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Robert Carlyle/Dr Nicholas Rush Thunk/Appreciation thread

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    Hello everybody

    Happy birthday Artemis!

    Originally posted by jeri View Post
    Sorry about the no happy ending, Katherine, but I couldn't find the photo I wanted and got all distracted by that. I really need to update my RC files. I copied everything to a cd for storage, not everything I have is on Photobucket. But I think I lost some things. Somewhere, somehow! Drat!

    That's okay, I meant it as a joke, but forgot to place the appropriate smiley after it

    Originally posted by teyla-nick94 View Post
    Who wants Rumpy/Gold FF's??

    Number 1:

    and only read Number 2 if you like
    I read the first one, and I think it's nice. I'm still the second one?...Hmm.
    Indecision is torture.

    Originally posted by Artemis-Neith View Post
    Thanks Cairistiona I'll take a glass, I do appreciate this stuff!

    And also thanks and a lot of huggs to teyla-nick94 and jeri!

    All of you should get a (very small only) price for that:

    This might be the right one for teyla?

    And those for Cairi and jeri?

    Just watched the 3rd episode of OUAT
    I expected a less interesting episode, with a prince and a princess in love, and all this boring stuff, yadda, yadda, yadda... But I was surprised with a story I didn't expect. It was even without Rumpelstiltskin/Mr Gold a good story.

    Though I have to admit, folks, next episode not without him! Otherwise I'll think about a big and nasty curse for the producers, like being banned to show OUAT on SyFy in the future Or something bad like that!
    I know, I watched it too, and thought pretty much the same.

    Originally posted by Petra View Post
    Hi gals! Just to let you know, a thread for SGU Rewatch which we plan to do with Artemis-Neith is now up. You can find it here. We are starting tonight with Air I-III. If somebody's interested in joining us, please do! The more the merrier!
    I'll see if I can participate. Not really sure if I'm going to be able to though.

    Fear not - Episode 4 has lots of Rumpy. I've seen the promotional photos and the previews. Some of the epi 4 photos have been posted here: him with the magic wand and the contract for Cinderella to sign - those are from episode 4.[/QUOTE]

    Oh, good
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      Originally posted by mi_guard View Post
      definitely Cairistiona
      Yeah, and then I turned it into this:



        Originally posted by Cairistiona View Post
        Yeah, and then I turned it into this:

        So that one was done by you! I will credit you as I got the pic in my PB. It's in the "Gifs and other" album. Mwuah!


          Originally posted by BamBoo View Post
          Yeah, It quite is. All character are different. Hamish doesn't look like RC at all I mean his appearance but his personality might not much different you know he's cute funny and friendly. at first I don't think I like the book cos it's different from the series but after a few pages I quite love it. It's adorable in its way.
          you can check in this website and I think amazon has example of few pages.

          "click to look inside"

          Agree. There is always an evil woman and than, she was murdered. Still I'd like to continue reading it
          It's very funny.
          Originally posted by sacredclay View Post
          In the book, Hamish is a fiery redhead that's so tall, well over 6' tall. But RC have reinvented Hamish as his own. In my opinion, the town's characters are so much more developed. Nonetheless, the book does have it's charms as it kind of explain Scottish ways. I now know more about crofters than I'd ever understand because of the book.
          I will probably check the books out as well

          It sounds like it is much closer than the Rizzoli & Isles tv show and the novels it's based on
          Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


            Originally posted by sacredclay View Post
            "he pokes the lion in a sub-conscience effort."
            That, my dear, is the most PERFECT description I've ever heard. I'm rewatching the first half of season 1 of SGU and I do noticed that his eyes is sometimes casted down when Young get into his face. I'll take SGU in any way I can, even in fanfiction, which is why I'm obsessing so much with FOD. Every six months, I get obsessed with certain things. Two years ago, it was pillar candles after X-mas sales. Ended up with over 50 of them. Please don't ask me what the hell I was thinking. I've given up on answering that question. Quidquid!
            Thanks! Have you noticed several times when he has been caught, like in The Greater Good, Rush has this child like resignation about getting his whipping? When Young put down his weapon and came toward him, he's backing up, giving a hasty excuse, knowing he's gonna get it. At that moment I was back in my 6 year old self, knowing I did wrong, and knowing what would happen if I got caught, so here it comes! Sometimes we can't resist temptation.
            I was so proud of Young there, he got a hold of his anger and didn't give into breaking Rush's neck, would have been so easy, but he grew in that moment and rose above it.
            Another thought, when Rush discovers the bridge, and the AI appears as his dead wife and questions his actions, he knows what he is doing is not right, and there will be consequences, but the lust for knowledge is too great. Also his "style" of studying is hindered by the distractions of others, I think Rush was probably a type of autistic child, one who can't handle the stress of social interactions. I think this tendency dictates his anti-social behavior.


              First of all thank you yessika, sacredclay, Bamboo, and Katherine Arandez for your birthday wishes!

              Originally posted by sacredclay View Post
              Didn't they show Young dealing with the aftermath of his actions? He didn't like the person that he had become. I probably might have done the same thing, if this same someone have planted a weapon in my quarters, undermined my authority, even staged a coup, and let's not forget that he failed to share the fact that he had control of the ship for quite a while. He could have left Rush in that tank, could have continued to beat the hall out of Nick to the point of strangling him to death, but he stopped because he didn't want to go down that path again. Toward the end of the show, they worked more together as a team. Even to the point that Young showed public support to Rush, which meant alot to him. They worked much better as a team. Probably Rush would always have been a thorn in his side, but at least they were dealing much better with each other.
              Just referring to the first part: For a lot of reasons, Young was very unpleased with Rush's actions in Justice, and that for a good reason. And Young knew also very well that what he did was wrong, and yes he had problems with the fact that he lost his temper. Both of them made wrong decissions, each one for different reasons.

              Originally posted by jeri View Post
              I agree with you there, Young surely payed the guilt dues because of his actions, and so did Rush. I think Rush made so many bad decisions because of his guilt and self loathing over his wife's death, and just the plain pain and hopelessness of loss. Did you notice how he just walked himself into Young's wrath on so many occasions? The man has a death wish, being unable to kill himself, out of logic or fear, he pokes the lion in a sub-conscience effort. I think this behavior is a prolonged grief syndrome, that he was just starting to pull himself (with help from the crew)out of, and alas, no more SGU.
              Good observation. I always thought it was Young who had the death wish, cos he tried on so many occations to sacrifice himself, that it looked just somehow strange to me. But I've never seen it that way. Normally you'd think an intelligent guy should be able to measure his actions, but Rush didn't (ep. Divided, the story with the bridge, ep. The Greater Good). But, did he really wanted to die, which I don't relly think, or just get captured and do some kind of compensation?

              Originally posted by sacredclay View Post
              "he pokes the lion in a sub-conscience effort."
              That, my dear, is the most PERFECT description I've ever heard. I'm rewatching the first half of season 1 of SGU and I do noticed that his eyes is sometimes casted down when Young get into his face. I'll take SGU in any way I can, even in fanfiction, which is why I'm obsessing so much with FOD. Every six months, I get obsessed with certain things. Two years ago, it was pillar candles after X-mas sales. Ended up with over 50 of them. Please don't ask me what the hell I was thinking. I've given up on answering that question. Quidquid!
              you're talking about obsessions? Have no idea what you mean!

              Originally posted by jeri View Post
              Thanks! Have you noticed several times when he has been caught, like in The Greater Good, Rush has this child like resignation about getting his whipping? When Young put down his weapon and came toward him, he's backing up, giving a hasty excuse, knowing he's gonna get it. At that moment I was back in my 6 year old self, knowing I did wrong, and knowing what would happen if I got caught, so here it comes! Sometimes we can't resist temptation.
              I was so proud of Young there, he got a hold of his anger and didn't give into breaking Rush's neck, would have been so easy, but he grew in that moment and rose above it.
              Another thought, when Rush discovers the bridge, and the AI appears as his dead wife and questions his actions, he knows what he is doing is not right, and there will be consequences, but the lust for knowledge is too great. Also his "style" of studying is hindered by the distractions of others, I think Rush was probably a type of autistic child, one who can't handle the stress of social interactions. I think this tendency dictates his anti-social behavior.
              Yeap, this. It looked the same to me. On the one hand he knew what would come, didn't want, but "begged" at the same time for his salvation. I think there's a little bit of this in his wrong-doings. And oh, yes, this time Young did the right thing. Though it was so easy to kill him, he didn't do it.
              You'll find a lot of different mild variations of autistic tendencies with scientists in RL, this one may not be that different. But, a point which didn't exactly fits here is that Rush had a working relationship with his wife (as far as we've seen). And what I'm not a 100% sure about is, does he really wants to work allone, or does he just not wants to work with some people? He was willing to work with Eli from the start (what Young didn't want), but not with Volker. So, as long as there aren't trust issues (Eli after Justice to Divided), he wants to work with people he thinks are good enough to bring the right result.


