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Robert Carlyle/Dr Nicholas Rush Thunk/Appreciation thread

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    Originally posted by Czarina View Post
    Remember, tho...absence makes the heart grow fonder. I am such the devil's advocate, I am so ornery, I try to gleam a positive note everywhere, just to be contrary. It may actually be healthy for their marriage, some breathing space...they've been together a long time. The absence truly makes people appreciate each other more; not all sick as hell of each other.

    And, I rewatched the gala viddy...his body language w/ Lana P. at the table tells me he's fine, just tired perhaps overworked. Good spirits, healthy color to the skin...a little too relaxed w/ that Parrilla chick.

    I am so kidding. That last bit is a joke.

    I bet that his co-star Lana Parrilla talked him into going, he agreed just the week before the event. She probably said "Come on, you can sit with me, I'll protect you."


      Originally posted by teyla-nick94 View Post
      Just read it. It's fantastic!

      I first thought, that Telford would begin to make trouble the second he came onboard. I'm glad, he didn't...yet.
      And I loved the kiss szene!!!! It must happened! It just had to happen!! God, it's amazing! I can't wait for the next chapter! And I'm glad, Rush quit smoking Otherwise he would get lung cancer like in the little fanfiction I'm writing with a friend

      I hope he doesn't die in your fanfiction! I hope we can get to read it!


        Originally posted by teyla-nick94 View Post
        Just read it. It's fantastic!

        I first thought, that Telford would begin to make trouble the second he came onboard. I'm glad, he didn't...yet.
        And I loved the kiss szene!!!! It must happened! It just had to happen!! God, it's amazing! I can't wait for the next chapter! And I'm glad, Rush quit smoking Otherwise he would get lung cancer like in the little fanfiction I'm writing with a friend
        I quit cold turkey the minute I found out I was pregnant with my son 16 years ago. Haven't had a puff since. Was not even suffering withdrawal symptoms. I loved FOD!!! I was soooo darn happy!!!!!!! It was about frakking time!!!!

        I hope he doesn't die in your fanfiction! I hope we can get to read it!


          Originally posted by jeri View Post
          The plot thickens...
          Yes Telford is definitively going to mix things up! But ah ha! teyla you have fallen into CWR's plan, you are hooked on this story! As we all are!
          Smoking is not easy to quit, maybe for some people, but hey I just worry about folks in general. Being a cancer survivor, I think why do things that can do you harm, especially when there are so many bad things we can't control. I try to eliminate the things I can that I know are bad for me. But I'm not doing all that well with eating right!

          Well, got to go to my one class for today, see ya later!
          I'm glad you've survived, hun! Smoking is really an insideous thing! It's such a stupid thing to do. Some people just can't quit, no matter what they do.


            Originally posted by sacredclay View Post
            I'm glad you've survived, hun! Smoking is really an insideous thing! It's such a stupid thing to do. Some people just can't quit, no matter what they do.
            My grandfather lived with us after grandmother died, and I watched him suffer and hack his way to death for 4 long years with Emphysema, smoking until the end. I was 8 when he died, is it any wonder that neither my brother or I ever had any desire to smoke!
            Even though I have led a fairly healthy lifestyle, I still got cancer. I had a soft tissue Sarcoma on a muscle in my chest, where it connected to the fourth rib. They removed a section of 3 ribs and a large section of muscle. I just hope people will think about what could happen, I would never have imagined I would loose ribs! (I have a rib "patch") This can be an inherited gene for this cancer, my father died of the same type cancer 10 years before. Boy did this family feel cursed.


              Originally posted by jeri View Post
              The new chapter of FOD...

