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Robert Carlyle/Dr Nicholas Rush Thunk/Appreciation thread

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    Who wants Rumpy/Gold FF's??

    Number 1:

    and only read Number 2 if you like

    We got our English Test today. I got a B. Well, better than a C but unfortunately no A.
    And the little Physics Test: D


      Originally posted by teyla-nick94 View Post
      Who wants Rumpy/Gold FF's??

      Number 1:

      and only read Number 2 if you like

      We got our English Test today. I got a B. Well, better than a C but unfortunately no A.
      And the little Physics Test: D
      Thanks for the links, I'll read them tonight. Sorry about the physics test. You had better call on Dr. Rush for some tutoring.AHHA! I FIXED IT!
      Now this particular album in my Photobucket doesn't have the thumbnail choice. I'll have to try and figure out how to get it on each album. It's not readily apparent when I look at the album settings. I have been trying to make seperate albums for ease of finding photos, but seems to make it more difficult.
      Don't know what I did exactly, but it's fixed now. I just went through the albums settings again, and they were set for thumbnails. So I clicked save again. Read the instructions over, that should have worked the first time, but who knows what happens out there in cyber space.
      Last edited by jeri; 07 November 2011, 10:57 AM.


        Originally posted by Cairistiona View Post
        Happy Birthday Artemis!

        Have a nice day and lots of cake!

        Thanks Cairistiona I'll take a glass, I do appreciate this stuff!

        And also thanks and a lot of huggs to teyla-nick94 and jeri!

        All of you should get a (very small only) price for that:

        This might be the right one for teyla?

        And those for Cairi and jeri?

        Just watched the 3rd episode of OUAT
        I expected a less interesting episode, with a prince and a princess in love, and all this boring stuff, yadda, yadda, yadda... But I was surprised with a story I didn't expect. It was even without Rumpelstiltskin/Mr Gold a good story.

        Though I have to admit, folks, next episode not without him! Otherwise I'll think about a big and nasty curse for the producers, like being banned to show OUAT on SyFy in the future Or something bad like that!
        Last edited by Artemis-Neith; 07 November 2011, 12:00 PM. Reason: had something to add!


          Originally posted by MrsTigercat View Post
          Even though we have been able to see this coming for several chapters, I still feel like Rush is going to wake up tomorrow feeling like he's been raped. If he were at full capacity and willingly agreed, that would be different. But when you deliberately take advantange of someone when they are drunk, it's date rape. If he wakes up with a sore back-side and doesn't remember what happened, that might be even worse because then he'll know that he's been pushed over a line against his will. Rush has never been gay before. I agree with Young that they are both lonely and in need of a love and sex relationship, but why does he have to cross the line to get it? I am really quite distraught over this course of events. My emotional state has never been particularly stable to begin with, and this is not helping.
          About FOD Young and Rush:
          You're absolutely correct in that about being date rape, but they were BOTH drunk. Young isn't gay either, but as the story have progressed, they have, in my POV, fallen in love with each other. I've heard of that happening in real life with some people who were adamant that they were never gay, and yet met that one person and it all changed. It might be the Young is the classic case of "I Can Fix This" guy who wants to fix Rush. Remember on your SGU group, Vinnie and I were talking about The Savior Woman Complex? It's about women who feel they can fix broken men and make them happy, not realizing they were digging themselves into a hell hole. It's possible that Young has that same complex too. He wants to save Rush. Personally, if they made it back to Earth, I believe that their relationship would probably not survive, given how different they are from each other. I'm not a romantic (BARF!) but I'd like to see this relationship survive.
          Sorry about your emotional state, hun. I can empathize. I have the same problem, which I believe it's pre-menopausal syndrome or just hormonal imbalances. I'm taking meds for it and it seriously help stabilize me. Otherwise, I'd be on the kitchen floor crying from feeling overwhelmed. I make fun of it, because I know alot of other people have similar problems too. HUGS!


            Originally posted by teyla-nick94 View Post

            look at this.

            It's sad. Just so sad that Rush knows now how much time he has left.
            I'm sure that TJ is really jealous. Jealous, that Rush is with the Colonel now. But still I don't like the thought of Rush pushing himself so hard until he is able to save TJ. Of course, it's really kind of him but...I don't want him die. And I doubt Young would.
            This Rush is seriously pissing me off! Why is he still so adamant about his destruction? Why is he so willing to risk his death for this? Does he seriously think he can redeem himself for Gloria's death and for having the crew stuck in space for these years? I'm beginning to think that throwing him against the bulkhead, however useless, is gonna do me a world of good instead of him. Why won't he tell Young anything? I do hope it works out. CWR did not mention any canon/fanon death, so perhaps there's hope. I hope!
            Last edited by sacredclay; 07 November 2011, 06:53 PM.


              Hi gals! Just to let you know, a thread for SGU Rewatch which we plan to do with Artemis-Neith is now up. You can find it here. We are starting tonight with Air I-III. If somebody's interested in joining us, please do! The more the merrier!
              There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
              awesome sig by Josiane


                I'm still not sure if I can stand a SGU rewatch, but I'll give it a try. At least I'll keep an eye on your thread, maybe that gets me started.


