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Beachhead (906)

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    Originally posted by UhSir
    Salamander7 - Yes, the Daniel being mean to Vala was bad all over. But I'm not a Daniel fan and maybe the Daniel fans liked it? Daniel got some really good snappy comeback lines instead of his usual hemming and hawing. But at the expense of another character, albeit not a "regular" character, is wrong wrong wrong and not funny for me.
    Oh I can assure you many Daniel fans were not happy at all with his basically out of character behavior the whole episode. It's like none of the previous episodes had happened and this may as well have been the first time he'd seen Vala since Prometheus Unbound. It was a total contrivance to give a reason for Vala to rush off on her own because no one, specifically Daniel, would allow her a word in edgewise. And it was an unnecessary contrivance at that, as it would have been in character for Vala to do it anyway, if only because, feeling like a "5th wheel" due to Sam's return, she didn't want to let them in on the fact that she was actually doing something UN-selfish, that she cared about them, at least not until after they couldn't really say anything about it that would make her feel self-conscious or exposed. Because that is part of her "wall", the selfishness, the sexual innuendo, etc.

    So it would have been the exact same effect only it wouldn't have necessitated acting like the last few episodes hadn't happened.

    I really hate losing Vala, but I did like that Teal'c actually had something to do in this one.
    What did Teal'c have to do in this one that he didn't have to in the others? I don't think he had much more to do in this one than in the previous ones and frankly I don't think he's had much less to do than has in most seasons of Stargate over all. For the most part over all the seasons he hasn't had much more to do than be the big Jaffa guy who doesn't say much, except in the few episodes that specifically focus on him.

    in fact, she wouldn't have been burnt alive if she hadn't taken daniel's advice.
    Actually she wasn't burnt alive because she took Daniel's advice, she was burnt after she sort of went off it. She was supposed to do nothing to cause a stir and instead she ended up telling what-his-name's wife she could go "f***" herself. However, yes she was imprisoned because she took his advice in TPTB.
    Last edited by epiphany; 20 August 2005, 11:49 PM.


      I was wondering yesterday night whether to watch the rest of S9 or not. Without Vala actually there's no joy in watching the next eps, but I'm going to check whether they're going to mention Vala's name at least ONCE in the future eps. If not, I'm gonna be HUUUUGELY disappointed and angry with the writers.


        Originally posted by Kalliope
        I was wondering yesterday night whether to watch the rest of S9 or not. Without Vala actually there's no joy in watching the next eps, but I'm going to check whether they're going to mention Vala's name at least ONCE in the future eps. If not, I'm gonna be HUUUUGELY disappointed and angry with the writers.
        Oh Noes. Perhaps you wont have to post here anymore then?


          Originally posted by sg1niner
          I liked the episode but Nerus reminds me of Urgo... any one else agree?? lol big bad evil Goa'uld ... if i ever ran into him i dont think I would run away. maybe stop and laugh... but yeah.. thats just me...
          Agree. he reminds me of Urgo too .


            This episode was interesting. This week's Prior wasn't as scary as the previous weeks and it's good to see a Goa'uld.

            The basketball game, hahaha. Vala can't beat Daniel, Daniel passes the ball to Mitchell, Mitchell gets pushed by Teal'c, Teal'c grabs ball, passes to Vala, Vala scores. LOL The butt-thing was hilarious!

            Another plus was seeing AT back on the show... fantastic! O'Neill playing Landry - lol The Goa'uld, not so much. He's gross! He reminds me of a 4 year old kid... ugh! Chocolate-coated hands, touching everything in sight.

            We definitely need to see the Ori Stargate, and if the Ori has a powerful power source, could it be similar to that seen on Atlantis "Trinity"?

            I thought Vala's comment about the "Stargate club" was so cute. The way she just strolls off to the gate, lol. And the way she just posed in the lift, as the elevator door was closing on the Prometheus - that's so cute. Though, I never noticed the innuendos to be honest.

            One thing that slightly pfft me off, when the Hatak vessels began firing their weapons at the forcefield, it can be seen that there is a direct correlation between intensity of weapons fire and the expansion rate, like really Carter, duh. I think she has spent too much time in Area 51.

