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"Stargate Universe" Discussion/Speculation (Spoilers)

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    VOOK writes: “1. Doesn’t Icarus base get destroyed thus making all this work now redundent… [...]”

    Answers: 1. It gets destroyed? [...]


      hrmm, thats an interesting twist


        Let's not get carried away. When JM does this it usually means he doesn't want to reveal the outcome; whatever it may be.


          JM likes mind games. They can move the walls, so maybe they can rebuild the "old" SGC for a DVD film.

          So will Air be a four parter or will Fire be a two parter?
          "I was hoping for another day. Looks like we just got a whole lot more than that. Let's not waste it."

          "Never underestimate your audience. They're generally sensitive, intelligent people who respond positively to quality entertainment."

          "Individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today, but the core of science fiction, its essence, has become crucial to our salvation, if we are to be saved at all."


            The following Twitter tweets are updates on the location filming in Alamagordo, New Mexico:

            SGU - Brian J. Smith Twitter Update May 4 '09:



            SGU - David Blue's Twitter Site Update May 4 '09:


            SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
            SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
            Morjana's Blog Twitter


              Originally posted by ohnd View Post
              hrmm, thats an interesting twist
              Not really a twist, we never knew what was going to happen to it in the first place.



                Daniel Willis writes: “Will sgu have a long, catchy beginning like sg1 and atlantis?”

                Answer: Joel Goldsmith is working on the theme as we speak. No word yet on actual length.

                David writes: “ I was just wondering as official blog person for SGU why you did not get to go to new Mexico to get those behind the scenes photos for the blog or have you or MGM/scifi assigned someone else to that job.”

                Answer: I’m “official” insofar as I’m the one person with extensive behind-the-scenes access and information who maintains a regular online presence. It isn’t a job - more a fun extra I do here and for the SciFi site.

                David also writes: “ Why I am grateful for the behind scenes shots of the icarus set, loving it, but do you know when you be allow to post pictures of the destiny set or perhaps even some of the other random sets.”

                Answer: MGM wants to hold off on the Destiny set pics because they have something special in the works. As for the other sets - I’ve already forwarded the network some more pics and am waiting for them to sign off on the shuttle.

                David also writes: “Any chance of the new cast doing a question and answer session anytime soon on the blog.”

                Answer: Why, yes. I’ve asked a bunch and they’re all eager to make a guest visit. But they’d like to settle into their characters first.

                David also writes: “Any chance of the new cast doing a question and answer session anytime soon on the blog.”

                Answer: Why, yes. I’ve asked a bunch and they’re all eager to make a guest visit. But they’d like to settle into their characters first.

                PG15 also writes: “4. And while I’m at it, on March 16th, you wrote:

                Brad then pytched out hys revysed notion for an ydea he’s been battyng around for a whyle now. A great premyse wyth an yntryguing mystery at yts core, a wonderful opportunyty for one of our characters, all wrapped up in a an ultymately touchyng theme.

                What episode was this about?”

                Answer: A still-untitled story in the back half.

                PG15 also writes: “5. Finally, on March 24th, you wrote:

                We talked Tekkonkinkreet, Takashi Miike, and Minister Faust before I was called into the writer’s room to help spin a new story on another freelance script, this one a wonderful exploration of the Rush character. By lunch, we had the story broken

                What episode was this about?”

                Answer: Another story for the back half, this one is being scripted by a freelancer.

                Trish writes: “Will ANY of the SGU epi titles be more than one word?”

                Answer: For season one - unlikely. Come around season 10, you’re likely to get titles like “The Team Gets Stranded On A Planet With No Sun”.

                Banderas writes: “1. What is this Homeworld Command you talked about on the blog yesterday. Is this the Headquarters of Homeworld Security?
                2. So there won’t be any SGC in future movies and in SGU. Is there any chance that you will use the new sets as the SGC(at least the Gateroom) for a scene?
                3.Is the uniform Col. Tellford wearing, a unique uniform for the Icarus base or it will be a new kind of SG uniform?
                4. Is there any Alien+Alien ship concept art already behind the scenes or will you do that later? If yes, does the art department enjoy this “new-kind” of task(at least for SG)?
                5. Will we can get some new information about the “Pre-Atlantis” Ancients in SGU?
                6. Will there be any Ancient handheld-weaponry on the ship?”

                Answers: 1. Yes.

                2. I never said there wouldn’t be any SGC in future moives.

                3. It’s an Icarus Base uniform.

                4. Lots of alien and alien ship concept art that I’ll eventually showcase. And, yes, the Art Department loves this kind of stuff.

                5. Some.

                6. Remains to be seen.

                Major D. Davis writes: “[...] 2. Will the Odyssey be involved in the premier of SGU (Cause Caldwell said something about the Odyssey in Eatg)? [...]"

                Answers: [...] 2. No comment. [...]



                  Originally posted by lizzyshoe View Post
                  Wow, Stargate Universe? wth? That sounds like the title of a bad B-movie to me. I hope they change it, and fast.
                  PLEASE ...somebody tell the producers to not fall into the trap that affected Battlestar G. They used cameras that were hand-held to give it that "realistic" look. It was only annoying! At least the SG shows had steady camera shots. I saw the trailer and I saw bits and pieces of hand-held camera shots. That will lose me as a viewer if they try that stuff.


                    Originally posted by capri26 View Post
                    PLEASE ...somebody tell the producers to not fall into the trap that affected Battlestar G. They used cameras that were hand-held to give it that "realistic" look. It was only annoying! At least the SG shows had steady camera shots. I saw the trailer and I saw bits and pieces of hand-held camera shots. That will lose me as a viewer if they try that stuff.
                    While I know many people who loved BSG, I know a lot who went 'meh' due to the camerawork. While it's *yawn* realistic, it's also realistic to hold a camera steady as well. Hello? If we can send a man to the Pegasus Galaxy and beyond, surely we can send them with a videocamera that includes a stabilizer. Sheesh.


                      But you're not supposed seeing things from the perspective of a camera man are you?


                        I'm pretty sure they've already said they're NOT gonna do the "shakey camera" garbage.
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                          Depends what you mean by 'shakey camera' garbage. If you think they're going to use steady cams and there'll be no motion in the camera at all then you're going to be disappointed, on the other hand I doubt they'll take it to the extent Cloverfield or even BSG did.


                            Originally posted by Shan Bruce Lee View Post
                            I'm pretty sure they've already said they're NOT gonna do the "shakey camera" garbage.
                            I agree its junk for every scene but if they did some slight shaky cam for the intense action, it would greatly add to SGU's awesomeness


                              im thinking they will do it more like friday night lights camera work.its doen with hand held and while they shake a bit sometimes i manage to barely notice it half the has that "if a documentary crew were there" like they have said they wanted but not the extent as cloverfield went...which imo was an awesome movie.


                                Originally posted by kennythewraith View Post
                                im thinking they will do it more like friday night lights camera work.its doen with hand held and while they shake a bit sometimes i manage to barely notice it half the has that "if a documentary crew were there" like they have said they wanted but not the extent as cloverfield went...which imo was an awesome movie.
                                I agree with your other points, but I wanted to say that it's relatively rare that I find people who like Cloverfield. Honestly, I liked the movie even though I recognize its faults, .

                                On the other hand, I also wouldn't want Cloverfield style for SGU, so I'm glad the producers mentioned that they specifically don't want that either.
                                Sig by Pandora's Box

