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Third SG-1 movie ("Stargate Revolution") Ship Free hopes/speculation/ideas

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    Originally posted by madaboutdanny View Post
    Maybe he is the leader but not the hot one.....
    Originally posted by ShardsofGlass View Post
    And didn't I say there were exceptions? Do you really think RDA's looks had nothing to do with him getting the roles he got in Hollywood?
    I'm just saying evryone here gangs up on BW for wanting RDA as the lead for the 3rd movie, without really knowing what the story will be about. Sure it can be a disaster, but it can also be the best SG we've ever seen (I trust BW!)


      i think it will be good


        Originally posted by silly sally View Post
        I'm just saying evryone here gangs up on BW for wanting RDA as the lead for the 3rd movie, without really knowing what the story will be about. Sure it can be a disaster, but it can also be the best SG we've ever seen (I trust BW!)
        I don't really see it as ganging up on him, I see it more as some of the fans trying to point out that maybe making the third movie Jack centric isn't such a good move after all. I don't think the franchise can afford to make a movie that turns out to be a disaster. It could well mean the end of Stargate, and I don't think anyone wants that.

        I don't trust BW, not where Jack is concerned, I think he looks at the character with rose coloured glasses. Maybe he looks at Jack and sees the same guy who spent his time running around being in the thick of the action. If that's true then he will write Jack as that character, and I'm sorry but the Jack of Continuum is no longer that man and never will be again.

        Jack and Daniel...the old married couple.


          Originally posted by flynn1959 View Post
          I don't really see it as ganging up on him, I see it more as some of the fans trying to point out that maybe making the third movie Jack centric isn't such a good move after all. I don't think the franchise can afford to make a movie that turns out to be a disaster. It could well mean the end of Stargate, and I don't think anyone wants that.
          how could a third movie be the end of the SG franchise? they're developing SGU and there may be a sixth season of Atlantis. or are you saying that a third movie will be the end of SG-1 if Jack's the lead character?

          Originally posted by flynn1959 View Post
          I don't trust BW, not where Jack is concerned,
          I do

          Originally posted by flynn1959 View Post
          I think he looks at the character with rose coloured glasses. Maybe he looks at Jack and sees the same guy who spent his time running around being in the thick of the action. If that's true then he will write Jack as that character, and I'm sorry but the Jack of Continuum is no longer that man and never will be again.
          you mean our Jack right?
          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


            Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
            how could a third movie be the end of the SG franchise? they're developing SGU and there may be a sixth season of Atlantis. or are you saying that a third movie will be the end of SG-1 if Jack's the lead character?

            I do

            you mean our Jack right?
            If a third movie is a disaster then it could spell the end of the franchise. 'Developing' means nothing, one duff movie could mean that MGM no longer wish to back a team that has produced a flop. I don't trust BW to write a sucessful script if he insists on making Jack the central character. Any Jack because looking at the clip from Continuum we have our Jack and AT Jack, and they both look well past their sell by date, imo.

            Jack and Daniel...the old married couple.


              Originally posted by flynn1959 View Post
              If a third movie is a disaster then it could spell the end of the franchise. 'Developing' means nothing, one duff movie could mean that MGM no longer wish to back a team that has produced a flop. I don't trust BW to write a sucessful script if he insists on making Jack the central character. Any Jack because looking at the clip from Continuum we have our Jack and AT Jack, and they both look well past their sell by date, imo.
              What's with the apocaliptic view of the franchise?
              You mean if AoT and Continuum were a bust it would have meant the end of the franchise? What about Atlantis and SGU???


                Originally posted by flynn1959 View Post
                I used the word objective because I assume the whole point of making another movie is to make money. To that end someone not influenced by personal tastes, feelings or opinions is the best person to decide who the next movie should feature. BW is the epitome of man with a completely subjective point of view when it comes to Stargate and Jack, and thus, imo, is not the right person to make such an important decision.
                But that's assuming there's an objective eye to be found. Someone not well-versed in Stargate is just on the opposite end of the same spectrum compared to BW, who's heavily involved in Stargate. And there is no one who's not influenced by personal tastes, feelings or opinions. No human, anyway.

                Besides, why would I want some nobody pronouncing judgement on this? I'm a fan; I WANT somebody involved in Stargate to give me the goods, not a robot.

