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Arthur's Mantle (918)

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    Originally posted by Dani347
    I also, imo, don't see it as cutting him down. It was similar (to use an example from waaaaay back in the series) to Daniel breaking free from cover in CotG, and Jack muttering, "That man does not change" which is the same sentiment. Doesn't mean Jack was cutting him down, just meant that Jack was acknowledging Daniel-like behavior. And, Daniel was acknowledging Mitchell like behavior.
    Originally posted by Tok'Ra Hostess
    I'm not trying to get in on this particular arguement, but I just wanted to say how much Daniel's tsk, tsk was reminiscent of Jack's reactions to early Daniel's let-the-heart-lead actions.

    I'm not saying it's a good or bad thing viv-a-vis Cam, just that it put me in mind of early Jack&Dan and that scene takes an interesting snapshot of Daniel's growth as a member of SG-1.
    Excellent analysis. I didn't see it as a put down of Mitchell, either. I agree that they just expected him to do it and they're getting used to each other as a team.

    Like Mitchell's "A room full of treasure and Dr. Daniel Jackson finds the one book" or telling Sam she finally had someone to keep up with her in "Ripple Effect" or Jack telling Daniel to "Go to his happy place" when he was perturbed about someone moving ruins without calling Daniel first. The show is filled with such moments and I love them.

    Actually I think Jack would have gone through the gate after Teal'c, too. (Whether he thought he could do anything to help or not.)

    And can you imagine Jack pressing the little button for Daniel for hours? LOL! He would have been bouncing off the walls with his speech laced with "For crying out louds" (and juggling if he had anything he could touch).

    So I thought Mitchell's reaction to Daniel finally making the connection (the "touchdown" signal) was also great and well within Mitchell's character.
    (And reminiscent of the intensity of Daniel's reaction to Nick when he found out Nick could see and hear him the entire time or "Jack, don't be an ass".)


      Originally posted by scarimor
      nitpicky question: how does wearing a cloaking device which does *not* place you in another dimension allow you to see someone who is in another dimension? And why that particular dimension? What about the others out of the theorized eleven total - like the one where the bugs from 'Sight Unseen' lived?
      It seemed to me that the cloaking device that Teal'c was using put him slightly out of phase as well, hence the funny look to the background around him.

      Teal'c may have been just enough out of phase to be able to see Mitchell and hear him, but not be in the exact same dimension as he was. It's conceiveable that the cloaking devices use lepton radiation to create the cloaking effect and that was what the machine had used to put Mitchell out of phase as well.
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        Originally posted by Zoser
        Did any one notice Major Hadden said "By who?" and I could hear in my head (very loudly) Jack O'Neill saying "By whom!"
        Yes! That's why I like coming here. My husband doesn't watch enough to pick up on those things, so when I said, "Whom" he said, "What?" and I told myself I needed to come to the boards to share the laugh.

        I'm a day late and my computer is too slow to quote previous pages, but for curiosity, tell me what your dictionaries have for "cocky." Mine has: marked by overconfidence. I still think that defines Mitchell. It's not a bad thing and certainly not bad for the show as it adds to the storyline. He's read all the SG-1 reports, he's seen how often they've saved the world. He wants to do his part too. He's sincere, not a troublemaker.


          I loved it! I liked Crystal Skull and was hopefull that this episode would also have some invisible fun, and it didn't fail - for me.

          Someone said that Sam didn't have much to do, but, for me, that wasn't a factor. She had some great interaction with others and some great expressions and it looked like Amanda was having a great time with it all, and that makes it a successful Sam episode for me. So what if she didn't save the day or figure whatever it was someone wanted her do? She was great throughout the episode.

          I also thought Mitchell was great in this episode. From wanting Sam to take a break and eat [and apparently, she only had Dr. Lee bringing her back some Jell-O, so she probably needed a good meal], to his accepting that he was out of phase and that the others would fix it, to wanting to help his friend Teal'c and the Sodan by gathering intel [and since he expected to be back in phase eventually, he could pass along the information then], I thought this was a good Mitchell episode. Mitchell is very proactive and sitting around waiting to find the right letters [and they were, where, on the second row when he left?] isn't in his makeup. I think O'Neill would have done the exact same thing. Mitchell expected it to take hours to finish the decipher and he thought he would be back by then. The only reason it was done more quickly was because Dr. Lee inadvertantly put Daniel out-of-phase, too.

