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The Fourth Horseman, Part 2 (911)

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    Originally posted by Seshat
    However, this helped make Hammond's appearance a surprise - yay! D
    speaking of hammond; did anyone else get the feeling that don s davis wasn't really in the room with them when they filmed the 'good job, mitchell, for getting the band back together' scene? it felt off (like the jack-daniel scene in ? when jack told daniel he was hungry).




      "No, you're a Darkside intergalactic encyclopedia salesman only the office managers haven't been quite upfront with you." -Mitchell
      I loved this line, one of my favorite parts of the ep. I'm thinking about making a sig with Dumerris the Prior smiling, with a hello my name is Dumerris sticker and a employee of the month pin. And next to it would be the book of Origin with the title Darkside Intergalactic Encyclopedia. Gotta get a screen cap first.


        Originally posted by majorsal
        speaking of hammond; did anyone else get the feeling that don s davis wasn't really in the room with them when they filmed the 'good job, mitchell, for getting the band back together' scene? it felt off (like the jack-daniel scene in ? when jack told daniel he was hungry).

        I think the whole Hammond-visit felt somewhat rushed and gimmicky. I love the character but maybe his visit would have worked better in an episode that didn't have quite so many plotlines.
        "I would rather have a show that a hundred people need to see than a thousand people like to see." - Joss Whedon
        "It's strange to have a creation out there: A deeply mutated version of yourself, running loose and screwing everything up. I wonder if this is how parents feel." - Dexter


          Originally posted by Domesticated Equine
          You posted a negative opinion about the fans, not the show. And I'm indeed practicing what I preach, otherwise I would have made comments about you or the fans who post nothing but positive comments.
          Are you saying that I post nothing but positive comments. Because that would be GREAT. I have no problem with negatie posts. There good for the forum. That's what makes it not boring. It's when the posty goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on. Eventualy you would think they have something positive to post, but nope they don't.

          Here's something negative. How the hell did they Prior pull Landry to him. I thought he had no powers. Now that is positive negative feed back for the writers to follow up on in the future. That part made no sense to me.

          Damn it, my brother just came over and told me that one of the soldiers yells out that the Prior has overcome the device.
          Last edited by LORD MONK; 07 January 2006, 03:31 PM.
          *Post in Peace, Yah or Nah*
          *Go to Sokar you Cylon fracker*
          *I can't spell vary good, but I can read mis- spelled words vary good*
          *And then the Ori said, "if your thread is dead then let their be a new one"*
          *It's Science Fiction. Not Science with Fiction.*
          *Sproiler Tags should only be used when you are going to be mentioning something that you can't already read on Gateworld*
          *When I talk out my butt it smells like sarcasm*


            Originally posted by Dani347
            Also, lets put some tinkly music in the Sam and Orlin scenes in order to show that Sam is feeling sad about him.

            the tinkly music was the same music used in s5's ascension. it's orlin's theme, so to speak. i know this, because ascension is one of my fave eps. (not as fave as it used to be, though, since part one of fourth horseman made it seem like sam and orlin had 'done the deed'... anyone know of any scene in ascension that would have been 'sex' between sam and orlin???) but anyhoo, i love the orlin theme.

            And, Landry is feeling sad that he might die just when he's starting to get past the problems with his daughter, so don't forget that tear on his cheek.
            not that i didn't appreciate beau bridges acting, but just why 'was' landry crying in that scene? what lam was saying to him didn't warrant (to me) landry crying. (maybe he was crying because of lam's lousy bedside manner?)




              The new song. *squees* Did you see Vala? It was just for a split second. Yay!

              General Hammond. Yay! And in a suit, too. I want him to come back. Oh, right, Landry's alive.

              They still put Daniel in the green uniform when Cam's in the blue. Y'know, we can tell the difference now. Sheesh.

              Southern Cameron: One word - reckon. Is it too much to ask to get a y'all one of these days?

              William B. Davis looked a little less pale than he did during the final days of Smoking Man on The X-Files.

              I'm *so* loving the Daniel/Cameron friendship/rapport thing they had going on in this ep.

              Cameron with his baseball cap backwards. *squee* Daniel the the black bandanna. Oh. Yeah.

              At least we don't have to worry about Gerak anymore. I'm sick of that Jaffa crap anyway. *snore*

              It seemed like Sam was just there to babysit Orlin. Then he winds up in a psych hospital because of all this. Not right.

              Next week - Whumped Mitchell. Ben does whumped well, doesn't he?



                Originally posted by LORD MONK
                Originally posted by Domesticated Equine
                You posted a negative opinion about the fans, not the show. And I'm indeed practicing what I preach, otherwise I would have made comments about you or the fans who post nothing but positive comments
                Are you saying that I post nothing but positive comments. Because that would be GREAT. I have no problem with negatie posts. There good for the forum. That's what makes it not boring. It's when the posty goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on. Eventualy you would think they have something positive to post, but nope they don't.
                Didn't quite get that vibe from D Equine.


