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Robert Carlyle/Dr Nicholas Rush Thunk/Appreciation thread

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    Happy birthday, Artemis!


      Originally posted by jeri View Post
      I'm imagining that CWR has a crafty twist in store
      I do not see the point in killing off our (my) hero and leaving us in misery. But to prolong the angst as long as possible, that would be entirely possible. I don't think I could take another death of SGU
      I agree with you on that one. CWR did say that if there were going to be a character death, (s)he would have stated so in the beginning, but the suspense of how (s)he keep them alive is what's eating into me. How???? When???? It's not just the angst level, it's also what's going to happen next? How do they get out of this fix now? Oh, gawd, I think I'm gonna go PM CWR and demand another chapter NOW. Sigh. Time to up the dosages once again!


        Originally posted by sacredclay View Post
        Didn't they show Young dealing with the aftermath of his actions? He didn't like the person that he had become. I probably might have done the same thing, if this same someone have planted a weapon in my quarters, undermined my authority, even staged a coup, and let's not forget that he failed to share the fact that he had control of the ship for quite a while. He could have left Rush in that tank, could have continued to beat the hall out of Nick to the point of strangling him to death, but he stopped because he didn't want to go down that path again. Toward the end of the show, they worked more together as a team. Even to the point that Young showed public support to Rush, which meant alot to him. They worked much better as a team. Probably Rush would always have been a thorn in his side, but at least they were dealing much better with each other.
        I agree with you there, Young surely payed the guilt dues because of his actions, and so did Rush. I think Rush made so many bad decisions because of his guilt and self loathing over his wife's death, and just the plain pain and hopelessness of loss. Did you notice how he just walked himself into Young's wrath on so many occasions? The man has a death wish, being unable to kill himself, out of logic or fear, he pokes the lion in a sub-conscience effort. I think this behavior is a prolonged grief syndrome, that he was just starting to pull himself (with help from the crew)out of, and alas, no more SGU.


          Originally posted by yessika View Post

          About reading Hamish, is the show really different from the novels?

          Yeah, It quite is. All character are different. Hamish doesn't look like RC at all I mean his appearance but his personality might not much different you know he's cute funny and friendly. at first I don't think I like the book cos it's different from the series but after a few pages I quite love it. It's adorable in its way.
          you can check in this website and I think amazon has example of few pages.

          "click to look inside"

          Originally posted by sacredclay View Post
          I've read five of them so far. I find it kind of charming in its own right, but the way it's kind of resolve itself is kind of cliche. Nonetheless, I'm going to order the rest from Amazon too.
          Agree. There is always an evil woman and than, she was murdered. Still I'd like to continue reading it
          It's very funny.


            Originally posted by jeri View Post
            I'm here! *squeeing*

            Originally posted by jeri View Post
            but what's the use, there's no one to play with...
            Well, he should go to the bridge. We're all here!

            this adorable belong to Cairistiona? I think. or mi? sorry I can't remember
            Last edited by BamBoo; 07 November 2011, 10:16 PM.


              Originally posted by Cairistiona View Post

              And here's something about the spoiler thing, I hope it'll make it clear.

              So the sentence would look like:

              You really want to know?
              I never thought that Darth Vader is Luke's father!

              Neither do I!

              speaking of this you have to see this



                Originally posted by teyla-nick94 View Post
                Good Morning Girls

                How are you all?

                Look at his shoes! They're different than the pair he was wearing on the planet where he was chasing Simeon.


                Oh I just notice that. you really got a good sight

                finally! I got a bigger



                  Originally posted by sacredclay View Post
                  Yessika, I promise you that you will NOT regret reading FOD. It truly feels like a third season. Again, I warn you to start reading early in the day. Once you start, you will NOT be able to stop!

                  looking forward to next chapter *bites fingernails*

                  Warning: it's kind of m/m if you don't like this kind it won't be good for yourself. but I can read any type slash or not or f/m whatever just Rush I read

                  btw, for me this writer's really good I like her style
                  the way she write the story it's exciting for me
                  Last edited by BamBoo; 07 November 2011, 10:35 PM.


