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Ripple Effect (913)

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    Finally saw this ep, didn't see it originally, not watched much of the horrible S9. Two HUGE things thta make this episode suck!

    1.) Cascade failure! Hello! Continuity, where art thou! Hello! Cascade Failure! The thing where two of the same people can't exist in the same reality!!! There were over a dozen SG-1s and this wasn't addressed!!! TPTB completely forgot about continuity!

    2.) It was a CRIME not to have Kawalsky in an alternate reality episode! That is just wrong, and evil!


      Uh, they did address it. It has to do with the fact that the realities were extraordinarily similar, and so close in proximity that Cascade Failure would only occur much later on. Additionally, the blackhole-bridge thing still existed between all the universes, connecting them.

      Besides, if you haven't watched much of it, how can you say that it sucks?


        Originally posted by Lt. Colonel Ryu Gaia
        Uh, they did address it. It has to do with the fact that the realities were extraordinarily similar, and so close in proximity that Cascade Failure would only occur much later on. Additionally, the blackhole-bridge thing still existed between all the universes, connecting them.

        Besides, if you haven't watched much of it, how can you say that it sucks?
        You are correct, in fact we discussed this at l e n g t h much earlier in this very thread. I remember because this is my fav ep of S9 (okay, the ONLY ep of S9 I even LIKED) and because I took part in that discussion post-viewing.


          Yeah, but that reason seemed like tacked on BS from lazy writers for the Cascade effect. Just like all of S9.


            If you don't watch it, you won't know for sure just how good it is.
            Additionally, Vyse, I do believe that you giving me a negative reputation, combined with an extraordinarily rude remark, for the sole purpose of me having said: "Besides, if you haven't watched much of it, how can you say that it sucks?", was not unly unnecessary, I will go as far as to say it was downright mean. I did not do wrong onto you, yet you were compelled to attack me because I asked you a question.
            It is fans like you, who are so deadset in their opinions of any aspect of the show, who form the farthest extreme, and are truly the worst fans, in that they show no respect for the opinions of other fans. What is a fan, but one who appreciates the show, and the opinions of others that appreciate the show? And you do neither. Please, next time, be more considerate.

            And for the record, they did not tack on "BS about cascade failure" onto all of season 9, and in fact, I do not believe it to have been BS in the first place - it was actually illogical physics to have cascade failure to begin with. Logically, as long as all of the matter within the multiverse ultimately remains in the multiverse, regardless of time or location, in both its beginning and end, no matter has been lost, and therefore no consequences will effect.


              Originally posted by Lt. Colonel Ryu Gaia
              If you don't watch it, you won't know for sure just how good it is.
              Additionally, Vyse, I do believe that you giving me a negative reputation, combined with an extraordinarily rude remark, for the sole purpose of me having said: "Besides, if you haven't watched much of it, how can you say that it sucks?", was not unly unnecessary, I will go as far as to say it was downright mean. I did not do wrong onto you, yet you were compelled to attack me because I asked you a question.
              It is fans like you, who are so deadset in their opinions of any aspect of the show, who form the farthest extreme, and are truly the worst fans, in that they show no respect for the opinions of other fans. What is a fan, but one who appreciates the show, and the opinions of others that appreciate the show? And you do neither. Please, next time, be more considerate.

              And for the record, they did not tack on "BS about cascade failure" onto all of season 9, and in fact, I do not believe it to have been BS in the first place - it was actually illogical physics to have cascade failure to begin with. Logically, as long as all of the matter within the multiverse ultimately remains in the multiverse, regardless of time or location, in both its beginning and end, no matter has been lost, and therefore no consequences will effect.
              You need to be more considerate. It's fine to disagree with me about my feelings for S9, but I am sick and tired of you pro people attacking anyone who doesn't worship S9. If you just said I disagree that would be one thing, but you attacked me for not being what you pro people call "a true fan". I watched the show the DAY it premiered for the first time on Show-Time and watched it until S9. I payed money out of my allowance to pay for Show-Time so I could watch SG-1. So if anyone is a "true fan" it would be me, even that term is completely stupid.

              Also, how the hell do you know what happens in the real world with alternate realities, about the cascade failure being illogical. We have no idea if it is or not. I was judging it in the shows established mythology. S9 IMHO has horrible writing and recycled stories.


                How did I attack you for being anti-season 9? I asked you why you thought it sucked if you hadn't seen much of it at all. It's not an attack, it's a question. Your response was completely uncalled for and rather mean.
                Yet here you are, contradicting yourself, turning the tables and accusing me of being at fault for your actions, my only prompt having been a simple question that could have been answered without the flame you gave me through reputation. *sigh* This is the problem with extremists.


                  I wasn't blaming for my actions, and if it bothered you so much give me negative feedback, I don't care. Even if I'm in a thread and all I say is "I thought S9 was very bad" I got prop people givng negative feedback. I'm not an extremmist, just critical of what I watch.


                    I'm very critical as well, but you don't have to attack me just because other people attacked you.

                    Now let's end this and get back to the topic before a mod comes.


                      Agreed, I'm sorry that I went too far.


                        And I am sorry for escalating it.


                          I declare peace between the pro and anti camps, lol!!!


                            Late-comer that I am to this thread...did anyone else catch Carter with an O'Neill-ism? "I've got nothing" she did add a "yet" to the end. My initial thought was "Channeling Jack are we?!"


                              Now this is one un-missable episode,I loved every inch of it.
                              I actually got excited to see janet back again,Ripple Effect totally rocked!!
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                                ....Am I the only one who read the deleted scene between Mitchell and Daniel as more of a hint at a relationship between the two? Otherwise why would Daniel know the menu? Maybe I've just been living with my slash goggles on for too long... =3
                                And what's with this Scam stuff? *Pokes at it* That's just weird! Joe even says so! *Points to the deleted scenes again*