                  Originally posted by Czarina View Post

                  using mozilla, click on tools, then page info; then select media, and find the jpg or png that follows background. Or just click on every line until you see what you want in the bottom box; you'll see when you get there. then hit save as. hehehe
                  *is dead*


                  Happy Birthday Artemis!
                  Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                    will keep an eye on the new thread, but cannot promise to follow you on the rewatch; maybe on specific episodes (I already know one in particular )
                    Grimm returns October 24

                    Signature and Avatar by Hyndara71 - Thank you very much
                    Profile Picture by BM-Shipper


                      Originally posted by sacredclay View Post
                      [spoiler]This Rush is seriously pissing me off! Why is he still so adamant about his destruction? Why is he so willing to risk his death for this? Does he seriously think he can redeem himself for Gloria's death and for having the crew stuck in space for these years? I'm beginning to think that throwing him against the bulkhead, however useless, is gonna do me a world of good instead of him. Why won't he tell Young anything? I do hope it works out. CWR did not mention any canon/fanon death, so perhaps there's hope. I hope!
                      I'm imagining that CWR has a crafty twist in store
                      I do not see the point in killing off our (my) hero and leaving us in misery. But to prolong the angst as long as possible, that would be entirely possible. I don't think I could take another death of SGU


                        Just watched the 3rd episode of OUAT
                        I expected a less interesting episode, with a prince and a princess in love, and all this boring stuff, yadda, yadda, yadda... But I was surprised with a story I didn't expect. It was even without Rumpelstiltskin/Mr Gold a good story.

                        Though I have to admit, folks, next episode not without him! Otherwise I'll think about a big and nasty curse for the producers, like being banned to show OUAT on SyFy in the future Or something bad like that!

                        Fear not - Episode 4 has lots of Rumpy. I've seen the promotional photos and the previews. Some of the epi 4 photos have been posted here: him with the magic wand and the contract for Cinderella to sign - those are from episode 4.
                        --Dallas =^..^=
                        "This ship is called Destiny for a reason."


                          Originally posted by jeri View Post
                          I noticed in the intro to CWR's new one shot, she tries to get people to notice that this is a slash story. Must be getting heat from some more folks. I say get over it, or get out. If someone is offended by slash they should stay away. There's plenty of fic to go around. But, you know, everyone's a critic.
                          The literary quality is too high to pan this writer, I think the sexual aspects in this story are extremely well done.
                          Though just about all of the reviews have been very positive, the few that were negative (and probably by the same person using different unregistered names) have been very condemning because of the subject matter. It hasn't occured to me that maybe CWR was getting nasty PMs, the poor thing. I agree with you about the sexual aspect. It's about relationship, not the physicality of it. I'm a fan for life of this author!


                            Originally posted by MrsTigercat View Post
                            I'm sorry about being overly sensitive to criticism. I used to belong to the RC-Works group, and 3 women on that group chewed me out no matter what I said. I will learn from your experiences and not post any more reviews. Let to each be her own. I'll try harder to play nice, but I do not react well to any variation of being called stupid or being told to shut up. FYI.
                            Hun, I'm hoping that you won't refrain from giving your opinion because I really like to hear other people's thoughts are on this story. It's my way of gaining different perspective of the story and the characters. Not only can I not barely wait for the next chapter of the story, I can't wait to read Jeri, Kimmy, Elaiel, Lillandrial, and other reviewers as well, because they always pick up on something I haven't thought about before. I may not agree with everyone, but I can respect them. Remember on your I_LOVE_SGU group, Vinnie and I differed vastly in our opinions about Rush, but we respected each other's differences. It's pretty much the same thing. At least I haven't experience any negative feedback to myself personally. Yet! LOL


                              Originally posted by MrsTigercat View Post
                              By the way, and for the record, I am not at all homophobic. What bothers me isn't necessarily seeing Nick with a guy, it's losing Nick to YOUNG specifically. I have never forgiven Young for leaving him for dead on that planet. He's beaten the bejezus out of Nick twice, pointed a gun in his face, and declared, "I should have killed you when I had the chance." My objection is to Young personally.
                              Didn't they show Young dealing with the aftermath of his actions? He didn't like the person that he had become. I probably might have done the same thing, if this same someone have planted a weapon in my quarters, undermined my authority, even staged a coup, and let's not forget that he failed to share the fact that he had control of the ship for quite a while. He could have left Rush in that tank, could have continued to beat the hall out of Nick to the point of strangling him to death, but he stopped because he didn't want to go down that path again. Toward the end of the show, they worked more together as a team. Even to the point that Young showed public support to Rush, which meant alot to him. They worked much better as a team. Probably Rush would always have been a thorn in his side, but at least they were dealing much better with each other.


                                Originally posted by carmencatalina View Post
                                I can see that. But I've been a Young/Rush fanatic ever since that hair ruffle/cuff on the head during "Light" and never came back, so FOD is just perfection for me.

                                What I really want? Just much more SGU fanfiction, of all types and flavors. Especially by writers of CWR's quality, but just more. It is hard to be part of a fandom that doesn't have as much good fanfic, after having been in fandoms where the fanfic was plentiful.

                                I keep meaning to go back to writing SGU myself, but haven't.
                                Please do, hun! I'd LOVE to read it!

