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Ripple Effect (913)

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    Yep, that team was definitely ready for some serious action.
    MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
    "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
    Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


      When the team first came through, with the angle it was shot, I thought Daniel had a eyepatch, instead of just sun glasses.


        Originally posted by Dani347
        How was that a slam? He was saying that she finally found someone as smart as her.
        hmmmm... Maybe slam is too harsh. I think it was unnecessary except to get a joke. After nine years, we know that Sam is uber-smart. Why were they making such a deal about multiple Sams? There was no mention the extra testosterone from all the Mitchells or how all the Daniels are discussing the differences among multiverses.

        Maybe I'm not explaining myself very well, but that was my first reaction to the comment. It could be my reaction was defensive of Sam from some "newbie" that I haven't accepted as part of the team. JMHO. The comment was humerous, but I think it should have been uttered by someone that has known her longer. Of course, we don't know backstory between Sam and Cam; or do we?

        Token ~


          Originally posted by Token

          MITCHELL: "Does this mean in some universe I made it to second base with Amy Vandenberg"
          SAM: "Theoretically, . . . Yes."
          MITCHELL: "Boggles the mind, don't it?"
          IMHO, the writers were slipping a little here because they SHOULD have had in the script:
          (Sam looks Mitchell down, then up) SAM: "Ah, . . No."
          (Sam looks immediately back at Gen. Landry, smiling.)

          That would have been a NICE "comeback" to Cam's silly comment. (IMHO.)
          [Not to mention a little put-down.]


            Originally posted by SGObserver
            IMHO, the writers were slipping a little here because they SHOULD have had in the script:
            (Sam looks Mitchell down, then up) SAM: "Ah, . . No."
            (Sam looks immediately back at Gen. Landry, smiling.)

            That would have been a NICE "comeback" to Cam's silly comment. (IMHO.)
            [Not to mention a little put-down.]
            lol, it worked better the way they did it, because it was implied by Sam's reaction and the little look they shared


              Originally posted by prion
              Yeah, but if Martouf hadn't been shot into swiss cheese, who knows where that relationship could have gone? Stupid Asgard. But since ALL the stuff about ALL the Sams was simply AU stuff, it isn't happening, so Sam and Hammond don't have a bunch of kids, and neither do McKay and Sam, and Jack's still off in homeworld whatever fishing by himself
              all the sams were au? ALL?

              do you know something the rest of us don't? would love a twist like that that the sg1 we've been seeing since the start of this season is NOT ours




                ~First thing I did when I saw Janet appear onscreen was squealed. I thought that I was lost forever. Then my eyes got watery. I was so excited to see Janet.
                ~Cam in his briefs...dieing of laughter.
                ~Sams in one room and Landry asking for Sam and all of them look at him. Then he says my Sam. She's like right here.
                ~My thoughts if the Honeymoon, and Pregnant thing all leads to one man... JACK

                On another note....

                Sittin' in a tree
                And MAKING BABIES

                Although I do wish that there was more Sam and Janet togetherness...

                Sam and Marty almost kissing FUNNY but glad it didn't happen. Jack/Sam Shipper baby.
                Stargate Pants Girl
                (a.k.a. Teryl's Pants Girl)
                Mak tal shree! Lo tak meta satak Oz!


                  Originally posted by Token
                  hmmmm... Maybe slam is too harsh. I think it was unnecessary except to get a joke. After nine years, we know that Sam is uber-smart. Why were they making such a deal about multiple Sams? There was no mention the extra testosterone from all the Mitchells or how all the Daniels are discussing the differences among multiverses.

                  Maybe I'm not explaining myself very well, but that was my first reaction to the comment. It could be my reaction was defensive of Sam from some "newbie" that I haven't accepted as part of the team. JMHO. The comment was humerous, but I think it should have been uttered by someone that has known her longer. Of course, we don't know backstory between Sam and Cam; or do we?

                  I'm afraid I still don't see the problem. The fact that it was a humorous comment? I don't understand why someone would get defensive on Sam's behalf because someone called her smart. Now, if he had said something like "Well, finally someone to listen to all your wasteless yammering" I could see feeling upset on behalf of Sam.

                  I don't really get why it matters that he's new. It's a compliment to her brains either way. He's worked with her long enough to have a good idea of how smart she is.

                  Not being argumentative (okay, I guess I am) I'm just really puzzled as to how the comment is a bad thing.
                  Last edited by Dani347; 21 January 2006, 11:36 PM.
                  I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                  Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                  Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                  Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                  Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                    Originally posted by Dani347
                    I'm afraid I still don't see the problem. The fact that it was a humorous comment? I don't understand why someone would get defensive on Sam's behalf because someone called her smart. Now, if he had said something like "Well, finally someone to listen to all your wasteless yammering" I could see feeling upset on behalf of Sam.

                    I don't really get why it matters that he's new. It's a compliment to her brains either way. He's worked with her long enough to have a good idea of how smart she is.

