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"Stargate Universe" Discussion/Speculation (Spoilers)

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    Ok so i am new and have spent far too much of my working day reading this but the prospect of a third seperate entity apeals to me as a viewer. But i do wonder what else there is left to explore in terms of the show! One thing is for sure. I want more info


      The new show should be aboat a space stasion in a new galaxy far away just as i posted some time ago.


        Originally posted by HolyGhost View Post
        The new show should be aboat a space stasion in a new galaxy far away just as i posted some time ago.
        But wouldn't it be too much like Deep Space Nine or Babylon V? And personally, I'm not very fond of Stargate: Horizon (fan series) either, which is set on a space station.

        Atlantis is about a base set in distant space, I'd rather the franchise be about something different this time around.
        Last edited by Vespasianus; 21 November 2007, 08:24 AM.

        Well, not anymore... Good bye Atlantis!


          Originally posted by Vespasianus View Post
          But wouldn't it be too much like Deep Space Nine or Babylon V? And personally, I'm not very fond of Stargate: Horizon (fan series) either, which is set on a space station.

          Atlantis is about a base set in distant space, I'd rather the franchise be about something different this time around.

          and i'd actually prefer one that is very similar to SG-1 in that its centered in a secured military base... yet with perhaps a different scope/mission...

          given that TPTB ruled out AUs and parallel dimensions... and given that 7 is within this galaxy, 8 is another galaxy, staying within our universe would mean that 9 would send us to a very distant galaxy, one beyond our local cluster... or the opposite side of the universe...

          the whole stranded and can't get home thing is not doable because that's STVoyager... although, they will be stranded for a little while, perhaps, as they'll need - presumably - a huge power supply to activate 9 chevrons... unless they land on a planet with a ZPM factory or a massive power supply...

          earth starting a colony is not that doable bc that's very similar to SGA...

          i believe that the most reasonable plot is that 9 will put them In a distant cluster, but they will not be stranded there… wherever they land, by the end of season 1 they’ll be able to reestablish contact with earth… the reson for going there, though, could be in search of something… a key to unlocking secrets of the ancients that even atlantis does not hold, or something similarly important and massive… perhaps the entire series will focus on our hunt for this in a specific distant galaxy…

          Siht!!! What if we end up dialing 9 chevrons and going to the Alteran’s home galaxy? Not the Ori one, but the ALTERAN one (it could be that after the split, the Ori went to their galaxy and the Ancients came to MW, but they both as Alterans, originated somewhere else). This galaxy could be the galaxy that all life in the UNIVERSE started in. the original galaxy that is at the very center of the universe… and it is home to many races and many secrets of the universe that make even the Ancients look like athosians...
          Colonel Jack O'Neill: So what's your impression of Alar?
          Teal'c: That he is concealing something.
          Colonel Jack O'Neill: Like what?
          Teal'c: I am unsure. He is concealing it.


            Originally posted by IrishPisano View Post
            Siht!!! What if we end up dialing 9 chevrons and going to the Alteran’s home galaxy? Not the Ori one, but the ALTERAN one (it could be that after the split, the Ori went to their galaxy and the Ancients came to MW, but they both as Alterans, originated somewhere else). This galaxy could be the galaxy that all life in the UNIVERSE started in. the original galaxy that is at the very center of the universe… and it is home to many races and many secrets of the universe that make even the Ancients look like athosians...
            Wow I never thought of that. It is a good Idea but unlikely.


              Originally posted by lostincyberspace View Post
              Wow I never thought of that. It is a good Idea but unlikely.
              i amaze myself sometimes...

              i think that SGU is going to be the last series for Stargate... bc if they're going to continue making SG films, then they're going to need fresh ideas, and if all your good ideas go into your tv shows, which flouder because you've gone to the well too many times, then your films are going to flop too...

              plus, between SG1 and SGA, we'll have a combined total of 15 seasons... add to that the, we'll be generous, 6 seasons of SGU, you're looking at over 20 combined years of SG TV series... yes, that is great for all of us Gateheads... or System Lords as I call us, but 20 years of writing will force the show to run out of fresh ideas after a while, and they'll start rehashing old ones or just continue beating a dead horse...

              besides, to be successful after SG1 Ark of Truth and Continuum, you need to be bigger and badder than the goa'uld and more mysterious and intriguing than the Ancients... but how can you outdo the original gatebuilders? after 20 years, it'll be tough...

              so the smart move, financially, is to poor the financial and creative resources into a film franchise and make several high-quality high-caliber films and maybe, in 15 years, begin a new generation of TV series with a spin off of one of the films...

              i mean Rocky is a good example... people were pretty much worn out by the 50th round (the round rocky knocked out drago: 15 in 1, 15 in 2, 2 in 3, 3 in 3, 15 in 4) and then he makes 5, which everyone more or less hated... he swung one too many punches, and fell flat on his face... but fast forwards 15 years, and Balboa comes out, and its arguably as good as 2 and beaten only by 1, and fans loved it... why? bc it was a fresh take on the character... he was old, out of shape, and fighting a much younger fighter in a completely new boxing world... he was modernized, and ppl liked that bc it was different and new and fresh...

              it should be the same with SG... after SGU give the series-es a break and focus on the films, then create an entirely new literary universe for another SG series...

              what's my point to all this?

              simple: if SGU is the last TV series for a while, then it has to be kick as... like back when SG1 was killing of system lords like Ra, Apophis, Hathor... meeting the Asgard, etc... but to do that it has to be equal to or greater than SG1 in terms of quality...

              and that means you need bigger and badder bad-guys, more intriguing alien races, and a super-powered ally that would make the Ancients, Ori, and Asgard look like the Athosians...

              and what better way to accomplish all of that than to take SGU right to the core of the universe, the central galactic cluster, the star system were EVERYTHING started? where life first breathed, where the Alteran race first evolved... where walter first said "chevron 1 engaged"...

              because by doing that... even with our Asgard-powered ships, and the technology and science advancements from Atlantis, we'd still be vastly inferior to whatever races we encounter there as they would be several BILLION years old...
              Colonel Jack O'Neill: So what's your impression of Alar?
              Teal'c: That he is concealing something.
              Colonel Jack O'Neill: Like what?
              Teal'c: I am unsure. He is concealing it.


                Originally posted by IrishPisano View Post
                because by doing that... even with our Asgard-powered ships, and the technology and science advancements from Atlantis, we'd still be vastly inferior to whatever races we encounter there as they would be several BILLION years old...
                The biggest problem with that is the universe is only about 14 billion years old and that holds true for stargate. it took earths solar system 8 billion years to get to this point. so it is possible but I would bet closer on half a billion years.


                  Originally posted by lostincyberspace View Post
                  The biggest problem with that is the universe is only about 14 billion years old and that holds true for stargate. it took earths solar system 8 billion years to get to this point. so it is possible but I would bet closer on half a billion years.
                  actually, the sun is about 4.5-5 billion years old, so our solar system is the same age... (meaning it took Eart 10 billion years to form since the big bang)

                  if the universe existed for 10 billion years prior to the milky way, then within the context of Stargate, life could very well have existed for approx. 15 billions years now in the oldest parts of the universe...

                  and let's say it took 5 billion years for the circumstances to be right for life to form, then we're looking at the possibility of races being as old as 10 billion years in the oldest parts of the universe...

                  ergo, my scenario is still very plausible...

                  and again, we need to be the technologically inferior race otherwise defeating someone would be too easy... so if we have Asgard tech, some of which is capable of defeating Ori tech, which would be equivalent to Ancient tech, then we need to face a race that is older and more powerful than the Ancients...

                  i'm thinking that a race that existed prior to the birth of the Alterans would be best... someone who would make the Asgard seem as primitive as neanderthals...
                  Colonel Jack O'Neill: So what's your impression of Alar?
                  Teal'c: That he is concealing something.
                  Colonel Jack O'Neill: Like what?
                  Teal'c: I am unsure. He is concealing it.