                If the next movie is Jack centric, as BW wants it to be, then of course it matters what Jack looks like. It matters a great deal if Jack doesn't look comfortable or right or looks just plain old. I love Jack, I love Jack and Daniel and would love to see another movie with the two of them together. But I don't think a third movie with that Jack would be a success.
                Like I said, it's your choice. You don't have to watch it then. The movie is so much more (for me) than what Jack looks like. It's his dialogue, how he acts, how he composes himself, etc. etc. that matters to me.

                And I'll buy that film, no question. We'll both be happy. I'll be most likely immensely entertained by Jack's antics, while you don't have to face the horrors of old age.

                A movie can have a fantastic script, great effects, amazing quality but if the star character looks like someones grandad acting out old glories at the christmas party no one will buy it. And I think the whole point of it is as many people as possible do buy it. Not because they are forced to but because they want to.
                Meh. We'll see how reality works itself out, without your dire predictions hindering it.


                  Originally posted by flynn1959 View Post

                  As far as Jack goes, the character just isn't Jack anymore to me when he looks like that. Some characters are just so tied up with a certain image. It's the reason we don't get a sixty year old puffy faced, thready voiced James Bond, or a white haired, pot-bellied Superman. It's also the reason why, imo, the latest Indiana Jones film should never have been made.

                  I think that someone a little higher up than BW should take a long hard, objective look at Jack in Continuum, and then decide if the third movie has a place for him.
                  Who would that person be?

                  I honestly think it's a little difficult for anyone in authority to say there is no place for Jack in the 3rd movie until they actually hear an outline of the third movie. You keep saying that RDA is too old to play the action hero now, but he wasn't the action hero on SG-1 the last 2 years, so I'm not sure why you think Brad would try to make him the action hero in a 3rd movie. I can think of several scenarios in which the 3rd movie could be a Jack centric movie without casting RDA as an action hero/without focusing solely on him at the expense of the other actors.

                  Look, it's very obvious that RDA has put on extra weight (a certain amount of that is due to not being able to be physically active after 2 successive surgeries) and isn't the cutie pie (at age 58) that he once was. I certainly don't think Brad Wright looks at RDA and sees the Rick of 10 years ago myself. Regardless of RDA's aging, many fans still love Jack for reasons that have nothing to do with RDA's looks. I agree that James Bond has a definite image to maintain, but I don't feel that way about Jack O'Neill. He is much more than a "face" to me.

                  Whatever....I certainly trust that BW and the others are not going to make a 3rd movie that pushes Jack to the forefront in a major way while keeping all the other characters in the background and I am certain they are not going to have Jack running around leaping tall buildings and (attempting) to behave like a 30 year old.

                  As for your fears about a Jack-centric third movie destroying the franchise, I doubt that as well. Several successful franchises (Indiana Jones, Star Trek, Die Hard, etc.) have had a movie in the series that didn't do well/wasn't as popular as other and it didn't kill the franchise.

                  I want Thor back in the third movie....


                    Originally posted by Elite Anubis Guard View Post
                    I'd think they could use these movies to tie up old story-arcs. The Aschen, the Grace-aliens, Retu and etc.
                    Originally posted by Nikki View Post
                    That would be brilliant!
                    i especially love the idea of finding out about the 'grace' aliens!




                      Originally posted by Nikki View Post
                      I have to say that I'm quite appalled at the people who don't want Jack in the movies because of the way he (RDA) looks...that in my opinion is rather shallow. If the reasons behind not wanting him there are because you didn't like the character or an aspect of the character that's fair enough but to say that he 'looks too old or fat' to play Jack is pretty disheartening. RDA is a wonderful man and looks fantastic to a lot of people even if not to others. I think he's an amazing actor who plays Jack O'Neill brilliantly and is still a integral part of this franchise.

                      Let's put it this way, David Hewlett (Mckay) and David Nykl (Zelenka) do not have what you would call 'cliche superstar good looks' and carry a few extra pounds but does that mean that they shouldn't be playing their respective characters on SGA? No, because they are both fantastic at what they do.

                      So I really think that people should lay off with their 'he shouldn't be there because he looks too old' etc comments because it's not the way you look but what you can do that counts...and RDA can act just as well, if not better, than any other actor in the Stargate franchise.

                      And looks pretty darn good to me.
                      after reading the last couple of pages of this thread, i'm not surprised the rda is fat and old crap was said.

                      sally ((()))



                        Originally posted by flynn1959 View Post
                        You think it's just me being stubborn?

                        Tell me, honestly, do you really believe a third movie that features the Jack from the Continuum promos as the central character could be a success? Bear in mind that the man will be almost two years older by the time they get around to filming, maybe more.

                        I love Jack, really I do. Nothing would please me more than to see another ten movies with him playing a part. A small part. I just think that for the movie to be a hit it needs a central character who is up to the demands of the part. It needs someone who can be in the thick of the action, not on the sidelines, or behind a desk and to me that is where that Jack belongs now.

                        Jack got old, it happens. It doesn't mean I love him less, it doesn't make the character worthless. It does, however, make him less able to carry an entire movie, at least a Stargate movie. Maybe BW intends to write Jack as a stay behind the action general, but to me that part wouldn't merit calling the third movie 'Jack centric'. What I really don't want to see is Jack running around trying to be the Jack from the series, that man is long gone.
                        reading the last few pages of your posts has been quite a chore. you're either trying to make them gay to fit your fantasies, or RDA is too old and fat and no way should a movie be made for him to star in. you don't want to see s/j shippy and/or sam-amanda screen hugging stuff? fine. but how about laying off the crap about rda and looks, k?




                          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                          reading the last few pages of your posts has been quite a chore. you're either trying to make them gay to fit your fantasies, or RDA is too old and fat and no way should a movie be made for him to star in. you don't want to see s/j shippy and/or sam-amanda screen hugging stuff? fine. but how about laying off the crap about rda and looks, k?

                          If it was such a chore why bother reading?

                          The gay thing was, as you well know, in jest. Although I have no problem whatsoever with homosexuality, either in real life or in fiction. There is nothing wrong with trying to make fictional characters fit into one's fantasies, the shippers have been doing it for years. I see little difference in saying I would like to see Jack and Daniel finally get their resolution and the S/J shippers asking for the same thing.

                          Imo JACK is too old for the part I belive BW would write for him. RDA still looks fine for a man of his age but Jack is supposed to be younger, remember he was only forty in BC.

                          It is fair to say I don't want to see ship in any future movies, I didn't want to see it in the series either and thankfully tptb never went that route. I don't want to see any one character hugging the screen, be it AT or MS.

                          Imo RDA looks just fine for a man his age, but Jack looks old and puffy.

                          Jack and Daniel...the old married couple.


                            Originally posted by flynn1959 View Post
                            If it was such a chore why bother reading?

                            The gay thing was, as you well know, in jest. Although I have no problem whatsoever with homosexuality, either in real life or in fiction. There is nothing wrong with trying to make fictional characters fit into one's fantasies, the shippers have been doing it for years. I see little difference in saying I would like to see Jack and Daniel finally get their resolution and the S/J shippers asking for the same thing.

                            Imo JACK is too old for the part I belive BW would write for him. RDA still looks fine for a man of his age but Jack is supposed to be younger, remember he was only forty in BC.

                            It is fair to say I don't want to see ship in any future movies, I didn't want to see it in the series either and thankfully tptb never went that route. I don't want to see any one character hugging the screen, be it AT or MS.

                            Imo RDA looks just fine for a man his age, but Jack looks old and puffy.
                            Seriously? You said you liked Sam in AoT, well she didn't hug Cam she kissed him? A bit inconsistent, are you?
                            Also if you want to have a serious/decent conversation get your facts straight!
                            RDA and Jack are practically the same age
                            RDA was born in 1950, Jack was born in 1952


                              Originally posted by silly sally View Post
                              Seriously? You said you liked Sam in AoT, well she didn't hug Cam she kissed him? A bit inconsistent, are you?
                              Also if you want to have a serious/decent conversation get your facts straight!
                              RDA and Jack are practically the same age
                              RDA was born in 1950, Jack was born in 1952
                              Hugging the screen. Not another character.

                              On the show Jack tells us he is only forty years old in the first season episode Brief Candle.

                              Jack and Daniel...the old married couple.


                                Originally posted by flynn1959 View Post
                                Hugging the screen. Not another character.

                                On the show Jack tells us he is only forty years old in the first season episode Brief Candle.
                                Okay, my bad, at least i can admit when I'm wrong
                                Maybe he meant he was 40ish?
                                Anyway in Fragile Balance his DOB is October 20, 1952
                                Last edited by silly sally; 27 June 2008, 02:42 AM.

