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Speculation/Discussion about the Destiny (Spoilers through S2)

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    Were in a room with Bright White and Blue Lights and suddenly no more blue light.

    As you can see, the image on the left is the "blooper" in question, the one on the left is a picture of the green screen from Atlantis's lot, I presume they probably use the same one, or very similar on SGU. You can tell that the Green's don't match up, you might say well thats cause its dark and behind the gate, but its not dark most of the light is coming from the gate, a white light that bright would bring out the color more. Which is why the green screen on the left is circled.

    I also circled the Soldiers, showing that they are ready to take control, notice none of them are staring at the gate? when the gates open... most people look at it. Instead their aiming their weapons as if nothing else could come through it, and theres a guy waving his hand downward as if to say stand down right next to them, which he wouldnt do until he knew the gate was off, assuming that sense hes giving orders hes in the military or been in the stargate program long enough to know things can come through the gate when its open when its closed you dont have to point weapons.

    I even circled the little bit where the green stopped from the looks of it its a few feet behind the gate, as i said, if they want to use more than one camera then it would be flush with the gate, and thered be no visible gap from the distance were at.

    "And those who are prideful and refuse to bow down shall be laid low and made onto dust." Then Shall Fall Scifi!

    If you don't worship Metonic... your parents won't love you anymore.. well they dont now...


      Originally posted by Metonic View Post
      As you can see, the image on the left is the "blooper" in question, the one on the left is a picture of the green screen from Atlantis's lot, I presume they probably use the same one, or very similar on SGU. You can tell that the Green's don't match up, you might say well thats cause its dark and behind the gate, but its not dark most of the light is coming from the gate, a white light that bright would bring out the color more. Which is why the green screen on the left is circled.
      Again, I disagree. White light serves to wash out colors, not brighten them. Also, I think the green in the blooper matches fairly well with the "yellower" greenscreen that is draping over the main one that you circled.

      I also circled the Soldiers, showing that they are ready to take control, notice none of them are staring at the gate? when the gates open... most people look at it. Instead their aiming their weapons as if nothing else could come through it, and theres a guy waving his hand downward as if to say stand down right next to them, which he wouldnt do until he knew the gate was off, assuming that sense hes giving orders hes in the military or been in the stargate program long enough to know things can come through the gate when its open when its closed you dont have to point weapons.
      Well, this is debatable at best; we seem to have some soldiers looking at the crowd, while others are looking at the gate, like that right soldier in the 3 you circled.

      I even circled the little bit where the green stopped from the looks of it its a few feet behind the gate, as i said, if they want to use more than one camera then it would be flush with the gate, and thered be no visible gap from the distance were at.

      I can't believe this conversation is happening. Forget it, I'm gonna go ask JM.
      Last edited by Bagpuss; 01 May 2009, 12:30 AM. Reason: img tags changed to url in requote.


        even then you can see the first picture its right there, in the second picture its pushed back in the middle but the top and bottom meeet hthe gate.

        also that soldiersw on the right, is waving his hand down as if to say stop shooting his head is pointed straight across/down, not to the left.

        "And those who are prideful and refuse to bow down shall be laid low and made onto dust." Then Shall Fall Scifi!

        If you don't worship Metonic... your parents won't love you anymore.. well they dont now...


          Originally posted by Metonic View Post
          even then you can see the first picture its right there, in the second picture its pushed back in the middle but the top and bottom meeet hthe gate.
          I don't know what you mean. My point is that both green screens are behind the gate by quite a distance, just like the one behind the Destiny gate.

          You even see some dude walking behind the gate, so obviously the green screen is behind him.

          also that soldiersw on the right, is waving his hand down as if to say stop shooting his head is pointed straight across/down, not to the left.
          Ok, I see that now. But then again, if there was a big chaotic crowd in any direction, you'd keep your eyes on it. I think those soldiers are just trying to do that, and watch the gate at the same time by...moving their heads.

          As I said, I'm asking JM. Hopefully that'll end this farce.


            i can accept the show being different but that mini-gate it just make miss sg-1 and atlantis


              if u look you can see the screen is attached to the bottom and the top corners but not the middle.. like wind is blowing a sail. as for the other picture, you see one guy looks like hes sitting back there, why? idk. but he could be dangling his legs off the edge of the ramp, which if its attached as I said before, could be done.

              "And those who are prideful and refuse to bow down shall be laid low and made onto dust." Then Shall Fall Scifi!

              If you don't worship Metonic... your parents won't love you anymore.. well they dont now...


                I find those arguments dubious but I guess I can't disprove them unless I were there. Fine.

                Try this one:


                The ramp extends way behind the gate, and there is no curvature in the green screen, so it's not attached to the gate, but way behind it. In fact, that picture is right before this one:


                Which basically means that the green screen is behind the wall of the back of the gateroom. That's way back there.


                  The gate you see may not be the only gate on the ship, the ship is suppose to make stargates.

                  Was the ship launched from the pg or mw?

                  The anicents were in the pg quite a while before becoming overcome with the whole ascending thing.

                  The info for the existance of the destiny project is most likely going to come from atlantis and not earth, so it seems logical to think that they will be digital like in atlantis and that the destiny was launched post atlantis,

                  All tho this fall we'll all find out


                    No, we already know most of that:

                    Destiny was launched at the height of Ancient civilization, millions of years before Atlantis left for Pegasus. Also, the Destiny doesn't make gates; it's FOLLOWING the ship that makes gates.


                      Its still not the smallest gate weve seen, orlins basement gate was smaller.


                        The gate is the same size as the MW and pegasus gates according to JM.


                          Originally posted by kirmit View Post
                          The gate is the same size as the MW and pegasus gates according to JM.
                          It looks that way here, but do mind linking to a quote?
                          "From East Middle School. Suzumiya Haruhi. I have no interest in ordinary humans. If there are any aliens, time travelers, sliders, or espers here, come join me."
                          - The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya; Best Character Introduction Ever.

                          "And can we lose the ten thousand year old dead plants?!"
                          - Stargate: Atlantis (1x03) "Hide and Seek"

                          "Hammerheads do not load/unload units immediately – they must descend to ground level first. Initial experiments involving jump-jetting infantry into the Hammerhead’s cargo compartment met with unfortunate results."
                          - Command&Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath Hammerhead Unit Spotlight


                            Originally posted by Quadhelix View Post
                            It looks that way here, but do mind linking to a quote?
                            Just go to his blog, todays entry, PG15 asks about the gate being smaller, to which he replies 'I’ve been on the Destiny set and, up close, the gate looks just as big as the Pegasus and Milky Way gates.'



                              Originally posted by kirmit View Post
                              Just go to his blog, todays entry, PG15 asks about the gate being smaller, to which he replies 'I’ve been on the Destiny set and, up close, the gate looks just as big as the Pegasus and Milky Way gates.'

                              the actors must be bigger then.

                              "And those who are prideful and refuse to bow down shall be laid low and made onto dust." Then Shall Fall Scifi!

                              If you don't worship Metonic... your parents won't love you anymore.. well they dont now...


                                There must be a standard size for the stargate. Orlin's gate was a one-travel only with every day material and there was no need for it to be big. The supergate was for bigass ships. What if the Icarus base was evacuated with puddle jumpers, what would happened if the receiving gate was smaller? What if an Ori ship gated to a standard gate? That being said i hope theres like early versions of the puddle jumper on the Destiny. There must be since they dont have M.A.L.P.s