          I think Sam's only concern with Mitchell going after Teal'c was if they reversed the phase-thingee and Mitchell wasn't there, what would happen with him? Once Mitchell knew the consequences, it was his decision whether to take the chance and he decided it was worth it to try to help Teal'c or even to just get intel for later use [when he was back in phase].

          The only time Mitchell was hotdogging was when he taunted the zombie instead of just running through the tripwire. Did he think he had to engage the zombie in hand-to-hand to try to get the gate crystal? I'm not sure what he was doing there.

          That aside, I loved Mitchell's interactions with Sam and with Teal'c. I thought this was a fun episode.

          Thanks to whoever explained the "We need a Whoopi" remark. If he had said, "We need Whoopi" maybe I would have gotten it, but "A Whoopie"... I thought of whoopie cushions. I only saw Ghost a time or two and temporarily forgot that Whoopi was in it.

          Even thought the trifecta remark was about horse racing, I agree that the Daily Double remark was in reference to Jeopardy, because of the situation. [Which, of course, I can't remember exactly right now.]

          Lots of fun stuff, I should have taken notes on all the fun lines so I could repeat them here. Not that you all want to read them again, but I think it's fun...


            Originally Posted by Dani347:
            Well, I feel dumb. I never questioned why Teal'c could hear him.
            posted by DEM:
            Tell me about it. I totally missed that.
            Dudes... you understand, so not dumb! I only reminded you what you already know...


              Originally posted by Krilia
              Pet Peeve:

              Myrddin is the Welsh name of Merlin.

              dd is not pronounced dd in Welsh.

              He is not Mird-din, he is, roughly, Myrth-in. Roughly. And Daniel is a freaking language and mythology expert. I'm neither, and I knew it was wrong! It rubs me as wrong as people who pronounced Celtic as Seltic.

              You are absolutely right. I picked it up in the first episode that they were pronouncing "Myrddin" wrong and that that Celtic is pronounced "Keltic". Oh well, I just choose to ignore the little boo-boos.

              On another board several months back, someone did research on the line where Daniel is explaining Arthur's legend in the conference room in the first episode and that it is wrong and it was taken word by word from a website.


                Originally posted by Skydiver
                not to mention if sam got fixed...they'd never know where cam was and he'd just wander around out of phase until he died of dehydration

                Actually when Sam and Daniel fixed the device Cam went back into phase too even though he was off world.

                Originally posted by Skydiver
                and another question, once they knew folks were out of phase, how come no one thought of dragging out the TERS?

                Originally posted by Skydiver
                cause, you know, if they had that then they coulda done like they did in allegiance, made the invisible visible so that those nice normal soldiers coulda killed him

                This wouldn't necessarily work because as Sam stated that there are 11 different phases of dimensions and they could have been in a totally different one then the TER's are able to pick up.


                  After thinking about this episode for a bit and re-watching it, I have come to the conclusion that my favorite part of it is Teal'c. I really like what they are doing with the character and finally playing up the warrior aspect of him. Teal'c is a Jaffa and was training to be a leader and a warrior before even Gen. Landry was born. It's nice to see those skills and leadership abilities being used. I have no problem with Teal'c being able to use two weapons at once in the manner that he does. Teal'c is not human, he is a Jaffa and he is stronger than most men are and he has been trained to be able to handle things this way. I'm sure the staff weapon weighs more than both those weapons combined.

                  And to be completely honest and shallow about it, I love action hero Teal'c. Of all the characters of SG1 he is the most suited for this and he has the intelligence level to raise the bar for this kind of characterization as well.

