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Camelot (920)

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    Got it! Nice!!
    You have already taken the first steps towards becoming.....The Fifth Race.


      Originally posted by ablevins425
      Just wanted to see if this works.

      you need the / on the last tag eg
      , try editing it
      Jedi_Master_Bra'tac, previously known as wako!


        honestly im sick of we getting our asses kicked and having to spend like years to aquire on our own some tech to blow the enemy apart. Those nox wont have any peace if the ori come .. and those mf.. furlings will better show up.. i mean its the damn galaxy on stake.. (yeah i know .. its juat a movie )


          Originally posted by Wraith_Hunter
          They head to Chulak & one of the ships land's on the surface. The others would logically break away & go their own way, especially since they've seen that the enmy ships are much more weaker than theirs.

          Two Lucian Alliance ships are left intact, they square off against Odyssey, Kvasir works to repair all the damaged systems sustained against the Ori ships in battle. Hence if they are allowed to remain then the Ori obviously move on to other worlds.

          Simply put, the ships won't be destroyed, this season will be about them getting a foothold in this galaxy, hence the ships will remain & destroy or convert worlds for the Ori.
          This scenario seems very likely to me. I believe the Ori ships will leave what is left of the slaughtered defense fleet, and carry on with their mission as well. But in the end, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
          MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
          "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
          Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


            Mitch is in a F-302 and Danny boy got beamed out by the Ori so he can watch. They know he used to ascended. Making Russian Shup gone. I hope the Odd. Beamed the Russian out. I like him.
            *Post in Peace, Yah or Nah*
            *Go to Sokar you Cylon fracker*
            *I can't spell vary good, but I can read mis- spelled words vary good*
            *And then the Ori said, "if your thread is dead then let their be a new one"*
            *It's Science Fiction. Not Science with Fiction.*
            *Sproiler Tags should only be used when you are going to be mentioning something that you can't already read on Gateworld*
            *When I talk out my butt it smells like sarcasm*


              Originally posted by Auralis
              This explaoins it quiet handily and is the best you will find out there for nukes in space and actually most other weapons from a purely scientific viewpoint.
              Sorry it took me so long to get to this! That's a pretty neat website.

              I've checked some other websites (mostly Usenet posts from days of yore) and the consensus seems to be that nukes in space would be fairly effective if detonated close by (at least, given present-day materials). Distances in space are close

              High energy x-rays could heat up the exterior of a ship, enough to probably melt parts of it or create significant shockwaves inside the ship's internal atmosphere if not melt it outright. Perhaps futuristic materials could be designed that would more effectively absorbed the radiation. Certainly, a ship with ships can resist the radiation, as we've seen a hatak go close to a sun without lasting damage. But the materials we know probably wouldn't stand up to a close detonation (and they probably wouldn't protect the soft, gooey pilots or delicate electronics within)

              A naquadah nuke would be much more effective than our current nukes, because it's so much more powerful, as would any bomb designed to increase the amount of nuclear radiation produced by the explosion.


                Originally posted by LORD MONK
                This thread is well worth it for the new sproiler tag feature alone.
                I was thinking the same I want to test (I'll do something wrong, I'm sure of it) goes....

                test test

                ok....that didn't work.


                  Originally posted by Chutzpah
                  What? They would be destoryed as soon as they came through the wormhole.

                  Sounds like a good idea. Too bad they didn't think of it. Of course, that would have killed Vala aswell.
                  Not the 4 ships already in our galaxy



                    Originally posted by nccjones
                    I was thinking the same I want to test (I'll do something wrong, I'm sure of it) goes....

                    test test

                    ok....that didn't work.
                    You have to put s on the end of the word spoiler. Or, just use the nifty button with the exclamation mark. It's right next to the quote icon when you post.
                    like so
                    I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                    Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                    Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                    Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                    Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                      Gah...18 pages?

                      Anyway, did anyone else notice that the blocks that made up the Supergate were really big? Didn't they have to fit through the Stargate, as we saw in 'Beachhead'? Or are they magical blocks that use pixie dust and Ori magic to grow?


                        Originally posted by randy
                        Not necessarily. It was never guaranteed removing crystals from the console would have disabled the Black Knight. Quite possibly, back-up systems could have been activated, proving doom for Mitchell. So, damaged modules from a bullet might have been more aptly suited for the case than attached ones - the projectile probably damaged more primary systems than just pulling them out. Just my opinion.
                        Thanks for posting this. When I saw that scene I had the brief thought about it being out of character for Daniel, but just chalked it up to him being more. . . pragmatic? of late. And I thught it was funny when Cam said that it was like something he would do. Probably not exactly a notion Daniel was happy to consider. (LOL) Then people`s comments in here got me thinking Hmmmm and that maybe it was more out of character than it should have been. So since it happened I`ll subscribe to your theory and figure he was just acting quickly and correctly to try to save his teammate.

                        And maybe I just think too much.
                        Fargater (n.) A Farscape fan who got curious about Stargate SG-1 on learning BB and CB would be joining, belatedly discovered the greatness of Stargate SG-1 in reruns, and who is now a happy fan of both shows.


                          Hey - a new guy, yeah. :>

                          Ok, I think the Battle in Camelot was absolutely orgasmic, spectacular .. [insert other adjectives], even though numerous scalling issues did pop up.

                          But then again, I think that - although our species is viewed as intellectually inferior, we (and the free Jaffa too) would not suck that much at the battle, given that the paramiters would be identical, in RL [a paradox yes].

                          To put in an an analogy - I haven`t seen an occasion where a soldier would run infront of a tank and started shooting at it with small arms asortiment. The fact is, that commanders would probably spot the enemies weaknesses, which in terms means our strenghts. From what I can tell, the Ori ships are gargantuan in size, and even worse for them, they only have one main weapon, which doesen`t recharge at an avid pace. So floating infront of the main weapon isn`t all that smart (d0h), no matter how loud you scream "all batteries fire". However, you could try outmanevouring their ships, and go on a straffing run (like the Asgard ship did). I mean, this guys are supposed to be trained, proffesional commanders. I doubt they would order their aircraft carrier into a mine field, just for the heck of it, for another analogy.

                          The main act of an armed conflict is to exploit the enemy weaknesses and turn them into your pro`s. And from what I can tell, Ori ships could be easily outmaneuvered that way. They do have some sort of auxiliary weapons, which are seen from the Asgard straffing run, but I really don`t think they are that powerful (like the main weapon). The result: we would liver longer, and although we probably would not deal any damage. At least we`d have a chance to run.


                            i dont think they really knew what they were getting into, should have had a tone more ships, but theyd probably get destroyed anyway


                              We went in planning on stopping them from getting through, hoping not to have to battle against them. And after their weapon managed to blow up the last 303 it went went up against i would have assumed the ships would have the same weapons or better. and as far as i was awear, the deadluse class ships did not have more advance shields, they were just incorperated into the design of the ship rather then tagged on after.
                              The fact no one was in command of the fleet was possible a problem but untill we worked out what we were up against what typw of plan could we form.
                              Runnign wasnt really an option for me, we had to try to fight them with everyone else there. but thats just me.


                                i agree with that, we had to go all in otherwise were to a degree like the ancients