                    Originally posted by Czarina View Post

                    using mozilla, click on tools, then page info; then select media, and find the jpg or png that follows background. Or just click on every line until you see what you want in the bottom box; you'll see when you get there. then hit save as. hehehe
                    I just see this. you already got a bigger one *sigh* you are RC's personal google


                      Originally posted by jeri View Post
                      I agree with you there, Young surely payed the guilt dues because of his actions, and so did Rush. I think Rush made so many bad decisions because of his guilt and self loathing over his wife's death, and just the plain pain and hopelessness of loss. Did you notice how he just walked himself into Young's wrath on so many occasions? The man has a death wish, being unable to kill himself, out of logic or fear, he pokes the lion in a sub-conscience effort. I think this behavior is a prolonged grief syndrome, that he was just starting to pull himself (with help from the crew)out of, and alas, no more SGU.
                      "he pokes the lion in a sub-conscience effort."
                      That, my dear, is the most PERFECT description I've ever heard. I'm rewatching the first half of season 1 of SGU and I do noticed that his eyes is sometimes casted down when Young get into his face. I'll take SGU in any way I can, even in fanfiction, which is why I'm obsessing so much with FOD. Every six months, I get obsessed with certain things. Two years ago, it was pillar candles after X-mas sales. Ended up with over 50 of them. Please don't ask me what the hell I was thinking. I've given up on answering that question. Quidquid!


                        Originally posted by carmencatalina View Post
                        I can see that. But I've been a Young/Rush fanatic ever since that hair ruffle/cuff on the head during "Light" and never came back, so FOD is just perfection for me.

                        What I really want? Just much more SGU fanfiction, of all types and flavors. Especially by writers of CWR's quality, but just more. It is hard to be part of a fandom that doesn't have as much good fanfic, after having been in fandoms where the fanfic was plentiful.

                        I keep meaning to go back to writing SGU myself, but haven't.
                        Originally posted by mi_guard View Post
                        would be delighted to read your fan fictions please post a link when you write one again
                        Oh yes please. it must be great

                        Originally posted by jeri View Post
                        Since we all need a hug about now, here is a photo I scanned, but then had to scan at a lower resolution, photobucket didn't like high res. So hope this cheers us up!
                        *thread hug* thanks oooouch he's .... *faint*


                          Originally posted by BamBoo View Post
                          Yeah, It quite is. All character are different. Hamish doesn't look like RC at all I mean his appearance but his personality might not much different you know he's cute funny and friendly. at first I don't think I like the book cos it's different from the series but after a few pages I quite love it. It's adorable in its way.
                          you can check in this website and I think amazon has example of few pages.
                          In the book, Hamish is a fiery redhead that's so tall, well over 6' tall. But RC have reinvented Hamish as his own. In my opinion, the town's characters are so much more developed. Nonetheless, the book does have it's charms as it kind of explain Scottish ways. I now know more about crofters than I'd ever understand because of the book.


                            Originally posted by teyla-nick94 View Post
                            Who wants Rumpy/Gold FF's??

                            Number 1:

                            and only read Number 2 if you like

                            We got our English Test today. I got a B. Well, better than a C but unfortunately no A.
                            And the little Physics Test: D
                            keep reading FF it really help to improve your English

                            when I'm in eng class sometimes it's boring so this is my excuse when I read FF in class

                            btw, thanks for link


                              did I came late for you BD?

                              Happy Birthday Artemis



                                Originally posted by BamBoo View Post
                                I'm here! *squeeing*

                                Well, he should go to the bridge. We're all here!


                                this adorable belong to Cairistiona? I think. or mi? sorry I can't remember
                                definitely Cairistiona
                                Grimm returns October 24

                                Signature and Avatar by Hyndara71 - Thank you very much
                                Profile Picture by BM-Shipper

