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Couldn't the Nox get them back home?

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    Why ask the Nox when they're reluctant to interfere other race internal affairs. Human has given the Asgard legacy in Asgard's core, why can't human rebuild the O'Neill, the fastest Asgard ship ever made to reach the destiny?

    Based on The Fifth Race episode in SG-1, Asgard has no problem to send O'Neill back to Earth from Ida galaxy. Seem Asgard has equivalent power supply to the Ancient's ZPM to power the gate for galaxy-to-galaxy travel. Probably, such a power source could be used to dial destiny and sent a unit there for destiny to dial home.


      It took the Daedalus, complete with pimping Asgard intergalactic hyperdrives, 2 weeks or so to travel the three million light years from the Milky Way to the Pegasus galaxy.

      That's roughly 214,286 light years per day (rounded up).

      Destiny is "Several Billion Light Years From Home".

      Let's assume a lower bound of 3 Billion LY.

      3 Billion / 214,286 = 13,999.98 Days.

      14,000 Days.

      38.35 Years.

      That's without a ZPM powering the drive. If I recall correctly it was four days with a ZPM powering it up.

      4 Days = 3 Million LY.

      750,000 LY Per Day.

      4,000 Days

      10.95 Years.

      This is without stopping, without detours, without resupply, with the fastest engines available, with all the knowledge of the Asgard at our disposal, with ZPM's aplenty and a lower bound on the distance the Destiny is in relation to Earth. A best case scenario in other words.

      38 Years at default max speed, 11 with a ZPM souping up the hyperdrive. Even with the Asgard covering our backs that's a long term mission that would have no bearing on the run of the series.

      The gate is their best bet to get home. For that they need to figure out how to tap the power of star safely or find another Icarus class planet to dial from.

      Short of a wormhole drive and a galaxies ransom worth of ZPM's to power that puppy all the way to the Destiny and back, nobody short of the Ancients themselves are likely to help out the Destiny crew.

      And we all know how likely the Ancients are to lend a hand with that.


        Plus you would then have to worry about how much food could that ship take? Whether it would take all the crew from destiny on board, or repair the destiny and take it too.


          Originally posted by Razor One View Post
          The Nox are pacifistic non-interventionists. They won't help.

          They'll label it as "Our problem to deal with" and leave it at that.

          Don't believe me?

          Where were the Nox when the Tollan were getting wiped out by the Goa'uld?

          Oh, right. In their floating city. Sipping tea. Not caring.

          If the Nox wouldn't help the Tollan prevent their own extinction, or at the very least ferry a few survivors to safety, why would they help us get the crew of the Destiny back home?
          They're pacifists, they'd never attack anyone, but that's doesn't mean they wouldn't help anyone. And unless I'm mistaken, the Nox did help the Tollan.


            Originally posted by KEK View Post
            They're pacifists, they'd never attack anyone, but that's doesn't mean they wouldn't help anyone. And unless I'm mistaken, the Nox did help the Tollan.
            You are not mistaken. they helped them get to their planet when Earth wanted to interrogate them and then they also helped the Tollan hide and ion cannon in order to kill some Goa'uld. They may not have been there when they were getting wiped out, but what could they do? They may have been unaware of the attack for all we know. We have had difficulty at time contacting our allies like the Asgard. Maybe they sent a signal out to the Nox but they weren't able to get there in minutes or perhaps the Nox do some kind of hibernation once a year for all we know and it was during that time so they were unaware of an attack.

            The Tollan are not known to be dead right? only presumed to be because of the attack and then we tried to dial later and could not get a connection. Perhaps the Nox DID help and save a few of their people, but rather than the Tollan set up with a new stargate, they now live in complete solitude and do not communicate with people outside of themselves. Who knows


              That would make for an interesting Fan fic


                Originally posted by Trinary View Post
                Why ask the Nox when they're reluctant to interfere other race internal affairs. Human has given the Asgard legacy in Asgard's core, why can't human rebuild the O'Neill, the fastest Asgard ship ever made to reach the destiny?

                Based on The Fifth Race episode in SG-1, Asgard has no problem to send O'Neill back to Earth from Ida galaxy. Seem Asgard has equivalent power supply to the Ancient's ZPM to power the gate for galaxy-to-galaxy travel. Probably, such a power source could be used to dial destiny and sent a unit there for destiny to dial home.
                The speed of Asgard ships was retconned in later seasons and to an extent their entire tehnology. In the begining they were showed to have tehnology comparable to that of the Ancients but that changed.
                "Gegen diesen Idioten muss ich verlieren!" (A. Nimzowitsch)


                  You know what? If I were the Nox, I wouldn't give a rat's flip about humans. I mean humans use communication stones to take over each other's bodies against their will and risk blowing up each other's planets? No thanks.


                    And we seem to care more about our own than others at times.

