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    Originally posted by Auralis
    This explaoins it quiet handily and is the best you will find out there for nukes in space and actually most other weapons from a purely scientific viewpoint.
    Good site. I myself try not to use fansites as credible sources. I mostly use .edu or .gov sites.
    Last edited by randy; 13 March 2006, 09:15 PM.


      But...where was it stated that the Korelev is destroyed?

      Wasn't the Odessey the one that was &quote "dead in the water".

      Perhaps the Korelev surrendered to the Ori after they had been defeated.

      Just a thought.
      -Nuff Said

      "We should let people do anything they want. We haven't tried that in a while. Maybe it'll work this time."


        Originally posted by Mvrck
        But...where was it stated that the Korelev is destroyed?

        Wasn't the Odessey the one that was &quote "dead in the water".

        Perhaps the Korelev surrendered to the Ori after they had been defeated.

        Just a thought.
        If you really want to know, it's from spoilers from next season's premiere.
        MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
        "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
        Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


          Originally posted by JanusAncient
          Personally, I'd get a kick if the anti-Ori weapon, the Holy Grail, was actually a part of the hologram of Merlin, since we know Ancient holograms can be both physical, and immaterial, it actually could have been right in front of them, and when Daniel destroyed the control crystals it slipped right through his fingers.

          thats what i thought when he gave that riddle speech thing.. but its likely the writers didn't do it that way and the holy grail is actually out there.. but that would have been a good twist if the holo image of the holy grail was actually real..


            Originally posted by Tok'Ra Hostess:
            My hubby is now convinced that Vala is pregnant with Merlin himself - who lives backwards through time. He thinks she got impregnated back when they discovered Merlin's place in England. Kinda, sorta, possible spoiler for season ten..
            What an interesting shot of Vala in the ship window. It looked like she was in a livingroom with, well... one heckova view, that's for sure.
            yes, I thought that too - Merlin is on his way - via Vala? Never thought of him doing "the 2nd coming"... now, that's quite a twist...

            Originally posted by Tok'Ra Hostess:
            Cool battle... er... massacre scenes, with Sam stranded outside and the rest of SG-1 getting their butts wiped by the Ori Toilet Seat(tm) ships of DOOM! Man, are they
            well, that's a pretty good description of those ships... and probably the most hilarious version, too!

            Now I'll never forget - toilet seats...!
            very applicable sort of situation, too.

            SG1 is sooooooooo screwed. Worse off than SGA, at the moment (IMHO).



              After watching the end battle sequence, I got a couple of questions regarding the Asgard and earth ships.

              In the last sequence that we see of the Asgard ship it did a suicide run towards an Ori ship and took a lot of hits to its shields, but from what I can tell didn't get destroyed.. Do you rekon the Asgard ship was just just flying and firing past it in its process of jumping out?

              Also, one of the earth ships obviously got destroyed as we witnessed in one of the final sequences. Any ideas on if it was the Russian ship or the American ship? I'm guessing the russian ship as it was not as fully operational as the american one (??). That said, what do you think happened to Daniel and Mitchell (if it was the russian ship)? Beamed out at the last minute - but to where?

              I know we won't know for sure until season 10, but if anyone has any better idea please share. It would be good to read about anything I might have missed.

              Anyone care to speculate on the outcome of SG1? I'm guessing Sam will be picked up by a cloaked ship or maybe the Ori? Then what about the SG1 members that were on the ship that got destroyed?

              Thanks! sorry for so many questions ;D


                Spoilers for season 10:

                It was the Korelev that was destroyed, as in season 10 the Odyssey is still there (see the summary page for episode 10x01). Mitchell got out with an F302 and Daniel probably got beamed up on an Ori ship.
                Μηνιν αειδε, θεα, Πηληιαδεω Αχιληος...


                  my first post here too - i came here to find the same answers!!

                  in the aftermath of the battle it pretty much looked at tho all the ships had been blown away (the goa'uld ships pretty much in one shot which was scary) so i cant see where they would've gone.
                  i think you may be right tho, i didnt see what happened to the asgard ship (and i dont have my copy of the prog to watch) so its poss that they beamed as many peeps off the other ships an escaped.

                  poor sam tho, stuck on her own ont he supergate lol


                    I have watched the initial space battle over and over again and the Oddesy seems to have an energy weapon it fires right off.

                    It comes from the left (Port Side) and has a different sound effect and visual appearance from the rail guns or missiles.

                    Or am I just seeing things?



                      I suspect the Russian ship got totaled. This is why they make such a point to show us Mitchel rushing to the 302's in the middle of a battle that they had already lost. He snuck into one of the ships and escaped that turkey before it blew up.

                      I can even give you a reason why the Ori, in their infinite wisdom, decide to save Daniel from certain death. Quite simply, he quoted their Book. They probably rescued him for that and/or because he was one of the two responsible for alerting them to the existence of the Corner of Non-Believers. Or Vala ran to a transporter and saved him, though I doubt it. 1) She's pregnant. And 2) she should have been doing that during her cut scene of watching the battle unfold according to her evil plan!