                    Originally posted by IrishPisano View Post
                    actually, the sun is about 4.5-5 billion years old, so our solar system is the same age... (meaning it took Eart 10 billion years to form since the big bang)

                    if the universe existed for 10 billion years prior to the milky way, then within the context of Stargate, life could very well have existed for approx. 15 billions years now in the oldest parts of the universe...

                    and let's say it took 5 billion years for the circumstances to be right for life to form, then we're looking at the possibility of races being as old as 10 billion years in the oldest parts of the universe...

                    ergo, my scenario is still very plausible...

                    and again, we need to be the technologically inferior race otherwise defeating someone would be too easy... so if we have Asgard tech, some of which is capable of defeating Ori tech, which would be equivalent to Ancient tech, then we need to face a race that is older and more powerful than the Ancients...

                    i'm thinking that a race that existed prior to the birth of the Alterans would be best... someone who would make the Asgard seem as primitive as neanderthals...
                    It doesn't work like that, 15 billion years ago atoms wouldn't have even formed yet.


                      Originally posted by IrishPisano View Post
                      actually, the sun is about 4.5-5 billion years old, so our solar system is the same age... (meaning it took Eart 10 billion years to form since the big bang)
                      the earth is 4.5 billion years old. see here
                      second paragraph. check your facts.


                        Originally posted by jenks View Post
                        It doesn't work like that, 15 billion years ago atoms wouldn't have even formed yet.
                        OMG, are you really going to sit there and argue truths about the universe with me when i specifically stated "within the context of Stargate"?

                        within the context of Stargate, the pyramids were landing pads for ancient aliens.... there was a city ship that travelled from antarctica to another galaxy... oh, and an alien race that is tens of thousands of years ahead of us intellectually can figure out how to clone people and transfer consciousnesses and create time-dialation fields, but cannot figure out how to create a handgun?

                        none of that bothers you, but me saying that life could have existed in some parts of the universe in stargate's universe some 10-14.9 billion years ago does?

                        how can you prove it didn't?

                        there is no definitive proof of what the universe was like back then, NONE... there is only observation of distant stars and theories...

                        Originally posted by lostincyberspace
                        actually, the sun is about 4.5-5 billion years old, so our solar system is the same age... (meaning it took Eart 10 billion years to form since the big bang)
                        the earth is 4.5 billion years old. see here
                        second paragraph. check your facts.
                        1. don't tell me to check my facts when my facts are right.

                        2. don't use wikipedia as a source as it is not a legitimate, proven scholarly accepted source...

                        3. in case you missed it, which you obviously did, if the universe is 15 billion years old, and the sun, our solar system and earth are 4.5 billion years old, then our solar system, the sun, and earth were formed 10 billion years after the big bang... let me explain in terms you'll understand: 15 - 4.5 = 10.5
                        Colonel Jack O'Neill: So what's your impression of Alar?
                        Teal'c: That he is concealing something.
                        Colonel Jack O'Neill: Like what?
                        Teal'c: I am unsure. He is concealing it.


                          Originally posted by lizzyshoe View Post
                          Wow, Stargate Universe? wth? That sounds like the title of a bad B-movie to me. I hope they change it, and fast.
                          What does it matter what name it name it has I`m just hungry for more stargate and it`s "universe"


                            For sgu to come equal series with sg-1 and sga it has to have new good ideas or something old like one of the races we have seen before like the nox. completely new situation would be nice like team gets lost
                            to galaxy far far away and tries to get back to milkyway.


                              Originally posted by wolcano View Post
                              For sgu to come equal series with sg-1 and sga it has to have new good ideas or something old like one of the races we have seen before like the nox. completely new situation would be nice like team gets lost
                              to galaxy far far away and tries to get back to milkyway.
                              wow... another fan of Stargate: Voyager...
                              Colonel Jack O'Neill: So what's your impression of Alar?
                              Teal'c: That he is concealing something.
                              Colonel Jack O'Neill: Like what?
                              Teal'c: I am unsure. He is concealing it.


                                Originally posted by IrishPisano View Post
                                wow... another fan of Stargate: Voyager...
                                please don't let SGU be a VOY rip off! VOY sucked for a reason
                                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread

