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"Stargate Universe" Discussion/Speculation (Spoilers)

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    Originally posted by Descent View Post
    I think 24 (or Lost even) is a good example of a show that kills off main characters on a regular basis and does it with respect (usually). I'm fine with killing main characters as long as it benefits the other characters and the larger plot in the process.
    I suppose you're right here. I mean, I am just pretty adverse to main character deaths in general, but this is more of an emotional reaction than a rational one. I'd agree that the deaths on Lost have been handled pretty well, though it still leaves me feeling a bit...disgruntled...or something.

    Personally though, I'm afraid I'll really start to like a character who is soon killed off in a disrespectful/pointless way. Kinda like Beckett's death, because it didn't really do anything special with the exception of that nice 3-4 minute funeral scene at the end. Other than that, it was just a quick/dirty way to shock the viewers and bring in a new attractive female character to replace him.
    I share this same fear. If they can steer clear of this, then I feel like SGU will be a really great show, as I'm very excited about the other premises.
    Sig by Pandora's Box


      Well, after several weeks of talking about it, we finally sat down and did it – the writers set aside their other work (editing, outlines, autobiographies) and their differences (the Binder-Gero feud is legendary) to gather and break Episode #19. And, in under two and a half hours, we were done. Not only did we have a terrific story with not three, not four, but five FULL acts, but Robert Cooper had come up with an episode title none of us hated (which, trust me, is a major achievement). Can’t reveal the name yet but, as Carl noted, if you switched out a single letter, it would have the same title as an episode of Atlantis.

      Now if all goes according to plan, we’ll break Episode #20 on Wednesday, discuss Brad’s story, and ensure everyone is poised to go to script before our lengthy hiatus.

      So Jamil Walker Smith dropped by the office the other day to kick back, chat, and regale us with tales of his latest cycling escapades. I recall, in those first few weeks of production, being struck by the contrast between the actor and the character he played. Onscreen, Sgt. Ronald Greer is a smoldering powder keg, tough, threatening, incessantly ominous. Off screen, however, Jamil is one of the happiest, most gregarious individuals one could ever hope to meet. On the surface, the two seem to be polar opposites but, getting to know Jamil over these past few months, I can’t help but note he shares one major attribute with his character: a quiet intensity that drives everything from personal philosophy to performance. He’s hilarious, a hell of a lot of fun, but when it’s time to get down to business, I’ve rarely seen anyone so inwardly focused. I told him he was doing a terrific job and that his character was really popping. Ever gracious, he likened our working relationship to a tennis match, his performance an inspired response to the material we were serving. “Keep smashing it our way,”he said, “and we’ll keep hitting it back.” And, so far, eleven episodes in, they all have.
      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


        And a pic of Jamil from the same blog entry:



          Originally posted by Reci View Post
          Hi I'm Reci. Can't wait for this series to start and even more stoked Lou Diamond Philips is in this far as the pilot.
          Welcome. Yeah, hopefully he won't end up being just another Sumner-like character. That wouldn't be good.

          Originally posted by PG15 View Post
          And a pic of Jamil from the same blog entry:

          Jeez. That guy always looks super serious in every one of his pictures.
          "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
          DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


            Originally posted by PG15 View Post
            And a pic of Jamil from the same blog entry:

            Wow, nice. It's so cool to finally hear something about Jamil. He wasn't in the most recent trailer (as a speaker), and I haven't heard much about him. Now if only we'd hear a bit more about Elyse and Alaina...
            Sig by Pandora's Box


              Can’t reveal the name yet but, as Carl noted, if you switched out a single letter, it would have the same title as an episode of Atlantis.
              Hmm...This is for episode #19.

              Here's a list of Atlantis' one-word titles (assuming the SGU episode is one-word, which I wouldn't see why they would move away from that format.):
              • Rising
              • Suspicion
              • Underground
              • Home=Hope (Possibility?)
              • Sanctuary
              • Runner
              • Duet=Duel (Possibility?)
              • Condemned
              • Trinity
              • Instinct
              • Conversion
              • Aurora
              • Epiphany
              • Michael
              • Inferno
              • Allies
              • Misbegotten
              • Irresistible
              • Sateda
              • Progeny
              • Phantoms
              • Echoes
              • Irresonsible
              • Sunday
              • Submersion=Subversion (Possibility?)
              • Vengeance
              • Adrift
              • Lifeline
              • Reunion
              • Doppelganger
              • Travelers
              • Missing
              • Quarantine
              • Harmony
              • Outcast
              • Trio
              • Midway
              • Whispers
              • Tracker
              • Outsiders
              • Inquisition
              • Remnants
              • Infection
              • Identity
              • Vegas

              Well...That's a long list...anyone have the brains to take a crack at it? I don't think I can...

              And by the way, I was very bored so I figured, "What the heck?" and decided to make the list.

              EDIT: How about this? Once we can determine that an episode title has no place for SGU (i.e. Vegas), we can cross it off. No?

              Also remember that there is a letter change between the SGA episode title and the SGU title, so that could also help us rid a few titles if a letter won't make a difference for that SGA episode title.

              I can safely say that Michael, Sateda, Vegas, and Doppelganger won't influence the title.

              If only I knew how to do the strikethrough...
              Last edited by Orion Antreas; 23 June 2009, 04:29 PM.

              There are no regrets. Thank you Brad Wright and everyone else for SGU,
              and the amazing Stargate franchise in general.


                Originally posted by :Orion Coran: View Post
                If only I knew how to do the strikethrough...
                Boo hoo =

                {strike}Boo hoo{/strike}

                Replace the { with [.


                  Duet = Duel?
                  Tracker = Trucker?
                  Missing = Kissing?


                    This seems interesting. Here's some:

                    Diet, Trim, Trip, Subversion (this fits the theme), Outlast (also fits a bit), Tricker (not likely), Tracked, Whimpers (okay...time to go to bed).

                    [EDIT] Lmao at me seeing "Diet" before I saw "Duel". I'm too tired right now
                    Last edited by Coronach; 22 June 2009, 09:06 PM. Reason: I keep adding to my list as I find them, lol.
                    Sig by Pandora's Box


                      Originally posted by Lythisrose View Post
                      Duet = Duel?
                      Tracker = Trucker?
                      Missing = Kissing?
                      My money is on one of the second two,
                      Sig by Pandora's Box


                        Home --> Hope.
                        Whispers --> Whiskers.
                        Tracker --> Cracker.
                        Sunday --> Sundae.


                          Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                          Home --> Hope.
                          Whispers --> Whiskers.
                          Tracker --> Cracker.
                          Sunday --> Sundae.
                          *snap* that's a good one. It also fits really well with the theme of the show.
                          Sig by Pandora's Box


                            Indeed. I think I'll bet on that one.

                            Your "Subversion" is pretty cool too; in the "opposite" direction in terms of mood.


                              Duet > Suet


                                Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                                Indeed. I think I'll bet on that one.

                                Your "Subversion" is pretty cool too; in the "opposite" direction in terms of mood.
                                Indeed. I guess the question is, what spectrum of the story mood will they be at at this point?
                                Sig by Pandora's Box

