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"Stargate Universe" Discussion/Speculation (Spoilers)

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    Today, the onset action shifted from Destiny to the jungles of Stage 1. A mighty heavy day but nothing compared to tomorrow when the skies will open up (or, more accurately, we’ll MAKE the skies open up) to douse our actors in a torrential downpour. Ivon pointed out that when the rain starts, the temperature in that stage drops by about ten degrees. It’s going to get a tad chilly so all of the actors have been fitted with wet suits. For his part, however, actor Jamil Walker Smith is actually looking forward to it, genuinely excited at the prospect of battling the elements. I kid you not. This guy is hardcore!
    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


      i didn't know where to ask this, but has there been any word on what destiny will look like? have there been any pictures of the actual ship released yet?


        Only thing we know is that it's BIG.


          Originally posted by PG15 View Post
          Only thing we know is that it's BIG.
          Why can't the Ancients do something small for once? Everything to do is big.
          Originally posted by aretood2
          Jelgate is right


            Well, they made the nanites.

            ...But that got out of hand and became a galaxy-wide problem.



              Originally posted by DSG1 View Post

              Of course the fans will jump on it SGU as soon as it airs and will brag about it but give it a year or so and it will die a slow death. I'd bet money on it.
              I'm willing to take that bet. I think the show is going to turn out quite a bit better than you and the rest of the naysayers here are crediting it. Too many people here are making assumptions on way too little data. I have a lot of confidence in the managerial and production capabilities of Mr. Wright and Mr. Cooper. I feel they've proven themselves so far and that given the proper chance can succeed here also.


                Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                Well, for what it's worth, at least the "rant" was respectful; they usually aren't.

                But of course, you have no proof of this. All we've heard are the typical trendy buzzwords, but what that actually entails - we don't know.

                It appears to me that you have a very simplistic and generic view of what "dark and edgy" is. Do you honestly think that it'll be them crying all the time, cutting themselves and doing each other? ALL THE TIME?

                And if you trust the buzzwords, I have another one: hilarious. That's what Joe Mallozzi described David Blue's performance for Air Part 3. Oh, and both Brad Wright and Rob Cooper said that they're incapable of not writing in humor. Why ignore this?

                All this to say: never say never, and open your mind to the possibilities.

                Maybe I'm misunderstanding you here, but you do realize that they made the movie, Star Trek Generations, barely a year (or less?) after the end of the series, right? Or do you advocate that they should've cancelled the series at its height and immediately made the movie?

                And of course, making movies take time...



                And SGU is based (literally) on a ship! How lovely that you say that they are worth watching.

                Both series focused on human characters, dealing with those things you mentioned.

                SGU is about a group of humans that accidentally gated aboard the Ancient ship Destiny, which jumps from galaxy to galaxy, investigating planets that have been seeded with Stargates, dropped off earlier by a Seeder Ship.

                In order to survive, they will need to gate off the ship to various strange new worlds and collect supplies, and in the process explore the other side of the Universe, going where no one has gone before.

                *Warps off*

                No, I can pretty guarantee they won't.

                The only inconsistency so far is between what you say and what is true.

                Actually, since it's exploring multiple galaxies, it can run for much longer than ten seasons, ideally.

                Think whatever you want; it won't make it reality.

                With all due respect, if SGU isn't targetting your age range, then neither did SG1 and SGA. Most show nowadays wants the male 18-34 demo. What they get is obviously up to the audience.

                So yeah, you were never targetted. I was, though.
                I'm talking about later movie versions. Patrick Stewart wanted to wait four years to make movies, thus, killing the TNG movie franchise. Give it time, SG1/SGA will do the same thing.


                  Originally posted by jenks View Post
                  How can you say you're into more intelligent fare when Universe is supposed to be more adult and intelligent than both SG-1 and Atlantis were? I like SG-1 and Atlantis as much as the next person, but they're hardly 'intelligent fare' are they? They're just a fun action adventure, besides, if Nielsen are to be believed it's younger viewers that go for the more intelligent TV, not older ones.
                  Never beleive the neilson's I don't! What we watch here is mostly geek-tv... History channel, documentaries, biography, etc... No "reality tv" or other crud that is on the commercial networks.
                  Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                  Well, for what it's worth, at least the "rant" was respectful; they usually aren't.

