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    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    she is. but there's more to a female character than how much cleavage they can show off. Yet that seems to be coop's fascination.

    check out the pub scene on the ori planet...we actually had a bet going on about how much double sided tape was needed to keep vala's costume PG.
    I don't understand. How does showing a bit of cleavage render the rest of Vala's character irrelevant? It's not a dichotomy here. It's not cleavage OR substance.


      Originally posted by PG15 View Post
      I don't understand. How does showing a bit of cleavage render the rest of Vala's character irrelevant? It's not a dichotomy here. It's not cleavage OR substance.


        Originally posted by PG15 View Post
        I don't understand. How does showing a bit of cleavage render the rest of Vala's character irrelevant? It's not a dichotomy here. It's not cleavage OR substance.
        i never said it did

        however when you take a character whose whole basis in her intro was accentuating the actress' body, along with making the character base her personality in her sexuality, it objectifies her.

        vala, as presented, was 'sexy alien'. her costuming reinforces this.

        yes, in AOT it was the one scene...but it was a roll your eyes and sigh scene, because using it/writing it was like the temptation that coop just couldn't resist. It's as if vala's not 'permitted' to be in teh show if she's not showcased as the sexy alien at least once.
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          What's wrong with being the "sexy alien"? As a person, Vala was highly...well, sexual, it's just how she is. Again, you can be both a sexual person, and a person of substance, which I thought she was, throughout the show and the movie.

          It's a problem if, the moment the person seems to have sexual characteristics, it automatically takes over his/her personality and negates everything else. That's not a problem with the people behind the scenes, it's a problem with the audience always assigning sex as its own catagory because of cultural taboo.


            it gets to be a cliche when the majority of the female aliens are 'sexy' jsut at the majority of the male aliens are 'grunting muscle'.

            vala, teyla, anise, adria, ronon, teal'c.... all fit. teal'c does have tremendous depth, but he's also been around for over a decade and had backstory/baggage from way back when. Yet look at how he was used for the majority of seasons 9 and 10? muscle to be tortured.

            vala, throughout her run in early s9, was nothing more than 'sexy, disposible fun'. Then a good chunk of s10 was spent 'redeeming' her to make her a bit more sustainable. However, perhaps if she'd have gotten a bit more depth from the beginning, it wouldn't have taken a good chunk of a season to give her a deeper personality.

            vala in ark of truth, was the result of that year's work and was a lot better than season 9 and how she was orginally presented...but my comment was on the predictibility of coop perpetrating the 'sexy alien' cliche with her costuming.

            It was just like sam and cam being separated from Daniel and Vala and Teal'c being mostly silent. Part of his predictible forumla.
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Sky one showed AOT just now . I saw it again . I love Morgan and her girl powa


                Just finished watching The Ark of Truth on Sky, and you know what? I didn't feel that unresistable urge to spork my eyes out, as I did with some of the eps in the last two seasons of SG1 ! Always a good sign.

                Loved Teal'cs little scene in the commisary with Tomin and his determination. Nice whump for Cam and a nice little infirmary scene at the end. Great score and vfx. I did wish that Sam had a bit more to do though than fire her P90 and fix the computor..... I digress.

                I think a couple of times I got a bit lost along the way, I might need to re-vist the last season of SG1 and follow it a bit more closely to get the full hit, but the last hour was definately better than the first.

                So, I think there's hope for me....


                  Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                  What's wrong with being the "sexy alien"? As a person, Vala was highly...well, sexual, it's just how she is. Again, you can be both a sexual person, and a person of substance, which I thought she was, throughout the show and the movie.
                  I think this is the first time I've had to disagree with you, PG15, on a statement.

                  I certainly don't see Vala as a person of substance.

                  I continue to see Vala as an opportunist.

                  And her decision to not rejoin Tomin as his wife, so that she can stay with SG1, is just one example.

                  Vala married Tomin because it was opportunistic. She knew she was pregnant, and likely to be punished by the Prior(s) for her unmarried pregnancy. Tomin offered to marry her, and she accepted, because she needed to be married.

                  Now, Tomin has served Vala's purpose. No need to stay married.

                  Very opportunistic.


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                    Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                    Just finished watching The Ark of Truth on Sky, and you know what? I didn't feel that unresistable urge to spork my eyes out, as I did with some of the eps in the last two seasons of SG1 ! Always a good sign.

                    Loved Teal'cs little scene in the commisary with Tomin and his determination. Nice whump for Cam and a nice little infirmary scene at the end. Great score and vfx. I did wish that Sam had a bit more to do though than fire her P90 and fix the computor..... I digress.

                    I think a couple of times I got a bit lost along the way, I might need to re-vist the last season of SG1 and follow it a bit more closely to get the full hit, but the last hour was definately better than the first.

                    So, I think there's hope for me....
                    Does the whumper inside of you enjoy seeing Mitchell get the ultimate whumpage (What have I done.)
                    Originally posted by aretood2
                    Jelgate is right


                      Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                      Does the whumper inside of you enjoy seeing Mitchell get the ultimate whumpage (What have I done.)
                      It was ok, but nothing can top Shep whump. Nice infirmary scene though, that was really sweet. I actually watched it all the way through, and while my mind started to wander and I lost a bit of concentration, surprisingly Daniel didn't annoy me too much. The story was good, Sam didn't have much to do as I said, and I think they could have utilised her a bit more. But I think for me it was Teal'c that stole it for me. I did enjoy the whump though.


                        Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                        Just finished watching The Ark of Truth on Sky, and you know what? I didn't feel that unresistable urge to spork my eyes out, as I did with some of the eps in the last two seasons of SG1 ! Always a good sign.

                        Loved Teal'cs little scene in the commisary with Tomin and his determination. Nice whump for Cam and a nice little infirmary scene at the end. Great score and vfx. I did wish that Sam had a bit more to do though than fire her P90 and fix the computor..... I digress.

                        I think a couple of times I got a bit lost along the way, I might need to re-vist the last season of SG1 and follow it a bit more closely to get the full hit, but the last hour was definately better than the first.

                        So, I think there's hope for me....

                        ***Hush you in the cheap seats ***


                          Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post
                          ***Hush you in the cheap seats ***
                          Well I am in the cheap seats.... it's called home cinema, and I didn't even have to fork out for the DVD, so very cheap indeed.


                            Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                            Well I am in the cheap seats.... it's called home cinema, and I didn't even have to fork out for the DVD, so very cheap indeed.
                            Hahaha, funny... I saw something nice yesterday at the cinema. First time screening of an U2 concert filmed in 4K (double the HD resolution we have today) and 3D . I thought Bono will put gel in my hair whenever he reached out with his hand. I wish AOT would have been filmed like that . Imagine seeing feisty Morgan kicking ass in in 3D!!! Why didn't they spend a little more to live a lot and drag our bums to the cinema?


                              Originally posted by morjana View Post
                              I think this is the first time I've had to disagree with you, PG15, on a statement.

                              I certainly don't see Vala as a person of substance.

                              I continue to see Vala as an opportunist.

                              And her decision to not rejoin Tomin as his wife, so that she can stay with SG1, is just one example.

                              Vala married Tomin because it was opportunistic. She knew she was pregnant, and likely to be punished by the Prior(s) for her unmarried pregnancy. Tomin offered to marry her, and she accepted, because she needed to be married.

                              Now, Tomin has served Vala's purpose. No need to stay married.

                              Very opportunistic.

                              Perhaps substance is the wrong word then. I'm more talking about...3-dimensional, I guess. I'm just saying, she's not the sex doll all the time, there is more to her character than that.


                                Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                                Well I am in the cheap seats.... it's called home cinema, and I didn't even have to fork out for the DVD, so very cheap indeed.
                                Thats what you think

                                *gives Peg an evil look*
                                Originally posted by aretood2
                                Jelgate is right