                  I've noticed that they seem to want to buddy Teal'c up with Mitchell and create a bond between them, just like they tried to do back in season 6 with with Teal'c and Jonas Quinn. I do have to say that the dynamic is working better between Teal'c and Mitchell than it did for me between Jonas and Teal'c. Teal'c seems to have a more clear cut level of interaction and sense of purpose with Mitchell. The 'Jonas and Teal'c as two outsiders' thing just didn't find a resonance between the characters to me. Unfortunately the very thing that does find resonance between Teal'c and Mitchell to me is also the very thing that makes it hard for me to accept Mitchell as the team leader. Mitchell is every bit the newbie and he's like an exuberant kid in need of a gently restraining and guiding hand. That is what Teal'c is doing IMHO, being that gentle restraining/guiding hand. That is the bond he has with Mitchell and within its own context I like that bond. I like their banter and their dynamic as friends. However to me it just doesn't fit the overall picture of the team and the position of leader that Mitchell has within it.

                  At first glance the interaction between Daniel and Sam seemed to be like old times. However the more I looked at it, the more I began to see things that were wrong with it, things that didn't feel right to me. For one thing, I never realized until I was watching Serpent's Lair last night that Daniel has quit looking directly and intensely into anyone's eyes when he is making a point or trying to get them to see his perspective. I did like that he was solving the puzzle and that he got credit for figuring it out. Daniel made some adorable facial expressions, but to me they seemed out of place for him to be doing them. My first thought on the very first viewing was 'man, Michael Shanks can really do a dead on impersonation of Amanda Tapping/Sam Carter'. Daniel was doing that exact same 'cute little shrug/smile' that Sam Carter does when she get's praise for something or has no explanation for something. It was a perfect imitation and it was funny, but I'm not sure I want to see Daniel do that again. I would like Daniel to stay being Daniel.

                  I loved Bill Lee and his miniturization theory. It wasn't silly or inept. He is a man who has learnt that you simply have to think outside of the box in these situations and where alien technology is concerned, nothing is impossible. He was smart in ruling out things as he went along. I loved General Landry in this episode. Beau Bridges is really settling in and Landry has become a very complex and interesting character, though I have to say that I don't miss the Lam/Landry thing. Nothing against Lexa Doig or her character, I just didn't like the daddy/daughter issues storyline or interaction. I felt it limited the growth and interaction potential of both characters.

                  What I didn't like was the callus dismissal and discarding of the Sodan warriors. They were interesting and, especially the two brothers who were IMHO an important part of the storyline of Mitchell. There was so much potential there and they took such time building up this dignified encounter between Mitchell and the Sodan in Babylon that the way it was dismissed and played out in Arthur's Mantle was insulting. It was so poorly handled and the scenes between poor Volnek who got zombiefied and Mitchell were so busy being played out for laughs that Mitchell lost all the dignity that having such a formidable enemy as the Sodan Warrior Volnek gave his character and that facing him down had to offer. I mean by the time they got to that childish display in the woods where Mitchell was taunting Volnek, I forgot all about the history they had and why Volnek, even in his zombie state, would be so bent on killing Mitchell.

                  Just a stupid waste of something that could have been so much more.

                  Last edited by GateAngel; 28 February 2006, 02:11 PM.
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                    This episode shows Crystal Skull how 'out of phase' special fx should be done.
                    * Always remember - You are unique, just like everyone else. *

                    * Avoid employing unlucky people, throw half of the CVs in the bin without reading them. *

                    Lost City, Part 2 - The Gateworld best ep S1-7

                    The 'Everyone Gets A Compliment' Thread


                      Not bad, not great, Daniel Sam and Teal'c were on form, but Mitchell wasnt great, I dont know why but recently I have started to dislike him, despite being Pro-Mitchell from the start. He just seems to be acting like a kid, begging for attention all of the time, if I were Teal'c, I wouldnt have hesitated either The storyline was pretty good, and Dr. Lee added the comedy as always, but there was no real spark to the episode. One thing i did notice was the PoO being the Earth one, which is either a frak up, or well thought out. It may be that Merlin knew that the gate that would be needed would be the one Ra had on Earth (and by timelines Ra would have been around at this time) OR the gate was already on Earth, and Ra didnt bring it with him. My money is on the frak up, but i like to be optemistic.

