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"Stargate Universe" Discussion/Speculation (Spoilers)

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    Stupid double post


      Originally posted by reddevil18 View Post
      Unfortunately, we, as a race, have yet to see the light, and stubbornly refuse to recognize the octagon's superiority when compared to the common, humble square.
      It seems so, though dont get me started on the idiots with the triangle.


        No, don't get it. They are NOT using the stones. I know.


          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
          So are we paying in dollars or pounds?
          One million dollar..?

          ell you what, if you're right, I'll bow down to the all-knowing, all-powerful Jelgate and publicly admit that you're smarter than me (and it works both ways )


            Originally posted by reddevil18 View Post
            No, don't get it. They are NOT using the stones. I know.
            No you don't. You can only guess unless you have already seen Incrusion. And if you have I want a copy.
            Originally posted by aretood2
            Jelgate is right


              Originally posted by SGFerrit View Post
              One million dollar..?

              ell you what, if you're right, I'll bow down to the all-knowing, all-powerful Jelgate and publicly admit that you're smarter than me (and it works both ways )
              I don't think this has much to do with inteligence at least I don't think predictions in a story measures inteligence. Sometimes you get lucky sometimes you don't
              Originally posted by aretood2
              Jelgate is right


                Originally posted by Ukko View Post
                It seems so, though dont get me started on the idiots with the triangle.
                I shall not tolerate such insults! I LOVE triangles. *pulls off glove and smacks Ukko* I demand satisfaction, and your James Bond-ish accent shall not help you this time. I am quite resistant to the charms of sexy accents.


                  Originally posted by SGFerrit View Post
                  One million dollar..?
                  You were saying that out loud, as you were typing, in a Dr. Evil imitation. Don't lie to me, just admit it.


                    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                    No you don't. You can only guess unless you have already seen Incrusion. And if you have I want a copy.
                    I'm Mallozzi's pug, remember? The cute one.


                      Originally posted by reddevil18 View Post
                      I'm Mallozzi's pug, remember? The cute one.
                      The you will be fed to Jamil at noon
                      Originally posted by aretood2
                      Jelgate is right


                        Originally posted by reddevil18 View Post
                        I shall not tolerate such insults! I LOVE triangles. *pulls off glove and smacks Ukko* I demand satisfaction, and your James Bond-ish accent shall not help you this time. I am quite resistant to the charms of sexy accents.
                        *Puts on accent*
                        You dont want to challenge me Come on, let us enjoy a martini instead.


                          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                          I don't think this has much to do with inteligence
                          That's the bet, take it or leave it


                            Originally posted by reddevil18 View Post
                            I shall not tolerate such insults! I LOVE triangles. *pulls off glove and smacks Ukko* I demand satisfaction, and your James Bond-ish accent shall not help you this time. I am quite resistant to the charms of sexy accents.
                            I think you've accidentally mixed up triangles with threesomes. *cheeky grin*


                              Originally posted by Rhadamanthus View Post
                              There are quite a few problems with the series so far and I honestly have some trouble getting past them.
                              Here is what I have found to be problematic for the story so far:

                              1. Carter was aboard the Gen. Hammond which has Asgard shields and beam weapons, why did she not take out the three motherships instead of just sitting there and taking a beating while they attacked the planet, I mean if they could take out Ori ships then why sit there and not even fire a shot?

                              2. I get that almost all the people on Destiny are not supposed to be there but with the communication stones they could easily get people like Carter and McKay on the ship to aid in repairs and the creation of technologies (like Asgard beam tech) that would make survival much easier and why did we not see Dr. Lee looking at anything or the such when Rush reported in the first time?

                              3. In the finale of SGA Radek explained to Woolsey that the wormhole drive would allow almost instantaneous travel anywhere in the universe so why have they not sent Atlantis as they have the complete and total course for Destiny so finding them would not be a problem, especially with the communication stones giving them the means to stop and course check if the drive doesn't get them there in one jump?

                              4. With all the back and forth going on with the military command of Destiny why has O'Neill not used the stones to evaluate the situation himself?

                              5. Is it just me or are all of the military personnel on Destiny a complete contradiction to the military we have seen through out the stargate franchise? (for some reason most of the main characters seem to be sex addicts)

                              6. In the premier there were crates left on the ship by the Ancients, Greer told everyone to leave them alone and focus on the equipment they had brought with them but now those crates are missing and not even a mention as to what happened with them or what was in them, you would think that the Ancients (knowing how long the ship would be out there without them aboard) would have stocked those crates with immediate needs materials for their first arrival (like air filtration elements to get the life support running when they arrived).

                              7. It has been said a few times on the show that the shields being used by Destiny over the hull breaches are not very effective at keeping the air in, we have knowledge and training on both shield tech from the Asgard as well as the Ancients (specifically the shield generators of Atlantis which is used to hold full atmosphere during space flight) and not once have they discussed trying to increase the shield efficiency.

                              8. Young leaving Rush behind is about the dumbest thing they could have done, I know many military personnel and I have never met even one that would do such a thing, especially when it is well known that Rush is the most likely to be able to aid in repairs all over the ship, I mean the character has been explained as being the smartest one there except for Eli whom has no training on this kind of tech and Young doing that just proves yet again that he is really not a leader at all and thinks of his personal grudges before the people he is supposed to be helping.

                              9. I do not understand why all these people using the stones are getting out of the base, it makes no sense at all that are let out in public and allowed to drink, party and have sex with others while occupying the body of another person, I cannot see the SGC (or more specifically O'Neill) letting that kind of stuff take place. However, I do understand letting them talk with loved ones that have clearance but that no longer seems to be an issue, it seems now that if you are working with the SGC and trouble hits you get to tell everyone you care about what is happening.

                              I understand (although I do not agree with it at all) that Rob, Brad, Carl and Martin all wanted to leech off of the success of BSG but this is getting ridiculous.
                              They might as well try to hire the production staff from BSG and Caprica.
                              I do not like that it seems like they are trying to get someone to have sex in almost every episode.
                              I used to watch SG-1 and SGA with my kids and now that just isn't all that acceptable.

                              Anyway, let the ripping of my opinions start as I know there are probably a lot of people that will fight me tooth and nail over this, lol.
                              Spoilered only for space.

                              Welcome to the boards. Nicely outlined concerns. I share most of them as well.
                              Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                                Originally posted by Ukko View Post
                                *Puts on accent*
                                You dont want to challenge me Come on, let us enjoy a martini instead.
                                Damn you, Bond. *strips off clothes*

