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'The Ark of Truth' General Discussion

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    All in all, I liked the movie. I'm one of those pitiful fans who will take whatever I can get as long as it's SG1. Like needing a drink in the desert. This, however, was like baking in a desert and being handed a glass of warm buttermilk: you drink it because you gotta.

    It started to lose me when the replicator appeared. Maybe I need to watch it again, but how did the replicator get there? Am I to swallow that the Asgard core just served it up from random parts, following specs on a computer chip? Ala Star Trek computers serving synthahol or food just because you asked for it? (What are those things called? Can't recall.) So did the IOA guy smuggle a single replicator chip aboard as a starting point?

    And Sam opening that force field so Cam could blast it. Was none of the other crew armed? Nobody pulled a sidearm to fire at it- just stood there and let it scamper away? Weak means of introducing conflict.

    And I felt they dummied-down Sam for plot contrivance: They knew at this point that the IOA had messed with the Asgard core. That meant a computer chip- no other way. So why not search the guy to find the origional chip and replace it? When he doesn't have it on him, Sam would immediately go to the 'chip drawer' and check, fiddle, examine... and no doubt quickly discover the double-sided chip. Weak and watery, for my taste. No way would she open that force field until more viable options had been explored- not even with Cam ready to fire the disbursement weapon. (And nobody backing him up with P90s!)

    Okay, so replicators are cool. But they've been done to death. I wanted something new and origional.

    If the IOA guy planned to get the replicators aboard the Ori ships, why did he lock-out the transport beam capability? Wouldn't that be the easiest, most efficient and direct way to infect them? Wouldn't he have done that as soon as the Asgard core magically created them out of, apparently, nothing? Why keep such a horrific, unmanageable living weapon aboard an Earth ship for one second longer than necessary? If that was the plan, it should have been a done deal by the time Sam and Cam got to him.

    Morgan Le Fay locking Adria in an eternal battle ala Oma and Anubis. Again, dramatic, exciting, glorious... been there, seen that, bought the T shirt. Cheap cop-out.

    Cam's fight. Intense. Shocking. Brutal. Way too long. No mortal man could withstand the abuse that replizombie put him through. Sure I have to suspend belief in order to enjoy any SciFi, but come on. Beat the tar out of him, but the concussion from the explosion alone would have done him in had he survived the beating that thing gave him. Over and over and over...

    And yeah, Teal'c's superhuman trek across the mountains was tedious. If Morgan was gonna heal him, why didn't she do it sooner? I got it already after the first gorgeous panaramic view of the mountains. Didn't need to see it step for step. We didn't see him traveling during the night, yet he seemed to have covered massive distances from shot to shot. How far can a Jaf'fa walk in one day, injured or not?

    The story pace on the ground didn't seem to match the pace aboard the Odyssey.

    I felt cheated. The plot seemed rushed, and it felt as if they had sketched-out the basic story line then went back into the series for already-been-done filler to flesh it out. As I said, I love Stargate and will allow myself to be blindly led by the nose into whatever movie or series they make about it. But AOT has so much unrealized potential and could have been so much better. The acting was up to it's usual excellent standards and I loved the interaction between all the characters. If only they'd had more to work with...


      Originally posted by IrishPisano View Post
      No. I'm sorry. You're wrong. the film is NOT about the ori and the ancients. the film IS about SG-1 FINDING THE ARK OF TRUTH AND STOPPING ADRIA AND THE PRIORS.
      back story on the origin of the ark of truth is necessary or acceptable exposition as it explains the main plot vehicle: the ark.
      Actually you are the one who is wrong. Adria took the mantle of the Ori hence she is the Ori. The movie is about ending the Ori occupation once and for all by finding the Ark.

      side stories about the ancients are completely unnecessary as they do nothing to advance the plot.
      It would have added more insight to the plot and would have been interesting but a scene like that not being there isn't a huge disappointment.

      it has been mentioned painfully numerous times that ascencded beings CANNOT interfere on our plane without the ancients' premission.
      Wrong. They can do whatever they want in their galaxy without fear of retribution just not in our galaxy.

      therefore, in order for Morgan to do what she did, we KNOW FOR A FACT, that she had to have had the ancients' permission.

      since we are capable of knowing that, based on the story already established via seasons 8-10, without having it explained again, any explanation of Morgan's permission IS COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY and redundant.
      Again no you are wrong. If she had permission she would not have had to hide her true purpose. Well aparently now that I've read RCC's interview the Ancients did give her their permission and yeah that should have been mentioned.

