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Crusade (919)

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    Okay, completely different topic. How many ships do you think the Ori are building? At first, I thought killing the Ori and the Priors would effectively stop things, even if their followers still believed in them, because most of them would be an entire galaxy away, and not really a problem. The only ones to worry about would be the ones who had the ships on that planet. And, yeah, in battle they'd have to be killed, but that would just be it.

    Then, I thought that they're probably building ships on a lot more planets than the one we saw. Which means that it's even more difficult to fight the problem, because even if the Ori are gone, the ships are still there to enable the humans to come to this galaxy and kill everyone.

    The actor who played Tomin is Tim Guinee. His imdb profile is here:

    I don't think I've seen him in anything else.
    I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

    Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

    Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

    Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty

    Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


      Originally posted by betjam
      I enjoyed this episode and it was waaaaaay better than watching a clip show. Good tie in to the first few episodes (referencing Daniel's speech and how someone was listening). I liked how in the end, Vala comes up with a quick lie, without any hesitation ("They made me do it!") and completely sells it. So next season, we know we can never completely trust what she's saying, even if she's on our side.

      I was wondering the whole episode what was going on with Vala's body and if Daniel was experiencing anything or just trapped inside her, with her unconscious. It seems like she was just sitting there at the table, if she was able to pull the stone. Or did someone else?

      And was SG-1 concerned about her at the end? Or was she small potatoes to what Earth was about to face?

      The actor that played her husband looked familiar. Someone said L&O, but I don't watch that.
      Perhaps if the same people use the stones and the device multiple times they loose consciousness for the first time only?

      As for trusting Vala, what would you do in this situation? You defend yourself at all costs just to survive. She's brilliant at this


        Originally posted by Dani347
        Okay, completely different topic. How many ships do you think the Ori are building? At first, I thought killing the Ori and the Priors would effectively stop things, even if their followers still believed in them, because most of them would be an entire galaxy away, and not really a problem. The only ones to worry about would be the ones who had the ships on that planet. And, yeah, in battle they'd have to be killed, but that would just be it.

        Then, I thought that they're probably building ships on a lot more planets than the one we saw. Which means that it's even more difficult to fight the problem, because even if the Ori are gone, the ships are still there to enable the humans to come to this galaxy and kill everyone.

        The actor who played Tomin is Tim Guinee. His imdb profile is here:

        I don't think I've seen him in anything else.
        CBS's "CSI: New York", last week's episode.


          Can anyone point me in the direction of the preview for next week's episode? I can't find it on


            Originally posted by Cory Holmes
            Can anyone point me in the direction of the preview for next week's episode? I can't find it on

            Scroll down to the bottom of the page. It's a .mov file, so Quick Time or Quick Time Alternative is a must.


              Originally posted by Formerhost

              Scroll down to the bottom of the page. It's a .mov file, so Quick Time or Quick Time Alternative is a must.


                Originally posted by scarimor
                lol! This is the second time a TV sci-fi space-ship has manifested loo-properties - the Starship Voyager resembled a toilet seat too. The shape of things to come...
                No, it was the Defiant which looked like the loo seat! Voyager was a bit more normal.



                  Originally posted by FallenAngelII
                  As someone already said: Nobody should give a crap whether or not it would've been better to have Daniel portray Vala-in-Daniel.

                  Because in "Avalon (Part II)" and "Origin", it was Claudia Black and Michael shanks portraying Daniel and Vala in those two Ori galaxy people. So unless you'd rather have had 2 episodes where the only glimpses we'd get of Michael and Claudia were of their lifeless bodies in the SGC, stop whining.
                  LOL!! The "stop whining" part just made me laugh.

                  I love Michael Shanks, but I suspect the Daniel-holics would be happiest if MS played every character all the time

                  And, no offense to Mr. Shanks, but I suspect that the emotional level from Black in this particular role at this particular juncture, was likely more intense than Michael playing Daniel playing Vala. Most of this is Vala, telling a story; Black had to convey that emotion just through what she said and her reactions. To do it otherwise would have been put even more distance between the emotion of that backstory and the present time.

                  And, yes, it's definitely more consistent with what happened before to do it this way.