                  <snipped for space>

                  With all due respect, if SGU isn't targetting your age range, then neither did SG1 and SGA. Most show nowadays wants the male 18-34 demo. What they get is obviously up to the audience.

                  So yeah, you were never targetted. I was, though.
                  Currently is it the MALE demo they target, but when SG1 started I fit right in age-wise-- AND they cared about women viewers then too. sighhhh the good "old " days!
                  Originally posted by Detox View Post
                  <snipped for space>
                  Targeted age range? I thought we were also over this bull****?
                  From the people being involved off and on the camera, to the stuff we know about the show itself, it looks like it's trying to appeal to people who watch shows like Southland, The Wire, Battlestar Galactica, House, Firely, etc. So unless you're 8 years old, I'm pretty damn sure you fall within that age group.
                  Of the listed shows I watched only Firefly - but that was only years after it was cancelled (after seeing serenity the movie). the rest I consider dreck! I am well over 8, but remember...they said from the start they wanted a "younger demographic" that's their words not mine. If it is like the shows you listed I will not be interested...... simple as that.


                    Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                    Of the listed shows I watched only Firefly - but that was only years after it was cancelled (after seeing serenity the movie). the rest I consider dreck! I am well over 8, but remember...they said from the start they wanted a "younger demographic" that's their words not mine. If it is like the shows you listed I will not be interested...... simple as that.
                    Bear in mind the Stargate's current age demographic is the mid the 40s. Would you really be that opposed for a show that will be geared at people in thei late 30s. Or are you older then I thought?:
                    Originally posted by aretood2
                    Jelgate is right


                      Originally posted by PG15 View Post

                      So yeah, you were never targetted. I was, though.
                      was and still am...
                      || Star Stream || Destiny Song || The Four Suns (My Band) || The Art of War <<== listen please!


                        Just for the record, there are various parts of the SGU setting that I wasn't aware of. I've no reason to get into an argument with anyone here, what I wrote was just my thoughts (that being, my opinion) on what is to come.

                        Firstly the 'alien' showings. I wasn't aware that those aliens on the show weren't going to be people living on other planets. I just question their FX budget if they're going to actually go with proper 'aliens'. People dressed up in white makup is classified as people to me. When I say 'aliens' I mean creatures with six arms, two heads etc...

                        The second is the ship. I was under the impression that these people were on the ship that seeds the Universe, and not the ship that is suppose to 'follow up'.

                        From that, there are some people I've not quoted (as they've given my information I wasn't aware of). The text above is for you. There are some other people I've not quoted as they've said they agree (in which case, thank you), and other people I felt were too sarcastic for my time.

                        Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                        At this point its just best to ignore the people who say SGU is going to fail. You're just encourage those people when you comment about their SGU failing rants.
                        Nobody is going to be encouraging me to do anything. Ignorance is not the answer.

                        Originally posted by The Prophet View Post
                        I'm an Idiot.

                        Originally posted by Ozman View Post
                        TPTB have been doing this for how long now? They know the fans, they know the ''Universe'', I think they know what they are doing.
                        They should know what they are doing, yeah. The only problem I have with that statment though, is Atlantis. If they knew what they were doing, why on earth did they stop the production of Atlantis for?

                        Originally posted by Osiristi View Post
                        Oh, this one I disagree with bigtime. Even though it is likely that Atlantis was cancelled for favor of SG·U, I think it was a wise decision to cancel Atlantis. Yes, this was a little too early and sixth season would've been needed to clear things up but as long as we get the movie(s), it'll be fine.
                        Movies are great, but they're not the same, and they take ages. This Atlantis movie was suppose to be released in June, we've not even got a complete script for it yet have we? Last I'd heard, all they'd done was title it Extinction.

                        Originally posted by Osiristi View Post
                        Be optimistic and give it a try. It won't hurt you.
                        I'm trying to be optimistic, I just can't see it doing what the producers want though...

