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"Stargate Universe" Discussion/Speculation (Spoilers)

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    Bah, I don't care about the so-called 'SGA movies'. When I read about the cancellation of SGA I immediately knew SGU was getting a green-light - I thought 'oh well, it better be a good show'. And then I read more about it. BAH.

    Instead of a darker, more violant Stargate series (think BSG) we get 'space battles for younger audiences'. Stargate Infinity played by real actors? Seems like it. I'll watch the pilot, but I think (know) I'm not going to like it.

    And instead of resolving the unresolved plots from SGA, they intend to have a new movie for a new audience. Hell, like anyone who never saw the series will buy that movie.

    This just shows that TPTB either don't know or don't care about the fans feelings.

    Seriously, I'm very pissed of by this.
    Mia: Don't you hate that?
    Vincent: Hate what?
    Mia: Uncomfortable silences. Why do we feel it's necessary to yak about bullsh*t in order to be comfortable?
    Vincent: I don't know. That's a good question.
    Mia: That's when you know you've found somebody really special: you can just shut the f*** up for a minute and comfortably share silence.
    - Pulp Fiction


      Having read the 'SGU green lit' article, I'm seething. And I don't normally get angry or emotional about what is essentially just a TV show - there are simply more important things to get angry about.

      But that press release really did feel like a giant kick in the teeth from the producers of Stargate. I try to take a step back, a deep breath and read the article from a neutral, objective point of view. And it still stings.

      Why, oh why, for the love of all that is Stargate, would they want to create a series that so obviously annoys the existing fanbase?

      The premise is essentially a weak rip-off of Atlantis (Ancient ship, cut off from Earth). Is Atlantis just so expensive to make, or so hard to save, that they decide to start over? Have they actually been reduced to scraping the barrel for ideas so badly that even the series premise is a tired remake of the last one?

      The attempt to woo a younger audience will seriously distance the huge, existing Stargate fanbase. This has me incensed. I have supported Stargate avidly from the beginning. I have bought the DVDs, even the books, and probably unlike the younger audience, I have the cash to do so at will.

      The increased space action is insane - one of the biggest criticisms of SGA was it barely featured the gate anymore. And which genius thought of the name Destiny for the ship?

      *Deep breath*

      While I will reserve judgement for the pilot, this just is not sounding good. I cannot see myself watching a series described this poorly.
      And now it's time for one last bow, like all your other selves. Eleven's hour is over now... the clock is striking Twelve's.
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        I have to say I disappionted about the cancelation of SGA and hope the movies tie the plot holes up.
        I am glad the Stargate Universe got a go it has been in talks for three years so I hope they choose good characters for the series. The spaceship idea is an interesting concept so we will see what happens.
        All of the above statments are merely my own opinion unless otherwise stated.


          I dont get the "for younger audeinces" bit, what is that supposed to mean? Younger audiences prefer drama, dark, edgy, gripping, politically and socially challenging entertainment. Despite what the stereotype is that young means OC fangirls. i just hope they realise that.
          Otherwise it will be a series full of promethius unbound romps, and im not saying PU was a bad episdoes, its one of my favourates, but everyone who complains about Valas overt sexual stuff, and sheps grooming of the pegasus galaxy. I can see "younger" being perceived as a massive turnoff. If you are going to do ship based stuff, it should be grand and creative and exciting..but thats just my opinion. I hope they go for epic, gripping, perilous and engaging. If its 200 thirty something red shirts with an ellis or woolsey to piss everyone off in charge, i wont be watching..
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            I am incredibly overjoyed after hearing the news of Stargate: Universe being green-lit!!! So exciting!!! A third opportunity to expand upon this incredible franchise and see it in a new light, and meet new characters and new enemies!

            ROLL ON 2009!!!

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              I remain skeptical about the whole younger audience thing and I feel that the mythology aspect of the Stargate series will be lost in this show. I mean sure Atlantis did not have as much myth related material as SG-1 but it had some. But with this show, its clear that there will almost none in it. Having said that, I will reserve judgement until the show airs and see how it goes. It might be better in practice then in concept.

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                I really hope they change that stupid name.


                  Me too, destiny? No offense to stargate destiny, but its a stupid name.
                  You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                  Stargate : Genesis |
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                  11000! green me


                    Originally posted by immhotep View Post
                    Me too, destiny? No offense to stargate destiny, but its a stupid name.
                    It's so simple to go online and look up a latin translator for a grand sounding name. Makes you wonder what the writer's IQ is.......


                      Hey! Destiny is not a stupid name.
                      You're just jealous they didn't call it 'Genesis.'


                        Originally posted by Lt. Colonel Ryu Gaia View Post
                        Hey! Destiny is not a stupid name.
                        You're just jealous they didn't call it 'Genesis.'
                        Nice one. But it works better for the first ship.


                          For me Stargate is dead. After Atlantis i shall no longer be a viewer. It is a crime what TPTB have done and I feel betrayed that as a 26 year old (and a viewer since the Kurt Russel film) i'm classed as too old. This new idea does not interest me in the least and to throw out what is essentially Stargate for a series closer to Star Trek set in space onboard a ship with a cruddy name.
                          They NEED a "known actor" just to partially pull this off and i'll give it a season, maybe two at a push (bearing in mind Star Trek Enterprise actually got more). To make me watch this you'd need to bring in Neil Patrick Harris as Captain "Awesome"....which i highly doubt will happen.


                            Im not jelous, Destiny the VS sounds an awful lot like SGU at the moment. Well it has themes from all the VS's and the fleets combined. Its very weird, cos its called a ship called destiny and SGU (which for those out of the loop was the site which was the host for all the VS's for a time)...very suspitous. We only heard about SGU after most of the VS's cept horizon were running out of steam. Is destiny still going LCRG?
                            You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                            Stargate : Genesis |
                            Original Starship DesignThread
                            Sanctuary for all |
                            11000! green me


                              I'm glad SGu was greenlit, but the younger audience thing scares me. The moment i read it, i got a flashback from "200" where they were talking about recasting with younger actors for younger audience seriously if they do something like that, it will be the first stargate thing i wont care about. I do like the spacebattles part though Oh and Destiny isnt that great a name, not very fitting for the ships role either, hope they change it :|

                              Covering up scandals and keeping secrets is almost a racial trait.

                              Isn't it funny how the word 'politics' is made up of the words 'poli' meaning 'many' in Latin, and 'tics' as in 'bloodsucking creatures’?


                                They wont. And yes if its anything like 200 and WX...then thats my relationship with stargate done for.
                                You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                                Stargate : Genesis |
                                Original Starship DesignThread
                                Sanctuary for all |
                                11000! green me