                      Bet it'll be the quoting from the Book saved Daniel. Why? Because it was such a pointless little detail, it had to be there to save his life.

                      You say that you think it was a suicide run by the Asgard ship. I saw that as intelligent tactics. The Asgard ship was hit several times by the smaller weapons fire from those massive Ori ships, but it was not destroyed or even have its shields penetrated. The Ori ships, on the other hand, were concentrating their big weapons on the ships with the weakest shields first. Ironically, the Earth vessels had superior shields (Asgard in design), so they focus on the others first. The goa'uld ships went down in 1 shot from the big gun plus a couple of small-arms fire (small compared to their big gun, but their small is as big as everyone else's big). The earth ship that was destroyed took one shot at the beginning of the battle from the big gun. Then two Ori ships concentrated their fire to take it out. So it took three shots, plus unshown numbers of small-arms hits. Not bad for a race that has barely begun to build hyperdrive-capable ships.

                      So quite simply the Asgard were trying to draw the fire of the Ori ships away from the other ships whose shields were simply not up to the challenge. But the Ori weren't having it. Getting behind one of those Ori ships seems like the best way to deal with them. Their main weapon is on the front. Their engines are on the back like everyone else. They don't move particularly fast and I suspect a fleet of Asgard ships soaring around those slow ass O ships so fast they can't turn to hit them with their main weapon will prove to be more than a nuisance to even the most powerful Ori ship. (Unless they are redesigned). The Asgard ship lasted longer than any other ship because its shields are clearly superior to every vessel on the field. Its also faster.

                      Makes you wonder if the Asgard won't be convinced by this new threat to upgrade our ships' weapons from piddly rail guns and naquada-enhanced missles (WTF? Still from season 2 or the movie, if you count what Ra wanted to do) to something a little more powerful. Like a PHASED POLARON BEAM! Oh wait. That's from Deep Space Nine. Makes you wonder why Earth hasn't upgraded their rail guns to at least Gao'uld level weapons, given the fantastic relationships between Earth and either the Tok'ra or the Jaffa Nation. I know things cooled down with the Tok'ra when Paw died, but still. They were mentioned by name in this ep. You'd think when the chips are down and they want Earth to help stop some intergalactic crusade, the Big Boys'd be giving the upstarts who unified the galaxy some guns to match the rest of their toys.

                      When I first saw those ships (in the previous episode) from the Ori, I asked myself, "Why do they have big holes in them? I mean, even with energy in the middle, it's kinda stupid design." Then I saw how BIG those ships were compared to everyone else's. No wonder they require a big ball of light to power them. They're HUGE.

                      If Mitchel said, "I just count four ships." to me.

                      I'd not be going, "That's probably just a first wave." I'd be saying a Crichton-esque, "What the hell is wrong with you boy? Those ships are FIFTY TIMES the size of OUR SHIPS. That's like a fleet in four!"

                      And did anyone notice that Vala's ship was not attacking at the end? It was just sitting there, chilling while the battle unfolded.

                      Who knew Vala was the real brains behind the invasion? Who knew...


                        Originally posted by Sisko197

                        I suspect the Russian ship got totaled. This is why they make such a point to show us Mitchel rushing to the 302's in the middle of a battle that they had already lost. He snuck into one of the ships and escaped that turkey before it blew up.

                        I can even give you a reason why the Ori, in their infinite wisdom, decide to save Daniel from certain death. Quite simply, he quoted their Book. They probably rescued him for that and/or because he was one of the two responsible for alerting them to the existence of the Corner of Non-Believers. Or Vala ran to a transporter and saved him, though I doubt it. 1) She's pregnant. And 2) she should have been doing that during her cut scene of watching the battle unfold according to her evil plan!

                        Bet it'll be the quoting from the Book saved Daniel. Why? Because it was such a pointless little detail, it had to be there to save his life.

                        You say that you think it was a suicide run by the Asgard ship. I saw that as intelligent tactics. The Asgard ship was hit several times by the smaller weapons fire from those massive Ori ships, but it was not destroyed or even have its shields penetrated. The Ori ships, on the other hand, were concentrating their big weapons on the ships with the weakest shields first. Ironically, the Earth vessels had superior shields (Asgard in design), so they focus on the others first. The goa'uld ships went down in 1 shot from the big gun plus a couple of small-arms fire (small compared to their big gun, but their small is as big as everyone else's big). The earth ship that was destroyed took one shot at the beginning of the battle from the big gun. Then two Ori ships concentrated their fire to take it out. So it took three shots, plus unshown numbers of small-arms hits. Not bad for a race that has barely begun to build hyperdrive-capable ships.

                        When I first saw those ships (in the previous episode) from the Ori, I asked myself, "Why do they have big holes in them? I mean, even with energy in the middle, it's kinda stupid design." Then I saw how BIG those ships were compared to everyone else's. No wonder they require a big ball of light to power them. They're HUGE.