                        Originally posted by Blistna View Post
                        This quote means that when SGU does alien, it will be alien. Remember seeing the weird plants/white human ppl? That was pretty alien. Remeber the balls of light, or the water that was alive, what else might see...who knows! Thats the exciting thing, it will be like exploring space for real.
                        Balls of Light I'll accept. People dressed up to look like white unknown creatures I will not. They were still people dressed up in pathetic makup.

                        I should have said earlier, Universe may feature 'aliens', but we can pretty much guarantee them all to be Humanoid. We've had enough humanoid aliens in SG-1 and Atlantis. Would be great to see more non-humanoid species.

                        Originally posted by Quadhelix View Post
                        You say this then have the arrogance to accuse Universe of retreading old ground? At least Universe isn't recycling a premise that they've already done.
                        True, Universe isn't recycling anything, but what stargate show has? You may this sound like Atlantis was recycling something, I don't think it was.

                        *Note: You may not have meant this at all, but it did come across that way.

                        Originally posted by Quadhelix View Post
                        Since you've been wrong about everything else, I'm guessing you're probably wrong about this too.
                        It was / is my opinion. Opinions cannot be wrong, they're unique to the individual.

                        Originally posted by editorguy View Post
                        This is going to jump start the franchise into places it's never been.
                        I really do hope that you are right. However, what next?

                        Say SGU gets ten seasons, what can they possibly do next? SG-1 was based in our Galaxy, Atlantis was based in the Pegasus Galaxy, and we've been to the Ori Galaxy. If SGU is about travelling the UNIVERSE, where exactly do they plan on going after that? There kind of isn't much left. You don't get no bigger than the Universe.
                        It's Probin' Time!


                          Originally posted by cyberash View Post
                          Firstly the 'alien' showings. I wasn't aware that those aliens on the show weren't going to be people living on other planets. I just question their FX budget if they're going to actually go with proper 'aliens'. People dressed up in white makup is classified as people to me. When I say 'aliens' I mean creatures with six arms, two heads etc...
                          Just to clarify, from what TPTB have said it sounds like the aliens will be CGI. Opens up all sorts of possibilities


                            Originally posted by cyberash View Post
                            Firstly the 'alien' showings. I wasn't aware that those aliens on the show weren't going to be people living on other planets. I just question their FX budget if they're going to actually go with proper 'aliens'. People dressed up in white makup is classified as people to me. When I say 'aliens' I mean creatures with six arms, two heads etc...
                            According to the writers there will be no humanoid English-speaking aliens on the show, and they'll be using CG with the possibility of puppetry/anamatronics too.

                            They should know what they are doing, yeah. The only problem I have with that statment though, is Atlantis. If they knew what they were doing, why on earth did they stop the production of Atlantis for?
                            Whether people like to admit it or not, MGM and SyFy are both businesses, and a new series plus DVD movies makes more sense then continuing with Atlantis, as the longer series run the more expensive they get.

                            Movies are great, but they're not the same, and they take ages. This Atlantis movie was suppose to be released in June, we've not even got a complete script for it yet have we? Last I'd heard, all they'd done was title it Extinction.
                            It was never supposed to be out in June.

                            Balls of Light I'll accept. People dressed up to look like white unknown creatures I will not. They were still people dressed up in pathetic makup.

                            Say SGU gets ten seasons, what can they possibly do next? SG-1 was based in our Galaxy, Atlantis was based in the Pegasus Galaxy, and we've been to the Ori Galaxy. If SGU is about travelling the UNIVERSE, where exactly do they plan on going after that? There kind of isn't much left. You don't get no bigger than the Universe.
                            SGU isn't about travelling the entire universe, just like SG-1 wasn't really about travelling the entire Milky Way, if it were the series would both be running long after we'd both died.


                              Originally posted by jenks View Post
                              According to the writers there will be no humanoid English-speaking aliens on the show, and they'll be using CG with the possibility of puppetry/anamatronics too.
                              They didn't say that there wouldn't be any, just that they want to use much less of them.
                              That said, I'm looking forward to this new type of alien. It would make much more sense.


                                “We’re focusing less on — in fact, we’re not even focusing at all on going to the planets and meeting the humanoid, English-speaking aliens,” Mallozzi said in an interview with

