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ideal stargate universe team

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    well if *I* could choose the actors....

    William B. Davis (Leader of the team, always smokes, always has an ulterior motive nobody can work out)

    Patrick Stewart (Lead scientist)

    Sylvester McCoy (Archaeologist, the only one who understands the motives of the team-leader and also plots with him for good or bad..who knows?)

    Shirley Manson (Soldier with high-tech weaponry gained from asgard)
    Go buy my music and give a starving artist some support. It's dirt-cheap, dammit.
    Ion Plasma Incineration (Hard and heavy electro-industrial music in the vein of late 90's classics, updated for the 21st century!)

    Current project : Working on Tolathians Outpost Cyclopean, the world's first pure non-humanoid extra-dimensional sci-fi show! 100% no humans !


      Everett Young- 28 year old. smart, handsome. has a few years of offworld experience. hes of the newer generation, meaning he knows computers, and certainly doesnt follow "sheppards guide to computer repair". still, he isnt a tech guy, but likes new toys.
      * team leader * * american*

      Tamara Jon- 32. smart. shes the marine girl. tough. "bad girl" type. isnt easily impressed.
      sometimes acts as team leader, something young hates, she was commander of her own unit.
      * second in command* *british*

      Chloe Carpenter- 30's shes an experienced field medic. knows how and what, and is resourcefull. certainly isnt afraid of blood, or gore. can operate goauld and ancient tech, and uses a goauld healing device. is the first employed medic using the latest medical knowledge brought back from the field.
      * Australian*

      Eli Hitchcock- female, 30's. smart, kind of computernerd. hates being seen as a computerblonde. bit spoiled. good looks but not supermodel.
      her dad is rich, hates her for doing everything he didnt want her to do.

      Jared Nash- late 40's. has been around the SGC since day one. ship commander. has 8 years of field experience, and has served on battlecruisers ever since.
      * american*

      Ron "Psycho" Stasiak- early 40's. real mean machine. dark background. if you'd pick one partner on the field, its him. hes the bodyguard type.
      british elite, has done navy, airforce, and groundforce training. can fly, ride, and drive about every machine. excellent at temporary fixes, often resulting in it burning through, blowing up, or melting down later. dont let him walk alone with big guns in enemy territory. poor enemy.

      * british*


        I am liking everyone's descriptions. Great job! If TPTB would incorporate some of these ideas....I'd like the thoughts of SGU. I can't stand their descriptions so far. I certainly hope they change them.

        I also think the characters ought to be older. I agree to extend the age ranges of everyone. Have one to be in their late 20's, the rest of the team....lets have the ages to fall somewhere in the range of 30 through late 40's, early 50's. Forget the young, sexy, handsome, etc. Attraction is all relative anyway. What one person finds attractive, others may not. Let's have some average, everyday people. Different nationalities would be wonderful!! I love the idea of one being Australian, British, German, etc. Great idea.

        I like the idea of one team member to be alien. A Jaffa character would be cool, though have him to be different from Teal'c.


          After watching "First Contact (Part 1)" i want McKay and Daniel on the same team on SGU


            Originally posted by ykickamoocow View Post
            After watching "First Contact (Part 1)" i want McKay and Daniel on the same team on SGU
            I LOVE that idea, they certainly did make a fun team in "first Contact".

            Colonel Everett Young:
            keep age as is. he needs to be a badass, likes busting heads, isn't afraid of getting his hands dirty. Where as all the previous team leaders have plenty of compassion to help and whatnot, he needs to be more of a hard ass. Make him look rugged. More like Col.
            If anyone has played Halo, think SGT. Avery Johnson.
            Or perhaps put an even different spin on it, make the team leader a woman.

            Tamara Jon:
            Aspiring leader, like Miranda keys from Halo. 25-30

            Chloe Carpenter:
            Kill her, burn her, and erase all record of her existence.

            Eli Hitchcock:
            Make this character a woman, screw the jack black/matt demon thing. Don't make her hot, just average as far as looks go. sort of like a female Mckay.

            Lt. Jared Nash:
            Scrap the "every girls dream" that's a load of crap, its not going to encourage more girls to watch, and its just going to annoy the heck out of us normal guys. He should be the token black guy. he smokes cigars and alwase carries the biggest gun.

            Ron "Psycho" Stasiak:
            scrap the "psycho" thing. This guy needs to be the young dude who isn't really sure where life will take him. His character shouldn't be defined at the beginning of the show, events that happen during the series should shape him. This guy should be new to the military, never had to fire his weapon, hes never been in combat, hes never had to take a life, never had to watch a friend die.
            8 Years to be a Spartan. They taught me to kill with guns, and knives,
            and ships, and bombs, disease diplomacy and my own bare hands.


              Push Chloe Carpenter into the sun and watch her burn whilst dancing naked in front of the airlock.

              Replace Nash with Lorne, make everyone who is left (minus Young)a little older and replace the now barbequed Chloe with some sort of off worlder.
              No boom today. Boom tomorrow, there is always a boom tomorrow.