            Garak as usual is a pain in the a*s, I really can't wait to see him die or something, cos he's an idiot. Using scouts and cloaked cargo ship to spy - how old ways.

            Why do the commanders of Prometheus and Daedalus order fighters to be launched, but they never do?

            And though it's great that the Super-gate never got completed, I wouldn't have mind seeing the gate get activated. How clever to use 2 blackholes as fix points to allow the established vectors and the necessary energy requirements. All I could think of when I saw the gate for the first time, was what the Doci said, it was a close call.

            Emmm... why didn't the Prometheus use their Asgard transport technology, to get Vala out?

            A cool episode, 9/10.
            Last edited by LoveYouBaby; 21 August 2005, 01:44 AM.
            Go SG-1! Go ATLANTIS!

            <<Amanda Tapping's the only sweet hunny bunny for me>>


              the Prometheus has never had the ability to lock on to people or items like the Asgaard do. Just the transporter tech "LoveyouBaby."


                Originally posted by GenHammondsBarber

                Great episode--Great Season
                --Great Show
                We are followers of eternal Hathor!!

                "We are the queen of the Gods, we are the mother of all Gods."


                  Originally posted by Crichton
                  the Prometheus has never had the ability to lock on to people or items like the Asgaard do. Just the transporter tech "LoveyouBaby."
                  Yes they have now. How did they get through the forcefield to load the naquadria-enhanced bomb? Then to get beamed back up to the ship.

                  I seriously doubt that the Asgard wouldn't try to update the Prometheus to a similar level as that of the Daedalus. Unless Prometheus is still using the locking on the individual by their radio-thing... *headache*
                  Last edited by LoveYouBaby; 21 August 2005, 02:05 AM.
                  Go SG-1! Go ATLANTIS!

                  <<Amanda Tapping's the only sweet hunny bunny for me>>


                    Great show, a couple things that struck me.

                    1. When the Goa'uld is meeting the team. Like the writers were poking fun at themselves with Mitchell not being Jack, and Vala not being Carter, etc.

                    2. I do not think Gerak is "in with the Ori" as at least one poster said. Just stubborn and not too smart. Thinks shooting at them as much and as long as possible will win.


                      Originally posted by epiphany

                      What did Teal'c have to do in this one that he didn't have to in the others? I don't think he had much more to do in this one than in the previous ones and frankly I don't think he's had much less to do than has in most seasons of Stargate over all. For the most part over all the seasons he hasn't had much more to do than be the big Jaffa guy who doesn't say much, except in the few episodes that specifically focus on him.
                      IMO, Teal'c has had significantly less to do in this season than most previous seasons by the time we have reached six episodes. He had more to do in Redemption I and II (his role was important here), more to do in Fallen and Homecoming and in New Order I and II. He was much more present in the premieres than the season 9 premiere.

                      And by the time we have seen six episodes, Teal'c has been featured. Examples are Orpheus and Avatar. He's had a larger role sooner in the other seasons. In season 6, he had alot of interaction with Jonas early on as well.

                      What is surprising to me is that in the season where Jack and Sam are almost non-existent in the first five episodes, Teal'c (the only other main char except Daniel) has had so little screen time. Ah, but his time will come perhaps next week.


                        I think the reason Teal'c's not playing too big a role right now is because his story is basically a subplot that's weaving through the entire season. I do hope we get a few episodes that actually focuses on the FJN and Teal'c this season, though.
                        Originally posted by QuiGonJohn
                        1. When the Goa'uld is meeting the team. Like the writers were poking fun at themselves with Mitchell not being Jack, and Vala not being Carter, etc.
                        Yeah, I loved that. Some of TPTB's infamous self-referential humor. It worked really well, too, since it actually made sense in the scene and offered an on-screen method of voicing a lot of fans' concerns about Jack's departure.
                        Thornbird: I'm Major Robort Thornbird. And you are?
                        Jack: Captain James T. Kirk of the starship Enterprise.
                        Thornbird: Your dog tags say otherwise.
                        Jack: ... They're lying.


