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Robert Carlyle/Dr Nicholas Rush Thunk/Appreciation thread

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    Hi telya, I bet your mom's right, those two are playing weird games, so who needs them?! All you can do is make new friends and not worry about it. Remember if someone wants to be hurtful, it's their problem not yours. Be strong, my friend.

    Perfectly Simple Explanation! What a great episode. They put poor Hamish through the ringer in that one!

    I'd love him to write an autobiography, I'd be in line right next to you to buy that. Or should I say, in our perfect dream, in line to get RC to sign our copies of his book! We can dream about that!

    Sounds like you actually enjoyed the English exam, you made it your own, as they say! It's good you got the teacher's attention, now he knows you are enjoying learning, always good for the grades.
    I made progress with my photo portfolio that I'm spending the whole semester on, It's been hard, first I had to write an essay stating what it would be about, my goals and such. Now I'm having to live up to what I wrote! I ran into a sort of creative block, just couldn't think of how to photograph my ideas? Then suddenly things came together and Monday I printed some photos to see how they are coming along, and I think it's good! What a relief! My teacher was impressed, and commented several times on how good one in particular was. Yeah, I finally have something. Now to come up with more...


      Ok, here's something totally OT for my German speaking friends, this is my mechanic and his wife in the top pic with their 1970's motor home. I've seen this thing up close , wild '70's orange shag carpet and all! They have a lot of fun with it.


        wow what a color. all in yellow krass


          Originally posted by warumonochan View Post
          wow what a color. all in yellow krass
          I won't be caught dead in that thing! They love it, but really because it's so bad! LOL!


            Originally posted by jeri View Post
            Hi telya, I bet your mom's right, those two are playing weird games, so who needs them?! All you can do is make new friends and not worry about it. Remember if someone wants to be hurtful, it's their problem not yours. Be strong, my friend.

            Perfectly Simple Explanation! What a great episode. They put poor Hamish through the ringer in that one!

            I'd love him to write an autobiography, I'd be in line right next to you to buy that. Or should I say, in our perfect dream, in line to get RC to sign our copies of his book! We can dream about that!

            Sounds like you actually enjoyed the English exam, you made it your own, as they say! It's good you got the teacher's attention, now he knows you are enjoying learning, always good for the grades.
            I made progress with my photo portfolio that I'm spending the whole semester on, It's been hard, first I had to write an essay stating what it would be about, my goals and such. Now I'm having to live up to what I wrote! I ran into a sort of creative block, just couldn't think of how to photograph my ideas? Then suddenly things came together and Monday I printed some photos to see how they are coming along, and I think it's good! What a relief! My teacher was impressed, and commented several times on how good one in particular was. Yeah, I finally have something. Now to come up with more...

            Yeah, you're probably right - like the whole time

            Bobby signing his book for me. I think I would either give him a very big hug or I fall on the floor - totally fainting

            Since Bobby became my favorite actor my English grade increased from B to A And since then I LOVE it. Reading, talking or writing English
            And my English teacher already knew that I do because he always asks me about vocabulary etc. I'm curious what I'll get in the big test. Hopefully an A or at least a B. A C would be horrible

            Hey, it's cool! Your portfolio I mean. Is it difficult to do this?


              Has anybody seen this?

              I hope it was not posted before, and if, it's worth the rewatch!


                Originally posted by mi_guard View Post
                can't remember if this specific video had already been posted - but I love listening to RC speaking

                Thanks for the vid, I could listen to him talk all day

                Originally posted by BamBoo View Post
                Have you seen this one?

                Pint of Milk: Robert Carlyle
                You'll never guess what Begbie's favourite word is...
                the last answer is so sad. I love LOTR


                Thanks for the link!

                I haven't watched him as Begbie but I'll probably love the character (I have a thing for messed up characters ).
                I found Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid boring and I love Star Wars (all six of them)

                I miss SGU so much *sniff*
                Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                  Originally posted by artemis-neith View Post
                  has anybody seen this?


                  i hope it was not posted before, and if, it's worth the rewatch! :d
                  Great!! Just great!!!!

                  Thanks Artemis *big hug for you*


                    Originally posted by Artemis-Neith View Post
                    Has anybody seen this?

                    I hope it was not posted before, and if, it's worth the rewatch!
                    oh my gott. I must lie down. i think he will good in commercials. this smile at the end. i will die.

                    rc as rudolf the red nose reindeer? sweet emagine


                      Originally posted by warumonochan View Post
                      oh my gott. I must lie down. i think he will good in commercials. this smile at the end. i will die.

                      rc as rudolf the red nose reindeer? sweet emagine
                      And the juggling! There is no end to this man!


                        Originally posted by teyla-nick94 View Post
                        Yeah, you're probably right - like the whole time

                        Bobby signing his book for me. I think I would either give him a very big hug or I fall on the floor - totally fainting

                        Since Bobby became my favorite actor my English grade increased from B to A And since then I LOVE it. Reading, talking or writing English
                        And my English teacher already knew that I do because he always asks me about vocabulary etc. I'm curious what I'll get in the big test. Hopefully an A or at least a B. A C would be horrible

                        Hey, it's cool! Your portfolio I mean. Is it difficult to do this?
                        It's great you're doing so well. I'm not good with languages, but visual arts, I'm very good. It hard trying to capture the idea in my head. Now that it's clarified, so much easier and fun. I hope to post it on my LJ page but not until December, when it's done.


                          Originally posted by yessika View Post
                          Thanks for the vid, I could listen to him talk all day

                          Thanks for the link!

                          I haven't watched him as Begbie but I'll probably love the character (I have a thing for messed up characters ).
                          I found Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid boring and I love Star Wars (all six of them)
                          I miss SGU so much *sniff*
                          My dad loved BC&SK too. I like parts of it. I think it's a guy buddy movie, but it has some great parts.I admit I love Begbe, I fear what that says about my inner self. Better stick with the yoga, calming you know.


                            Originally posted by Artemis-Neith View Post
                            Has anybody seen this?


                            I hope it was not posted before, and if, it's worth the rewatch!
                            Thanks, it says it was put on YT yesterday. You are fast, my friend. What a fun vid, juggling and all! I really like Lana Parrilla, too.


                              waaa this stays in my head forever thank you artemis you made my day -^___^-


                                Thanks, Artemis, for the vid!

                                And that's from here today, good night!

