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Robert Carlyle/Dr Nicholas Rush Thunk/Appreciation thread

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    Originally posted by jeri View Post
    Chat away my dear! I'll listen! Imitation is the finest form of flattery. I wonder who said that?
    I did!


      Hello everyone We just finished watching gauntlet about an hour or so ago, so I'm done with my rewatch.

      Originally posted by jeri View Post
      I'm relieved too. But I had a hunch because back in the show, Rush did have his weak moments, where he did pretty much let go, like his tantrum in season 1 Darkness (even if it was withdraw) and in Malice, he broke down and cried in front of Scott and Greer. So sometimes things are too much for the Doc. He also was so very tired, how could anyone fight constantly with that much wear and tear?
      He must be quite stubborn.

      Originally posted by BamBoo View Post
      Have you seen this one?

      Pint of Milk: Robert Carlyle
      You'll never guess what Begbie's favourite word is...
      the last answer is so sad. I love LOTR
      Read it. I think I'll keep my brother away from it though, just to be on the safe side.

      Oh, if he is , that would be wonderful, my brother would totally agree to watch it then

      Originally posted by jeri View Post
      I think Begbe appeals to people's frustrations, who wouldn't want to go crazy like that just once? But most of us don't and would never, but I have to admit, there are times when I'd like to!
      As for his favorite word, I have to admit I have used it myself, in extreme situations. Normally don't of coarse. I'm not surprised that he uses the f word, I would think it is mostly some kind of expressive release, being under the microscope all the time, and the normal frustrations of the world. Fighting his way up out of poverty and still rebelling against the status quo, it's part of him. I wonder also if because despite tough words he is really a sweet guy that he likes to sound not so nice to counter act the idea that he might be soft? You know a guy thing.
      Just another area in which I can say that sometimes, the behavior of men mystifies me.

      Originally posted by Artemis-Neith View Post
      Has anybody seen this?


      I hope it was not posted before, and if, it's worth the rewatch!
      See, I now have definitive proof that he juggles. I have to show this to my brother, we found this picture a while ago:, and we have disagreed on whether he was actually any good at juggling ever since. Looks like I win
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        Did you see I posted a few days ago about the Napa Valley Film Festival, Jamal's film "Make A Movie Like Spike" is going to be shown. I'm looking forward to seeing it. In 2 weeks.


          Originally posted by jeri View Post
          Here's a link to some cool sneak peaking at next week's OUAT:

          Ohhh, that was soooo cool! He is such a slithery snake! I've got a question. I know that RC doesn't like to get rid of his accent completely. So is he speaking with one in this case? Is it different when he's Mr. Gold? What kind of accent?


            My mail door bell just rang, a new story by CWR! "Alloy" about Brody and Rush. Coool!!


              Originally posted by sacredclay View Post
              Ohhh, that was soooo cool! He is such a slithery snake! I've got a question. I know that RC doesn't like to get rid of his accent completely. So is he speaking with one in this case? Is it different when he's Mr. Gold? What kind of accent?
              Yes, not unlike Rush, but with some wickedly cool sounding emphasis on certain words. Like "precious" can't begin to explain how creepy he made that sound!


                Originally posted by jeri View Post
                Here's a link to some cool sneak peaking at next week's OUAT:

                Originally posted by jeri View Post
                My mail door bell just rang, a new story by CWR! "Alloy" about Brody and Rush. Coool!!
                Can we get a link to it? For tomorrow, though, I'm off to bed now, so good night everyone
                Ecommerce Templates and Design


                  Originally posted by jeri View Post
                  Did you see I posted a few days ago about the Napa Valley Film Festival, Jamal's film "Make A Movie Like Spike" is going to be shown. I'm looking forward to seeing it. In 2 weeks.
                  Yes, I did! I'm so happy for you. I missed the chance to see it when they showed it in a town not far from here. BTW, I love your latest review of FOD, chapter 30. I love your observation about Rush being human and not superman. I guess so many of us have come to expect that from him, to continue to be the incredible BAMF that he usually is.


                    Originally posted by jeri View Post
                    Yes, not unlike Rush, but with some wickedly cool sounding emphasis on certain words. Like "precious" can't begin to explain how creepy he made that sound!
                    Then AWAAAAAAYYYY I go to read it now!!!!!! Thanks for the heads up! Love you guys!!!!! MWUAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                      CWR new one shot:


                        Katherine, I am impressed that RC can juggle, I never have been any good at that! I got a real big kick out of that! Tell your brother, "I told you so!" HaHa!

                        Good night all!


                          Originally posted by warumonochan View Post
                          sorry if it sounds bad or angry. i don´t mean it. i´ve used a translater and this is what comes out.
                          I didn't think that you were angry. It not sounds angry at all for me don't worry.
                          just sounds like sharing our opinions
                          Maybe it's about misunderstanding in sentence.
                          btw, sorry for my bad eng sometimes I might write something wrong

                          Originally posted by jeri View Post
                          Thanks to BamBoo for that link, now I've got an image of RC sunbathing on a lazy Sunday afternoon. Sounds like a song...
                          you're welcome. I already download that song to my iPod.
                          his karaoke song of choice make me thinking of California solo, wanna hear him sing and play the guitar

                          teyla, your eng test sounds fun
                          but are you sure that he's a friendly neighbour I thought he's a grumpy uncle

                          yeah, the most heartbreaking part is he lost his accent!!! I hope it came back soon and the cutest scene is Making out

                          Originally posted by Artemis-Neith View Post
                          Has anybody seen this?


                          I hope it was not posted before, and if, it's worth the rewatch!
                          Thanks! I don't think I've seen it before and you're right It's worth watching!! I see him juggling *faint*
                          Last edited by BamBoo; 27 October 2011, 03:24 AM.


                            Originally posted by yessika View Post
                            Thanks for the vid, I could listen to him talk all day

                            Thanks for the link!

                            I haven't watched him as Begbie but I'll probably love the character (I have a thing for messed up characters ).
                            I found Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid boring and I love Star Wars (all six of them)
                            I miss SGU so much *sniff*
                            He's great as Begbie but Begbie is not guy you want to be around believe me
                            I havn't watch Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid yet.
                            Mostly I can watch all kind of film but I used to watch some western films and they're not my type, never understand cowboy things

                            *hand tissue and hug* I miss SGU,too *sniff*

                            Originally posted by kimmyg View Post
                            Wouldn't it be cool to have Bobby and Louis Ferreira do a remake of BC&SK. Louis as Butch and Bobby as the Kid.
                            Well, even though I never understand cowboy things
                            but for this version I'll book front roll in the cinema for sure


                              Originally posted by Katherine Arandez View Post

                              IS PIPPIN IN STONE OF DESTINY????
                              Oh, if he is , that would be wonderful, my brother would totally agree to watch it then

                              See, I now have definitive proof that he juggles. I have to show this to my brother, we found this picture a while ago:, and we have disagreed on whether he was actually any good at juggling ever since. Looks like I win
                              yes, pippin is there, but not as a hobbit I like SOD it's quite simple but great and RC!
                              your brother and yourself gotta watch it!

                              after saw that pic I always want to see he juggles and here Live juggles

                              Originally posted by jeri View Post
                              Yes, not unlike Rush, but with some wickedly cool sounding emphasis on certain words. Like "precious" can't begin to explain how creepy he made that sound!
                              *nod* very creepy and wonderful as well
                              and another new fic by CWR!!


                                I found a funny sgu fanfic SGU Message Board

                                if you used to read Scribblings it's quite same

                                warning: none of them was finished