                        If Mitchel said, "I just count four ships." to me.

                        I'd not be going, "That's probably just a first wave." I'd be saying a Crichton-esque, "What the hell is wrong with you boy? Those ships are FIFTY TIMES the size of OUR SHIPS. That's like a fleet in four!"

                        And did anyone notice that Vala's ship was not attacking at the end? It was just sitting there, chilling while the battle unfolded.

                        Who knew Vala was the real brains behind the invasion? Who knew...
                        WRONG. Have you noticed that in the last scene Vala went into first stages of labor?
                        In the first episode of season 10 she'll give birth to a daughter Adria, Oracle, some sort of human Ori goddess.
                        That's why this ship was not attacking.


                          I had to wait three days to get a copy of this episode, unfortunately I'm not sure that it was worth the wait. Actually I'm not sure about this episode at all, I mean it was a season finale and at the time TPTB didn't know if they'd been renewed yet so it could have been a series finale and yet it was so ...................???????

                          It has been several decades since I got all excited because of SFX, I mean I love them and appreciate the tech but nowadays for me its got to be more than SFX for SFX sake, you know a riveting script would have gone down real well. So approximately five and a half minutes from super kawoosh to closing credits (minus the ads) hhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmm NAH it doesn't make it a fantastic episode.

                          Perhaps why I can't pin this episode down is because it felt like two episodes squished together. One meandered about with eye pleasing camera work and the other rushed about, crammed stuff in and topped it off with a space battle. A couple of times I was left wondering what was left on the cutting room floor. This definitely needed to be a longer episode, why oh why couldn't have they cut last weeks episode in half, I wouldn't have minded!

                          Maybe I should quit blathering and get on with what I like and didn't like about this episode.

                          What I liked :
                          - the camera work in Camelot, it was quite eye pleasing
                          - the characters Meurik, Antonius and Valencia
                          - tavern scene, could have been boring but wasn't. Lots of non verbal interaction of the team. I noticed on one side you had Sam and Daniel who have very expressive faces and on the other you had Cam and Tealc who are not so expressive, they tend to use just their eyes and body language more. Did you notice how the science twins perked up at the mention of Merlin's library?
                          - Tealc does Lurch impressions I couldn't believe he actually growled / groaned before his "your over confidence is ill advised" speech
                          - Cam didn't P**s me off this week
                          - Cam wins a sword fight! Wait . . . oh bugger, it was just a kid Actually that was a good way to get Cam 'n Dan to the library.
                          - Daniel was really good throughout this ep. I like to see him with his books and also it was great he could quote from the Book Of Origin
                          - Kvasir and Sam, they work well together (Nooooooo Dani347 no ship please!!!! )
                          - Super Kawoosh (OK, so I had to put in one SFX )
                          - Sam all alone in space

                          What I didn't like :
                          - Cliches, cliches, cliches. Book in library triggers door to secret room!
                          - Daniel shoots the control crystals?? Ever think of maybe just removing them? This was sooooo not Daniel.
                          - No more sword fights! No more sword fights! Look, it is really hard to fight with broadswords (whatever those big suckers are), leave it to the experts. Actually I probably would have liked to see Valencia do battle with the Black Knight. On second thought, let Tealc do it, Chris could probably whirl that sword around easily.
                          - team splitting up, we get to the end of season and they are all separated????
                          - OK, so I take it we are going to spend all Season 10 looking for the sangraal? I sooooo hate super weapons to get rid of super baddies. Whatever happened to guts, grit and quick thinking to win the day?
                          - Tealc just leaves the bridge and doesn't explain anything. Definitely a "I wonder what's on the cutting room floor" moment.
                          - Tealc and Lucian Alliance. See above for cutting room floor comment.
                          - battle tactics sux
                          - slo mo sux. It also makes the SFX look cheap and nasty.
                          - this week's homage to ...... FCOL get over it! I could have liked that scene but as we fade to the credits instead of going "OH NO it's over! Hurry up Season 10" I'm going "Arrrrggghhh Nooooo Vala does Londo Molari" !!!

                          Sigh, I don't think I've ever been this ambivalent about a season finale. Out of 5 stars I'll give it a ........ dunno


                            i heard something odd too, couldnt work out what it was, that sounds like the closest option but surely they woudla mentioned it???
                            Good Evening, Good Nite, GOOD BEER!


                              well remember the last space fight the Ody was in its weapons systems wherent 100% operational so we may have not heard anything about it yet... what about when it started firing did its missle right after that it looked like missles or something shot out from the top of the ody it didnt really look like missles because it was REALLY bright and the missle fire we saw had a smoke stream behind it the 3 flashes of light that shot out of the top of the ship didnt have any stream behind them and where alot brighter then the missle fire we saw

                              See Jaffa are Crazy! (pic of a Tia food place in the US of A )


                                sooo uhmm.... anyone think the asgard ship made it out of the battle?

                                See Jaffa are Crazy! (pic of a Tia food place in the US of A )

