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SGU Characters: A Second Look

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    SGU Characters: A Second Look

    Now that we have a better look on the characters, anyone think Matt Scout is some hot stud football player who wont be liked (in fact, I think he's going to be one character everyone will root for)? Or Eli is going to be a spoiled, good for nothing McKay? I think getting into the characters mind is the job of the actor, and I think they gave a better desciption of the characters -- and generally what they think of the character/show -- and I really thing Rush is going to be a mind full. He's going to be the reason many people keep watching the show -- what is he going to do next?

    So what do you think? Who do you like? Who don't you like? Your opinion change BECAUSE of these videos?

    i think i'll like them all.

    my opinion hasnt changed.


      From what I see, Scott looks to be my favorite. He seems to be the one with the least problems and agendas. He's just trying to do his job and keep everyone alive.
      These are the wrong people... in the wrong place.


        Good idea for a thread.

        When the initial breakdowns were released, I was a little weary of them but still tried to remain optmistic, and I'm glad it paid off. The videos made me like them a lot more, especially seeing the actors, how they describe the characters, and how they carry themselves as people (the actors, not the characters).

        Rush wasn't in the breakdowns so I had no opinion of him at the beginning. When he was revealed, I was intrigued, and now I'm ecstatic because I see a bit of myself in him, the desire to go out there and explore the Universe without any hinderances from home. That wish to get away from it all; I can definitely relate to that. The hints that there may be even more under the surface is definitely sucking me into the show. Also, Robert Carlyle seems pretty damn cool.

        I didn't think much of Scott with his character breakdown. In fact, he read like he was gonna be a little boring; your stereotypical newbie soldier thrust into a leadership position before he's ready. However, with the casting of Brian J. Smith, who is this down-home, good-natured, and extremely-talented young actor, my hopes for an interesting character definitely increased. The writers keep saying how great he is, and how enthusiastic he is with the material given to him, and I like that a lot. Basically, I like how he seems very laid-back, and if translated to the character, then it could definitely be someone worth rooting for. For me, I am more sympathetic towards those who are playing down their fears and neuroses in order to put up a brave front so they don't upset other people (but inside, they're scared ****less); a commendable quality that I think and hope Scotty will espouse.

        Eli came off as a McKay clone in the character breakdowns, simple as that. Now, I love McKay, so the only problem I had was the unoriginality of it; if it was a choice between Mckay and something new that was similar to McKay, then I'd take the latter. The videos with David Blue were just great. I like how knowledgable he is of both us fans and the Stargate universe; he knows that he could be compared to McKay so he takes the effort to say why he's not McKay; in his explanations I again see a bit of myself; that fear of failure stopping you from doing anything that is remotely outside your comfort zone, thereby closing many of life's opportunities. I think I can relate to him most of all; the fact that he's also the "fish out of water" character upped the ante even more, and his remark about Captain Picard, a fantasy I've played out before, was just the icing on the cake. So yeah, I think he may become my favorite character.

        I raised an eyebrow at Chloe's character breakdown, and was already hearing the fans' complaints before logging onto the forums that day; still, after thinking about it for a few hours I realized that she is 1). something new and 2). something with great potential, so I started liking her character. The videos with Elyse Levesque furthered my affection for her; the actress seems like a sharp one. She said something which caught my attention, "[Chloe wants] to give back, because she's been given so much"; that's intriguing and shows that Chloe is at heart a good person and that she is aware of her actions; she knows, despite her upbringing that she is indeed spoiled and that that's ultimately not a particularly good thing; most spoiled airheads you see on TV doesn't understand that (at least, from my POV). Definitely looking forward to where her character goes.

        Telford never got much press, but it's freaking Lou Diamond Philips so, no problems there.

        I'd say both TJ and Young were the "least offensive" of the character breakdowns, in that they were more similar to past Stargate personalities. My opinions of them didn't really change much with the videos; in fact, I'd say that I don't have much of an opinion towards them in the first place. However, I will say that I'm more intrigued with Young's character after learning that he'll be an "enemy" of Rush.

        I didn't know what to make of Greer at the beginning. The nickname "Psycho" didn't help; I felt he may have crossed the line into caricature in TPTB's attempt to make interesting, off-kilter characters. The video calmed my fear a bit thanks to Jamil Walker Smith saying that, despite the apparent dangerousness of the character, Greer understands that he is a member of a team, and that military professionalism overrides any dark past he may have in times of duty; that gave me hope that he won't be the 1D, "don't cross this guy" kind of character; still, he is by far the most mysterious one; I'm going to keep an eye on him and see how they balance this mysterious dark past with a military professional. Plus, Jamil seems like a very thoughtful, and at times animated person; he seems to choose his words very carefully. Again, it all adds to the mystery.

