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reaction to sgu compared to 49er qbs(yes thats right)

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    reaction to sgu compared to 49er qbs(yes thats right)

    so i live in the bay area and iv been a niner fan my whole life and something just came to me.some atlantis fans dont like the idea of sgu because its replacing their favorite just reminds me of when Montana(sg1) and Young(sga) were on the niners together.they both had their share of fans and both had their share of people who wanted them gone.then Montana(sg1) is let go infavor of the younger guy Young(sga).the montana fans(sg1) resent young(sga)for taking his place but some eventually come over and realize hes just as good.Now universe is Garcia,the guy replacing the 2 legends and fans start finding anything they can to discredit him,while most see hey hes got his upside as well but still Garcia(sgu)cant crawl out of the shadow yet he still hasnt played yet....does this make sense or do i need to share what ever the heck im smoking?

    Originally posted by kennythewraith View Post
    so i live in the bay area and iv been a niner fan my whole life and something just came to me.some atlantis fans dont like the idea of sgu because its replacing their favorite just reminds me of when Montana(sg1) and Young(sga) were on the niners together.they both had their share of fans and both had their share of people who wanted them gone.then Montana(sg1) is let go infavor of the younger guy Young(sga).the montana fans(sg1) resent young(sga)for taking his place but some eventually come over and realize hes just as good.Now universe is Garcia,the guy replacing the 2 legends and fans start finding anything they can to discredit him,while most see hey hes got his upside as well but still Garcia(sgu)cant crawl out of the shadow yet he still hasnt played yet....does this make sense or do i need to share what ever the heck im smoking?
    I get it..

    "And those who are prideful and refuse to bow down shall be laid low and made onto dust." Then Shall Fall Scifi!

    If you don't worship Metonic... your parents won't love you anymore.. well they dont now...


      it makes sense too. i absolutely love atlantis and i'm extremely upset that its gone. we should've at least gotten season 6 or more but i'm happy it ended on a high note. now I'll be watching universe because its stargate. a lot of people won't watch it because it replaced atlantis or they just don't like the characters. look just watch the pilot, then make judgments. you won't know until you actually see it. besides for all we know universe might turn out to be a huge hit show that draws in twice as many viewers
      There is nothing to be gained by second guessing yourself. You can't remake the past, so look ahead...or risk being left behind


        I get it, and I don't even know what your talking about.
        The Doctor: [leafing through a teen magazine] That won't last. He's gay and she's an alien.

        Carter: You saying that it could be boobytraped?
        Teal'C: Booby?

        May the Force Be With You


          Ditto to what the last post said. I know there are a lot of people who started watching Stargate with Atlantis, and people who like Atlantis but not SG-1. There are also people who started with Atlantis and got hooked on SG-1 as a result. I'm sure Universe will have that same crowd - there will be people who will be fans who will only like Universe, and there will be people who will be fans of both or all three shows. Its always that way when you have a franchise (gasp! I used the F word!), just like with Star Trek - there are people who like one show over another and who downright hate subsequent shows.

          I'm a hardcore DS9 fan, its my favorite series, and I don't really care for Voyager much (I enjoy it as a popcorn show but its nowhere near as goot as DS9 or TNG IMHO). But I know several people who are fans of Voyager who have never seen any of the other Star Trek series or who like Voyager the best.

          I find that my reaction to the development of Universe has been very similar to the development of the new Star Trek movie, very skeptical of the idea at first for both, but as I read more from the writers/producers/cast of both series I find that I'm looking forward to both more, yet I'm still cautiously optimistic. Ready to sit down and enjoy both the new Trek movie and Universe, but also ready to be sorely disappointed by both...yet if they both suck it won't be the end of my world, life goes on, and being the hardcore Trekkie and Stargate fan that I am I'll probably still stick with it (just like I did with Enterprise).
          That is just my two cents.


            Makes sense...Except for the whole "SGA is just as good as SG-1" part. But I get it.


              Wraith ships are giant lobsters.


                Young was only half the QB Montana was. Well according to the pun about their shirt numbers
                Mongoletsi is bigger than hip...hop...


                  Oh no! not the Jeff Garcia of stargate!


                    Wasn't Jeff Garcia run out of San Fran?


                      Originally posted by reddevil18 View Post
                      Makes sense...Except for the whole "SGA is just as good as SG-1" part. But I get it.
                      I'm going to say the same thing I tell everyone who says that, the shows were completely different animals. You're entitled to your opinion, but Atlantis was created so that the writers could do something different without fundamentally altering the SG-1 formula. The same goes for Universe. Because they're both in the same franchise they'll draw comparisons, but they served different purposes so I never compare them directly and while I think SG-1 did some things better, Atlantis did other things better.

                      I think if it hadn't been for the commercially obsessed Sci-Fi network the show could have run for at least 2 more years and it very well could have gotten better, and changed your mind.

                      Back on topic (sorry, long rant, I try to spread my open-mindedness a bit too much), I love the 49er's analogy.


                        Im lost... is the the sport with the little round ball, the big round ball or the egg shaped ball?



                          Originally posted by kymeric View Post
                          Im lost... is the the sport with the little round ball, the big round ball or the egg shaped ball?

                          I guess it would be the egg shaped ball. The original poster is talking about American football
                          Originally posted by aretood2
                          Jelgate is right


                            Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                            I guess it would be the egg shaped ball. The original poster is talking about American football
                            Similar to rugby anywhere else then right? Except we dont wear the protective gear... but its the same tho, right?
                            Islanded In A Stream Of Stars...

                            Cavil - The Artist Formerly Known As Crais



                              Well there are a few more differences but as I have played rugby before they are have many simliarities
                              Originally posted by aretood2
                              Jelgate is right