                          Originally posted by TheCorpulent1
                          I think the reason Teal'c's not playing too big a role right now is because his story is basically a subplot that's weaving through the entire season. I do hope we get a few episodes that actually focuses on the FJN and Teal'c this season, though.

                          Yeah, I loved that. Some of TPTB's infamous self-referential humor. It worked really well, too, since it actually made sense in the scene and offered an on-screen method of voicing a lot of fans' concerns about Jack's departure.
                          Double, double funny about that scene with the Goa'uld. Not only was he referencing the fact that Jack and Sam werent there but he implied that Teal'c WAS the reason the goa'uld were defeated. So its like Teal'c got a nod along with Jack and Sam. He has been so instrumental to the victory in the last 8 years but hardly used at all this season. Plus we see how people offworld see the victory. They seem to see the Jaffa having defeated the goa'uld with the tauri just helping a bit.
                          Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                          ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                          AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                            On the contrary, I think they view the Tau'ri as pretty instrumental. Nerus later tells Landry that they're living in a galaxy of his own making, not the Jaffa's making.
                            Thornbird: I'm Major Robort Thornbird. And you are?
                            Jack: Captain James T. Kirk of the starship Enterprise.
                            Thornbird: Your dog tags say otherwise.
                            Jack: ... They're lying.


                              Well, I just typed up my entire lengthy evalutation of Beachhead only to have my computer freeze up as I posted it. I copied some of it, but I had to shutdown the computer, so I'll sum up my paragraphs into sentences.

                              Liked Mitchell, didn't like "Shaft."
                              Liked Carter, I think she feels awkward coming back after a few months, that being why she seemed out of place to some people. I'm glad she's back and hope she joins up soon.
                              Liked Daniel, though some say he was overly harsh with Vala. We have to remember that he is growing tired of her antics and has been very nice to her despite her actions so far. He was glad she was alive in the end, so we know he cares.
                              Liked Teal'c, got to say a bit more and speak to Gerak, I'm hoping he gets more heavily featured soon, since Ex Deus Machina and Babylon heavily feature Jaffa and Goa'uld, his specialties.
                              Liked Vala, hated her in Prometheus Unbound. By Avalon II she had grown on me, and I want her to return. She just wanted to prove herself and I think at some point she really wanted to join SG-1. Despite her personality and use of innuendo, I think she is a strong woman who will make her way back. The Vala arc isn't over, it's just merely on hold.
                              Liked Landry, like him almost as much as Hammond. He handled Nerus well and is on top of things.
                              Liked Nerus, that man can act.
                              Liked the lack of Lam, enough said.

                              I see Landry calls Walter chief now.

                              All in all I liked it, maybe not so much as TPTB, which still rates #1 this season. I loved the concept of the Supergate, and as predictable as some say the properties of the force field were, no one can tell me they predicted the black hole and supergate. Bring on Ex Deus Machina, I've been waiting for it since the summary came out.

                              And in three weeks we get Prototype AND The Fourth Horseman I.

                              Then again, the break draws ever closer.
                              Beyond the Horizon Lies the Gateway to a New Galaxy
                              Stargate Horizon, Co-Executive Producer
                              Latest Episode: 4.06 - "Eden"
                              Stargate Destiny, Fan
                              Latest Episode: 1.20 - "Alliances, Part One"


                                I predicted the black hole, actually. As soon as the lieutenant guy on Prometheus noted that the planet was shrinking, I thought "singularity." Kinda obvious. The Supergate was a surprise though. I'd heard spoilers of a planet-sized Stargate, but I didn't think it'd show up this soon.

                                You didn't like "Shaft"? I thought it was hilarious. His callsign is "Shaft," but instead of explaining it with a cool backstory, like how he always wanted to be Shaft when he was a kid, it turns out to be a pun on his name and an engine component. The anti-climax of the joke made it funny to me, I guess.
                                Thornbird: I'm Major Robort Thornbird. And you are?
                                Jack: Captain James T. Kirk of the starship Enterprise.
                                Thornbird: Your dog tags say otherwise.
                                Jack: ... They're lying.

