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Where is Destiny heading? (Speculation thread)

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    Originally posted by garhkal View Post
    That would make for a twist.. if rush
    was a decended ancient.
    Please no. I'm tired of ascension
    Originally posted by aretood2
    Jelgate is right


      Originally posted by jelgate View Post
      Please no. I'm tired of ascension
      yeah, because the ascended beings were/are retarded
      Stolen Kosovo


        Originally posted by g.o.d View Post
        yeah, because the ascended beings were/are retarded
        They were portrayed that way. The Lucian Alliance in SG-1 were the same, they were pretty badly portrayed. Now in SGU they are a lot better. Just depends how the writers choose to present them. So there is still hope.


          We know the Ancients on Earth were suffering from a plague. Uh, maybe some of them were trying to start over, seeding life in a new galaxy. Maybe that's what Ancients do.
          - Daniel Jackson, SGA, Rising


            According to Scifi Australia, here, Brad Wright has revealed a hint about the Destiny's destiny:

            The other big, big news was officially announced by SGU creator Brad Wright in an interview - The Destiny has a destination of cosmic importance, so important that it overshadows the desire for the crew to get home, and that by fulfilling this new mission, it may in fact allow them to get home.
            So here are a few theories of mine:

            1. The Destiny is the original ship used by the Alterans who left their original home galaxy.

            Pros: cool connection to Ancient pre-history; explains the extreme age, unusual design of the ship and first generation stargates

            Cons: When Eli saw the holographic display of the Destiny's original flight path (Air Part I) Earth was clearly shown as an origin rather than a mid-point.

            2. The Destiny was launched before the Ancients learned to ascend.

            Pros: fulfills the Ancients' desire to explore the universe prior to their ability to ascend; partially explains the reason for the Destiny's mission, explains why the Ancients never boarded Destiny - they learned to ascend.

            3. The ancients were accidentally left behind on Earth and had to start their civilisation all over again.

            Pros: intriguing idea; explains why milky way gates are second generation (took time to rebuild technology from scratch); explains why ancients chose Earth to settle (i.e. they didn't!); cool connection to the current team's predicamenty

            Cons: Ancients would have had full control of Destiny; Destiny's flight path clearly originates at Earth.

            4. Destiny's destination is the Ancient's ORIGINAL home planet, prior to their settlement on Celestis.

            Pros: explains the name of the ship; exciting idea - what wonders will we see on the home planet still inhabited by the original precursor race?? Maybe the obelisk race are the progenitors of the ancients (Faith)

            Cons: pure conjecture; Would the ancients know where they came from? Why all the trouble of seeding gates?

            5. The Destiny has no specific spacial destination. It's only goal is to plant human populations all over the universe.

            Pros: makes sense; similar to what they later did in Pegasus; explains the gate seeding

            Cons: why would they bother?; boring and less exciting that other ideas

            6. The Destiny is carrying living ancients (or progenitors) in stasis and taking them to a final homeworld.

            Pros: possible, the Destiny could be carrying ANYTHING!

            Cons: Why bother? Why not any other homeworld they have encountered along the way; Why not Earth?

            7. The Destiny is inhabited by the living ascended ancients.

            Pros: explains the whole Franklin thing and the 'living Destiny' theories

            Cons: ascended beings don't need to live anywhere in our plane of existence; doesn't explain the purpose of the ship.

            8. The Destiny's destination is some kind of cosmic macGuffin like the centre of the universe or a portal to another universe

            Pros: 'big' and 'cosmic' as Brad Wright has hinted;

            Cons: MacGuffins are stupid; what are they going there for? Why the gate seeding?


              read the article
              as with anything said by TPTB, i won't believe it until it is on-screen
              --it could be the center of the universe
              --the edge of the universe
              --it could be that they return home to earth only to find that they arrived millions of years in the past and are now the first humans on earth - in other words, they are their own ancestors
              --or perhaps they do the same thing but land on Celestis and become the first Alterans...... with Rush being the one who causes the philosophical chasm and becoming the first Ancient while Wray becomes the first Ori...
              --or its the restaurant at the end of the universe and we finally find out why the whale thought, "oh not again"

              my theories aside let's look at yours

              1. we know - thanks to the Ark of Truth - that the destiny is NOT the ship the "alteran refugees" initially used to leave the "ori home galaxy"....... and i do believe it's been said that this ship was built and launched AFTER the gate-seeders....... though it is possible that the ship could have been a replacement for the saucer from AoT and later upgraded to follow the gate-seeders....

              2. it is indeed very likely that the Destiny was launched before the Ancients ascended, in fact i believe the basic timeline of SG more or less proves this

              3. why would they be accidentally left behind on earth when we know that they came to the Milky Way to flee the Ori and then settled voluntarily on earth? let's not start rewriting that which we already know

              4. Interesting...... though i was under the assumption that Celestis was indeed their homeworld, but that may not be true......

              5. well, we do know that the Destiny has "intermittent" destinations - aka the galaxies that the seeders seeded/are seeding... a terminal destination would add some interesting depth to the story, especially if the Ancients planned it out...

              6. living ancients........ they did that on Atlantis with that ship travelling at NL speeds (near light)... don't really want to see that storyarc again...... and a final homeworld? Celestis was their homeworld (as far as we know) and then they settled on Earth and Lantea..... i think adding yet another homeworld (thus making it 4) to the mix would be too much.........

              7. nope...... this is just me here, i don't want to see any more ascended ancients....

              8. portal? that's not very SG-like...... well yes there was the quantum mirror, and the hundred Carter-Mitchells.... but i much prefer the SG storylines limited only to our universe and not engaging in pan-dimensional arcs
              Colonel Jack O'Neill: So what's your impression of Alar?
              Teal'c: That he is concealing something.
              Colonel Jack O'Neill: Like what?
              Teal'c: I am unsure. He is concealing it.


                Like I have said on about 4 threads - no one has seemed to pick up on the fact that the Destiny design is clearly based on a chevron.

                Originally posted by Omnipedia
                Artist James C.D. Robbins produced numerous sketches for the Destiny until Brad Wright gave him specific direction, scribbling the slightly modified shape of a chevron on a napkin. The napkin can be seen in the SGU Volume One DVD set due out soon.
                So can Destiny be a key part of something mechanical - a megagate of sorts?


                  Like I have said on about 4 threads - no one has seemed to pick up on the fact that the Destiny design is clearly based on a chevron.
                  Ease up with the generalisations there. In fact, when we all first saw the Destiny, A LOT of people commented that it's chevron-like in shape.
                  ~ When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take back the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! WITH THE LEMONS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN! ~

                  ~ Burning people! He says what we're all thinking! ~


                    Originally posted by Scott7070 View Post
                    Like I have said on about 4 threads - no one has seemed to pick up on the fact that the Destiny design is clearly based on a chevron.

                    So can Destiny be a key part of something mechanical - a megagate of sorts?

                    maybe you should have joined back in 2009 when we were all discussing that...........


                    sorry, i just that idea to be hilarious........

                    the truth is that we have nothing to use as a basis for speculation about why the Destiny is shaped like a chevron... it was either a cosmetic decision by TPTB when creating the show...... or a cosmetic decision by the Ancients: "well, if its going to follow the gates, lets make it look like it belongs with them"...... or the shape is important for some function as part of some system..... or its not

                    there's no point in speculating about it because we have no "fuel" for the speculation..................... yet.......

                    so calm down, AIRMAN
                    Colonel Jack O'Neill: So what's your impression of Alar?
                    Teal'c: That he is concealing something.
                    Colonel Jack O'Neill: Like what?
                    Teal'c: I am unsure. He is concealing it.


                      Alrgiht, alright... calm down yourself.

                      I was just saying, it relates to this kind of thread which have become more popular in the SGU break with info coming up about S2. This is a speculation thread, so I have every right to speculate that its design is purposeful. We have some info saying there is a destination - why could it not be a mechanical destination - no worse an idea than what others have put! I had to call it a mega gate as supergate already exists and I didnt mean the same thing.
                      Originally posted by IrishPisano
                      or the shape is important for some function as part of some system
                      That was what I was speculating. A form of stargate is my theory.

                      Originally posted by MattSilver 3k
                      Ease up with the generalisations there. In fact, when we all first saw the Destiny, A LOT of people commented that it's chevron-like in shape.
                      Sorry MattSilver - I didn't mean 'noone has ever noticed', just in regards to these new threads. Obviously loads of us saw that very early on, I didn't mean that.


                        Destiny is going to where the big bang occurred, where a natural wormhole is entangled with a black hole that will take Destiny back to the beginning of the Universe and the beginning of the Ancient civilisation, who by the way are not-the-right-people for this. With all the information in Destinys computer, they will become the greatest race ever.

                        Or they're going to that restaurant...


                          i seriously think they're going to the restaurant for a nice juicy dolphin sandwich

                          only problem is, there are no towels on destiny!

                          (btw, when is Eli or someone going to reference this restaurant?)
                          Colonel Jack O'Neill: So what's your impression of Alar?
                          Teal'c: That he is concealing something.
                          Colonel Jack O'Neill: Like what?
                          Teal'c: I am unsure. He is concealing it.



                            Originally posted by meo3000 View Post
                            Destiny is going to where the big bang occurred, where a natural wormhole is entangled with a black hole that will take Destiny back to the beginning of the Universe and the beginning of the Ancient civilisation, who by the way are not-the-right-people for this. With all the information in Destinys computer, they will become the greatest race ever.

                            Or they're going to that restaurant...
                            Everywhere in our universe is where the big bang occured. It wasn't an explosion of matter into space, it was an explosion of space itself. That's why radio astronomers can detect background radiation from everywhere at the same time. We are still in the midst of the explosion of space that is the "big bang".
                            All plot and no character makes for a dull story... All plot and no character makes for a dull story... All plot and no character makes for a dull story... All plot and no character makes for a dull story...

                            "Scott isn't out. Actually, he'll probably soon get back in, then out, then in, then out, then in, with rhythm and stamina." reddevil 4/22/2010


                              There's no such thing as the centre or edge of the universe. Celestis would make sense, but I'm not sure the writers would want to put that mythology in there.


                                Originally posted by meo3000 View Post
                                Or they're going to that restaurant...

                                Always thought that was the best way to end SG-1, at the restaurant at the end of the universe...
                                Mia: Don't you hate that?
                                Vincent: Hate what?
                                Mia: Uncomfortable silences. Why do we feel it's necessary to yak about bullsh*t in order to be comfortable?
                                Vincent: I don't know. That's a good question.
                                Mia: That's when you know you've found somebody really special: you can just shut the f*** up for a minute and comfortably share silence.
                                - Pulp Fiction

