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"Stargate Universe" Discussion/Speculation (Spoilers)

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    Originally posted by Orion Antreas View Post
    From how I see it, introducing the Kiva character doesn't contradict that. Even though they may not have been born on Earth, most of the people in the Lucian Alliance are human. Therefore, the part that I bolded is still true (as far as we can tell). They aren't a different species, so it doesn't qualify for that.

    (Yes, I know. She is 'alien', but she is still human. 'Alien' can have many meanings. Some specific, others more broad.)
    Being alien has absolutely nothing to do with species, no definition of the word supports that. It's entirely to do with where someone or something is from, not what they are.


      Originally posted by prion View Post
      Unfortunately the duds do stand out (and I sorta like Citizen Joe, which, for a clip episode, was sorta fun, but Irresistable - gah, if they hadn't followed up with the other one cuz they thought LUcius was such a fun guy....)

      I'll have to go back and see who wrote the episodes I really liked (although I know Jeff E King only wrote the one, alas).
      Check it out..

      BW and RCC wrote Irresistable and their partners in crime, M&M wrote Irresponsible, lol.

      So yeah, even the greats can write bad eps now and then. Even Darren seemed to agree that the "Irr" eps were not good, lol.


        Originally posted by jenks View Post
        Being alien has absolutely nothing to do with species, no definition of the word supports that. It's entirely to do with where someone or something is from, not what they are.

        Well, alien is also used as a synonym (or refer to) for the term, "extraterrestrial life".

        Extraterrestrial life is defined as life which does not originate from planet Earth.
        Source: Wikipedia
        (If that source isn't good enough, I'm sure I can find others for you. )

        If Kiva from the Lucian Alliance is human, she therefore originated from Earth and therefore 'alien' wouldn't apply to her in this point of view.

        Therefore, like I said, TPTB haven't contradicted themselves in that aspect.

        Basically, the term 'alien' can refer to many things. Based on interpretation and one's point of view.

        There are no regrets. Thank you Brad Wright and everyone else for SGU,
        and the amazing Stargate franchise in general.


          Originally posted by Orion Antreas View Post

          Well, alien is also used as a synonym (or refer to) for the term, "extraterrestrial life".

          Source: Wikipedia
          (If that source isn't good enough, I'm sure I can find others for you. )

          If Kiva from the Lucian Alliance is human, she therefore originated from Earth and therefore 'alien' wouldn't apply to her in this point of view.

          Therefore, like I said, TPTB haven't contradicted themselves in that aspect.

          Basically, the term 'alien' can refer to many things. Based on interpretation and one's point of view.
          Um, no she didn't. And yes alien does have many slightly different things, all of which generally mean originating somewhere else, NONE of them have anything to do with species, like I said.


            Originally posted by Sealurk View Post
            Maybe aggressive, predatory parasitic aliens are what makes Stargate so much fun. It just wouldn't be the same with vegetarian, pacifist aliens. Besides, there's one school of thought that suggests that most realistic aliens will be predatory and quite belligerent - the most intelligent and arguably most advanced animals on Earth are all effective and aggressive social predators. Humans, dolphins and chimps, for example.

            As for the fun and pleasure bit...why is that far fetched? If you have to eat (and vegetarianism isn't an option), why not at least enjoy it?

            *Realises what thread this is*
            And that's why I support aggressive aliens in SGU.
            I think specifically targetting other advanced, intelligent species to eat is far fetched. I didn't say enjoying eating was far fetched. In fact going around with the habit of eating other advanced, intelligent species seems like a pretty good way to make yourselves extinct sooner or later. Such a race would probably never rise to the level of galactic dominance or whatever because they would eventually try to eat someone who was much stronger and beat the tar out of them, or wipe them out.

            Since SGU presumably is going to be travelling around and meeting wildly different aliens all the time, I'd be fine with some of them being this way. But we don't need a third rehash (even fourth, if you count the Ori) of another dominant storyline about a big super-evil super-powerful predatory parasite-like alien threat, IMHO.


              Originally posted by jenks View Post
              Um, no she didn't. And yes alien does have many slightly different things, all of which generally mean originating somewhere else, NONE of them have anything to do with species, like I said.
              We know her ancestral origins were from Earth. That is what I am referring to.

              But bleh, it's really no big deal. I find it fine and you don't. (Over Kiva, etc.) No biggie.

              There are no regrets. Thank you Brad Wright and everyone else for SGU,
              and the amazing Stargate franchise in general.


