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What's your opinion now about SGU ?

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    "This ship could be the most important discovery since the Stargate itself!!!!"
    So important that the majority of the show concentrates on the background and personal lives of the characters week in week out...


      Originally posted by Avenger View Post
      The character building is not ending on this show. It's a character driven show in which the character development will be continuous.

      You say a SG show doesn't need to be SG-1 or Atlantis in one sentence then say Universe isn't SG because it doesn't meet your expectations. - It would meet my expectations if it was about Stargate - and I really dont see how you can say that it really is

      When you say" "Whats the point to a SiFi show that is not SiFi and has no action ???" you lose all credibility and show your ignorance.. Science fiction isn't always about action. In fact, it never was all about action.Ok Agreed - SiFi does not necessarily need to be action action action, but please explain to me how nearly every show, which concentrates on the personal lives of the characters and their families on Earth can be classed as SiFi ? - By that definition you can class any show as SiFi then, because we have seen precious little of it so far, be it action or otherwise This statement further shows that you did, in fact, want Universe to be a rehash of SG-1 and Atlantis.
      At no point do I say that I think it should be a reincarnation of SG-1 and/or Atlantis - In fact I stated that the initial idea of Universe is in fact a great idea that has endless possibilities, but so far we have seen very little of them
      <Snippd by Moderator>
      Last edited by Bagpuss; 04 December 2009, 10:05 PM.


        So far i've been really disappointed in the SGU. Which is sad since I was really hoping it'd do well so MGM would shell out the cash for the SGA movie and maybe other sg1 movies. All in all, I really feel they would've done much better to just go with another season or two of SGA and been done with it. Other thoughts on SGU below n.n;;

        1) I miss the opening theme/credits like SG1 and SGA had.

        2) I just feel like the writers focused way too much on getting them on the ship, and not enough on the how, and what they'd really do once they were aboard. And it just all makes the show feel alittle too forced.

        3) way too many flashbacks, its abit distracting.

        4) If they really were all that determined to hack into the computer and turn the ship around, why havent they just used the stones to drag Jackson, Carter, Mckay, or Zelenka in since they have more experience with ancient tech.

        5) The ship doesnt seem all that "Ancient" like. I mean, Atlantis survived forever under the ocean, there was that ship floating uninhabited due to radiation in the middle of space, etc. not to mention being in hostile space, then compare their shape to Destiny. Just seems alittle too rickety to be built by the ancients. To top it off the ship draws power from flying into stars to repower.... so why didnt the shields protect the ship better than it did?


          Watching Justice has confirmed for me the awesomeness ofSGU. Bring on the Blu-Ray!
          "Most people who are watching TV are semi-catatonic. They're not fully alive." - U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Batten Sr.
          Ronald Greer is also a medic. Your argument is invalid.
          Originally posted by J-Whitt Remastered
          Secondly, I think that everything DigiFluid is good.
          Sandcastle Builder: The game of XKCD: Time


            Originally posted by abstractrobbie View Post
            At no point do I say that I think it should be a reincarnation of SG-1 and/or Atlantis - In fact I stated that the initial idea of Universe is in fact a great idea that has endless possibilities, but so far we have seen very little of them
            You never said it specifically, but your comment about action being a necessary part of science fiction is very telling about what your expectations are.
            I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.


              Originally posted by abstractrobbie View Post
              Stargate is far from that and the initial idea for Universe is so promising it almost hurts.
              Its our luck, the Destiny crew seem to be stuck in the most boring and lifeless region of space in all Stargate series.
              Currently watching: Dark Matter, 12 Monkeys, Doctor Who, Under the Dome, The Mentalist, The Messengers, The Last Ship, Elementary, Dominion, The Whispers, Extant, Olympus, Da Vinci's Demons, Vikings


                Originally posted by Commander Zelix View Post
                Its our luck, the Destiny crew seem to be stuck in the most boring and lifeless region of space in all Stargate series.
                that's how the universe should look. Dark, empty place and if there are any aliens, they're too far away or don't care about a small group of humans, definitely not a place full of joy and planets packed with a humans waiting for SG to be rescued from some idiotic enemy.
                Stolen Kosovo


                  First post here...

                  My opinion of SGU? As someone whose watched this franchise since the start, all I can ask is "what direction is this mess of a show going?"

                  SGU's first and biggest problem is it has no idea what it wants to be. It's the third iteration of Stargate, one of the larger Sci Fi franchises. It's called "Stargate Universe" for cripes sake. It takes place on an ancient alien ship millions of light years away. It's skeleton, if you will, very much is sci-fi space opera.