                    Not being argumentative (okay, I guess I am) I'm just really puzzled as to how the comment is a bad thing.
                    I agree with you, but I think you may be wasting your time. Obviously, some people don't like Mitchell, period. Doesn't matter what he says/doesn't say, he's just wrong.
                    Personally, I thought this episode was great...the band is back together!


                      I think I had a big silly grin on my face all the way through that episode!

                      --Sometimes its nice to simply see the team coming through the gate and down the ramp. I appreciated seeing the black team walk through.
                      --Carter: "I got nothing...yet."
                      --Team members interviewing AU team members. Quite cool. Particularly our Daniel's reactions to AU Teal'c's testimony.
                      --Mitchell: "Finally someone who can keep up with you, huh?" Carter: "Yep." I love her look here
                      --Mitchell: "One more stupid question..."
                      --With so many possible "What If's" with the scenario, I was pleasantly surprised how many they were able to explain without explicitly appearing to explain away.
                      --Rambo SG-1. Love Teal'c bandanna and all the big guns!
                      --Moebius Geek Sam! It was great to see those glasses again.
                      --MARTOUF! I loved him, and it was so lovely to see him smiling again.
                      --Janet/Daniel/Teal'c scene. It was great to see Daniel and Teal'c love for her.
                      --The vague relationships. Personally, I don't like seeing too many of the relationships in depth or being forced onto us - and everyone seems to have a different idea of who should be with whom. The subtle hints let us all take it how we want, in my opinion.
                      --Kvasir. Nice interaction with the team, amusing little guy.
                      --Janet's plea for help with her world. It made the other teams seem more real, it was a nice touch.
                      --Green Daniel: "Well, there's plenty more where we came from, right?" And the subsequent look Black Daniel gives him.
                      --Daniel: "I miss Thor"
                      --I just loved the concept that the last quarter of the episode was "SG1 vs SG1"...would've loved to see more of them zatting and kicking their own butts.
                      --Teal'c smug satisfaction in hurting Mitchell, and Mitchell's question if he'd been insulted.
                      --Black SG1 and Green SG1, one of Mitchell's first comments upon being locked up: "Ideas anyone?" Love the parallel there.
                      --Comments on everybody knowing each other as well as they do...
                      --Mitchell realizing that Black team knows the way back while with Black Mitchell.
                      --Watching Daniel zat Daniel.
                      --Teal'c subtle smile when they turned Mitchell's double cross around on him.
                      --Mitchell: "No hitting."
                      --Mitchell: "Let me get this straight: We figured that you guys would try to escape and set this trap for you, not realizing that you'd figure out that we'd figure you out and set your own." Teal'c looks to the side, then turns back: "Indeed." The comic timing on Chris Judge's part was excellent for that moment.
                      --Walter's look at Kvasir. Awesome.
                      --Black Mitchell's comment, "When the time comes, cut the green one."

                      --My father used to be a visual nitpicker watching tv, and I wish he hadn't been, as I pay too much attention to some things I shouldn't. Some of the doubles, course always seen from the back, just didn't look anything like the lead actors. I had to pause and figure out if that was meant to be another Daniel or just a random guy, since we saw random guys in the Upgrades team. Most notably Rambo Teal'c and Daniel, sitting on the infirmary bed (neither looked as built as our guys are, particularly Daniel); Hazmat suit Teal'c, Daniel, and Carter; and some of the several Carters, particularly one in the foreground wearing a tan shirt, her back to the camera - her frame was way too thin. I'm quite easy going when it comes to tv and will accept whatever people throw at me, as long as it could be mildly believable, but those sort of visual differences detracted a bit too much for me.
                      --Mitchell chatting with Mitchell about the past. It was a bit long, and it was hard to keep up with some of it.

                      My boyfriend just wanted to chirp in that he enjoyed this episode as well. And we actually have varying views on Black Mitchell's comment about cutting the green wire. In fact we have had a nice long debate on this one. I reckon Mitchell will cut the green wire in the future to stop whatever it is. So cutting green wire = good. My boyfriend thinks that he won't cut the green wire because of the comment made, because of the smirk on Black Mitchell's face. I don't think Black Mitchell wishes any harm towards the others and will have told him correctly. So...there's a dinner resting on what happens later in the season...I'm right, he's wrong, or he's right, I'm wrong...
                      Four out of five voices in my head agree: I'm ok. It's the fifth one that scares the hell out of me.


