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"Stargate Universe" Discussion/Speculation (Spoilers)

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    Small update:

    Mishmee writes: “I’m confused, if you are on Hiatus, why are they filming in NM?”

    Answer: The local crew and the production offices are on hiatus because the show is shooting in New Mexico for the week.

    Major D. Davis writes: “Now that we have a entry with doggy pictures, can we get a entry with SGU pictures?”

    Answer: Would love to, but thinks have reached a bit of an impasse with the High Council of Official Approvers.

    Chevron7 writes: “1. Which character is the most resourceful, quick thinking?

    2. Is there one particular threat, not necessarily an enemy, that hangs over their heads throughout the season?”

    Answers: 1. I think they’re all fairly resourceful in their own ways – although certainly Rush is more likely to consider options the others might dismiss.

    2. There’ll be plenty of threats hanging over their heads, from without and within.


      FYI, there's going to be a segment on the Stargate shows (including SGU) at the Jace Hall Show. Details at


        Anais33 a ecrit: “[...] 3) Le Destiny posséde des drônes pour attaquer ou d’autre arme?”

        Reponses: [...] 3) D’autre armes.

        Translation: [...] 3) Destiny’s weapon systems do not make use of drones.

        Major D. Davis writes: "[...] 2. So the only reason we can’t see SGU pictures is because of MGM’s “Special Project”?


        4. Any new SGU episdoe titles you would care to share with us?


        Answers: [...] 2. No. That’s the only reason we can’t see Destiny pics.


        4. Nope [...]
        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



          Trish writes: “Also, it seems like we’ve been waiting 5 years for SGU. TPTB act as if ANY info gets out about the show it will tear a hole in the fabric of space/time thus ending the world and univers in which we live. But ONCE it (finally) airs will they relax and let you happily post pics again?”

          Answer: Hopefully before then.

          JediMaster writes: “ 1) Unless I’ve been reading a lot of incorrect things from Cooper/Wright, was it NOT stated that there will BE NO cross overs and will BE NO contact with earth in SGU, so NOW there’s been a MAJOR U TURN, that was the point I WAS MAKING!!!!”

          Answer: I don’t recall anyone ever stating there will be no crossovers or no contact with Earth.

          JediMaster also writes: “2) AND SG1 WAS NOT CANCELLED IN FAVOUR OF SGA, that’s another MAIN POINT!!!!!!!!!!”

          Answer: If you can point out the article or quote that confirms SGA was cancelled in favor of SGU, I’d love to read it.

          JediMaster also writes: “ 3) AND searching for Atlantis WAS a major plot line for SG1 and for Jackson.

          4) AND HOW WOULD THE EXPEDITION HAVE GOTTEN TO ATLANTIS, if not through the SGC THEREFORE CALLED ME STUPID, WOULDN’T ONE OR MORE OF THEM HAVE BEEN THERE. In fact it would have weird if one of them WASN’T there!!!!! “

          Answer: So you’ve already read the script for the SGU pilot and feel the guest appearances weren’t logically motivated?


            I seriously don't understand people...

            *face palm*

            There are no regrets. Thank you Brad Wright and everyone else for SGU,
            and the amazing Stargate franchise in general.


              Originally posted by :Orion Coran: View Post
              I seriously don't understand people...

              *face palm*
              I do.

              And it just makes me sad.


                Originally posted by :Orion Coran: View Post
                I seriously don't understand people...

                *face palm*
                Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                I do.

                And it just makes me sad.
                I think its hilarious. I enjoy laughing at some of the ignorance of these people who think they know more then the showrunners.
                Originally posted by aretood2
                Jelgate is right


                  Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                  I think its hilarious. I enjoy laughing at some of the ignorance of these people who think they know more then the showrunners.
                  The sad thing is that they feel like they have their right to use a tone like this when talking to the people behind these shows.


                    Originally posted by pjt View Post
                    The sad thing is that they feel like they have their right to use a tone like this when talking to the people behind these shows.
                    That is the Internet for you. Because your not talking to a person face to face a great amount of giving people respect is gone
                    Originally posted by aretood2
                    Jelgate is right


                      Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                      That is the Internet for you. Because your not talking to a person face to face a great amount of giving people respect is gone
                      I still hope, that the ability to vent these frustrations online, leads to smaller numbers of aggressive acts in real life...


                        Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                        I think its hilarious. I enjoy laughing at some of the ignorance of these people who think they know more then the showrunners.
                        well, when I've seen some episodes where the medicine is horrendous, yes, some folk DO know more than TPTB. (Don't get me started on last week's PRIMEVAL).

                        Anyway.... the Jace Hall show has a cute little promo, which does have Staragte Universe ad at end, but it's worth it just to see Chris Judge do very un-Teal'c-like stuff :

                        Embedded here:


                          Originally posted by prion View Post
                          well, when I've seen some episodes where the medicine is horrendous, yes, some folk DO know more than TPTB. (Don't get me started on last week's PRIMEVAL).

                          Anyway.... the Jace Hall show has a cute little promo, which does have Staragte Universe ad at end, but it's worth it just to see Chris Judge do very un-Teal'c-like stuff :

                          Embedded here:
                          ROFLMAO! Chris was hilarious.

                          It looks like we were able to see a lil' more of the Icarus Base behind Chris that appears to be where the Control Center is.

                          There are no regrets. Thank you Brad Wright and everyone else for SGU,
                          and the amazing Stargate franchise in general.


                            A little something...

                            I swung by Stage 4 and said hi to Robert Carlyle who is happy to be back in cooler climate, then warned David Blue that my dogs were hot on his twitter heels.


                              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                              That is the Internet for you. Because your not talking to a person face to face a great amount of giving people respect is gone
                              What a sad truth that is.
                              MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                              "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                              Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                                Small update:

                                TwiceBorn writes: “So is sCIfI planning on letting you post any of the pictures you take with said camera they gave to you?”

                                Answer: Eventually, yes. That’s the plan.

                                Major D. Davis writes: “[...] 5. Was the special project the upcoming episode of the Jace Hall show?( I believe he tours the sets of Stargate Universe)”

                                Answers: [...] 5. No, it wasn’t.

                                Farrah writes: “1) Will Stargate: Universe show in Australia? (It’s obvious I am Australian, and that’s why I’m asking.) [...]

                                Answers: 1) Sorry. No idea. [...]

