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Save Vala Mal Doran in the SG-1 movies!

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    Originally posted by SylvreWolfe View Post
    Is that the same forums that Brad Wright wrote off as predictable and unimportant??
    LOL, you might be right. Yes, one is a ship thread that just the mention of a "kiss" sends them into a frenzy. The Other one is a Wow thread packed full of Pictures. Very lovely pictures. Predictable? Probably. But if there is very large number of members in the thread....... That they will see. So the key is the numbers...... switch that to dollar signs and there you have power.
    Sig by Toomi


      Originally posted by Automission View Post
      To further prove how the majority of writers love Vala. From our very own Gateworld.
      If she was considered for one of the spin offs, she must of been loved throughout the writers/directors. Odd she didn't end up in Atlantis though, if that's the spin off they referred to.

      Also, it seems Wikipedia says But the reference link doesn't seem to lead anywhere. If this is true though, it seems to clarify her lack of work within it.
      Have we had the wrong end of this all along?
      i do know that i have heard that her pregnancy did limit her ability to work on continuum

      i heard a rumor - and her fans are very protective of her privacy as she is - that she was under time limits and time constraints (like 'can only be on her feet .... of hours, etc)

      so i can support the idea that she did have medical reasons behind her part being limited.
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        i do know that i have heard that her pregnancy did limit her ability to work on continuum

        i heard a rumor - and her fans are very protective of her privacy as she is - that she was under time limits and time constraints (like 'can only be on her feet .... of hours, etc)

        so i can support the idea that she did have medical reasons behind her part being limited.
        Yes Sky, Claudia did have several time barriers during her time at Stargate.... She was wonderful to come back 7 months pregnant, returning the Vala Character in Crusade and later she was available during the whole 10th season after the birth of her first child. Sadly she was extremely ill, as was her child and husband, during part of this season as you can see by her weight loss. Then in the Ark of Truth filming she had a Miscarriage scare. This limited the hours she could be on set during the filming of Continuum. Even with these hardships all the cast and heads of production always said she continued to be very professional.
        Last edited by SundaySusans; 08 January 2009, 03:15 PM.
        Sig by Toomi


          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          Bridge Studios address is

          who you're sending it to
          c/o Bridge Studios
          2400 Boundary Road
          Burnaby BC V5M 3Z3

          If you want to write to MGM, then i'd look around their site and find a snail mail address...or ask the Weir or Carson folks, they likely know a snail mail addy

          I would just recommend, as some here have said, expressing your anger at their decisions won't go far, but saying 'i really want her back please' might go further
          Thanks Sky! I know I will be writing letters. I guess we should send one to Brad to Joe Paul Mullie....and one the Robert Cooper.

          I promise to be polite and dignified in my letters.
          Follow me on Twitter! I'm on Facebook!


            Originally posted by Automission View Post
            To further prove how the majority of writers love Vala.

   From our very own Gateworld.
            If she was considered for one of the spin offs, she must of been loved throughout the writers/directors. Odd she didn't end up in Atlantis though, if that's the spin off they referred to.

            Also, it seems Wikipedia says But the reference link doesn't seem to lead anywhere. If this is true though, it seems to clarify her lack of work within it.
            Have we had the wrong end of this all along?
            We aren't talking about all the writers, but just BW. Cooper love Vala and Mallozzi too, it's just BW that don't know what to do with her, and since the third movie is BW's baby....And the pregnancy had nothing to do with her lack on Continuum since BW said that he hadn't a role for her in it.
            Sig made by slizzie1986


              I was, as we say in this part of the world, "well gutted" (for all those non-scottish folk out there: dissdisappointed) that Vala wouldnt' be part of the third movie.

              The fact that she was sidelined so much in Continuum really prevented me from enjoying the movie as much as i would have. Where was the snappy banter that had me laughing for the first 10 mins of Ark of Truth?? and most of season 10 for that matter?? Why was there no real concern that Vala was once again a host? And on that point, what was with the comments jack made about Ba'als host? wasn't one of the main things in the first few series all about the importance of the host? (anyway back to the topic at hand)

              I was braught up on stargate however by seasons 7 and 8 i had started to fall away from the series and the still remain my least fav out the 10. Then i by chance happend to see Promethius Unbound. WoW. When i heared that not only would Claudia Black be joining the gang for season 9 but that Ben Browder would be to i was once again excited about stargate. It was such a relife that somthing had changed; that the show was evolving.

              I'm not saying that i wouldn't see the new movie because Vala isn't in it, after watching for over half my life i feel an obligation to do so, but it just wont be as good as it could be.

              Bring Back Claudia!!


                Originally posted by shinykat View Post
                It seems to me that when other shows/movies have an ensemble cast they manage to include everyone. Granted not every person will be the star, but isn't that what an ensemble cast means??
                Well said! That's exactly SG-1 is (or used to be, perhaps).

                Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
                Joe confirmed that the current SG-1 team is made up of Cam, Daniel, Teal'c and Vala. that's a fact
                Now if only he was writing the third movie, or RCC, or anyone who had respect for reality.

                Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
                so? she was in charge of the Atlantis base
                Exactly, she became a part of SGA, not SG-1 anymore.

                Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
                I'm curious, what was Jack's storyline (other than S/J maybe)?
                I think just having to ask the question answers that.

                Originally posted by Stef View Post
                On to more positive things, I managed to come up with a few banners. Nothing fancy about these but they'll do for the time being Feel free to use wherever!






                Got any Vala banners or artwork of your own to share? Post it here
                Originally posted by Stef View Post
                Thanks I've got one more (larger) one for the night...

                Those are all great banners, Stef! Thanks for sharing them with us!
                ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                Banner made by Stef!


                  Originally posted by JedI Master of the Gate View Post
                  That doens't mean that their all going to be a major part of it.
                  Just because AT has been asked to make herself available for it, doesn't mean she's going to be in the whole thing!
                  She might just show up towards the end commanding the Hammond

                  Same goes for MS and CJ, just because they agreed to appear doesn't mean they have a large part.
                  Which is exactly our point. Assume that everyone besides Jack had minimal roles, why would Vala not get the same? Why couldn't she simply provide support to the plot?

                  Originally posted by JedI Master of the Gate View Post
                  Its not officely called a "Stargate: SG-1” movie, go have a look at Ark of Truth or Continuum. Its not Stargate: SG-1: Ark of Truth and Stargate: SG-1: Continuum, its Stargate: Ark of Truth and Stargate: Continuum, the SG-1 part is only used to emphasize the fact that its based in the SG-1 end of the Stargate universe with characters that are primeraly from the SG-1 series.
                  That's true. But "characters primarily from the SG-1 series" refers to the team and the familiar secondary characters, I assume? Vala isn't even a secondary character, she's a primary character, a team member.

                  Originally posted by JedI Master of the Gate View Post
                  Also, who says that their completely getting rid of her? Just because she "won't be returning for the third movie" doesn't mean their getting rid of her. Remember Jack didn't return for Ark of Truth, but he was in Continuum. Maby theres a set up for a 4th movie were she will be a major player.
                  Yes, but Jack isn't a part of SG-1 anymore. His absence in AoT made complete sense, just like Jonas's made sense.

                  Originally posted by Platschu View Post
                  BW said she won't be in the third SG-1 movie. But! A solution could be that Vala should be in the first Atlantis movie! That would be awesome, because I always wanted to see Vala/Teyla or Vala/Ronon scenes. But if I imagine what could happen at a Vala/McKay scene after Pegasus Project, than I began to smile.

                  The best scenario would be that she became the member of Destiny's crew in SG:U... So she can't be in any DVD films... But I feel it won't happen.
                  I love your optimism But I think that if BW had trouble finding a place for a team member in an SG-1 movie, he's not going to bother putting her in the SGA movie. As for SGU, he's already said that pretty much everyone BUT Vala (and Cam) will be making appearances.

                  Originally posted by Stef View Post
                  Thanks for the heads-up with the BW answer, Milena! You know, I look at this comment and it makes me realize what this campaign in many ways should be about.

                  It doesn't matter how much BW may or may not like Vala, the truth is that he doesn't see Vala as a member of SG-1 - he sees her as a character on the show. But like you said, how many times over the years have we seen Daniel, Sam, Teal'c, and Mitchell in episodes where they had no real relevance to the plot but were there nonetheless? So why is Vala any different?

                  I think that's what we need to focus on - driving home the point that Vala IS A MEMBER of SG-1. She's not an extension, not an extra part, not a convenience. Vala isn't a member of the team when it suits the story, she's a member of the team regardless of the story.
                  You know what I realized from your post? BW is the one who wrote Pegasus Project (an episode I happen to love) where he not only managed to bring two entire casts together, run two plots simultaneously, but ALSO managed to involve Vala when she wasn't a part of SG-1 (simply part of the SGC). And she didn't have a particular role other than bantering with Daniel in that entire ep. So this whole idea that he can't write her in is just insulting because he's done it before, he's done it well, and he did it when he didn't have a real incentive to adding her (ie, her being part of the team.)

                  Sorry but I'm really steamed realizing that. I was willing to accept on some level that he honestly wasn't able because he lacked creativity or the skill to do it but he has no excuse now, imo. The only explanation left is that he genuinely doesn't want her in his movie, and that kind of selfishness at the expense of the fans is very insulting.
                  ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                  Banner made by Stef!


                    Okay, so now that my realization!rant is over, onto more productive matters

                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    Bridge Studios address is

                    who you're sending it to
                    c/o Bridge Studios
                    2400 Boundary Road
                    Burnaby BC V5M 3Z3

                    If you want to write to MGM, then i'd look around their site and find a snail mail address...or ask the Weir or Carson folks, they likely know a snail mail addy

                    I would just recommend, as some here have said, expressing your anger at their decisions won't go far, but saying 'i really want her back please' might go further
                    Thanks, Sky!

                    Originally posted by DJFavorite View Post
                    I plan to write to the production offices at Bridge. Since that's where BW, RCC, JM, NJS, etc are located.

                    (And thanks Sky, you beat me to posting the address.)
                    Originally posted by Sue_Jackson View Post
                    Thanks Sky! I know I will be writing letters. I guess we should send one to Brad to Joe Paul Mullie....and one the Robert Cooper.

                    I promise to be polite and dignified in my letters.
                    I think you both have the right idea. We need to send letters not only to BW (who in all likelihood won't be phased), but to the producers/writers who do care about Vala. We saw what an influence a producer/writer can have on another (like RCC had on BW in Continuum to give Qetesh a storyline), and I think we have to appeal to them.

                    A Few Guidelines for your Letters:
                    • DON'T use accusing, angry, hurtful, insulting (etc) language such as "X is an idiot" or "X can **** off" or "X should be fired", etc and so forth.
                    • DON'T threaten, not even a little bit. And within "threatening" I include everything from threats of bodily harm to threats of a boycott. Remember that if the next movie isn't successful, there won't be a 4th and the chance of seeing Vala again dwindles to ZERO.
                    • DO be respectful, polite, use spell-check. Well written letters will always automatically be given more credibility and validity than a txt-worded rant. Even have someone check it over before you send it.
                    • DO mention how much you love Vala, what she's given to the series. Just saying "she belongs there so put her!" won't convince many. Collectively we've practically written up a list of all the reasons Vala should be in the third and other upcoming movies, and it's okay if we repeat ourselves.
                    • DO mail in little bits/objects representative of Vala if you can. These can range from printed banners, videos, written works, and as Stef, Sky and others have mentioned, little things like barrettes or inverted patches would work too. Any sign that we've put effort into this campaign will definitely help us along.
                    • DO follow the laws for postage/mailing. I know this is a "duh" point but it had to be said.

                    This is just a set of general guidelines but I know from most of your posts that our campaign is made up of polite, well-spoken people so I'm not at all worried

                    I'm also in the process of creating a petition to post so expect that soon. I'll need to talk to a mod about how to make it one of those posty-sticky things that appear at the top of all the pages though. Any mods around to explain how that works?
                    ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                    Banner made by Stef!


                      Originally posted by Sue_Jackson View Post
                      Thanks Sky! I know I will be writing letters. I guess we should send one to Brad to Joe Paul Mullie....and one the Robert Cooper.

                      I promise to be polite and dignified in my letters.

                      Thanks Sue, I forgot about Paul. I knew there was one more but I couldn't remember. And don't forget N John Smith. He may not write, but he does produce. And he's a great guy. Of all the producers I've met, John is my favorite.
                      No snurching any Pictures I post!! (without my permission)



                        They'll prolly be chucked in the bin with the other 20 million letters of complaint.


                          Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post
                          They'll prolly be chucked in the bin with the other 20 million letters of complaint.
                          That poor bin, carrying the weight of the fandom on its shoulders...
                          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                            It's probably a "bottomless" bin.....they just fall straight through and down into oblivion....

                            Deeds xx
                            Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                            MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                              Why so pessimistic? Look at the Save Daniel Jackson and Save Carson campain, a little faith
                              Sig made by slizzie1986


                                Originally posted by madaboutdanny View Post
                                Why so pessimistic? Look at the Save Daniel Jackson and Save Carson campain, a little faith
                                Michael Shanks wanted to come back and they wanted to undo Sunday from the moment it happened.

                                Look at SEW campaign... there's always room for pessimism.
                                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1

