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Ex Deus Machina (907)

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    Originally posted by whatswiththehairtealc
    after watching the episode again durring the marrathon. i realized two things:

    1 i like the ep with the orii better
    2 what the hell does this title mean? (im sure it has been asked and aswered but im lazy like that so spare me)
    Uh it's a rearrangement of the latin phrase "Deus Ex Machina" which means "God from the Machine" it was used when in a play a God would seemingly come out of the sky via a machine and solve all the problems, it's come to mean something that comes to end an impossible situation. The way it's arranged in this Ep makes it mean "Machine out of God."

    I don't know what it means but then again the series hasn't started showing here yet...


      fyi was cringeable
      Sam: Looks like an untouched paradise
      Teal’c: Appearances may be deceiving
      Jack: One man’s ceiling is another man’s floor
      Daniel: A fool’s paradise is a wise man’s hell
      Jack: Never run with scissors?


        this was a good episode and i love how it started with the jaffa running and then gets hit by the car and makes you think for a second huh!/Solar_wind84


          I find it interesting that Ba'al would clone not just himself, but his host as well. Would've been much quicker and easier to just grab random people off the street, wouldn't it? I guess he is just that fond of him...

          But how did he match the clones to his own age? I suppose he could have used the Goa'uld aging nano technology to age the hosts quickly, but how did he get all the symbiotes to mature?
          Twitter / YouTube / Twitch


            Originally posted by Ugly Pig
            I find it interesting that Ba'al would clone not just himself, but his host as well. Would've been much quicker and easier to just grab random people off the street, wouldn't it? I guess he is just that fond of him...
            I thought the whole point of him cloning the host as well was that he could use the clones to fool people, which he did


              Originally posted by GatetheWay
              How come Sam did not sense all the Goauld's in the building when she was there? Unless that ability is gone now, Jolinear was awhile ago.
              This is one of my questions. The other question: Why did Teal'c say that the mothership would not be cloaked? Back in Season four's, "The Serpent's Venom" we saw that Apophis had a large fleet of cloaked motherships. Of course Apophis's fleet was eventually destroyed. But did no one besides Sokar/Apophis equip their motherships with cloaking devices? Were all of Apophis's cloaking mothership destroyed.

              This is also the first episode where an invasion has successfully conducted opperations on earth. How did that happen? What about the early warning and earth defense systems that have been developed and deployed over the last 8 seasons?

              I guess one must ask where the Naquadah came with which to construct the building. I suppose it is possible that the Trust had reserved a Naquadah supply.

              A speculation: The final scene with the Ba'al clones made me suspect that the woman seen is also a Baal clone. I find it reasonable to subscribe to the theory that Baal cloned his host so as to be able to seed confusion.

              I guess I have another question. If the Jaffa council sees fit to judge and execute Goa'uld, how do they know that they have the Goa'uld that they are looking for? Sure, it might be easy to identify the host, but how do you identify the Goa'uld. If a system lord is on the run, he may simply take a new host. How then could the council positively identify that the Goa'uld within any particular person is a Goa'uld under judgement.

              Another speculation: Does Garek know that he had captured a clone. I believe that it is very likely. His interrogations probably revealed Baal's cloning activities. He then had the option to bring any one of them before the council. The clone he presented before the council was probably taken from a location different from the activities presented in the episode. If this is the case, we can witness that Garek was more interested in establishing his position, than in bringing Baal to justice or letting the truth be known.


                Sorry but im the only who who think that the gouvernement would not let our planet and space area threaten like this?

                I mean common, they have no right to come on earth like spy! What would happen if we had do this on there planet? we would have been taken down. I mean they dont even say to the Jaffa that the next time they do that this will gonna go bad for them.. Lets them do whatever they want on our planet?

                And a building desapearing in a gigantic glow is REALLY strange and i still dont figure media just do nothing about it.

                also the fact that the mothership cant cloak...since when?..

                Anyway i think its a really poor script beside the team lines.
                Last edited by Karnius; 20 September 2005, 07:48 AM.


                  I loved the "not exactly" by Sam! I hope they explore that comment a little in the future.

                  I also liked the beaming up of the did they explain that away?


                    Something has been nagging at me and I'm sorry if it's already been brought up. Teal'c said that mother ships do not have cloaking abilities but I swear I've seen a previous episode where several mother ships decloaked. I think it was the episode where Jacob Carter needed Sam and Daniel to reset the space mine to lock onto Anubis'? mother ship.
                    I'm a TrustNo1/Weir shipper Also TrustNo1/Carter shipper and TrustNo1/Teyla Shipper. In fact I'm a TrustNo1/Weir/Carter/Teyla shipper. Yes, that would be good Throw in some Vala in tight leather. Is this sig PG? Oh well

                    Thank you L-JADE for the sig, it ROCKS!!!

                    Waiting for my posts to be approved.


                      The way I explain that little flaw away is this:

                      Apophis (it was his fleet that could cloak) had taken over Sokar's fleet, and it looks like some of his tech was a little more advanced in some areas then the other System Lords (I'm not calling him Anubis, but you gotta admit, he was the first one to have a flagship like that! I also remember Teal'c or Selmak/Jacob saying something about a Goa'uld never have been able to cloak an entire mothership before, let alone an entire fleet, so it's possible that the technology died along with Apophis' fleet. But then, It's been a while since I've seen Serpent's Venom. Anyone who has that ep on tape/DVD, could you verify?
                      Yes, I really do look like (a younger) Daniel. Don't believe me? Look for yourself.

                      Hey, Mitchell! You want a turn?


                        I found this to be an....interesting episode to say the least. I thought it was very interesting having Baal come to Earth, just to retire. Of course we all know that isn't the case. What I found even more interesting was the Baal clones. Imagine the havoc that's gonna be for the SGC.

                        The political side of the series is increasing somewhat this year as well, so that's a bit interesting, but Garok is an annoying character. Hope he dies soon.
                        Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


                          I agree, not a fan of Gerak. Liking now that Teal'c is getting a lot more usage he has kept with the more extreme character that was developed by the end of S8. As for Baal, is it me or did he seem much more sinister without the Goa'uld voice? He just seemed more realistic an enemy in this episode, unlike the pantomime style character he had before. A great story and well acted. In all

                          8/9 chevrons, it lost 1 for the "Goa'uld can't cloak whole ships" comment
                          Equality is not a concept. It's not something we should be striving for. It's a necessity. Equality is like gravity. We need it to stand on this earth as men and women. And the misogyny that is in every culture is not a true part of the human condition. It is life out of balance, and that imbalance is sucking something out of the soul of every man and woman who is confronted with it.
                          - Joss Whedon - Equality Now


                            I liked this episode and all, but since when can an asgard transporter beam an entire building?!? biggest thing we've seen so far was (i think) a stargate. Other than that, nice one.
                            Don't you want to look beyond the horizon?

                            In the 2 hours and 14 minutes that Torri Higginson was online, there were 272 posts in the Elizabeth Weir Wow Thread. I was responsible for 2 of them. (Oh yeah and Gateworld crashed, but that's not important)

                            Please click here to feed the hungry, protect endangered land, and help fight breast cancer without spending a penny (inspired by the Whistler 84 in Memoriam thread)


                              Ye, that was interesting. A whole building.
                              Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


                                Ye, that was interesting. A whole building.
                                Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon

