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"Stargate Universe" Discussion/Speculation (Spoilers)

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    Let’s kick off today’s entry with a BIG guest blogger announcement. Actress Elyse Levesque, Stargate: Universe’s Chloe Armstrong, has kindly agreed to swing by and field your questions. So if you’ve go ‘em, post ‘em!

    I’ll be sending them her way later this week!

    RedFlames writes: “Is it just me [or coincidence] or do the Destiny’s guns [the shots at least] look and sound like those from the Hatak?”

    Answer: Hadn’t noticed. It may just be you. Or it may just be me.

    RedFlames also writes: “I get the feeling Rush is pulling a ‘Scotty’, making things seem more complicated than they are so he looks like a miracle worker when he gets… whatever… working. It’s been mentioned several times he’s in no rush to leave. Your thoughts?”

    Answer: Interesting theory. Wouldn’t put it past him.

    Montrealer writes: “TPTB should seriously think of winding up the SGU experiment as soon as possible.”

    Answer: Oh, I think we’ll keep tinkering with this little experiment we put together out of garage sale cast-offs and ammonium nitrate. After all, the state science fair is right around the corner and I have a feeling we got a shot at the first prize ribbon.

    Arctic Goddess writes: “Are there any questions that you think I should ask David, Brian or Elyse while they are on stage?”

    Answer: Sure. ”What is it like working with Joseph Mallozzi?”. Please report back their answers as they’ll inform how I develop their characters in my script in progress.

    HBMC writes: “Spaceship shields that are powered by ‘plot’. We’ve seen Destiny descend into a star – a *star* for crying out loud – yet after a few blasts from Mr. Bad Alien ship the ’shields are about to fail!’.”

    Answer: But when Destiny is in the star, the power they are gathering to fill their capacitors is also supplying energy to maintain the shields.

    Kevin writes: “Will we get a chance to see the crew find some kind of weapons locker on Destiny?”

    Answer: Can’t be specific, but plenty of discoveries to come.

    Madwelshboy writes: “Was there a lot of stuff cut from the final episode because that would explain that rather choppy pacing in the centre of the episode?”

    Answer: Nope.

    Orange Crush writes: “Where did the seeds for the hydroponics lab come from?”

    Answer: The crew mention finding seeds amongst the items they’re cataloguing in the pilot. Also, some of the planets they’ve visited have provided them with the opportunity to grow their own exotic produce like space cucumbers and cosmic papayas.

    E writes: “How did Robert and Elyse handle their time in the water tank?”

    Answer: They were both awesome.

    Shadow Step writes: ““the “mission” Rush refers to is actually Destiny’s mission, the very reason it was built and launched by the Ancients.”

    Does he knkow what that is or is he guessing?”

    Answer: He’s making some assumptions based on what he knows so far. As the series progresses, we’ll be learning more about this mission.

    Aurora writes: “But she was crying because of losing Scott?!”

    Answer: The stress of recent events could well have been the trigger, but letting go of Scott was certainly a huge cathartic moment for her.

    Shawna writes: “Will we see shipping of any sort happening with Rush in the near future?”

    Answer: There could be a possible romance in Rush’s future.

    Shadow Step writes: “Was there ever any thought of making the alien ship have a water atmosphere? (But perhaps scrapped because of finances)”

    Answer: Yes. And yes!

    dasNdanger writes: “When Young told Eli to send a message to the aliens, why didn’t he dictate what was to be said in the message?”

    Answer: Not sure I understand the question.

    dasNdanger also writes: “Joe, is there a military consultant on Universe?”

    Answer: Yes.

    Light writes: “My only gripe was when they are under attack, an alien space ship attaches itself to the Destiny, that’s pretty much the only thing it can be, and yet Chloe is stupid enough to go right up to the giant hole in the ceiling!”

    Answer: In an original draft, Chloe and Dunning were further down the hall when the alien ship attaches to Destiny, causing the corridor to decompress. In the mayhem, Chloe loses her hold and is drawn back, down the corridor, into the alien ship. Given the already high VFX budget of the episode, it was decided to go with a simpler sequence: ceiling drops in front of a stunned Chloe.

    Anthony writes: “Just wondering when will eli get some balls and step up to the plate, and stop being so scared about running the ship when needed.”

    Answer: Eli has performed very heroically given that he is the biggest fish out of water, a civilian with no off-world experience charged with the task of spearheading the crew’s survival efforts. Granted, someone like you would have no problem embracing the role of hero, risking your life without a second thought, but we can’t all be Anthony’s.
    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


      Anthony writes: “Just wondering when will eli get some balls and step up to the plate, and stop being so scared about running the ship when needed.”

      Answer: Eli has performed very heroically given that he is the biggest fish out of water, a civilian with no off-world experience charged with the task of spearheading the crew’s survival efforts. Granted, someone like you would have no problem embracing the role of hero, risking your life without a second thought, but we can’t all be Anthony’s.


        dasNdanger writes: “When Young told Eli to send a message to the aliens, why didn’t he dictate what was to be said in the message?”

        Answer: Not sure I understand the question.
        I agree. It’s very strange that the man “with no off-world experience” sends messages for aliens without guidance at all. Colonel had some interest in content only when they received the very strange answer.
        Everything will be okay in the end.
        If it's not okay, it's not the end.


          Originally posted by Coronach View Post
          Frankly, that was a pretty lofty hope to have been...hoping for. It's Robert Carlyle. The odds of him being written out anytime soon are slim-to-none.

          Originally posted by KEK View Post
          This isn't SG-1, it's never going to be that type of action/adventure, so don't expect the in-fighting to stop any time soon - or ever.
          That is sadly evident


            Originally posted by KEK View Post
            Anthony writes: “Just wondering when will eli get some balls and step up to the plate, and stop being so scared about running the ship when needed.”

            Answer: Eli has performed very heroically given that he is the biggest fish out of water, a civilian with no off-world experience charged with the task of spearheading the crew’s survival efforts. Granted, someone like you would have no problem embracing the role of hero, risking your life without a second thought, but we can’t all be Anthony’s.

            so true, he was a math student !!
            Watching SGA and SGU


              dasNdanger writes: “The Eli thing…just wondered if he was so concerned after the fact, why didn’t Young specify exactly what message he wanted Eli to send to the aliens?”

              Answer: I think that simply demonstrated the trust Young has in Eli.

              Sean D. writes: “Any chances of seeing any pineapples in SGU (on Earth or elsewhere)?”

              Answer: The pineapple was a recurring theme in Will Waring-directed episodes, but it’s highly unlikely pineapples will be putting in an appearance on SGU.

              fsmn36 writes: “Ok, my one thought with Space was…the aliens cut holes into Destiny, and there was a vacuum that sucked out Chloe…how was that entire section of the ship not airlocked? Presumably the shields are somehow keeping in all the oxygen in despite the gaping holes? But then how did the ship land in the first place? Sorry, I don’t usually ask random questions as though I’m trying to say you did something wrong (because I’m not!), but that just kind of confused me.”

              Answer: Once the alien ship compromised that section of the hull, the area started to decompress, resulting in Destiny sealing off that particular corridor until the shield could re-seal the breech – which only happened after the alien ship had left.

              step writes: “In light of yesterday being Easter, easily one of the most important holidays to a great deal of Western Civilization (a happy belated to everyone) it occurred to me that I could not recall having seen any religious celebrations on SG-1 or SGA – not even Christmas or Easter.”

              Answer: It’s something we never explored in the previous two shows. However, we are exploring the issue of faith in SGU.

              PG15 writes: “

              A big debate going on at Gateworld at the moment is what Young’s intentions were near the end of the episode, when he ordered Eli to continue to fire on the alien ship, despite the fact that the latter was retreating. A lot of people are saying (as some have said here) that it was Young’s last ditch effort to silence Rush once and for all.

              I disgree with this; if Young really wanted to off Rush, then why didn’t he do it when he found him on the alien ship? Furthermore, why would he volunteer to go back in after he was brought back by the mind probe thing? No, it doesn’t add up.

              What was your intention behind writing that bit? Why would Young continue to fire on the alien ship even though the aliens were retreating? And why did Young say “I have no choice!”?”

              Answer: No way I’m answering this one. You’ll have to tune in and see how things develop on the Young-Rush front. On the one hand, it may well be that he regretted the decision to abandon Rush and wanted to make amends by saving Rush from the tank – but then, faced with prospect of coming out on the losing end of the space battle, really had no choice but to order the “killing blow”. On the other hand, it could well be he only rescued Rush from the tank because he wanted answers (specifically where the aliens were keeping Chloe which is why he boarded the ship in the first place) and then, realizing he wasn’t going to be able to save Chloe in the end, ordered the final strike on the alien ship to eliminate Rush once and for all.

              Joanoo1 also writes: “How can TPTB explain an alien ship attaching itself to another and having to cut a hole into another ship when other technologies exist…?

              2-> How can TPTB explain how Destiny can fly with a couple of holes in her, open to space elements, with no detriment to its passengers? Chloe’s father died because of leaks in the hull.”

              Answer: The shield is alike a second skin covering the hull, but just like the hull is weak in some areas (and actually exposed to space), there are certain areas of the shield that are weak. In certain instances, there are areas in which both the hull and the shield are weak – like we saw in the premiere (ie. that second shuttle). As for how the alien ship was able to penetrate the shield to capture Chloe – prior to our arrival, Destiny’s automated defenses repulsed attacks but since we came aboard, we’ve been using power for everything from life support to weapons. This results in less energy available to ship’s defenses, resulting in weaker shield strength, particularly in already damaged sections of the ship. As for how the ship deals with decompressed sections – see my answer above.

              Shadow Step writes: “So when they are under attack the best course of action is to fly into a star?”

              Answer: Actually, yes – especially if they’re battling enemy ships that aren’t designed to do the same.

              duneknight writes: “and another thing, why hasnt Rush targeted Eli yet? if he really wants to take Young down, he could easily do so by harming Eli in some way.”

              Answer: Rush isn’t interested in doing anyone permanent harm, least of all Eli who he actually needs. Or does he?

              AV Eddy writes: “Why did the alien body/Young conscience react in such pain when the mind reading device was put on him?”

              Answer: It’s clearly a painful process.
              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                Originally posted by LtColCarter View Post
                That is sadly evident
                For you perhaps.


                  Not sure if this has been posted yet. Major Spoilers!!!!

                  Basically Season 1.5 in a nutshell, posted from txlucky1 from


                  Since people have asked about upcoming episodes, I copied this list from another thread, a list that I put together of what I know so far. Please don't take all of this as gospel. It should all be pretty accurate though. Enjoy! ~Julie~

                  11) Space: A glitch with the stones transports Young to an unknown alien vessel. These aliens are very advanced and not very friendly. This episode is filled with action and aliens and ship to ship battles.

                  12) Divided: The second part of Space. Tense, thrilling, suspenseful, occasionally surprising?this episode proves that no divide is too great to bridge. With the military against the civilians, the crew must reconcile, come together, become a family, before it's too late.

                  13) Faith: While visiting an exotic planet, the crew confronts alien faith [religion?] and the possibility of the Ancients as saviors. Some of the crew members feel they need a ruler.

                  14) Human: The episode focuses on Rush, who risks his life in an experiment involving the ship's computer and flashes back to the time when he was recruited into the Stargate Program. His now dead wife, Gloria Rush, will appear in these flashbacks as will Michael Shanks as Daniel Jackson. This episode was originally entitled "Lucid".

                  15) Lost: Greer is trapped in some rubble on a planet and left for dead. The ordeal brings back memories of his abusive father, Reginald a gulf war vet, and his loving mother, Angela, who stays with her husband for the man he once was. (I got a screen pic of Greer saving people (his parents?) from a house fire.)

                  16) Sabotage: When one of the twelve FTL drives explodes due to an overload, the crew calls upon a brilliant scientist from Earth, Dr. Eleanor Perry?a quadriplegic scientist who temporarily takes over Wray's body?to fix the drive. The crew suspects that someone may have sabotaged it. Destiny takes a longer F.T.L. voyage through the void between galaxies. See comments below also.

                  17) Pain: No setting has been released for this episode yet; however, I did hear that Lt. James delivers a stunner of a scene (her death scene?). This episode shows Scott at his worst. Poor guy is never going to stop getting hate mail.

                  18) Subversion: The crew believes that another party besides the Stargate Program was interested in the Icarus project. Furthermore, there may be an enemy spy on board. Lucian Alliance anyone? Earth suffers sabotage. Guest stars RDA and Michael Shanks.

                  19) Incursion (part 1): An enemy from the Milky Way, Commander Kiva of the Lucian Alliance, finds a way to gate aboard the Destiny and take several crew members hostage.

                  20) Incursion (part 2): The second half of this two-parter will spare no one. (Hint, hint) Kiva will do whatever it takes to safeguard her people even if it is at the ultimate expense of the Destiny crew. Samantha Carter returns with the U.S.S. George Hammond?to defend Earth? This episode has a holy shit, big time cliffhanger that leads into season two.

                  Season two script titles so far: Aftermath, Awakening.

                  Note: A great deal of controversy appeared after the casting call and script details for Sabotage were released. Everyone involved in the project would ask that fans watch the episode before over-reacting and making judgments.

                  "That was all misconstrued, and I think once they see the episode, they will have a completely different response to it. It was extremely emotional on many levels for me to play as an actress, playing a quadriplegic. It really makes you appreciate ... I mean, I always appreciate health anyway."

                  "... I think the other stuff that's been expressed has been misunderstood. In the previous episode that has aired ['Earth'], Colonel Telford and Colonel Young exchange bodies. There is an understanding, an underlying understanding between us all, that once you do that, you forfeit your right to your body at that point. And, for me, I feel that if that's true for all the other characters, then it would sort of be prejudicial not to do that with the gay character." (Actress Ming-Na, in an interview)


                    Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
                    Not sure if this has been posted yet. Major Spoilers!!!!

                    Basically Season 1.5 in a nutshell, posted from txlucky1 from


                    Since people have asked about upcoming episodes, I copied this list from another thread, a list that I put together of what I know so far. Please don't take all of this as gospel. It should all be pretty accurate though. Enjoy! ~Julie~

                    11) Space: A glitch with the stones transports Young to an unknown alien vessel. These aliens are very advanced and not very friendly. This episode is filled with action and aliens and ship to ship battles.

                    12) Divided: The second part of Space. Tense, thrilling, suspenseful, occasionally surprising?this episode proves that no divide is too great to bridge. With the military against the civilians, the crew must reconcile, come together, become a family, before it's too late.

                    13) Faith: While visiting an exotic planet, the crew confronts alien faith [religion?] and the possibility of the Ancients as saviors. Some of the crew members feel they need a ruler.

                    14) Human: The episode focuses on Rush, who risks his life in an experiment involving the ship's computer and flashes back to the time when he was recruited into the Stargate Program. His now dead wife, Gloria Rush, will appear in these flashbacks as will Michael Shanks as Daniel Jackson. This episode was originally entitled "Lucid".

                    15) Lost: Greer is trapped in some rubble on a planet and left for dead. The ordeal brings back memories of his abusive father, Reginald a gulf war vet, and his loving mother, Angela, who stays with her husband for the man he once was. (I got a screen pic of Greer saving people (his parents?) from a house fire.)

                    16) Sabotage: When one of the twelve FTL drives explodes due to an overload, the crew calls upon a brilliant scientist from Earth, Dr. Eleanor Perry?a quadriplegic scientist who temporarily takes over Wray's body?to fix the drive. The crew suspects that someone may have sabotaged it. Destiny takes a longer F.T.L. voyage through the void between galaxies. See comments below also.

                    17) Pain: No setting has been released for this episode yet; however, I did hear that Lt. James delivers a stunner of a scene (her death scene?). This episode shows Scott at his worst. Poor guy is never going to stop getting hate mail.

                    18) Subversion: The crew believes that another party besides the Stargate Program was interested in the Icarus project. Furthermore, there may be an enemy spy on board. Lucian Alliance anyone? Earth suffers sabotage. Guest stars RDA and Michael Shanks.

                    19) Incursion (part 1): An enemy from the Milky Way, Commander Kiva of the Lucian Alliance, finds a way to gate aboard the Destiny and take several crew members hostage.

                    20) Incursion (part 2): The second half of this two-parter will spare no one. (Hint, hint) Kiva will do whatever it takes to safeguard her people even if it is at the ultimate expense of the Destiny crew. Samantha Carter returns with the U.S.S. George Hammond?to defend Earth? This episode has a holy shit, big time cliffhanger that leads into season two.

                    Season two script titles so far: Aftermath, Awakening.

                    Note: A great deal of controversy appeared after the casting call and script details for Sabotage were released. Everyone involved in the project would ask that fans watch the episode before over-reacting and making judgments.

                    "That was all misconstrued, and I think once they see the episode, they will have a completely different response to it. It was extremely emotional on many levels for me to play as an actress, playing a quadriplegic. It really makes you appreciate ... I mean, I always appreciate health anyway."

                    "... I think the other stuff that's been expressed has been misunderstood. In the previous episode that has aired ['Earth'], Colonel Telford and Colonel Young exchange bodies. There is an understanding, an underlying understanding between us all, that once you do that, you forfeit your right to your body at that point. And, for me, I feel that if that's true for all the other characters, then it would sort of be prejudicial not to do that with the gay character." (Actress Ming-Na, in an interview)


                      Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
                      Not sure if this has been posted yet. Major Spoilers!!!!

                      Basically Season 1.5 in a nutshell, posted from txlucky1 from


                      Since people have asked about upcoming episodes, I copied this list from another thread, a list that I put together of what I know so far. Please don't take all of this as gospel. It should all be pretty accurate though. Enjoy! ~Julie~

                      11) Space: A glitch with the stones transports Young to an unknown alien vessel. These aliens are very advanced and not very friendly. This episode is filled with action and aliens and ship to ship battles.

                      12) Divided: The second part of Space. Tense, thrilling, suspenseful, occasionally surprising?this episode proves that no divide is too great to bridge. With the military against the civilians, the crew must reconcile, come together, become a family, before it's too late.

                      13) Faith: While visiting an exotic planet, the crew confronts alien faith [religion?] and the possibility of the Ancients as saviors. Some of the crew members feel they need a ruler.

                      14) Human: The episode focuses on Rush, who risks his life in an experiment involving the ship's computer and flashes back to the time when he was recruited into the Stargate Program. His now dead wife, Gloria Rush, will appear in these flashbacks as will Michael Shanks as Daniel Jackson. This episode was originally entitled "Lucid".

                      15) Lost: Greer is trapped in some rubble on a planet and left for dead. The ordeal brings back memories of his abusive father, Reginald a gulf war vet, and his loving mother, Angela, who stays with her husband for the man he once was. (I got a screen pic of Greer saving people (his parents?) from a house fire.)

                      16) Sabotage: When one of the twelve FTL drives explodes due to an overload, the crew calls upon a brilliant scientist from Earth, Dr. Eleanor Perry?a quadriplegic scientist who temporarily takes over Wray's body?to fix the drive. The crew suspects that someone may have sabotaged it. Destiny takes a longer F.T.L. voyage through the void between galaxies. See comments below also.

                      17) Pain: No setting has been released for this episode yet; however, I did hear that Lt. James delivers a stunner of a scene (her death scene?). This episode shows Scott at his worst. Poor guy is never going to stop getting hate mail.

                      18) Subversion: The crew believes that another party besides the Stargate Program was interested in the Icarus project. Furthermore, there may be an enemy spy on board. Lucian Alliance anyone? Earth suffers sabotage. Guest stars RDA and Michael Shanks.

                      19) Incursion (part 1): An enemy from the Milky Way, Commander Kiva of the Lucian Alliance, finds a way to gate aboard the Destiny and take several crew members hostage.

                      20) Incursion (part 2): The second half of this two-parter will spare no one. (Hint, hint) Kiva will do whatever it takes to safeguard her people even if it is at the ultimate expense of the Destiny crew. Samantha Carter returns with the U.S.S. George Hammond?to defend Earth? This episode has a holy shit, big time cliffhanger that leads into season two.

                      Season two script titles so far: Aftermath, Awakening.

                      Note: A great deal of controversy appeared after the casting call and script details for Sabotage were released. Everyone involved in the project would ask that fans watch the episode before over-reacting and making judgments.

                      "That was all misconstrued, and I think once they see the episode, they will have a completely different response to it. It was extremely emotional on many levels for me to play as an actress, playing a quadriplegic. It really makes you appreciate ... I mean, I always appreciate health anyway."

                      "... I think the other stuff that's been expressed has been misunderstood. In the previous episode that has aired ['Earth'], Colonel Telford and Colonel Young exchange bodies. There is an understanding, an underlying understanding between us all, that once you do that, you forfeit your right to your body at that point. And, for me, I feel that if that's true for all the other characters, then it would sort of be prejudicial not to do that with the gay character." (Actress Ming-Na, in an interview)
                      Brian... you are a cruel, cruel man... *resists urge to click*


                        Originally posted by Lahela View Post
                        Brian... you are a cruel, cruel man... *resists urge to click*
                        Resisting isn't that hard, Lahela! Just imagine frequenting a Lost spoiler site out of sheer habit and not clicking on the "Are You Sure?" buttons, with their little tidbits of the grand finale... Self restraint dammit!
                        ~ When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take back the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! WITH THE LEMONS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN! ~

                        ~ Burning people! He says what we're all thinking! ~


                          Originally posted by Lahela View Post
                          Brian... you are a cruel, cruel man... *resists urge to click*
                          Resistance is futile.


                            Now I have a Vogon voice booming in my head


                              Originally posted by Lahela View Post
                              Now I have a Vogon voice booming in my head
                              Good for you. Is he reading some of his favorite poetry?


                                Originally posted by Lahela View Post
                                Brian... you are a cruel, cruel man... *resists urge to click*
                                How much you want to bet its false
                                Originally posted by aretood2
                                Jelgate is right

