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Why no greenhouse or hydroponic farms?

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    Why no greenhouse or hydroponic farms?

    So we've been getting suggestions the ship almost has an infinite power supply. Why not start farming?
    because it would take weeks?...almost 2 months might have passed last count so its not as if they don't have time on their hands

    Need Materials, grow them. branch from a tree, bamboos, all can be used to build stretchers, splints, rope ladders etc

    Run out of perfume, tea, spices, painkillers have some natural herbalist to start growing all that stuff
    Toothpaste...ok maybe that's too much, I don't think you can grow that one, hence why some of those vegan hippie people have teeth like Austin Powers

    Ok this one is going to sound insensitive, got a dead person. Bury them on the ship = fuel, fertilizer

    Air = No need for fancy chemistry labs, a lot of that could have been solved with plants, they remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere give you back O2

    Food = handful of seeds, some dirt, water and a UV lamp hooked up to the Destiny's power supplies
    Let it be known for all times there were once two planets in this system. The planet Lister made great television shows. The planet Liber made crap
    They had to fake the ratings
    They had to fake the ratings.
    Let it be known for all times there were once...

    JM's blog mentioned a hydroponics room, so I guess it'll come up.
    ~ When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take back the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! WITH THE LEMONS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN! ~

    ~ Burning people! He says what we're all thinking! ~


      there is a hydroponics lab.

      soon the first fruit will be ready, JM revealled


        Originally posted by Kick-Kinsey View Post
        So we've been getting suggestions the ship almost has an infinite power supply. Why not start farming?
        because it would take weeks?...almost 2 months might have passed last count so its not as if they don't have time on their hands

        Need Materials, grow them. branch from a tree, bamboos, all can be used to build stretchers, splints, rope ladders etc

        Run out of perfume, tea, spices, painkillers have some natural herbalist to start growing all that stuff
        Toothpaste...ok maybe that's too much, I don't think you can grow that one, hence why some of those vegan hippie people have teeth like Austin Powers

        Ok this one is going to sound insensitive, got a dead person. Bury them on the ship = fuel, fertilizer

        Air = No need for fancy chemistry labs, a lot of that could have been solved with plants, they remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere give you back O2

        Food = handful of seeds, some dirt, water and a UV lamp hooked up to the Destiny's power supplies
        I'm not sure how much time has passed exactly. From the premiere all the way to the end of "Light" was a very short period of time, a matter of 2-4 days. After that, with "Water" and "Earth" the timeframe gets quite a bit more fuzzy.

        At the premiere, Volker mentioned to Riley that they do indeed have seeds. I'm not sure when they'll start doing something with that though. In "Time"...

        I saw pictures of Volker and the others collecting what appeared to be fruits, vegetables, and seeds so they're definitely getting stuff for hydroponics.

        I think we'll likely start getting talk of growing their own food soon, likely the next 2-3 episodes.


          in Water scott makes some comment about 'tried to kill yourself three times in as many weeks'

          honestly? it will happen. but devoting the resources to hydroponics - especially when they're still rationing water - is something that's a 'ok, we won't be going home anytime soon' point. and i don't think they're there yet.

          that'll be a realization for them, our rations are running out, we have no idea when we're going home, so let's settle down to survive here
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Humans beings need meat, eggs, or dairy to maintain their Vitamin B12 levels. A pure vegan diet isn't going to work in the long term without using carbofermentation and I doubt the Ancients have set up facilities for carbofermentation.

            Oh and even if they do get access to a protein source, they better hope that protein source has the same chirality as the protein sources on earth.


              They can supplement the fruits and vegetables for much needed carbs, and nutrients, with the supplements they do have. That flour looking stuff is probably very healthy (and therefore tastes bad ) and can give them the nutrients they are missing in the diet. Really what they need is a good protein or fat source, so they might want to look into some way of providing that, but the cost to produce them may be too much.


                Originally posted by DetriusXii View Post
                Humans beings need meat, eggs, or dairy to maintain their Vitamin B12 levels. A pure vegan diet isn't going to work in the long term without using carbofermentation and I doubt the Ancients have set up facilities for carbofermentation.
                It need years to to use up your B12 reserves
                the only thing is they should also eat is pulse for the protein


                  a pure vegetarian diet works. why do you think Soy is so popular? it contains all the proteins we need from meat.


                    I would expect a farm to be on destiny but they havent found it yet. I mean unless the ancients have some pretty cool vending machines
                    "I was just looking at the sky, Trying to figure out how many stars we'd actually been to."


                      Well arguably, they are not likely to find a herd of cows roaming some of the other 80% of the ship so the arguments (pro/con) of a meat-free diet probably isn't too much an issue. If they have resources to grow plants, may as well
                      If you're wondering how he eats & breathes, and other science facts...(la! la! la!)
                      Then repeat to yourself its just a show, I should really just relax.

                      I own "Future War"..I can put up with a lot

                      sigpic - Black Belt Test 10/24/2009 -


                        The Wraith have a proverb about this:
                        "It will take time."
                        "Most people who are watching TV are semi-catatonic. They're not fully alive." - U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Batten Sr.
                        Ronald Greer is also a medic. Your argument is invalid.
                        Originally posted by J-Whitt Remastered
                        Secondly, I think that everything DigiFluid is good.
                        Sandcastle Builder: The game of XKCD: Time


                          Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                          a pure vegetarian diet works. why do you think Soy is so popular? it contains all the proteins we need from meat.
                          Soy doesn't work so well as a source for Vitamin B12. Vegans have been known to become anemic after 5 years or so as they become low in B12. Vitamin B12 is necessary for human thought processing and it's not found naturally in vegetable sources.


                            I used to be a fat veggie, the stuff about B12 is right actually, although generally veggies/vegans don't have the defincies that urban legend would have you believe.

                            Now I'm a fat omnivore
                            Mongoletsi is bigger than hip...hop...


                              More then anything vegeterians have problems certain amino acid groups. I never heard vegeterians deprieved of Vitamin B12. While it is primarly in meat it has other soucres as well. I guess as always it depends what vegeterians. I can see vegans having problems though
                              Originally posted by aretood2
                              Jelgate is right

