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Motives of the Blues (Speculation Thread)

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    Motives of the Blues (Speculation Thread)

    I don't know if a similar thread has been posted yet (and I don't feel like digging through all of them at this time) but what do you think the motives of the "Blues," for lack of a better word, are? Here are my guesses

    1. There is a religious element, similar to the Covenant from the Halo trilogy. They found some really old object and possibly think its a relic from their gods or something, and now here come these aliens that are polluting it.

    2. They know about the Stargates, possibly having taken one of the seeder ships. But since it seems there are no DHDs, they can't control them, or even know what addresses they can dial, and they believe that Destiny would help them gain access to the gate network.

    Your thoughts?

    the smurfs want destiny it's far more advanced then anything they got.!/Solar_wind84


      Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem View Post
      the smurfs want destiny it's far more advanced then anything they got.
      That is yet to be provem. Its more of where Destiny has been
      Originally posted by aretood2
      Jelgate is right


        Originally posted by jelgate View Post
        Its more of where Destiny has been

        I think the 'Blues' are after knowledge and the secrets that Destiny has about the Universe.


          "What they really want is Destiny" - Dr. Rush
          "Its become like an obsession for them" - Dr. Rush

          I think its safe to assume they want Destiny, its gate addresses, the gates kawoosh, Dr. Rushs accent, all that advanced tech, to bang Chloe and TJ and have Scott flirt with them..

          Basically the same reasons everyone on this forum also wants to be aboard Destiny
          I dunno what to put in here now..


            Originally posted by Puddle-Jumper View Post
            I think its safe to assume they want Destiny, its gate addresses, the gates kawoosh, Dr. Rushs accent, all that advanced tech, to bang Chloe and TJ and have Scott flirt with them..
            After reading this i can't understand what the point of any further discussion on the topic could provide. This clearly answers jsonitsac's query.
            Last edited by B O Y S C O U T; 11 April 2010, 08:35 PM.


              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
              That is yet to be provem. Its more of where Destiny has been
              I'm sure that's a factor too, but we do sort of know that Destiny's Shields are far more advanced than what the Smurfs got. I'm guessing weapons as well, as Destiny managed to do some major damage to the sieging ship while running at fraction of total capacity. So it does seem that they would really want the tech.
              MWG Gate Network Simulation

              Looks familiar?


                Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                Its more of where Destiny has been
                If I wanted to go on Destiny Id be more worried about where Lt. Scott had been... OHH!
                I dunno what to put in here now..


                  Rush said Destiny is like an obsession to them. He also referred to them not only tracking it for a long time, but trying to attack and get through Destiny's defenses. This now explains the multiple hull breaches around the ship.
                  The Tau'ri got advanced technology through exploration, alliances, luck, and gifts. So one would assume if we're interested in Destiny's technology, others would be too. A three way tango, Tau'ri, Lucian Alliance, Smurfs.


                    Without overtly spoiling anything about the Blues' motivation, let me just say that the "Previously on SGU" segments are rather informative when you think about why certain scenes made the montage...
                    Forum insight in 1 click!


                      I would surmise, based on Rush's comments and other information that they are/were after the knowledge Destiny contains and possibly wanted access to the network of stargates being created.


                        Originally posted by Puddle-Jumper View Post
                        "What they really want is Destiny" - Dr. Rush
                        "Its become like an obsession for them" - Dr. Rush

                        I think its safe to assume they want Destiny, its gate addresses, the gates kawoosh, Dr. Rushs accent, all that advanced tech, to bang Chloe and TJ and have Scott flirt with them..

                        Basically the same reasons everyone on this forum also wants to be aboard Destiny
                        The smurf´s and Rush have a lot in common!


                          Maybe they are so obsessed with it as it IS to them something religious like the OP mentioned.


                            i would think of a theory about the aliens but that would mean actually showing enthusiasm for sgu as a whole.
                            R.I.P Stargate 1994-2009


                              Originally posted by Puddle-Jumper View Post
                              If I wanted to go on Destiny Id be more worried about where Lt. Scott had been... OHH!
                              Good point...
                              he did have a kid with a stripper right?

                              On the other hand...Chloe and TJ...hmm hard to be concerned about where Scott has been now
                              Originally posted by dacooker
                              The ships named Destiny for a reason....three years my friend, three years....