                      Anyway, 7/9 chevrons for me
                      Equality is not a concept. It's not something we should be striving for. It's a necessity. Equality is like gravity. We need it to stand on this earth as men and women. And the misogyny that is in every culture is not a true part of the human condition. It is life out of balance, and that imbalance is sucking something out of the soul of every man and woman who is confronted with it.
                      - Joss Whedon - Equality Now


                        Originally posted by da_hippie
                        This episode shows Crystal Skull how 'out of phase' special fx should be done.
                        It's all down to budget costs I guess.
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                          I really enjoyed this episode... but I have to agree... they way the Sodan were handled was not so enjoyable...

                          I loved the teaser, and mos things thereafter, I didn't mind the Prior (ironically, same actor who has been on Stargate before... Morris Chapdelaine).

                          I liked the references, and information found out.

                          I had hoped the Sodan would play a more integral role though... I have a feeling Haikon survived, but the question is:

                          What will happen to him now?
                          Are there other Sodan villages left?



                            I think Volnak couldn't have gotten all of the Sodan. I think they'll come back in some future episode


                              Overall this episode was rather good.

                              Good parts including the interaction between Cater and Mitchell when they first found out what was wrong and Mitchell saying he only needed to travel in time now he has been involved in a multiple reality situation and travelled into another dimension and them Sam shouting at the technicains in order for them to notice a variance in the output.
                              Dr Lee spending time working out how far Carter and Mithcell could have travelled on tiny legs after beleiving they were shrunk, it was funny as he rather funny as he seiously suggested they could have been shrunk.
                              Dr Lee sending Daniel to the other dimension was rather funny seeing as he was trying to do the opposite.
                              The revelation of the ascended weapon was rather revealing as well.
                              Landry threaten Lee that he wouldn't be safe in any dimension if the device trapped Daniel,Sam and Mitchell was rather good too.
                              It was also good to see Teal'c put his warrior training to use considering it must have required some skill to avoid being killed considering the Sodan were wiped out,including the best fighters they had.

                              Other points.
                              Just as much as Teal'c looked good with 2 P90's everytime he had to use one hand he became was a target for attack, he needs some sort of straps round his shoulders to carry each one but be able to interact.
                              Mitchell going to the Sodan world while showing he cared for Teal'c showed a bit of lack of judgement seeing as he couldn't do much , well at least to the best of his knowlege he wouldn't be able to do anything up until he found out that the Sodan technology worked in the same dimension as he did.
                              Are the Sodan gone or was it just that village that was attacked? If they are all gone what happens to the sole survivor? It would be a shame if the Sodan have been killed off since they've been built up over the season.

                              Questions raised.
                              Will SG1 need the Sodan cloaks in order to activate Merlins weapon considering it is unlikely he will have put in on the planet in our dimension seeing as the ascended are all seeing , at least in this dimension anyway.
                              Can the power source be charged up again so Daniel can learn more.
                              We learn 6 months has passed and doomsday is near, are the writers trying to hint the Ori have been travelling for the past half a year perhaps?
                              What will Landry have to say about Mitchell going offworld?

                              Other things.
                              It seems that neither Mitchell or Carter have overall command of SG1 , Carter couldn't tell Mitchell to not go off world but neither did he make any reference to her having less power over the matter in stopping him going.
                              Support Stargate and Stargate Atlantis to be made avalaible via i-tunes, write your support on this thread and vote in the poll to get Sony to put the show on i-tunes.


                                Originally posted by Krilia
                                Myrddin is the Welsh name of Merlin.

                                dd is not pronounced dd in Welsh.

                                He is not Mird-din, he is, roughly, Myrth-in. Roughly. And Daniel is a freaking language and mythology expert. I'm neither, and I knew it was wrong! It rubs me as wrong as people who pronounced Celtic as Seltic.
                                Hold on....this comes straight from the introduction on the link you posted:

                                One thing that is important to remember is that the pronunciation of Welsh varies widely between dialects. Therefore the student should remember that the pronunciations (and even the words) are guidelines, and regional varations are myriad.

                                So unless I'm missing something, there shouldn't be a problem here.
                                Because we don't really know how they pronounced their we can only make a best guess.
                                There is only one thing we can ever truly control: whether we are good, or evil.

