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SGU: Should it be a 30-minute format?

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    SGU: Should it be a 30-minute format?

    SG1 and SGA both had hour long formats because the pace of the show was fundamentally different. It was more action based, and the plots were generally self-contained and resolved by the episode's end. You needed an hour's worth of airtime to establish the premise, have meaningful plot and character development, bring the episode to the conclusion you seek, and still have enough time for the action and comedy you needed to keep the show entertaining.

    However, SGU's formula is entirely different. It's a long-haul show, driven more by season-long plot arcs than by episode-long plot lines. Sometimes there's action, but there's not much comedy, and the plots of each individual episode are generally much less important (or memorable) than the small bits each episode gradually reveal (or set up) about the larger story arc. The result of that, I think, is apparent in "Cloverdale" moreso than most episodes: there's a lot of filler, inasmuch as the dream sequence took about 25 minutes of airtime without any fundamental growth of Scott's character that hadn't already occurred. Sometimes they just dont seem to have 44 minutes worth of story to tell, without giving too much away that they're saving for later.

    Of course, some episodes are fine - the LA invasion multiparter filled its timeslot just like Kolya's invasion multiparter on SGA filled out its episodes - but that style of storytelling is, by design, not a regular part of SGU.

    I know also that a lot of people like the more slow-paced feel of SGU, with its ubiquitous long montages, frequent expression shots, and dialogue with a lot more "dead air" than we see in action-paced shows, and thats of course just a matter of taste, so dont think that I'm attacking the show stylistically.

    My question is this: would you be upset if SGU switched to a 30 minute format? Episodes like the LA arc could still be split into multiparters or an occasional hourlong "special episode", but so-called "Earth episodes" and other non-plot-driven episodes I think could easily tell their story in a 30 minute timeslot, with much of the "filler" cut out that sometimes seems to be put in to make it through that last commercial break.

    I sometimes think that the only reason SGU was ever a 60 minute format to begin with was simply that Stargate shows have always been an hour long before, but thats really arbitary if you're not doing that same kind of show.

    Dramas (as opposed to comedies) tend to be an hour long so no.
    Originally posted by aretood2
    Jelgate is right


      I've always felt that SGU needs another 30 minutes for each episode. So, definitely not.






            No. I like Kurosawa's movies, and thus I don't think SGU is slow-paced at all


              Originally posted by Stargater276 View Post
              I've always felt that SGU needs another 30 minutes for each episode. So, definitely not.
              I agree I always felt SGU needed to be longer so my answer is no...


                Erm no. Just because the pace is somewhat slower doesn't mean you condense the episode into 20 minutes (which is how long it really would be). That would completely mess up the pace, and storytelling ability of the series.

                It'd be like having Harry Potter as a series of short stories instead of novels.
                Disclaimer: All opinions stated within this post are relevant to the author herself, and do not in any way represent the opinions of God, Country, The Powers That Be or Greater Fandom.

                Any resemblance to aforementioned opinions are purely coincidental.


                  ____I reserve the right to be completely wrong about any topic I post on.


                    I don't understand your reasoning. Are you saying cut out all the "boring" stuff and have 20 half-hour episodes? Plus I think I'm the only person who didn't see Scott's vision as "filler". To me it gave a lot of insight into the character and what he feels his place in the world is.


                      Its not the worst idea I have ever heard. In at least a third of SGU's eps thus far, I have reached the 20 minute mark and felt like I had been sitting in my chair for an hour. No doubt many casual viewers haven't stuck around for the remaining half of the ep after being bored, whereas they may stick around if it was halved.

                      However for the majority of the eps it would not work. I think what really needs to happen is for them to get rid of the stones, which are the main eps that are killing the series.




                          I do see your point. But the problem is not the duration of the episode, it's the type of storylines they're giving attention to that's at issue. Making it shorter would imply the storylines that bore a lot of fans are reduced or cut out - and when they do that they may as well start filling the time freed up with storylines people are interested in.

                          For the occassional brilliant gem that SGU delivers (such as "Time") 30 minutes would be outrageously short. For episodes like "Life" it is outrageously long.
                          I'm an average viewer. As plain as they come. People make TV shows based on my demographic.

                          Million's of ZPM's, ZPM's for free! Millions of ZPM's, ZPM's for me!


                            Originally posted by Jonzey View Post
                            I don't understand your reasoning. Are you saying cut out all the "boring" stuff and have 20 half-hour episodes? Plus I think I'm the only person who didn't see Scott's vision as "filler". To me it gave a lot of insight into the character and what he feels his place in the world is.
                            I'm with you, 100%.

                            In fact, I've yet to see any "filler" in SGU because everything either builds on the characters or stories, even if it's not clear at the time. I'd be very disappointed if the episodes were truncated because we would inevitably lose much of the subtlety in the storytelling.


                              No way, for me it always felt a little short. The episodes should be an hour or longer.