                  But that's the problem. While the show's skeleton may be that, aside from the occasional fan service or plot point, it spends the vast majority of its time investigating plot points about the personal lives of the crew that either aren't terribly interesting or completely contrived.

                  The thing that really gets me about SGU though is that it seems like the show is just perpetuating itself week after week, and isn't building or going anywhere. Sure they unlock a few Ancient Gizmos (such as the chair, relegated to the B-plot whereas once it would have been the A plot of a show). But it seems seasons of character development have already been explored. We've had semi-mutinous expedition members. We've had love triangles. Heck, in Air I thought that Scott and Chloe would eventually end up in the sack together... maybe sometime late in season 2 after much build up and tension. Much to my surprise they're already there by Episode 4 or 5?

                  To me its a shame that the parts of SGU that are most exciting to me isn't getting to know the sordid details of some main character's past or some human emotion moment, but its to see RDA or some other special guest star do their thing.

                  Maybe there is some master plan to all this that hasn't been fleshed out yet, but we're already at mid season and I rather doubt it. With simple, flat sets that feel like stages for Actors at a play, lightspeed and overdone character development, and episodes that just don't matter at all, it's hard to say what I'm watching, but it isn't Stargate, and it isn't entertaining.

                  Gero or someone else called Universe an "independent entity" and not a spin-off like Atlantis. Maybe they should rethink the fundamental value of that course. I watched the first 4 episodes of SG-1's 9th season last night on Hulu. It was blast. I walked away satisfied. I could have easily watched the 3 episodes of SGU up on it, but I didn't feel like watching an over emotive show of little consequence. Things used to happen on Stargate. They'd get technology, then they'd improve it, and a few years later they'd perfect it. Now, it's episode after episode of stone-allowed mind-swapping field trips back to Earth. The episode ends and nothing is gained or the story of SGU moved foward.

                  I'll keep watching so the franchise perpetuates itself, but that's it. The franchise is very far from "ruined forever" or any other hysterical response, but on the balance this show is in serious trouble.


                    The plot so far...I like this new twist with Rush. If Rush becomes even just a temporary villain I will definitely keep watching just to see his redemption. Not that Young doesn't have much to redeem himself of.

                    Finally something happened. The plot if finally starting to move a little since the end of Earth, and that only moved the plot a little to begin with.

                    I think it was Cooper who promised great action and old Stargate stuff in the latter half of the season, I wish to see that take place. So I am pleased to say that I will be watching the second half of the season.

                    However, I still regret not watching the Final for Monk. I would have prefered to see who killed Trudy. But it's not that much of a regret.

                    I am in agreement with strifeex on how it dives into the personal lives of the characters a little too much. But I hope there is a reward for this in the second half of the season.
                    By Nolamom


                      Justice! Yes!

                      That's what I'm talkin' 'bout!

                      Best episode of the show so far. Can't wait for next week and that's the first time I've said that about SGU.
                      "You cannot reason with your own heart;
                      it has it's own laws and beats about things
                      which the intellect scorns."
                      - Mark Twain -


                        Originally posted by Sela View Post
                        Justice! Yes!

                        That's what I'm talkin' 'bout!

                        Best episode of the show so far. Can't wait for next week and that's the first time I've said that about SGU.
                        Isn't it kind of ironic that you will have to wait many weeks?
                        Originally posted by aretood2
                        Jelgate is right


                          Originally posted by Sela View Post
                          Justice! Yes!

                          That's what I'm talkin' 'bout!

                          Best episode of the show so far. Can't wait for next week and that's the first time I've said that about SGU.
                          Next week?


                            Now that the season mid-parter has passed, I have a clearer picture to examine. So... I examine.

                            I'm highly disappointed with the way they are portraying premarital sex (and that they are actually showing it onscreen), I still have my issues with a few of the characters, and I'm not too keen on the lack of exploration of technology/planets compared to the surge of exploration with the characters.

                            Also, I wish that The Powers that Be would give us at least one so called 'hero', doesn't have to be perfect, but at least someone worth admiring. To quote part of a post I made earlier;

                            "That is true story telling, in my humble opinion. Folks who, yes, they have flaws, they've got their problems, but it doesn't stop them. Folks who can be trampled on, torn apart, yet still rise out of the mire. To quote Lt. Scott (of all people), 'You go on through.' They don't have to be 'square-jawed, perfect heroes', to paraphrase fandom, but (for me) to enjoy the show, these characters must have something admirable. What is story-telling, if not an outlet for creating something to be sought after? If I, if we, desire to watch flawed people who revel in said flaws, there is more than enough of that going on in the real world.