                  Originally posted by majorsal
                  speaking of hammond; did anyone else get the feeling that don s davis wasn't really in the room with them when they filmed the 'good job, mitchell, for getting the band back together' scene? it felt off (like the jack-daniel scene in ? when jack told daniel he was hungry).
                  Interesting, I didn't notice that the first time around and so will have to look again to see. I know I was distracted (in a good way) by Hammond repeating how sorry he was not to see Teal'c on this visit, and I kept thinking "Awwww, George is such a sweetie!" in my


                    Originally posted by majorsal
                    the tinkly music was the same music used in s5's ascension. it's orlin's theme, so to speak. i know this, because ascension is one of my fave eps. (not as fave as it used to be, though, since part one of fourth horseman made it seem like sam and orlin had 'done the deed'... anyone know of any scene in ascension that would have been 'sex' between sam and orlin???) but anyhoo, i love the orlin theme.

                    not that i didn't appreciate beau bridges acting, but just why 'was' landry crying in that scene? what lam was saying to him didn't warrant (to me) landry crying. (maybe he was crying because of lam's lousy bedside manner?)

                    Landry had a tear because he was remembering all the times he wasn't their or her and she is telling him how she hated him for it. That would bring a tear to any grown man hearing that from there daughter. And how she nderstands now because she just had to call Mom and tell her something that wasn't the hole truth and now she understands why he did it.
                    *Post in Peace, Yah or Nah*
                    *Go to Sokar you Cylon fracker*
                    *I can't spell vary good, but I can read mis- spelled words vary good*
                    *And then the Ori said, "if your thread is dead then let their be a new one"*
                    *It's Science Fiction. Not Science with Fiction.*
                    *Sproiler Tags should only be used when you are going to be mentioning something that you can't already read on Gateworld*
                    *When I talk out my butt it smells like sarcasm*


                      Originally posted by Johnquixote
                      Didn't quite get that vibe from D Equine.
                      Dang it, I wanted to be one of the positive people. O'well.
                      *Post in Peace, Yah or Nah*
                      *Go to Sokar you Cylon fracker*
                      *I can't spell vary good, but I can read mis- spelled words vary good*
                      *And then the Ori said, "if your thread is dead then let their be a new one"*
                      *It's Science Fiction. Not Science with Fiction.*
                      *Sproiler Tags should only be used when you are going to be mentioning something that you can't already read on Gateworld*
                      *When I talk out my butt it smells like sarcasm*


                        Originally posted by jckfan55
                        I agree with those who said Daniel and Mitchell were a bit too flip in the Prior scenes. On the other hand, maybe RDA could have pulled off the "flipness covering concern" about situation. Perhaps the writers & TPTB think they can just feed lines to anyone and they will come off the same way as if from Jack. I suspect more and more that RDA's contributions had been underestimated.

                        i think rda could read a medical dictionary and have us rolling on the floor. that man is a master of subtle and whimsical. it is not just dialog that makes it work, but delivery. rda is a master. (((rda)))




                          Originally posted by majorsal

                          not that i didn't appreciate beau bridges acting, but just why 'was' landry crying in that scene? what lam was saying to him didn't warrant (to me) landry crying. (maybe he was crying because of lam's lousy bedside manner?)

                          I understand it perfectly. They've been antagonists for almost all of Lam's life, mostly because Landry was always away and never got to see his daughter. Unfortunately they didn't focus enough on their relationship in the first 10 episodes IMHO.

                          Either way though, I think the fact that his daugher was finally opening up to him was a very strong impact for him, especially on his death bed.

                          EDIT: I actually got teary eyed in that scene.


                            Originally posted by Battousai the Manslayer
                            I have to admit, I was laughing when he spilled the vial on the floor and got yelled at by one of the scientists. Only to walk right out of the quarantine area...I thought he would spread disease around or something.
                            i didn't laugh. i was watching with my mom, and when orlin just strolled out of the room while the lights were flashing and the sirens were going off... i said, 'uh, wouldn't that door have been locked if there was a contagion loose?'

                            i like details. i always have. not anal about it, but when something is obviously (for me) missing in a scene, it kind of takes me out of it. (like on 'three's company', when jack, chrissy, and janet's apartment would have been robbed fifty times over with the amount of times they left the door open. )




                              I loved every part of this ep.
                              First, I like how they brought back the Sodan.
                              Second, I really like how even though Gerak just got under your skin, they made his characture not so bad at the end.
                              Had the right amount of action.
                              And, I loved the parts with Orlin. And it was so sad that Orlin lost his memory.
                              You just had to feel sorry for him. As well as Sam.
                              And it was a very close call w/ Cameron when the Prior had him flying (song: I fly through the air, with the greatest of ease...)*ahem* and was about to be flung into space. I would have been thingking ' Umm, Daniel? want to hurry up and, (voice getting louder), find that right frequincy!?!
                              So, yea, I really liked this eisode.
                              Oh, and I really liked seeing Generald Hammond.
                              *Rachel Luttrel* "Where are the bathrooms on Atlantis?" Now what the heck kinda question is that?


                                Originally posted by Osiris-RA

                                13. Whats with the barrage of in-crisis wit and metaphors? The Daniel Jackson and Cam Mitchell Comedy team everybody! Give 'em a hand! Buff'n Stuff and striving to make you laugh!

                                hehe! when you said that, i immediately thought of 'white christmas', with bing crosby and danny kaye. (for those that don't know the movie, bing and danny's characters are entertainers that travel around and do shows). so i saw the 'mitchell and danny show', where they travel around the world, entertaining the troups. and