                Originally posted by jeri View Post
                BamBoo found it on the IMDb site
                Pity, they won't let us snurtch the larger version!
                Try right-click > copy.


                  Originally posted by Czarina View Post

                  using mozilla, click on tools, then page info; then select media, and find the jpg or png that follows background. Or just click on every line until you see what you want in the bottom box; you'll see when you get there. then hit save as. hehehe
                  Woo-HOO! Czarina For The Win!


                    Originally posted by cavyherd View Post
                    Woo-HOO! Czarina For The Win!
                    Don't you just love it when you learn a new trick!


                      Originally posted by Cairistiona View Post
                      Ah! Now I can remember your art-style
                      it's yours, isn't it?

                      but this one look a bit different, is this yours or not?

                      I like it. It can explain everything


                        Originally posted by Artemis-Neith View Post
                        Good observation. I always thought it was Young who had the death wish, cos he tried on so many occations to sacrifice himself, that it looked just somehow strange to me. But I've never seen it that way. Normally you'd think an intelligent guy should be able to measure his actions, but Rush didn't (ep. Divided, the story with the bridge, ep. The Greater Good). But, did he really wanted to die, which I don't relly think, or just get captured and do some kind of compensation?
                        Yeap, this. It looked the same to me. On the one hand he knew what would come, didn't want, but "begged" at the same time for his salvation. I think there's a little bit of this in his wrong-doings. And oh, yes, this time Young did the right thing. Though it was so easy to kill him, he didn't do it.
                        You'll find a lot of different mild variations of autistic tendencies with scientists in RL, this one may not be that different. But, a point which didn't exactly fits here is that Rush had a working relationship with his wife (as far as we've seen). And what I'm not a 100% sure about is, does he really wants to work allone, or does he just not wants to work with some people? He was willing to work with Eli from the start (what Young didn't want), but not with Volker. So, as long as there aren't trust issues (Eli after Justice to Divided), he wants to work with people he thinks are good enough to bring the right result.
                        When I said death wish I think it's a sub conscience emotion, for some kind of relief from his misery. And he does often appear to want punishment. My experience with the very unhappy, especially those dealing with grief, is a low tolerance for others. The smallest things are upsetting. I think unresolved grief is a destructive type of stress for one suffering from it, with unpleasant outcomes for those around them.

                        Forgot to say that I don't think it's unusual for someone like Rush to get along well with individuals, but the more folks, the more complicated or stressful the interactions become. He is the type who can understand those he admires like his wife or Amanda, even Eli, but holds no interest in spending energy on those he doesn't find useful for his agenda. My brother is exactly like that, which causes him to miss out on a lot of things including jobs (he is a consultant). My brother is a genius but very emotionally and socially inept. For those who much is given, much may be lacking.
                        Last edited by jeri; 08 November 2011, 07:45 PM.


                          Originally posted by BamBoo View Post
                          speaking of this you have to see this
                          Ahha! That is so goodly bad! LOL!


                            I just watched 'Safe' and I don't understand

                            Nosty's accent is so thick I rarely understand what he said. In jail with Gypo what did they talk about why Nosty were crying after Gypo had leaf. at first Nosty looks cheerful and fear nothing (plus,a bit insane well,maybe not a bit) and he seems didn't care that he was arrested then, why he cried? he did't want to go out or want to but he can't? I don't understand him. btw, it's sad story

                            poor Nosty *hug*





                                wonder if we have a chance to see that