              Now the crew is catching on. No way can they hide the fact that Rush is communicating with the Destiny now, and it's becoming obvious to more than a few people that somehow Col. Young is linked into this mind trip. I'm glad that now the rest of our beloved crew can be brought into the story in a significant way. This opens up tremendous story possibilities.
              And here comes Telford! Look out boys, this can't be good! I still stick to my theory* that Col. Telford is a wild card. He may still be tied to the Lucian Alliance, but I'm sure that brainwashing has nothing to do with it. I think he is obsessed with Destiny's mission as an avenue to somehow reach his goal of unlocking the ascension mystery. He sees Nick as a stepping stone to further his agenda, to gain the ability to ascend for himself. Ascension gives one unlimited power and untold knowledge.
              When Telford discovers the truth about Rush's connection to Destiny and Young's involvement, which he is already perhaps speculating, I think we may see him instigating a coup. He would not miss an opportunity to gain control of the ship and of Rush. There will be crew members who will be very opposed to Rush being in direct contact with Destiny, seeing this as a threat to their personal survival, trust still being an issue amongst this group.
              A kiss! Wow! The plot thickens... It's interesting how this extreme physical interaction has broke down Nicks' defenses as no other has. We saw earlier how physical pain "grounded" Nick in the hear and now, so it does follow that this intimate interaction would bring down his barriers to let Everett into his true mind. A place that he has no doubt been sheltering long and hard, since even before Destiny, back on Earth when his world began to unravel with Gloria's illness and death. I speculated earlier that Nick has such a disciplined mind he is able to shield it from the devastating intrusion of aliens and extreme trauma. This is not to say he has not been damaged by these events, he certainly has, but like a wounded soldier he must hide his weakness from the enemy. And up until now, Young has still been his enemy, how can he fully trust someone who callously left him for dead?
              Now has Nick seen what is truly in Everett's mind? Will he see how Everett was so guilt ridden by his actions towards Nick? What will he learn about the Colonel's moral code and what he thinks of Rush.
              What will Everett make of the real insight into this tortured mind? Will he see him as too wounded to continue in his liaison with Destiny? Or perhaps he will see what his role should truly be, how to effectively support and bolster Nicholas.
              Everett's actions of overpowering Nick and forcing a kiss was a desperate act to gain some control of the fast, colliding wreck of Nick's mind, acting on instinct and some kind of hint in the back of his mind to catch him. I don't see this as a sexual maneuver, but rather one of a deeply caring friend .
              We shall see.
              I really feel strongly that the rest of the crew on the bridge should be told the full truth. There would be alot less confusion and less time wasted on staring at the particular behavior of the Colonel and Rush. I don't understand why Scott was never told of the link. The rest of the crew don't need to be told.
              I agree totally with you about Telford's intention. He's using Nicky for his own purpose, but I'd really like to know more on the background of WHY he's like that. One isn't a villain for villain's sake. Everybody got a story, so what's his? In other words, who is his Gloria that motivated him so? So now we got Telford , the Nakai, the obelisk planets, and the AI all rolled up in one for our Colonel to fight against. God, can it get any more exciting than this??????? But I get the feeling that it isn't gonna be a perfect outcome in the end. There's gonna be some serious tolls. But CWR have said that neither of our heroes will die, otherwise she would have warned about it in the beginning.
              I've never thought about how much during the kiss if Nick could see into Young's mind as well. Simply because it wasn't addressed to at all. What did he see? Your theory makes perfect sense. I wished I included this part of your quote in my latest review. Is this is why Rush finally let Young completely in his mind? Did he know or even suspected that Young could heal him, at least as much as he could? Shoot, this is such a good angle that I'm gonna send CWR a PM about your insight. I'm also reposting this to my LJ. Stop blushing! It's really annoying! LOL!
              I really love the kiss scene! It was so gentle, and I didn't expect this part to happen at all. I really thought Young was going to do some serious whump damages to Rush. Hell, I would have! Love how he gave the pack of cigs to Young. Hope he follows through on that action. I'm a little tad pissed at one of the reviewer's comments about how disappointed she was that CWR had them kissed. She said it wasn't believable. Hello???? The boys have progressed so much in their relationship that they're like a married couple that bickers alot. I strongly disagree with the assessment that CWR have lost readers because of that because I'm not seeing that in all the communities regarding this story. I agree with your second to last statement. What if one was a woman? It's not any different. These two human beings really care about each other. Otherwise, they would have never progressed as far as they have in their relationship.
              Ohhh, I don't think I can last long enough for the next one to come out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Quick, someone post me a couple of Bobby pics! Wait! Lemme make sure I have pillows around me first. Who had the CPR kit last?????


                Thought I ought to get this to you right away.












                            one of my personal phobias


                              This must be similar time as the one we were talking about.



