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Arthur's Mantle (918)

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    Originally posted by golfbooy

    I agree with others that the manner in which we learn about all of Merlin's machinations is a bit too easy. Though it wasn't nearly as easy and contrived as Mitchell's pickpocket skills while getting wailed on by Volnek, or Daniel's CTRL+ALT+DELETE fix, but it was pretty easy, too. And I think the SGC keeping that device sitting around for six months (does anyone else think that that's a rather short time stamp for the whole of season 9?) without sending it off to R & D is a bit far fetched.

    hey, i didn't think of that...

    so how much time was supposed to have passed between the end of 'moebius' and the beginning of season 9?

    btw, six months *is* a short time period for an entire season.




      Hey, I actually liked this episode! Yes, there are quite a few things I could nitpick over but on the whole I liked it.

      What I liked :
      - Good acting from everyone
      - loved the Carter & Mitchell interaction at the beginning, which coming from someone who hasn't liked what they have done with Mitchell so far is saying a lot
      - Yay, more Dr Lee but please don't degenerate his character into a bumbling idiot
      - Sam in the Control Room
      - Teal'c was great
      - Daniel in his lab doing research and putting all the clues together (haven't seen a lot of this lately)
      - zombies eewww
      - Brief appearance of Reynolds, another recurring character that I like
      - Daniel and Sam together talking things through and a continuation of the shoulder pokes
      - Teal'c taking a swipe at Mitchell
      - I'm liking Landry more and more as the season progresses

      What I didn't like :
      - Where's the roller rink?? That was my first thought - Ooops not a valid comment as my cousin reminded me that they sometimes do wear these in RL depending on the mission. My second thought was "The BOOTS!!!!!" that contrast in colour is a definite eye catcher, kinda defeats the purpose of camouflage
      - Tealc and that stupid sleeveless two armed P90 pose. Nice eye candy but come on, get real!!! Where is his pack and supplies? Water, rations, extra ammo and other non essential supplies [/end sarcasm] Where is his clip on his vest so he can free his hands without putting down his weapon??? How many times did we see him put both weapons in one hand so he could do something? I know he has big hands but you can't tell me he could fire either weapon effectively when they were both in the same hand. Stupid and dangerous.
      - the P90's didn't work on the zombie so why didn't Teal'c at least TRY the zat??
      - the Sodan got practically wiped out? Damn, they had a lot of potential.
      - we saw a lot of Sam but she didn't actually do anything (apart from phase them out in the beginning). FCOL it's a science episode and she doesn't do anything but stand around while others solve the problem?? What's the matter, doesn't the new boy know how to write science Sam either?
      - Maverick Mitchell ugh (that's all I'm saying, previous posts have said it better)
      - They're going to blow up the zombie and expect to get the crystal back intact??
      - wait a minute didn't they say at the beginning that the Ancient device had a localised effect?? So why did Mitchell get phased back?? Oh yeah - plot device

      On the whole a decent episode, here's hoping for Season 10


        Originally posted by RealmOfX

        What I didn't like :
        - Where's the roller rink?? That was my first thought - Ooops not a valid comment as my cousin reminded me that they sometimes do wear these in RL depending on the mission.
        What does this mean? Roller rink?

        - wait a minute didn't they say at the beginning that the Ancient device had a localised effect?? So why did Mitchell get phased back?? Oh yeah - plot device
        I thought Sam speculated that it might have had a localized effect, not that it definitely did. I could be wrong though.
        I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

        Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

        Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

        Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty

        Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


          Originally posted by Dani347
          What does this mean? Roller rink?
          A place where you go roller skating (damn I'm showing my age) - it was an obscure reference to the knee and elbow pads that the guys with Teal'c wore on the Sodan world

          Originally posted by Dani347
          I thought Sam speculated that it might have had a localized effect, not that it definitely did. I could be wrong though.
          Yeah, you're right Sam did just speculate but when Daniel phased and Dr Lee didn't I took it as evidence that it was localised.


            Originally posted by RealmOfX
            A place where you go roller skating (damn I'm showing my age) - it was an obscure reference to the knee and elbow pads that the guys with Teal'c wore on the Sodan world
            No, I got the meaning of roller rink. I just didn't know what roller rinks had to do with the episode. Didn't notice the knee and elbow pads.

            Sorry, phrased the question badly.
            I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

            Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

            Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

            Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


            Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


              Originally posted by Shipperahoy

              I still think that Cam is a bit too manic at times. When Farscape was on I figured that crazy kidlike aspect was part of the Crichton character and it worked wonderfully but now I'm thinking it's part of Ben's acting style and I think it would work best for the character if it was toned down just a smidge. That said, I like him more and more each episode. Him and Teal'c are a riot and a half.
              It's not part of Ben's acting style. I've seen him in other stuff where he's nothing like Mitchell or Crichton.