                            This is not to say that the characters must, by default, all react with grace and understanding. I enjoy watching the occasional meltdown, or gasping in horror as someone looses it and incites chaos. However, if I am to continue to watch and enjoy this show, I want—no, need—to have someone to be a light in the midst of all the darkness. After all, if everyone is emotionally unstable, then emotionally unstable becomes normal, and then everyone is normal. There are real people in situations similar to the one the crew of the Destiny faces, and some do come out of it for the better."

                            Ahem. But moving on,

                            I do see great potential for the characters. Eli, for example, seems to climb multiple ranks every episode. In fact, I'd say I already prefer him to Teyla (to compare to a main character from a previous show). I'm also enjoying TJ, who, while she has her flaws, is still competent, respectful, and compassionate. Greer continues to grow, Chloe finally had justice in Justice (I actually liked her), Scott's getting there...

                            The whole Rush/Young conflict is... interesting, to say the least. After the last episode, Rush's crossed the line so many times I'm having trouble finding the line any more... and Young, while I can kinda understand his anger, shouldn't have handled it the way he did, not at that place, not at that time. I look forward to how/when Rush will return; the face off should be interesting.

                            Finally, the Destiny itself. Lovin' the new (I guess you could say 'old') gate, the graphics are gorgeous, and I think there's a lot of plot to be played with. So, judging by what has been seen (and what has yet to be seen), I would say that my current opinion of SGU is... that there is hope.

                            DISCLAIMER: All thoughts, opinions, and theories made in the following post are precisely that: thoughts, opinions, and theories. Carter1994 does not, in any way, assume to represent the majority of fan opinion, nor attempt to speak for anyone but herself. No offense or disrespect is intended towards any fan, writer, producer, director, actor, character, etc. These are all merely opinions of one (hopefully) thought-provoking fan.
                            Last edited by Carter1994; 05 December 2009, 10:36 AM.


                              Seeing as i stopped watching after "Time" i'm actually a bit curious as to where teh show has gone since then...

                              But not curious enough to actually want to sit and watch the show though.

                              So can someone do me a solid and summarise the plot advances between Time and Justice?

                              Please and thank you.
                              Originally posted by Apostle's Message Redux
                              Shepard understood. Given the situation, he wasn't sure that exposing the planet to this kind of secret was smart. Miranda had regaled him with stories of how horrible 20th century Earth sounded in her history lessons and it made him leery. "I agree, god knows what would happen if Grunt got loose."

                              Joker snorted and muttered loudly. "Run! It's The Incredible Hulk! Kill it with fire!"
                              Read the story ---- Apostle's Message Redux, ME/SG Crossover


                                Originally posted by Aragon101 View Post
                                Seeing as i stopped watching after "Time" i'm actually a bit curious as to where teh show has gone since then...

                                But not curious enough to actually want to sit and watch the show though.

                                So can someone do me a solid and summarise the plot advances between Time and Justice?

                                Please and thank you.
                                This was a day in the life kind of episode. Most of the things here wasn't important to the overall plot.
                                It had a lot character development for Camile which was good, but that's not very important right now.
                                The most important thing was that they found a chair which is the precursor to the ancient repository technology. Rush wants someone to use, but he doesn't want to it himself, but Young says that no one can use it because it's to dangerous.

                                Greer finds Spencer dead in his quarters due to a gunshot wound. The gun is missing so Scott and couple of other with alibis starts a search of the ship. Eventually the gun is found in Colonel Youngs quarters and he cedes command of the ship to Wray. Wray gives Rush complete control of the scientific personell and they start researching the chair from the previous episode. For some reason Franklin uses the chair without Rush's permission and ends up in a catatonic state as a result of it. Eli discovers that someone had deleted Kino footage from the time of the murder. However he had a backup and the footage shows Spencer killing himself due to depression caused of withdrawl from his sleeping pills. The rest of the footage was apparently unsalvageable. Destiny drops out of FTL and dials up the gate to a planet. Two scientists, together with Lt. James and a Marine goes to the planet where they find a crashed alin ship. Colonel Young and Dr. Rush goes to the planet after the discovery has been made. Once there Young orders the original team to go back to the Destiny because there's little time left while he and Rush remains to try and open a hatch on the alien ship. However Young revals that the rest of the footage wasn't corrupted and it showed Rush discovering Spencer's dead body and removing the gun for his quarters, presumably to plant it in Young quarters. Rush and Young gets into a fist fight which ends up with Rush being unconscious while Young goes back to the Destiny where he lies and tells everyone that there was a rock-slide and he wasn't able to save Rush. Later it is revealed that only he and Eli knows that it was Rush who planted the gun. The episode ends with Rush waking up alone on the alian planet in the middle of the night as the Destiny is a back in FTL and out of range.
                                Last edited by EvilSpaceAlien; 05 December 2009, 11:47 AM.