                        Originally posted by the fifth man
                        In regards to the shipping in this ep, I think tptb played it smart. They are giving stuff, but without being too specific. I think they are playing both sides a little here. So no one side, pro-ship, or anti-ship, will get too upset. Not a bad tactic, for now. Sooner or later, we may get our answers.
                        As for the ep, watched it for the third time today. And I like it even more. Great references to previous eps and other shows, and I really liked Kvaisir. Tptb have to bring him back (Thor too, of course).
                        Kvasir will be back by the end of the season, I think


                          What a funny episode
                          I LOVE all the Carters in one room, so fuuny!!! Amanda was fantastic!!!
                          Crichton/Mitchell BUT i love it when he said 'I have one more stupid Q.'...LOL

                          It was so great to see Janet and Martouf again
                          Daniel/Teal'c wasn't enough in this episode...didn't like it also it was great if we would see Jack, Jonas and...Vala


                            Originally posted by SGObserver
                            I think this was also the reason for the 'makeup' of the teams ! Dr. Lee speculated, and said that these universes were CLOSE TOGETHER in their 'realities'. Which I assumed ALSO meant that there were only one or two minor differences (in the GRAND scheme of things) between Universes. Anubis is still 'gone', the Ori still 'aware' of us, Atlantis still occupied, all the BIG things still are the same.
                            It makes sense. Black SG-1 used a wormhole coming through the black hole to get to the AU (I mean, AU for them, the base reality for the show). And the black hole has been the one created by Ori (with a little help from SG-1 and Jaffa...) in Beachhead. All other SG-N's who dialed in to our SGC has their wormholes sucked by the black whole into the rupture created by a Black SG-1. Which means the wormhole has to be there in their universes too, which means theit Ori know about their galaxy, becouse their Daniel went on the trans-galaxtic mind-trip, which means they somewhat got hold of the Ancient communication device, probably from their Vala, met earlier by their Daniel during the trip to their Atlantis, discovered thanks to the Ancient outpost on their Antartica, from where they did destroy their Anubis... (fill in the rest)


                              That was FUN. A great standalone episode, and a good episode in its own right - fun story, and lots of nods for longtime viewers. Gotta give it to the 'Gateverse writers, they do good bottle eps

                              Stream of consciousness:

                              - Oooh, another SG-1 - at least they're not wearing the same outfits, wouldn't that be embarassing?

                              - Multiverse, cool. Hey, if they kill the alternate SG-1, will they get smarter, stronger, faster...etc? A la Jet Li's "The One"... heheh

                              - Love the references to Mitchell's study of mission reports, nice continuity.

                              - I like the role-reversal in the interviews, were we seeing things from Black!SG-1's perspective, their view would make perfect sense - the viewer would be right there with them in their suspicion of the Green!SGC people.

                              - Green!Carter: "I thought we could use the extra help."
                              Dr: *has dirty thoughts*

                              - Armbands from "Upgrades"? - if so, nice touch!

                              - Janet! w00t!

                              - Lab full of Carters, LMFAO. Love the blue jello everywhere, very nice touch.

                              - Green!Mitchell channelling Sheppard in his reaction to Asguard nekkidness was very cute. I'm firmly on the "liking it" side of that fence

                              - Jackson: "Well, there's plenty more where we came from, right?" *smirk*
                              Everyone: *totally not getting the funny*
                              Jackson: *sigh*

                              - Mitchell talking to himself - priceless.

                              - Black!Teal'c clotheslining Mitchell - niiiiice.

                              - Love Mitchell's reference to the Evil-Twins-Have-Facial-Hair theory.

                              - Green!SG-1 to Black!SG-1: "Pwned!"

                              - Green!Mitchell, putting Black!Mitchell back in his cell: *I'm keeping your pants*

                              - The $64,000 question is answered. Now we know what the heroes of both shows prefer under their BDUs *crawls out of the gutter*

                              - Siler! w00t! Siler with Weapon-ex-machina, even better

                              - Kvasir: "We want that back, you know."
                              Carter: "Oh, quit your whining."

                              - Teal'c hugging Janet - awwww *melts*

                              - So... one alterna-Carter is hitched and up the duff *puts on headphones with active shipper-noise reduction*


                              Carter: "The.. other Samantha Carter.
                              Mitchell: "Ahh, finally someone who can keep up with you?
                              Carter: "Yep." *grin*

                              Mitchell: "One more stupid question"
                              Landry: *look*
                              Mitchell: "Sir, yours was fine, mine is stupid...."

                              Landry: "I'm not about to turn this base into the Grand Central Station of the multi-verse."

                              Mitchell: "You know, I read all your mission reports on the Asguard.. they're not what I expected."
                              Carter: "What were you expecting?"
                              Mitchell: "Well...pants, for one."

                              Kvasir: "...but courage, and a steadfast resolve will prove the most valuable assets in this undertaking. Well, good luck to you all" *buggers off*
                              Jackson: "...I miss Thor."
                              Last edited by Cynicat; 22 January 2006, 02:36 AM.

                              -- Cynicatlantis - home of BeanieLantis, and other such silliness --


                                Originally posted by DragonGate
                                It even has a shoulder strap!

                                What kind of guns are the others carrying? They don't look like P-90's, then again I know very, very little about guns.
                                Carter had a M16 (or variant), Cam had a M60 (or SAW, close enough to each other anyway, both machine guns), Daniel had (maybe a OICW can't see it that well), Teal'c had some giant energy gun (I think he shot down a alkesh with it once) have no idea of the name.

                                Advice For The New Millenium: A watched torrent never downloads.