                    Originally posted by Formerhost

                    As for trusting Vala, what would you do in this situation? You defend yourself at all costs just to survive. She's brilliant at this
                    I liked that aspect a lot. After all is said and done, she's still a survivor and if lying is what it takes, she'll do it. I did sense, though, some unease about it on her part. Quite possibly I was reading into it, but she almost looked as though she felt badly about having to lie but what are you going to do? and tomin didn't look as though he 100% believed her, but then again, if she's the bearer of Ori offspring...well, what are you gonna do? They're both stuck with their respective doubts but still have to pretend, and pretend that the other isn't lying to them.

                    if that makes ANY sense!


                      Originally posted by esoap524
                      I love Michael Shanks, but I suspect the Daniel-holics would be happiest if MS played every character all the time
                      No, just the second to last episode.

                      That was sarcasm and extreme frustration in that remark.
                      I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                      Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                      Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                      Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                      Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                        Originally posted by betjam
                        I was wondering the whole episode what was going on with Vala's body and if Daniel was experiencing anything or just trapped inside her, with her unconscious. It seems like she was just sitting there at the table, if she was able to pull the stone. Or did someone else?
                        I'm assuming she was just sitting at the table unconscious whilst communicating with SGC. When they cut back to Vala after the disconnect we see the device smoking a little so her hubby probably shot it.

                        Originally posted by betjam
                        And was SG-1 concerned about her at the end? Or was she small potatoes to what Earth was about to face?
                        Considering they had approx. 90 secs left of the show to let us know about what happened with the Russians and what their plans are knowing of an imminent attack I thought they did pretty well.

                        Originally posted by betjam
                        The actor that played her husband looked familiar. Someone said L&O, but I don't watch that.
                        He looks similar to the guy out of Firefly (he also had a guest role in Buffy), Nathan Fillion.


                          Originally posted by RealmOfX

                          He looks similar to the guy out of Firefly (he also had a guest role in Buffy), Nathan Fillion.
                          He also sort of looked like Michael J. Fox.


                            Originally posted by esoap524
                            I liked that aspect a lot. After all is said and done, she's still a survivor and if lying is what it takes, she'll do it. I did sense, though, some unease about it on her part. Quite possibly I was reading into it, but she almost looked as though she felt badly about having to lie but what are you going to do? and tomin didn't look as though he 100% believed her, but then again, if she's the bearer of Ori offspring...well, what are you gonna do? They're both stuck with their respective doubts but still have to pretend, and pretend that the other isn't lying to them.

                            if that makes ANY sense!
                            I don't know about her feeling badly about lying, but she really has become attached to Tomin - not necessarily romantically attached, but that man is so kind and gentle that he's released the humanity in her and it's lovely to see.

                            I think she's risking an awful lot, going with Tomin. She doesn't know what fate awaits them in the MW but she does know that there are advanced civilisations with advanced weaponry and that the Earthers at least have thus far proven up to the task of fighting back.

                            She also showed courage and strength when she refused to betray the barmaid. Not that long ago she would have, to save her own skin, but she's already grown as a character. I'd say that Vala was using her wiles in a good way in this ep and I can see this being the talent she brings to the season ten team.

                            A Cherokee elder sitting with his grandchildren told them,
                            "In every life there is a terrible fight – a fight between two wolves.
                            One is evil: he is fear, anger, envy, greed, arrogance, self-pity,
                            resentment, and deceit. The other is good: joy, serenity, humility,
                            confidence, generosity, truth, gentleness, and compassion."
                            A child asked, "Grandfather, which wolf will win?"
                            The elder looked the child in the eye. "The one you feed."


                              Originally posted by Tok'Ra Hostess
                              She also showed courage and strength when she refused to betray the barmaid. Not that long ago she would have, to save her own skin, but she's already grown as a character. I'd say that Vala was using her wiles in a good way in this ep and I can see this being the talent she brings to the season ten team.
                              I couldn't agree more. Vala has really grown as a character over the course of her time on this show. That is very evident to me. And over time, I think the others will be able to truly "trust" her more and more. I can't wait to see what she can do as a full-time member of the team.
                              MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                              "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                              Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                                Originally posted by Formerhost
                                Not at all. But it makes me pretty sad that Daniel's fans are trying to destroy my enjoyment of this episode, which for me personally is the best episode of the entire season at the moment. I really love Daniel's character and MS, but this episode was meant to be Claudia's episode, so just accept it.
                                Special K? Is that you? After so long, you've finally come back to us!

                                ANYWAY, For me, Tomin was a sniveling, spineless weasel. It looks like Vala cares for him, but he really doesn't deserve anything from her or anyone. I guess I'm a bit bitter over the fact that someone would leave their own wife shackled for three days without food or water (pregnant, no less), but beyond that, Tomin is Prior Chow. He's definitely destined for a gruesome and/or bloody (and deserved) death. Mind you, I'm not WISHING death upon his simpering soul. I just think he's pathetic. Cute. But pathetic.

                                Vala won many points for Crusade. I'm so glad they toned her down, and with Claudia Black's talent, they still kept her "Vala." I had my doubts, and I'm still rather reserved about Season 10, but my mind is open.

                                Though Claudia Black has a fantastic narrating voice, towards the end, I was expecting to hear more from the other characters. There's only so long you can hear one voice, really. There needed to be more action.

                                The ep was solid, if a bit slow. Still, Cameron only had two (count 'em, two!) lame statements (Oh-So-Random Grandma Anecdote #12; Seevis is a butthead). Vala only had one sexual innuendo about Daniel and his pants.

                                Yet there were oodles and oodles of funny characters moments.

                                She-Daniel checking Cameron out; Sam's excitement over the experiment working; the look on Landry's face when Vala asks for him to get her pancakes and ice cream; the look on Vala's face after she's devoured said pancakes and ice cream; Sam's hilarious nose-twitching and "As in...?" question; Cameron's various facial expressions, "OK... Maybe we skipped a bit too far"; Vala's cute "... It made me feel kinda special..." statement; Teal'c's Darth Vader (Vala's, "Really? How did that turn out?"), Cameron's Merlin, Sam's WTF?...

                                They were all quite humorous, and I actually wouldn't mind seeing the ep again for them. The fact that the humor was spread around certainly helped. And the fact that the episode was Daniel-lite out of "necessity," and Teal'c-lite out of laziness (though CJ evidently likes it this way) can be overlooked. We should logically know that any episode from here on out with Vala in it will rarely be Daniel-lite. When SG-1 goes Quintet!, we should expect Tealc's lines to disappear by the tens - though this apparently has nothing to do with the characters.

                                And whoa, there! Easy on the close-ups, Coop! They were great in moderation, but became kinda excessive and distracting. SG-1 has a cast of gorgeous people. There's no doubt about it. But I found myself more focused on the intricate facial expressions of the actors than the lines they were saying - which was fine when emotions were being conveyed without words. But if they were talking, or if someone was talking off camera, I was hard-pressed to catch what they said the first time around. Interesting tactic in having Sam and Vala look almost directly into the camera, too, though I was a bit unnerved (read: distracted) by that as well. OK, I guess I have the attention span of a six-year-old. Whatever. I'm working on it.

                                There's hope for some Sam/Vala friendship in Season Ten! It'll be nothing like Sam/Janet and nothing like Vala/Daniel, but it'll be something quite interesting. AT and CB are too talented for this opportunity to be passed up. I'm looking forward to seeing their interaction. It'll be cool! The writers have done OK so far! They'd just better not screw it up!

                                And was that foreshadowing through Cameron's personal research on Merlin with a line that would've normally come from Daniel? Merlin enchanted the Queen who bore Arthur? I could've sworn I read spoilers that said something about that...
                                And Merlin does seem like a bad dude.

                                Let's see, let's see, what else... Oh! Landry just gets cooler and cooler by the episode! I'm not one to live in the past or anything ( ), but I'm surprised Landry's been given so much to do, when Hammond really wasn't. I guess it has more to do with the fact that there've been multiple SGC eps mixed in with the off-world ones. Either way, Landry has proven that he knows what he's doing. Though I had my reservations about him in the past, he's a solid character. I wonder where Lam has been lately?

                                One other question: When's Vala Jr. due?
                                Last edited by the dancer of spaz; 06 March 2006, 10:34 PM.

