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The Fourth Horseman, Part 2 (911)

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    I loved this episode..!

    It covered a bit of everything, and was just downright fun. I was very glad to see (Ret.) General . Or at least I think he's retired from the Air Force. Maybe not... Some special placement military folk don't neccessarily have to wear uniform. Or... did he retire, and is acting as "Planetary Security Advisor" to the President (sort of like NSA, only not.), while Jack is heading up the "Homeworld Security Department".

    Nice to actually 'hear' Teal'c say for sure that he's with SG-1, rather than just the symbolic acceptance of the SG team patch. I was very glad that Teal'c got some real 'air time'. It was also cool how they took two slightly seperate situations and sort of solved them both simultaneously. Sort of like 'taking out 2 birds with 1 stone'. I did kinda feel sorry for Gerak ... burning has to be a painful way to go.

    I enjoyed the Daniel and Cam , banter. They remind me of two brothers yucking it up. I thought it was cool that for a change they could tease a Prior without worrying too much about getting wiped across the floor.

    Poor Orlin..! He sacrifices everything to help... even his own identity. Poor guy couldn't even remember Sam ..! That kinda sucks... one might hope that the 'others' might take pity and help the poor guy out. He deserves it.

    Overall... great show..!
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      The pacing on this episode was a little slow for me. But over all it was an good episode. Not great in my opinion but good.

      It was nice to see full credits at the beginning.

      It was really nice to see Teal'c as something other than wallpaper in an episode. This is one of the best uses of Teal'c in a long time. I especially liked him and Bra'tac.

      It was good to see Hammond again and I liked Landry better in this episode.

      At this point I'm just looking forward to an episode were the whole team gets to spend more time together instead of being spread out in different places.
      My View From The Peanut Gallery


        Last Sam/Orlin scene.
        The international board panel. I hope we see or hear more of it in the future, I'm interested in what the rest of the world thinks of the SG program.
        Christopher Judge's acting - phenomenal.
        Mitchell/Daniel scenes, and with the Prior. Loved the chemistry/banter between the two.
        The progression of the virus info. I found all that quite interesting.
        Hammond. Woot.
        The Orlin-Prior scene. You could see Orlin really starting to struggle there.
        Gerak-Teal'c scene on the planet. Awesome.
        Gerak's arc.
        Music during the Gerak-Teal'c planet scene.
        Carolyn-Landry scene - it was touching, I liked their acting in it.
        Epilogue briefing room scene - good to hear Orlin contributed to the solution; also like hearing a bit more abotu the ancients.

        First couple Sam/Orlin scenes. Dull. I never really took to young Orlin (I loved older Orlin, and imagine I had some prejudice going into it).
        About two thirds through, we went from Orlin to Landry to Teal'c scenes. All good and interesting in their own right, but overall a bit slow and chatty - bad pacing there. I was itching to get back to Mithcell and the prior.
        Carolyn-Landry scene - it felt forced and shoved in to the episode. I wish that a scene like this could have appeared with more tie-in scenes somehow.

        Overall - enjoyable! I've already watched it a second time through. A bit too chatty, but some fantastic acting in this one, some good comedic moments. Through the first half the season I knew Landry/Mitchell were there, but they didn't quite feel like SG1 yet. This episode more or less cemented them into the show for me - it felt natural, like they belonged there. Landry's control of things brought him in, and I think the Mitchell/Daniel banter made it feel like he was accepted into the team.

        In fact, I'd really like to see a team episode soon - all four going off world together or such, and sticking it out together for a good part of the episode. I suppose we'll see what next week brings.
        Four out of five voices in my head agree: I'm ok. It's the fifth one that scares the hell out of me.


          Hmm, I dunno about this one. It just didn't click entirely with me.

          On the Mitchell, Daniel and Prior scene - I thought it was odd. Mitchell's one-liners were ok, but the really odd thing about it was Daniel's part in it. As in the jokes that Daniel was making back. I much prefer the serious Daniel as opposed to the new one. And why are they trying to recreate the Jack and Daniel banter with Mitchell and Daniel? In fact, is the only dynamic between the two male leads that the writers can do, comedic? Sheppard and McKay fit the bill here too...
          Also it was a dissapointment to see Daniel have basically nothing to do this episode (all though, at least it wasnt an overload on Daniel like some of the earlier episodes). The archeologist/linguist got reduced to field tech operator...

          ... but on the plus side we got plenty of juicy Teal'c scenes. They were the highlights of the episode for me. It was great to see Teal'c/CJ get something juicy to do and kick arse at it. CJ is probably the most underated actor on the shows More Teal'c in the future please, and looks like we'll be getting it in Stronghold

          The Landry stuff... Why, why, why did he go off-world? That makes no sense to me at all. He's managing a crisis back on Earth, yet he finds time to take a nice little stroll through a forest to have a few words with a Prior. And get himself infected with the disease (btw, how did the Prior manage to get around the anti-prior device?). And the the Landry/Lam stuff... For a moment I was thinking 'finally, some good emotional stuff between the two', but at the end Lam just seemed petty. Which is unfortunate, because I really like everything else about the character. I dont see why they felt the need for Lam to have an arc like this with Landry. Why couldn't she just be there, doing her job (much like how Janet was written)?
          The International Committee scene was good though. Yay for Colonel Chekov It will be nice if we get to see some more of that in the future.
          Hammond - yay! Now only if they had of had some better scenes for him. The one in Landry's office seemed out of place, an excuse for more exposition. Hammond deserves more than that Though the scene in the breifing room was good, with Sam and Daniel.

          The Sam and Orlin stuff was ok overall. The first couple of scenes seemed abit out of place (possibly could have had them both in one). But the later ones were good, especially the closing scene. Poor Orlin

          So overall I'd probably rate this episode an average, maybe slightly below. Not as good as part 1 anyway. Next week, Collateral Damage and some Mitchell backstory. Looking forward to it


            This was a good episode, I've seen better but it was still good.


              I enjoyed this episode, reminded me of why I have (in the past) looked forward to Stargate, I can't say it was it was the "best", but I want to know how the Ori will react to the events in this episode. In other words, it makes me look forward to the next episode, something thats kinda been missing...


                A good episode, nice to see hammond again


                  Good to hear everyone's comments. I loved the opening credits! As far as the episode...well, it was fair. good to see them let Ben have some more screen time and lines! Chris Judge's acting was Fantastic! The boy who played Orlin...was flat, unemotional. and I didn't like the music when Sam and him were on screen. flaky! And finally, as a nurse, who works in real life catastrophic situations...never a good time to bash anyone facing a terminal illnes, like Lam did to her father, Landry! What a poor, pathetic person Dr. Lam is! self centered (IMHO) but as far as Lexa Doig is concerned, she played her part very well. acting like the spoiled brat! and it is always great to have Hammond come back to steal scenes. season 9, could get better, but of course I will continue to watch...Atlantis is stealing my heart now.....


                    Originally posted by Darren
                    Finally, Teal'c, Bra'tac, and Gerak stole the show. The relative ease with which Gerak was swayed back to the Good Side of the Force was a little disappointing (he was a bigger threat before becoming a Prior, apparently!), but the scene at his father's grave is as good as I've seen Chris Judge perform. Magic. He wasn't luring an enemy into a trap; he was taking an elder brother away from on-lookers to confront him in a very personal way.
                    The Teal'c, Bra'tac and Gerak trio was a pleasantly surpising treat. I actually warmed up to Gerak at the conclusion of Fourth Horseman Pt 1. He was commanded by the Ori to kill the Rebel Jaffa who didn't accept Origin. Gerak not only was hesitant; but he warned Teal'c and Bra'tac and didn't carry out the Ori's orders. So I wouldn't call Gerak's switch a sudden change of heart. When Teal'c took Gerak to his father's grave and reminded him of the Jaffa's quest from freedom and how his own father died for that cause before the Jaffa rebellion even began. That's when Gerak knew what he had to do.

                    What I love about the Teal'c and Gerak scene was that in previous episodes, it was obvious that they were butting heads and Teal'c didn't care for Gerak. But in this episode, Teal'c put aside his harsh feelings for Gerak and for once didn't see him as an enemy but saw Gerak as an elderly man who only wanted freedom and enlightenment for his Jaffa brothers--even though he was going about it the wrong way (the Ori). I loved how Teal'c reasoned with him and showed compassion and empathy to Gerak. Chris Judge really acted his socks off in this episode. I love the scene between Teal'c and Bra'tac. The father/son friendship and mutual respect as warrior brothers really showed between them. Excellent!!


                      Originally posted by Shipperahoy
                      I see your point but I guess I just saw it as a sort of return to the Stargate of old. They were always joking around during life and death situations. Sure it was often completely inappropriate but that's part of what made it fun for me. I'm just curious, but do you think that part of why it felt off to you is because Mitchell is a new character? Cuz I sometimes get a vibe while watching him that it feels a bit out of place just because I'm still trying to find the character.
                      I LIKE the characters but the banter and jokes this ep mostly seem to hit just short of the mark for me. (Instead of "witty" I see "jokey".) I have been wondering about this reaction as well, and come to the conclusion that it is the pacing and perhaps the editing that is just a bit off...?

                      I agree with what Dani347 said, too. I didn't get any real sense of urgency or any real danger for any of the main characters. Maybe because I know who has long-term contracts. And I have purposefully stayed away from reading spoilers so I could regain some sense of surprise at the plot.

