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BALDING ASIAN GUY/Bill Butt Appreciation thread( Spoilers Faith-Visitation)

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    Yes, BAG is simply the best background performer currently in the business.

    I was also a great fan of Tim Peterson (sometime credited as Timothy Peterson) back in the 50s.

    He was the best background performer I ever saw at that time. He was really popular in Star Trek (the original series on NBC), The original Twilight Zone and The Avengers among many other shows and movies. When he was pointing that phaser toward an alien you knew he was ready to shoot if necessary just by looking into his eyes.

    In one of the twilight zone episode, they started giving him a newspaper that he would read on a street bench for one scene. Again you could see in his eyes than he was not just glancing at the newspaper like the average background performer would, but really really reading it. Fully engaged in the activity of reading. You could even feel that he was thinking and assimilating what he was reading.

    Since that episode they often gave him a newspaper to read in many following movies and TV series. In the biz, he was known sometimes as the "Newspaperman". When they needed someguy to read a newspaper on a street bench or cafe or restaurant. They knew Peterson would blow the scene away. He was adored by the public.

    Tim was also incredible in Ben-Hur as someone in the crowd during the execution. If you can focus and center your DVD on him, you will see what I mean. He never once looked into the camera!!

    I think BAG is as good or a bit better than Peterson. I digress BAG is definitely the best ever. It's just that Peterson is kind of part of my childhood. BAG remind me of Peterson when he's taking notes of something using a pen. They have the same gestures, concentration in their eyes, facial expressions, fitting the scenes emotionally perfectly well.

    Currently watching: Dark Matter, 12 Monkeys, Doctor Who, Under the Dome, The Mentalist, The Messengers, The Last Ship, Elementary, Dominion, The Whispers, Extant, Olympus, Da Vinci's Demons, Vikings


      Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
      So, how do you stay in "character"?
      Great Question. BAG?


        Hi guys!! How was everybody's Thanksgiving? I am so full from eating that I think my big toes are bigger.
        How do I stay in character? Well, I think it all comes down to caring for what you do. I always approach everything with a sense of dedication, because if I am going to do it, I better try to do it right. I don't know if I am a good actor or not, but I do picture myself as the best doctor, the best lawyer, the best businessman that I could ever be. Also, I have to like what I do, because if I don't, what is the point!? I remember my first sale job interview after university like it was yesterday, because of what the sale manager said to me. He said "You got the job son, because you seem to want it so bad, and you are the only one that came in a suit." That is how I treat life and work, either I do it well or I don't do it at all. I keep telling everybody that I am a professional background performer, and I meant it!! It is my job, and I will do it as best as I could!! I like to play and make people laugh, but when I work, I am like Mr. Noble, concentrate baby, concentrate!! I think you guys are just being nice, because I don't like to see myself, I think I am boring!! Hey, that means I am doing my job, because I am a professional background performer!!!!!!!!!! Love you all, in a manly way I mean, ha!! Ha!!


          Originally posted by B.A.G. View Post
          Hi guys!! How was everybody's Thanksgiving? I am so full from eating that I think my big toes are bigger.
          How do I stay in character? Well, I think it all comes down to caring for what you do. I always approach everything with a sense of dedication, because if I am going to do it, I better try to do it right. I don't know if I am a good actor or not, but I do picture myself as the best doctor, the best lawyer, the best businessman that I could ever be. Also, I have to like what I do, because if I don't, what is the point!? I remember my first sale job interview after university like it was yesterday, because of what the sale manager said to me. He said "You got the job son, because you seem to want it so bad, and you are the only one that came in a suit." That is how I treat life and work, either I do it well or I don't do it at all. I keep telling everybody that I am a professional background performer, and I meant it!! It is my job, and I will do it as best as I could!! I like to play and make people laugh, but when I work, I am like Mr. Noble, concentrate baby, concentrate!! I think you guys are just being nice, because I don't like to see myself, I think I am boring!! Hey, that means I am doing my job, because I am a professional background performer!!!!!!!!!! Love you all, in a manly way I mean, ha!! Ha!!
          I was watching "Bones" last night (on DVD), and there is a big crowd scene with a slew of background people, and a few of them looked directly into the camera. I "tsked" and said, "They're not as good as BAG."

          All hail!
          My Stories: FFdotNet
          My Stories AO3
          Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


            I would just like to ask people to stop flooding my mail and PM box asking me further information about Timothy Peterson. I know you can't find it at the IMDB site. He's an actor I made up. Also the 50s are not really my childhood. So to that guy who mailed me to talk about how Grace Kelly was part of all his phantasm when he was young. I just can't relate to you. And please stop sending me photoshop pics of her.