                *Moderator Disclaimer: This is a joke/spoof. There is no such product and no such store, that I'm aware of.

                From The Writer's Wastebasket:
                (Screenplay Excerpt):
                Staziak lifts one leg and points to his boot.
                This is the Magnum M.O.B. 5000-Tactical, Forced-Entry, Penetrator--The most powerful jackboot in the universe. It'll kick your undercarriage clean off, so you gotta ask yourself a question. Do I feel constipated? Well do ya, PUNK?
                Ron "Psycho" Staziak may have been eliminated from the Stargate Universe cast, but you can wear his boots today!

                The Magnum M.O.B. (Mother Of all Boots) 5000, Tactical Forced-Entry Penetrator with Tri-layer Kevlar Reinforced Leather & Kevlar thread triple stitching; Composite Carbon Fiber/Titanium Toe & Heel guards; 12oz Lead-weighted Titanium shank. Waterproof.
                On Sale This Week at Lawmart
                sigpic My Twit-name (@fwupow) is the same!


                  Wait, Wasn't the Ron Staziak character renamed to Ronald Greer (played by Jamil Walker Smith)

                  I'm just asking cause the way the Staziak character was described was one of the many things that caught my interest in SGU.


                    You're probably right. I haven't paid much attention lately. I don't want to spoil my premiere night viewing experience.

                    Ronald Greer? Sounds like a flour mill worker. Not a very military sounding name.

                    Unstable Tough Guys are lots of fun. Teal'c and Ronan were too civilized and likeable. It's the extremes that create the most entertaining interpersonal clashes and such. For example SGA's Cavanaugh with the pony-tail was posterior orifice (expletive replaced) personified and it was a hoot.

                    Too bad the writers just can't leave well enough alone and have to mellow-out and civilize everybody. Even Todd the Wraith was practically a flower-sniffing Barry Manilow fan by the end of SGA.
                    Last edited by fwupow; 16 September 2009, 04:55 PM.
                    sigpic My Twit-name (@fwupow) is the same!


                      Originally posted by fwupow View Post
                      You're probably right. I haven't paid much attention lately. I don't want to spoil my premiere night viewing experience.

                      Ronald Greer? Sounds like a flour mill worker. Not a very military sounding name.
                      Haha, I wasn't going to say anything but I do think the Canada-based-ness of Stargate does have its influence here and there.

                      I mean, Rodney?! I don't know anyone under age 80 with that name.


                        Why did that get dropped in this thread? It's still not funny. (Yes, that character was re-purposed into Ronald Greer)
                        "Most people who are watching TV are semi-catatonic. They're not fully alive." - U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Batten Sr.
                        Ronald Greer is also a medic. Your argument is invalid.
                        Originally posted by J-Whitt Remastered
                        Secondly, I think that everything DigiFluid is good.
                        Sandcastle Builder: The game of XKCD: Time


                          Belouchi writes: “How is it that the space suits from the Destiny shown in the pictures you have posted resemble greatly the lost tribe exoskeleton? Are they in any way connected.”

                          Answer: Well, hey, now that you mention it – yeah, they do look remarkably similar. In fact, if I was a betting man, I’d wager that the Dark Asgard suits are a modified version of the Ancient space suit. Wonder what’s going on there.

                          Cody writes: “Do you have any ideas on what the art will look like, or is that sort of something that will come later?”

                          Answer: We have yet to discuss that aspect of the series.

                          Madwelshboy writes: “What episode is currenly filming? What will be filming next?”

                          Answer: Shooting Lost. Next up, Subversion.

                          Joe Julians writes: “After the pilot does the show go into some shocking and dark places? As in not afraid to take risks with regards to the story?”

                          Answer: We certainly do – to the point that it engendered some fairly heated discussions in the writing room.

                          E writes: “Is SGU S1 gonna have so-called clip show ep? Like SG-1 had “Politics” and SGA “Letters from Pegasus”?”

                          Answer: Nope. Sorry all you clip show-lovers.

                          Iamjohn writes: “Hey Joe- Any reaction to [the SFX review] ? I’m sure you disagree on their description of your characters as too flat- what aren’t they seeing?”

                          Answer: Right after the New Mexico shoot, Rob and I watched a cut of Air III with our wives. Both of them absolutely LOVED the Greer character. I guess it all comes down to a matter of personal taste.

                          Ytimyona writes: “In Metamorphosis, Jonas is flirting with a young Lt. Rush. Related at all to Dr. Nicholas Rush?”