                      However, this helped make Hammond's appearance a surprise - yay! And Gerak's immolation scene WAS exciting. :-D


                        Regarding Hammond:

                        I'm guessing he's retired as an Air Force general since he no longer wears the uniform. Even if he did retire he is still entitled to be addressed by rank (i.e. General Hammond). Somebody asked if perhaps he was Vice President, but I'm guessing no since he would then be addressed "Mr Vice President" and not "General Hammond".

                        My guess as to what his position is now? Secretary of Homeworld Security.

                        Thomas G Sluder
                        Smyrna, DE, USA


                          Originally posted by Seshat
                          I agree with what Dani347 said, too. I didn't get any real sense of urgency or any real danger for any of the main characters.
                          It was missing a sense of urgency, a sense of drama. I watch Battlestar Galactica right afterwards and I was on the edge of my seat. That show makes you *feel* the desperation of the characters and the danger they are in.

                          Stargate was more like "ho hum, thousands of people are dying, let's make some jokes. <wink wink>".

                          It's really escapist TV and "scifi lite".

                          I would say I was disappointed if it weren't for the fact that I didn't allow my self to build up any expectations to be disappointed against.


                            And finally, as a nurse, who works in real life catastrophic situations...never a good time to bash anyone facing a terminal illnes, like Lam did to her father, Landry! What a poor, pathetic person Dr. Lam is! self centered (IMHO) but as far as Lexa Doig is concerned, she played her part very well. acting like the spoiled brat!
                            cindyz As someone who works in the business too, I agree about bashing someone with a terminal illness - but I like that they did that. Not ideal but just part of the reality of many troubled relationships. Lam is far from perfect and not always as professional as others would be. I like the way she was only able to have a heart to heart with Dad at the last moments ( she thought ) of his life through a glass screen. Very telling - and only from a distance just like their entire relationship. I liked that. Lam is one tough cookie - I have met MDs just like this in my career. They can be good to patients but not family.

                            The boy who played Orlin...was flat, unemotional. and I didn't like the music when Sam and him were on screen. flaky!
                            Agreed - in some of those scenes he should have been more intense or emote something more than exhaustion. I assume the director decided to have him play it this way for a reason. It did not work for me. But I do not recall the adult Orlin's manner - was he that flat at times? Was this the writer/directors' idea of degenerative disease and it's effect on emotion? Sort of like a misguided Parkinson's syndrome?

                            Nice banter between Cam, Daniel and the Prior. Love the Sodan scenes and the elegant Tony Todd ( Haikon) and Jolan. I would have liked the other brother Volnek to be in the ep - but I think I saw the actor on Without a Trace around the time he may have been needed for this ep.

                            Teal'c had lots to do and Chris Judge and Tony Amendola were very good letting us see the developing politics of the Jaffa story. Teal'c used a very effective strategy to convince Gerak of the error of his ways. Nice parallel with the method used by the rest of SG1 at the Sodan village. Wonder why persuasion worked for Teal'c - or did I miss something?

                            As often happens on TV they tried to cover too much in 45 minutes. Might have been good to have a three parter and up the emotional tone a bit.

                            In the end the epidemic only killed 3000 worldwide - serious but not so bad really. I like the parallels to the current worries about avian flu and a possible future global flupandemic. Lucky the world of SG1 can find a vaccine so easily. Lam and her team worked quickly.
                            Last edited by ellenrose; 07 January 2006, 07:08 AM.


                              Originally posted by Darren
                              This episode is like Chinese food: I was very satisfied when it was done, but an hour later I felt like it just wasn't enough.
                              I still respect it in the morning. It was a better episode than SGA, which followed.

                              Finally, Teal'c, Bra'tac, and Gerak stole the show.
                              In fact, this morning I feel even stronger about these three characters. Excellent writing and performances!

                              There is an issue that keeps this from being an above-and-beyond outstanding episode, and unfortunately it's something that permeates most of the scenes: Telling, not showing. The plague spreading, governments on edge,
                              I get the feeling the talking about the plague instead of showing more outside scenes had more to do with budget restraints than writing problems. The International Committee scene tried to convey what was going on, and I think they did a good job.

                              I give the episode an A-. The A+++ went to BSG later in the night.

                              When all else fails, change channels.


                                Well, if you don't like someone else's opinion so much, use the ignore feature. It's the little "Buddy / Ignore Lists" link on your controls.

                                Originally posted by Darren
                                This episode is like Chinese food: I was very satisfied when it was done, but an hour later I felt like it just wasn't enough.
                                Aha! Now we know what the SG stands for in MSG!

                                *steals Cam's traveling drum set for a dum-dum-CHING!*