            Sorry, for the interruption.
            Currently watching: Dark Matter, 12 Monkeys, Doctor Who, Under the Dome, The Mentalist, The Messengers, The Last Ship, Elementary, Dominion, The Whispers, Extant, Olympus, Da Vinci's Demons, Vikings


              Originally posted by B.A.G. View Post
              John Noble was awesome!! It was my pleasure and honor to watch him work!! His acting was very smooth and natural, and he is very professional and nice. Not too much fooling around, he was just very concentrated and into his role.

              Most of us wanted to react more to what Mr. Noble was doing, but we were told not to . The reason being, that we are all top scientists in our own fields, but Mr. Noble's character is the best of the best, therefore, we were all in awe of him. He could be completely naked and we wouldn't care, because he is like god to us.

              Also, about half of the people sitting in the room were not actors or background performers. They were journalist visiting from Toronto, and they were given the chance to be in the show.

              Did anybody noticed I was taking notes in my notebook? Ha!! Ha!!
              Awesome clip!! I can't believe it, BAG on Fringe! The mind reels with the possibilities! And with the note taking!! Yay, can't wait to see this ep!


                You were awesome in that scene, and it made the scene that much better because you all did a great job of playing straight while Noble was going over the top!! Very funny scene!


                  Originally posted by mamasue9 View Post
                  It looks like he's reacting to something written on the back of your head...
                  Those are some eyes that guy has, and BAG is right you can tell that at the end of the massage Eyes Lab Coat guy was starting to lose it! BAG is excellence personified in the scene, great job!


                    Originally posted by B.A.G. View Post
                    No it is not, SGU is!!! Look into my eyes, your eyelids are getting heavy......, SGU is your favorite show right now.
          ! Wow, the BAG-hipnotism works!!


                      Originally posted by Krisz View Post
                      That’s a great idea. I think you should walk onto the stage with a chair and a microphone as if you are one of the ‘helpers’ setting up the stage, a test for the true believers, for you shall be revealed only to them. It will show everyone just how good a background person you are! LOL!

                      And B.A.G speaketh from the top of Mount Grouse in the land of the Vancouverites, he gave us the notepad of wisdom, the briefcase of mystery and asks that we believe. At this the true believers danced the river-disco B.A.Glet dance with joyful abandon.
                      Pressing ones palms to images of B.A.G immediately spreads joy throughout the limbs and is a cure for the Moody Blues, Vertigo and the Hippie Hippie Shakes.


                        Originally posted by Commander Zelix View Post
                        I would just like to ask people to stop flooding my mail and PM box asking me further information about Timothy Peterson. I know you can't find it at the IMDB site. He's an actor I made up. Also the 50s are not really my childhood. So to that guy who mailed me to talk about how Grace Kelly was part of all his phantasm when he was young. I just can't relate to you. And please stop sending me photoshop pics of her.

                        Sorry, for the interruption.
                        You are killing me Commander Zelix!! I am laughing so hard, my Peterson just fell off!!!!


                          Originally posted by B.A.G. View Post
                          You are killing me Commander Zelix!! I am laughing so hard, my Peterson just fell off!!!!
                          Oh, my. I really hope that your Peterson wasn't something that you couldn't stand losing!

                          But on that note, should the "Peterson" now be an award given to the best background performers? Like the Heisman?

                          What would that award look like? A briefcase and a newspaper?
                          My Stories: FFdotNet
                          My Stories AO3
                          Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                            Originally posted by Coffy View Post
                  ! Wow, the BAG-hipnotism works!!
                            I am not bias, but SGU season 1 was good, and SGU season 2 is fantastic!!!!!!! One, two, three, wake up!!!!!!!


                              Originally posted by Coffy View Post
                              Those are some eyes that guy has, and BAG is right you can tell that at the end of the massage Eyes Lab Coat guy was starting to lose it! BAG is excellence personified in the scene, great job!
                              The massage guy was loosing it, and in my mind I am saying "Don't do it man, don't do it, 5 takes is enough!!!!", ha!! Ha!!


                                Originally posted by Coffy View Post
                                You were awesome in that scene, and it made the scene that much better because you all did a great job of playing straight while Noble was going over the top!! Very funny scene!
                                Thanks Coffy!!!! I was just doing my job!!!