      Just because you like something, just because you think its cool, does not mean it should be included in the story.
      Only information pertinent to the plot that either has as of yet been unexplained or is a necessity to drive the plot forward is included in the story.
      It wasn't necessary true but it would have been nice to see it.

      i would have loved to have seen Lieutenant General Jack O'Neill telling the IOA to shove it, take command of a fleet of Asgard-powered BC-305s, fly them through the Supergate and do battle with the toilet-ships in a battle sequence reminiscent of the battle between the Enterprise and the Borg Cube when the Ent split itself into 2 ships...
      Uh ok that's very weird.

      but alas, it is unnecessary...

      what about scenes showing the Odyssey flying back to Earth? i mean, they didn't just miraculously suddenly appear back in the SGC... Sam didn't just pull some macaroons out of thin air...
      oh yeah... explanations of these things are completely unnecessary... they neither advance nor (since they're in the 3rd act) resolve the plot... therefore they are unnecessary, and if you've studied plot structure at all, you will know that unnecessary exposition is never included.

      if you write a book, or screenplay, filled with unnecessary exposition, you will unilaterally be informed that it needs massive editing...
      you're missing the point. They were saying that a little more back story into Morgan and what she did would have been interesting but not 100% needed.

      plain and simple: given the "rules of ascension" laid out in the latter 3rd of SG-1 (from when Daniel was ascended and helping Jack and fighting Anubis), we know, for a fact, that one cannot interfere in the lower planes without permission. therefore, it follows that Morgan MUST have had permission from the ancients in order to interfere as she did. therefore, any side-story about her gaining permission, is completely unnecessary...

      Lastly, again, the film is about SG-1 vs Adria and the Priors. it is NOT about the ancients vs the ori. If you don't see this... there is a problem somewhere, especially since the title is STARGATE SG-1: Ark of Truth.....

      (green to TPTB for having a 3rd act, that doesn't happen much in action films)
      I loved the film I truly did but you seem to not have seen the show much since your facts are quite mixed up.
      Last edited by Mitchell82; 15 March 2008, 11:46 AM.
      Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
      "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
      Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


        Originally posted by Ladyinred View Post
        @golfbooy: try to look at Vala without this 8-years burden on you, so you'll probably be able to see her as perfectly fitting character.
        How can one possibly conclude that someone fits perfectly into a setting if the only way to make it work is to completely abandon the history, cannon and structure of that same setting?

        ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


          Originally posted by Vala_M View Post
          All I can say is BRILLIANT! This movie is 200% of what I expected and more! It blew me away!
          I agree!

          Watching TAOT on my 58 inch Plasma, and my HT system, and upconverting DVD player made watching the movie an almost religious experience!

          The Music was great too.

          IF SG1 has to end as a series, I would love to see 2-3 movies a year, if they maintained the overall quality of TAOT in future movies.

          Cannot WAIT until Stargate: Continuum is released!


            Originally posted by IrishPisano View Post
            Lastly, again, the film is about SG-1 vs Adria and the Priors. it is NOT about the ancients vs the ori. If you don't see this... there is a problem somewhere, especially since the title is STARGATE SG-1: Ark of Truth.....
            actually the title is Stargate - The Ark of Truth
            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


              Originally posted by BuddTX View Post
              I agree!

              Watching TAOT on my 58 inch Plasma, and my HT system, and upconverting DVD player made watching the movie an almost religious experience!
              I know what you mean though mine is 56" DLP HDTV. With Dolby 5.1 surround sound.

              The Music was great too.
              Joel is a master without a doubt.

              IF SG1 has to end as a series, I would love to see 2-3 movies a year, if they maintained the overall quality of TAOT in future movies.

              Cannot WAIT until Stargate: Continuum is released!
              Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
              "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
              Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                Yesterday (Saturday) morning I received my R1 copy of Stargate: The Ark of Truth.

                I've watched it and thought it was all right. It was quite entertaining. Like the episodes of Seasons 9 and 10 before this movie there were some really good things to be found and some that weren't.

                There were moments whilst watching it when I thought that this storyline would have worked better as a 2-parter as what was being done didn't quite feel big enough and ambitious enough to be a movie. It just felt to me like the production staff had forgotten that they were making a movie and not an episode for TV.

                Basically I'm just glad that the whole Ori storyline has been concluded. I didn't care for it and I honestly couldn't have cared less how they finished it off. They've done it by making it as entertaining as possible with Stargate: The Ark of Truth and now I'm free if it. This movie has served its purpose for me and now I can draw a line under Seasons 9 and 10 and Stargate: The Ark of Truth and move on to the movie I'm *really* excited about and *really* looking forward to - Stargate: Continuum. A movie that I'm sure will feel more like the first excellent eight seasons of Stargate SG-1 and also looks far more ambitious.

                Roll on July and Stargate: Continuum!!!

                P.S. Why is it when series move into movies the writers think that it gives them licence to write in totally unnecessary swear words?! Is that what they think it takes to make us realise that we're watching a movie?!
                Last edited by Alan; 15 March 2008, 06:04 PM.

                THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                K-9, CLASS and much more...


                  The more I see this movie, the more I absolutely love it.
                  MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                  "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                  Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                    Originally posted by Alan View Post
                    Basically I'm just glad that the whole Ori storyline has been concluded. I didn't care for it and I honestly couldn't have cared less how they finished it off. They've done it by making it as entertaining as possible with Stargate: The Ark of Truth and now I'm free if it. This movie has served its purpose for me and now I can draw a line under Seasons 9 and 10 and Stargate: The Ark of Truth and move on to the movie I'm *really* excited about and *really* looking forward to - Stargate: Continuum. A movie that I'm sure will feel more like the first excellent eight seasons of Stargate SG-1 and also looks far more ambitious.

                    Roll on July and Stargate: Continuum!!!
                    I'm starting to think I'm the only person around here that was looking forward to seeing AoT more than Continuum.

                    Originally posted by Alan View Post
                    P.S. Why is it when series move into movies the writers think that it gives them licence to write in totally unnecessary swear words?! Is that what they think it takes to make us realise that we're watching a movie?!
                    There wasn't anything there any worse than the series or the original movie.
                    || Star Stream || Destiny Song || The Four Suns (My Band) || The Art of War <<== listen please!


                      Originally posted by Shan Bruce Lee View Post
                      There wasn't anything there any worse than the series or the original movie.
                      I don't ever recall in all 10 seasons of Stargate SG-1 anybody ever being called an "a******" or exclaiming "sh**" before.

                      THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                      K-9, CLASS and much more...


                        Originally posted by Shan Bruce Lee View Post
                        I'm starting to think I'm the only person around here that was looking forward to seeing AoT more than Continuum.
                        No your not
                        Originally posted by aretood2
                        Jelgate is right


                          If Continuum is as good as AOT was, I will be one very happy Stargate fan.
                          MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                          "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                          Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                            well, so i saw 'ark of truth'. it's a really big episode. i enjoyed parts and would rewatch it, but i'm not in love with this movie by any means. my tastes run with *more sam*, but i'd been warned ahead of time so the disappointment in that area was expected.

                            i'm also in a rather crappy mood that i've been in for hours, so i'm sure when i consume copious amounts of chocolate that mood will diminish and i'll enjoy this really big episode more.

                            my only complaint isn't focused on the movie per se, but that the entire ori storyline should have encompassed 'all' of sg1, not just daniel and vala. but whatever, that's water under Bridge and very hopefully 'continuum' will get my squee pumping.




                              I was worried that this film was going to be horrific, boring and a jigsaw left undone. Thankfully, it was not as bad as I thought it would be because I didn't like 'Unending' and when I heard Rob was going to direct it (wish Martin Wood had done so) and write it, I was a little worried. He was brilliant at the start but....anyway, I digress.

                              Like others here on the thread - there was no scene where the 'TEAM' where working together. No sense of team work and no feel of a family network fighting together against the Ori or one Adria and few Priors. The Team, the chemistry they have with each other - is the main reason why I became addicted to Stargate.

                              Except - when Cam is in hot conversation with the I.O.A man and I could feel a sense of back-up and support and loyalty from Sam. Also, Teal'c's presence:

                              TEAL'c funnily enough was the best part of this film. Everything he did in this film for example: his lines were the best - short but sweet - trekking through the mountains to save his team even to the point of collapse he still went on...Great stuff - love it!

                              Though the way Tea'c was shot down was not delivered well. He just got shot in the back. That's it. I don't think, after 10 years of fighting, Teal'c would allow himself to be shot in the back, just like that. He should have at least been shot trying to save Daniel. Since Daniel would be the one to understand how the weapon would work when eventually found and therefore, Teal'c would act as a bodyguard, a hero etc..Die for a good reason. This would have added that shiver down the spine, the poignant but wow-ness in my heart.

                              I'll come back and finish my thoughts of later...
                              ~runs off to shop
                              sigpicFreebie pics/gifs by sweetsamurai: (username: sweetsamurai - password: stargate200)


                                Originally posted by Alan View Post
                                I don't ever recall in all 10 seasons of Stargate SG-1 anybody ever being called an "a******" or exclaiming "sh**" before.
                                O'Neill says "Bull----" in one of the final episodes of Season 1.

                                But yeah, even on Showtime the language was kept pretty clean.