        Finally, we have Camile Wray. From JM's initial descriptions I knew I was going to like her very much; I always like a bit of attitude in my character, and it seems like she has it in spades. Plus, Ming-Na's playing her and you really can't go wrong there. So yeah, again, no problems.


          Rush seems to Have his own agenda which makes him a favorite hateable but likeable character.
          Scott seems to be like a Jack O'Neill or John Sheppard.
          Eli from what i heard could've been a McKay or Daniel Jackson if he applied himself
          Tamara Seems Normal
          Chloe- Spoiled little daddys girl.
          Telford-Reminds of Caldwell a little
          Young- the character breakdown said Jack O'Neill of ten years ago but i dont see it.
          Wray- Richard Woolsey meets Elizabeth Weir and is gay.
          Greer- Seems to have issues of his own.


            They seem ok......I can say Greer doesn't seem as nuts as I originally pictured and Telford seems like Ellis, O'neill and caldwell combined apart from that my opinion hasn't changed


              well though greer at first screamed Teal'c or Ronon, well when we're talking stereotypes hes a ronon with the professionality of O'neill. hes a millitary guy and does millitary stuff, but the keys here are: he wants to be able to trust people, and he's concerned over half the people he's with cant handle a gun and cant help in trouble. hes trying to survive and he's finding out who he needs to survive. i like that. not blunt, rather refined. a bodyguard type, not a warrior.

              telford sounds funny. i am extremely intrigued by the fact that one member of the "main team" is not on the ship at all. he sounds good.

              rush sounds plain evil and the Young-Rush "war" seems by far the most interesting. i mean, they are opposites. i love it. Rush is an evil guy within the ranks that in the end wants to do what we all want to do.

              Young, as i said his "war" with Rush sounds cool. he sounds cool too.

              all just sound cool. no clones, some familliar formulas are there, but they are refreshed.


                After watching all the videos MGM made avaliable, took a while to do mind you, and I watched some more than once to get the background scenes while they were talking, three things came to mind. I saw lots of M4 carbine and G36s, but few P90s in the scenes. I hope this means that they are just holding out on us seeing it, since it has pretty much made itself standard for Stargate.

                two: I like the characters a lot more. Not their backgrounds, I feel the same with that, but how the actors are going about being these characters. I feel Scott will become a shep/ o'neil mix, only becasue he is like the "new guy" in a leadership job, but I see him having lots of emotional stress and such to deal with, and if this is indeed a character driven show (as they say it will be) then that will be a very good blend. Rush and the IOA lady (I seem to forget her characters name) seem to be the two who have the most to hide and will never ever be fully revealed, like, they could be bad guys/ good guys, people who do whatever it takes. The rest, I will wait for the show for final judgement, but I will say the Greer seems less crazy. I see him as a ford/ lorne/ reynolds mix. And I LOVE that. HE may very well become my favorite on the show.

                three: I know everyone says that this is going to be mre like BSG than SG-1/ SGA. BUt what was said in the scott interview was good. Fans want to see their show evolve, because a show that can go through a metamorphosis like SG is doing proves that they can stand the test of time and are flexible. What he said about SGA being too similar to SG-1 in characters and general plot is part of the reason I feel SGA, not failed, but was stunted development wise. I think SGU will have many years of good, solid television, and it may not be for everyone, but those of us who are open minded will enjoy the ride.

                Check out my music on Youtube and




                  Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                  She said something which caught my attention, "[Chloe wants] to give back, because she's been given so much"; that's intriguing and shows that Chloe is at heart a good person and that she is aware of her actions; she knows, despite her upbringing that she is indeed spoiled and that that's ultimately not a particularly good thing; most spoiled airheads you see on TV doesn't understand that (at least, from my POV). Definitely looking forward to where her character goes.
                  Intriguing indeed. I can hardly wait to see how this plays out, as it sounds like the recipe for quite a unique character. I think it's going to be quite difficult for her to find ways to 'give', as she doesn't have an obvious place on the Destiny, being neither military or a scientist. She is likely to realize she's in danger of becoming an outcast if she doesn't find a way to belong and pull her weight.

                  Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                  Richard Woolsey meets Elizabeth Weir and is gay.
                  I'd appreciate if if you could rephrase this so it's not gutter-fodder. Thanks.
                  "Most people who are watching TV are semi-catatonic. They're not fully alive." - U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Batten Sr.
                  Ronald Greer is also a medic. Your argument is invalid.
                  Originally posted by J-Whitt Remastered
                  Secondly, I think that everything DigiFluid is good.
                  Sandcastle Builder: The game of XKCD: Time

