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"Stargate Universe" Discussion/Speculation (Spoilers)

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    Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
    Whatever happened to Damian Kindler?
    Originally posted by aretood2
    Jelgate is right


      Originally posted by jelgate View Post
      Which one was that again?

      He didn't write that one. Alan Brennert wrote that one, I think.

      Damian Kindler's last episode was Tao of Rodney.

      EDIT again: Yeah, okay...the show. Don't watch it so I wouldn't know.


        Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
        No, but it would be really nice if we had some writers other than the usual for what is supposed to be brand-spankin' new departure from the usual Stargate formula for SGU.

        So far, we've got the usual culprits, only two of which (Carl Binder and Alan McCullough) are relatively new. And when I say new, I mean newer than the other writers who've been around since SG-1.
        On the contrary, these writers have proven themselves, at least to me, that they can write good stuff. Yes, they blunder sometimes too, but who doesn't. Fact is, we know what they're capable of.

        With that said, considering that this is a new situation, we really don't know what they have in store for us. SG1 and Atlantis have been off of the same assembly line for the last 14 seasons (all about a team going through the gate from a base to explore a world, and fighting a few main enemies every once in a while, that's it); we really haven't seen what these writers can do outside of that general frame...until now. I look forward to seeing how they can break out of the old SG1/SGA mold to accomodate themselves in this new situation. Hey, they may not be able to; they may screw up; I'm ready to accept that if it should happen, but IMHO, they are the best of both worlds: experienced writers in a new situation.

        I'm not surprised that Martin Gero is excited; no longer would these writers have to put up with limitations that they short-sightedly put in place at the beginning of Atlantis (i.e. no high-tech races due to Wraith dominance). These are exciting times; Universe's concept is pretty much wide open.

        That's not to say I wouldn't mind a new writer as well; he/she would be untested, of course. I would rather our writers build a base that respects what came before before letting new writers in to take in a new direction, or whatever.

        I guess what I'm rambling on about is that, for me, it's not a disappointment that there is no new writers, because we're already kind of getting that.

        Whatever happened to Damian Kindler?
        He's on Sanctuary now, I believe; the new series with the CGI background and the Amanda Tapping.


          Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
          Which one was that again?
          The show Amanda Tapping is now on
          Originally posted by aretood2
          Jelgate is right


            Sanctuary the show.....yeah, it. I don't watch it so it's off my radar.

            As for the writers, I'm not saying they're bad. I'm not even saying that they're not good. They've certainly written some pretty neat stuff in the past 5 years; some duds, sure, but mostly awesome stuff.

            However, their sty;es are evident. As are their strengths and their weaknesses and while I'm not against seeing what they can bring to the table with new characters and a new Stargate vision and world, I'd also like to see some new styles and ideas brought to that same table.

            I can't help but think that after many years working on essentially the same project, one would get tired out. One's creative juices would trickle instead of flow. This would be a great time to inject some new life into the franchise with some new ideas, a fresh take.

            Maybe I'm just a more cynical person by nature, but I don't think we'll get something extraordinarily revolutionary out of these guys and the last thing they need is to be creating a new show with a new name, but with the same essence. Creativity is not infinite and I sincerely think, and I don't mean this in a derogatory way, that these writers may have peaked....or are near enough to it.


              And here I thought I was the cynical one.

              Maybe just in real life.

              You're right, their styles are evident. But is that style a product of the writer, or the situation? Well, it's probably both, but with the situation being (apparently) very different, I can't help but feel that we'll get some newish styles derived from the old ones as well.

              Now that I think about it though, I see your point, and sense a flaw in mine: we know what they're capable of, so we also know what they're not capable of, unfortunately.

              I suppose that added sense of "what is he/she going to do?" of a new writer is quite attractive, as well. That would be the main draw for me of a new writer.

              Also, I want to write for the show.

              As for getting tired out; I don't think so. That's just one of the perks of a Sci-Fi world; there are so many possibilities; so many ways to explore so many situations, concepts, characters, and so forth.


                Originally posted by Automission View Post
                Seriously mate, you suck. **** off already. BSG is ****, and Lost is amazing. But I watch lost for mystery, I watch Stargate for sci fi talk and their own storylines. If every show worked in the same way, they'd all suck.

                So, to sum this up. **** off dick.

                Sorry for that outburst people. Yeah, I hope the gate is purple in some way, even if it's just a purple tinted stargate room!
                ...purple gate... *stares off in to the distance* nope don't think it will be, the guys would feel uncomfortable.


                  Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                  Also, I want to write for the show.
                  Who doesn't?

                  As for getting tired out; I don't think so. That's just one of the perks of a Sci-Fi world; there are so many possibilities; so many ways to explore so many situations, concepts, characters, and so forth.
                  Uhhhhhhh...I don't know what pretty, little world you're living in but sci-fi ceased to be very original a long time ago. Hell, even the basic premises of SG-1 and SGA aren't all that dissimilar.


                    They say their are only 9 original stories in science fiction
                    Originally posted by aretood2
                    Jelgate is right


                      Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                      They say their are only 9 original stories in science fiction
                      Who's "they" and what are the stories?


                        Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                        Uhhhhhhh...I don't know what pretty, little world you're living in but sci-fi ceased to be very original a long time ago. Hell, even the basic premises of SG-1 and SGA aren't all that dissimilar.
                        Well yeah; I never said anything about originality of ideas.

                        It's all about the execution of the details.

                        But, putting myself in a writer's shoes; just because it exists before, doesn't mean I have written it. I mean, what kind of writer doesn't want to write angsty scenes, or cool revelations, or humorous banter? It's all been done before, but it's still fun for a writer. You know what I mean?


                          Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                          Well yeah; I never said anything about originality of ideas.

                          It's all about the execution of the details.

                          But, putting myself in a writer's shoes; just because it exists before, doesn't mean I have written it. I mean, what kind of writer doesn't want to write angsty scenes, or cool revelations, or humorous banter? It's all been done before, but it's still fun for a writer. You know what I mean?
                          I do, I do, and I see your point.

                          I still think, however, that even in writing sci-fi a writer can become, for lack of a better word, tired.


                            From Joe M's blog

                            Ava writes: “1) Do you plan an international team for SGU like there was in Atlantis? I’m looking forward this new series! It’s so difficult to find a good old scifi series in Tv these days. Anything scifi related and creative is very welcomed.

                            Answers: 1) The Destiny will not be crewed by an international team in the same was the Atlantis expedition was.


                              I was back in the office today and, while Brad and Rob were meeting with the gang from MGM, Paul was pitching me his proposed changes to the outline. On the Stargate: Universe front, it looks like they’ve finally decided on a ship design. More or less. And they’ve also narrowed down their casting choices. With the initial auditions and call-backs complete, they’ll be heading into test week on the hunt for a Young, Scott, Eli, Tamara, Chloe, and Stasiak. As for Rush - well, this one should be very interesting.
                              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



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