                          Answer: Nope, no relation.
                          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                            Awww, I pity all the poor depraved clipshow lovers.
                            Whoops, I mean deprived.
                            "Most people who are watching TV are semi-catatonic. They're not fully alive." - U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Batten Sr.
                            Ronald Greer is also a medic. Your argument is invalid.
                            Originally posted by J-Whitt Remastered
                            Secondly, I think that everything DigiFluid is good.
                            Sandcastle Builder: The game of XKCD: Time


                              This was just tweeted by Sci Fi Australia:

                              Want to find out first hand Stargate Universe info? Ask the cast a question! Get in quick!
                              SCI FI PI: The Sci Fi Australia Blog

                              (What the galaxy looks like, from downunder!)


                                Tweets ahoy!!

                                #SGU 14.5 hour shoot day yesterday. Hopefully today we will be done in 12 hours. Today @DavidBlue & @BrianJacobSmith & Elyse & Jamil work.

                                Done in under 12 hours yesterday. Just another day in a bamboo forest today with @David Blue, @BrianJacobSmith & the lovely Elyse Levesque.

                                Sometimes their acting blows me away... @AlainaHuffman and Louis Ferreira. Just finished shooting a fantastic scene.

                                Hit the gym hard this for the meetings...very proud of SGU!!

                                @wraithfodder Yes. So far I've been in all but 2 #SGU eps. I think Joe Mallozzi has a few pics on his site with me in them. I have none yet.

                                Someone asked how I liked SGU on a scale of 1-10. Yikes, that's a tough question. I hate numbers, though. Numbers stink.

                                Ok @greymunford is right it's an 11. I'm so damn proud. And will only get better.

                                Meanwhile, stuff from John G. Lenic's Q&A over at JM's blog from 2 days ago:

                                Silversi writes: “So SG-1’s theme song came with (unofficial?) lyrics: “Stargate it’s a great big world with a great big swirl and you step inside to another world…” Are there any official/unofficial lyrics to go with SGA’s theme— and possibly SGU’s?”

                                JL: I wish I knew…there are no Lyrics to the SGA theme that I am aware of and as for SGU, we will have to wait and hear the theme music. You can let me know if anything jumps to mind for Lyrics on that one.

                                Shirt ‘n Tie writes: “Many thanks for taking part in this Q&A. We often hear that the Stargate crew and cast are like a “well oiled machine.” Having been there from day one when the cogs were being put together (so to speak), you have seen all of the changes. So, what has been the biggest change (in a logistical way) from COTG to SGU? Also, what is your favorite moment of the Stargate Franchise? Your appearance on 200 as a wedding guest? Thanks again Mr. L for your time and talent.”

                                JL: Good question…their have been a few logistical things to speak about. Firstly, from a logistical stand point, we used to shoot SG-1 on 16mm film, then in season 3 I think, we went to 35mm film and then in season 8 we went to the Sony F900 HD cameras and then on the last couple years of Atlantis, we went to the Panasonic HD cameras and now on SGU, we are using the Genesis HD system. You must realize that there are so many idiosyncrasies with working with each camera system. We had to adapt to each one both on set and in postproduction. All of the above had some pitfalls. The best one to work with thus far is the Genesis system. Although expensive to rent, the picture looks fantastic, as close to a film look as you are going to get in the digital domain. Film still is from a look perspective and in my opinion, the best looking format to shoot on. We extensively tested 9 different camera systems over a two-day period prior to settling on the Genesis system for SGU. The only reason that we didn’t go film is financial. Film still is roughly $18,000 more per episode then digital as you have all the developing and transferring of the film to do after it is shot.


                                My other favorite moments for me are this season on SGU. Coming to work every day with such great people makes for a lot of laughter throughout the days. People like Julie Reider, our accountant, George Horie, my partner in crime, the amazing production office, Nathan, Tanja, David and Chad who put up with me and of course Brad and Robert, who really are instrumental in why we all love to work there and why we have had so many of the same people return year after year.

                                Major D. Davis writes: “If you weren’t employed by the Stargate team, would Stargate be a show you would watch regularly and enjoy?”

                                JL: I am really looking forward to SGU as it is Sci-Fi and drama and the scripts so far have been fantastic.

                                Finally, some pictures from yesterday:

                                Chillaxin' soldiers.
                                Group photo!
                                Down to business...

                                From: http://josephmallozzi.files.wordpres...img_4483x2.jpg

