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    A lot of times these things balance out. They probably lost fans but I bet new fans will show up when SGU airs
    Originally posted by aretood2
    Jelgate is right


      Originally posted by Buck32 View Post
      After watching the DVD extras of SGA season 4 in particular the "Save Carson Beckett" extra, one thing is clear to me The Show Runners are arrogant, after watching Martin Gero interveiwing fans outside the studio one thought came to mind. These are people who don't give a toss about the fans of their show, i mean this guy was pretty much laughing at them, so it no longer surpises me that they would cancel SGA, and pitch us some ill conceived substitute like SGU.

      Does anyone agree/disagree??
      As the person who cut this piece, I can tell you that the intention of this piece was to highlight and appreciate the intense support this show has from it's fan base and have a laugh at the same time. Would it have been better if these people weren't recognized at all? Would you feel the same way if the producers and actors stayed up in their offices and trailers and refused to see or talk to any of them?

      One of the best parts about Stargate is it's sense of humour, and for the most part that sense of humour is shared by it's fans, whether it's directed at the show itself or the millions of people who tune in.

      Seriously. They had nothing to do with the canceling of the show. They have repeatedly said they wanted a chance to do more.

      It's time to move on people.


        Originally posted by Buck32 View Post
        After watching the DVD extras of SGA season 4 in particular the "Save Carson Beckett" extra, one thing is clear to me The Show Runners are arrogant, after watching Martin Gero interveiwing fans outside the studio one thought came to mind. These are people who don't give a toss about the fans of their show, i mean this guy was pretty much laughing at them, so it no longer surpises me that they would cancel SGA, and pitch us some ill conceived substitute like SGU.

        Does anyone agree/disagree??
        Have you never found the extras to be rather tongue-in-cheek before? I often have. They mock each other all the time, they mock the set builders, the cameramen, the cast, the stuntmen... it's all in a spirit of fun.

        I think you're reading an awful lot into a very small piece. Do you really imagine that you can guage the entire set of feelings of all of TPTB towards all fans, from one short segment of one PTB's interactions with a small number of non-representative fans?

        I think it's going a little far to speak for other people like that. For instance, I could make sweeping assumptions about your personality on the basis of what you've written in a few short posts, but that would be pretty arrogant

        As to what impression TPTB receive of us fans, I hope to goodness that they know that there are quiet and stable fans out here. The problem is - and this is by no means confined to SG fandom - that the one fan who stands outside your office in order to swear at you and threaten you, is rather more memorable than the five who merely smiled and waved.

        I worry that at times they find us an ungrateful bunch. I mean, the symbiotic relationship between us and them outhg to be neutral: they make, we buy, they make more, we buy more or don't buy more, they get paid more or less... and so on. No one owes anyone else anything; we buy, they sell, we can chose not to buy, they can chose to stop making and selling. And yet if they do chose to stop making, a worrying number of people screech at them. And if they make stuff 'wrong', a worrying number of people can't accept that it's not a fan's place to screech 'clearly your decision to do something I dislike means that you have no respect for me or any other fan!' until the writers recant.

        I've no problem with fan campaigns, but this sort of abuse of PTB, accusing them of not respecting fans "because they're making a show which does not conform exactly to everything I liked about SG1 and SGA plus all that I wanted SG1 and SGA to be SGU" strikes me as... arrogant.



          Originally posted by editorguy View Post
          As the person who cut this piece, I can tell you that the intention of this piece was to highlight and appreciate the intense support this show has from it's fan base and have a laugh at the same time. Would it have been better if these people weren't recognized at all? Would you feel the same way if the producers and actors stayed up in their offices and trailers and refused to see or talk to any of them?

          One of the best parts about Stargate is it's sense of humour, and for the most part that sense of humour is shared by it's fans, whether it's directed at the show itself or the millions of people who tune in.

          Seriously. They had nothing to do with the canceling of the show. They have repeatedly said they wanted a chance to do more.

          It's time to move on people.

          And id like to say it was a good tribute to the fans. They were very nice to Mr Gero and he was friendly and playful. Plus they got to see themselves on a stargate dvd, wut fan would love that!


            Originally posted by stargatefan234 View Post
            Yes, they give so little of a toss (Are You In The UK?) that they brought Carson Back
            Like FH said -- it was the free advertisement. That's all. Though, as much as they deny it, I don't truly believe a) they weren't in on the original descision, b) they really want him back that much. Oh, and that his reasons for removal extend beyond the whole "shaking things up". (As which, we have learned is a codeword for bullsh*t.)

            I'm not even gonna get into Weir.

            Originally posted by kymeric View Post
            Not to be rude but they prolly dont even know you exist.
            They know I exist. I am one of those "shrill and ill-informed lemmings" they speak of.


              Originally posted by jenks View Post
              If one thing is for sure, you can always count on Martin Gero to be deadly serious and 100% genuine in everything he says when he appears in special features... wait...
              yep, he takes things as seriously as they should be taken!


                Arrogant eh?.........


                  It's a mix of both. first and formost they want the casual watcher to get into the show...they are the ones that pay the bills. NOT the core fandom.

                  However, they also try to ride the line and keep the core fandom as happy as they can...because they know if the core is happy...then word of mouth will spread to other casual watchers and bring in more ratings. We are a means to an end.
                  It feels good to be alive.
                  Cause i've been dead for so long.