              I must admit though I'm worried about AM's preference for writing Mitchell in the manner he does. Not doing much for the characters credibility or Ben's as a knock on effect.


                Originally posted by majorsal

                i wish ben browder would stop trying to be as funny as richard dean anderson. (no one can master what that master of quip did. so please stop trying)
                *sighs* Ben can only say what is written in the script... Blame the writers not Ben please.


                  OK havn't seen this ep yet but sounds kinder interesting. I just wanted to say that I love Dr Lee's character I dont think he's been reduced in any way, as few fans has mentioned. And the Disney thing arn't we all guilty. Loved it when he made a reference to 101 dalmation in Critical Mass. May be the writer are trying to use as many disney reference as they did with the Wizard of Oz back in the old Sg1 ep's. Any way of to see the this ep now.


                    I liked this episode. Pretty solid and it's funny that we get to see Teal'c not hesitating to hit Mitchell again.

                    Maybe it's just me but it was still pretty predictable.

                    The previously on... shows that guy (the one who did go mad). He's probably the one attacking his fellow Sodan. Probably been touched by a Prior.
                    "Ouh, writings. Probably only exist on this side. It's not that they just turned it on or something."
                    "Ouh, it's probably a phase, thingie, another dimension, like 'Crystal Skull"
                    "It's a log of some kind of experiments, oh, Ori-destroying weapon" (<-- albeit this requires you to have read spoilers)
                    "Teal'c will probably be able to see/hear/both Mitchell when he turns his cloak on"
                    "Mitchell will try to lure the demonized guy"
                    "Mitchell will turn back while doing this"
                    "Dr. Lee thinks he's fixed it. Daniel's standing next to Carter. Daniel will be sent to the other dimension."

                    (all I read about this episode was "They find Arthur's mantle and become invisible" or something)


                      Originally posted by majorsal
                      hey, i didn't think of that...

                      so how much time was supposed to have passed between the end of 'moebius' and the beginning of season 9?

                      btw, six months *is* a short time period for an entire season.

                      Not really, if you remove this 3-4 months long hiatus. 20 episodes = 5 months of airing if week after week.


                        thinking about it, that was possibly one of the best eps of the season. I liked the first two and this one the most, its kinda wrapping it up, although it does make the middle of the season seem some what pointless but still lol

                        yes i liked it

                        as for the P90's thing, i know i lovem and other people hatem, in the deffence of it, teal'c big enough to handle it, probs the only person who is, p90's are ambidextrous weapons designed to be used in either hand, the rounds eject downwards you see. Chris judge didnt look silly with them like he did with the mp7's, they looked far too small for him, but that said, if they are gonna give him dual's again i would have to go for the mp7 as they are more pistol sized and wont get complaints, the p90 isnt big, but if mitchel were to do it they'd look to big. Still loved it though lol
                        Good Evening, Good Nite, GOOD BEER!


                          Originally posted by Formerhost
                          Not really, if you remove this 3-4 months long hiatus. 20 episodes = 5 months of airing if week after week.

                          oh yeh meant to say, i wouldnt have thought the sgc would have included the hiatus, each season is supposed to follow in straigh off from where the last season ended isnt it? or with a week/month or so, i know in real time they dont but in the story im pretty sure they do
                          Good Evening, Good Nite, GOOD BEER!


                            I found the episode a bit to predictable mostly when daniel couldnt notice that the where there
                            You risk compounding errors. sigpic


                              Originally posted by Dani347
                              Okay, maybe there was an element of cockiness in that scene. I just meant that I don't think his going to the planet in the first place came out of anything but a desire to help. And, that for some reason, especially when Teal'c is in trouble, he feels the need to go and do something even more than usual. It seems like he has this thing about Teal'c.
                              Oh don't say things like that, you'll start a whole Cam/Teal'c ship thing going.

                              I do see cockiness as part of Mitchell's overall character, but I agree that going to the planet in the first place wasn't part of that. It was part of his tendency to do things without thinking about them, without considering the consequences of his actions, and without worrying about how they will affect anyone around him. Impulsive and foolhardy, I guess, are ways to describe these tendancies.


                                Originally posted by BritAngie
                                I must admit though I'm worried about AM's preference for writing Mitchell in the manner he does. Not doing much for the characters credibility or Ben's as a knock on effect.
                                Well, PD doesn't help in the directing of these episodes either.

                                I don't like how AM writes either Mitchell or Sam. Sam gets wallpapered and Mitchell gets the frat boy treatment. The episodes where I've disliked Mitchell most have been AM scripts.

