused in the end 89 is a long life, so, I am happy for that.
      I was able to pop on here every once and while over the weekend and have a smile at the silly things going on, so thanks all for that
      Sorry for your loss, now she's at rest. My grandmother died in 2007 at the age of 95. She was quite infirm, but her mind was good. She was ready to go, missing grandpa and wondered why she had to be here so long. So we had to be happy for her when she died, but I still miss her always.


        Originally posted by jeri View Post
        Sorry for your loss, now she's at rest. My grandmother died in 2007 at the age of 95. She was quite infirm, but her mind was good. She was ready to go, missing grandpa and wondered why she had to be here so long. So we had to be happy for her when she died, but I still miss her always.
        Thanks dear, its hard. I think it would of been better if she was with it. It's sad to forget and not be able to do anything about it. you're grandmother lived a long time, I am glad she was able to hang in there It was only when I was older that I realized there was all this stuff I wanted to talk with my grandma about, and at that point she could not remember any of it. such is life.


          Oh, Mrs. Rush, I'm sorry about your grandmother. I lost one of mine when I was a teen - she helped raise us and it was very hard. She was quite young (only 55), so I'm glad your grandmother got to have a very full life. I will always treasure my Memaw, and the Granny I have left (77 and still going strong!). Grandmas are some of the most remarkable women you can meet. I hope you have many treasured memories to help you through this hard time.


            Originally posted by NancyP View Post
            Congrats RhineGold!
            Oh, thanks! He replied to a lot of us, again! (And he said he gets thousands of tweets when he's online, so we know he loves us best!)

            Is it sad that I'm making a fanmix for my stories? I think it's a bit sad...

            And as for husbands liking RC, mine does (and he is so tolerant of my obsession, lol). He thinks Robert is very nice-looking and he likes the way he talks, so I am very lucky. (He says I don't annoy him with my obsession, but I always worry...)


              thanks to everyone using my sigs
              Ohhhhhhhh WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM


                Originally posted by Mrs. Rush View Post

                Also yeah, my grandma passed away this weekend Sad, but she was old and it was her time. *hugs* Just getting back into the normal swing of things.
                I'm sorry for you, I went to the funeral of my grand-aunt last Friday. She was 88 and had been ill for quite a while, but it's sad anyway. My grandmother is 93 now and is living in a nursing home since last week because she wasn't able to live on her own anymore. I try to visit her every week, and I'm afraid her time to go isn't far away now.

                *big hug*


                  Originally posted by Mrs. Rush View Post
                  WHY is it that shirt looked so tight in that EP. Not that I am complaining...
                  Originally posted by NancyP View Post
                  It shrunk when it got wet...?
                  It's just to make us fangirls faint

                  Originally posted by Mrs. Rush View Post
                  Photobucket is not resizing my images the way I want them :/ They always look too big when I go to post! *shakes fist*
                  PB is a bit stupid in these things. Have you tried refresh/F5 after resizing it?

                  Originally posted by jeri View Post
                  Oh, those are so cool! I downloaded a few, maybe I'll use some in my graphic design class. There is a guy in there that's a Doctor Who fan, he was even at Comic Con. Now I'll have something to talk to him about. "Hey, want to trade fonts?"
                  During my computer course I changed the font on my computer to 'Klingon', it looked awesome, but I had a big problem with changing back because I couldn't read it
                  Originally posted by jeri View Post
                  That must be fun. I like to sing, but no one else wants me to sing! So I sing in my car. Nobody can stop me there!
                  You can come over here and sing for me Christmas carols in the middle of summer


                    Originally posted by jeri View Post
                    Killings?! I hope we are your friends here, and you don't come hunting us down!
                    Have to re-think about that! *thinks hard*

                    Don't worry, nothing but a joke between me and myhelix, she knows. Didn't I mentioned, you should never take me serious? So in case anyone missed it: don't take me serious.

                    I've seen some of you had a successful evening/afternoon/night! Congrats.

                    I guess, I'll never get the chance to go on this event life, anytime soon, it's in the middle of the night for me. But, things could always be worse!

                    Maybe I could drop my question to someone of you instead?


                      Originally posted by jeri View Post
                      That must be fun. I like to sing, but no one else wants me to sing! So I sing in my car. Nobody can stop me there!
                      I sing in my car too. I put the music at very high volume and sing along with all my voice nobody bothers me there and I do not disturb anyone
                      Grimm returns October 24

                      Signature and Avatar by Hyndara71 - Thank you very much
                      Profile Picture by BM-Shipper


                        G'Day Rushies yes and you Jeri *get out of the bushes*
                        Ohhhhhhhh WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM


                          Originally posted by NancyP View Post
                          His favorite SGU episode is "Malice."
                          mine probably too
                          Grimm returns October 24

                          Signature and Avatar by Hyndara71 - Thank you very much
                          Profile Picture by BM-Shipper


                            Originally posted by mi_guard View Post
                            mine probably too
                            Time Time Time Time Time TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                            Ohhhhhhhh WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM


                              I love Time. Twin Destinies is still my favorite, though. But I think Time may be my second favorite.


                                Originally posted by RhineGold View Post
                                I love Time. Twin Destinies is still my favorite, though. But I think Time may be my second favorite.
                                good girl have a chocolate
                                Ohhhhhhhh WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM

