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Avalon, Part 2 (902)

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    Originally posted by joasia
    They kind of did it in S1 (Fire and Water), only I'm guessing that at they had smaller FX budget back then...
    My guess would be "When Harrry met Sally"...
    Yes, that's exactly what I was thinking...thus proving that I've watched far too many movies...but with the relationship between Daniel and Vala being so sarcastic and snippy I couldn't resist making the comparison.


      Originally posted by Dana_Jeanne
      What exactly did Mitchell say when they were in Daniel's lab? Daniel mentions... Mirdin? and Mitchell mumbles "I have ....... Harvard and I've never heard of M..." I've replayed it over and over and I simply can't catch it.

      Dana Jeanne
      I think he said something along the lines of ''I have an uncle Marvin.... pretty sure I don't know any myrrdins (sp) though.''


        Originally posted by SGLAB
        I'm one of the few who likes the Jaffa eps. I think the direction they're taking this season looks very interesting and I look forward to how Teal'c will be dealing with being pulled in two different directions.
        You're not the only one who likes the Jaffa episodes. I like them too.
        I felt for Teal'c when he found out that his rival, Gerak, won the vote over him as head of Jaffa council. Judging from Rak'nor's comments, it's obvious a good number of the Jaffa view Teal'c as basically a 'sell-out' because of his relationship with the Tauri--specifically SG1--all those years. Teal'c obviously knows his alliance with the Tau'ri doesn't sit well with the Jaffa brothers; he mentioned that to Mitchell in Avalon Pt 1. He's definitely being faced with having to choose sides.


          I actually missed most of the 1st viewing for this ep, due to seeing a few friends I haven't seen in a while... and upon my return to the TV, I came in just after the whole burning of the stake, so to speak, scene, so I thought the ending was a bit *unusual* since too many people were complaining about precocious Vala in "Avalon, part 1".

          Saw 2nd viewing...
          Michael Shanks/Daniel...
          he could be a great auctioneer if he was ever able to keep up with his own speech pace.
          When he slows down his speech enough, as he did in "Threads", his voice deepens and he sounds like James Spader's "Daniel Jackson". (That's a compliment, btw!)

          Vala... when I finally saw the whole fire scene... that ending was almost downright creepy!
          (IMO) these are worth repeating:
          Originally posted by mtee1958, at post # 43:
          ...the burning scene was incredible. I can't imagine Daniel treating Vala the same after that -- Something like that would remain in your mind for a long time. Claudia was wonderful -- I've never thought Vala was annoying and she was definately toned down. Nothing over the top or cheesy -- her reactions after being brought back-- the vulnerability and haunted look -- wow - amazing.
          Having her go the full deal and back, it shook her up quite a bit, and humanized her. I think it also made Daniel more *compassionate* to her for her sake. Loved the way he just cradled her in her "death", as if he lost someone he cherished a great deal. (He seems to do that a lot...)

          Originally posted by Arative, at post # 28:
          I thought that this episode added a lot depth to Vala's character. When the prior or doci, what ever it was healed Vala, I saw a vulnerable person that uses the sexual inuendo, the greed, basically the facade that she's only out for herself, to hide the fact, that she is just a normal, scared person at times. It humanized her a lot more in my eyes. When she said that she felt tingly all over and that it wasn't from Daniel, just made me like the her character more than I already did because I saw that she was using her behavior as a defense mechanism.
          She portrays a bubbly con-artist very well. Most cons are secretly insecure, but make themself appear to everyone else as if they have it all together - that's why they're good at conning others.

          Originally posted by Dana_Jeanne, at post # 7:
          I LOVED IT. I've never been any good at puzzles, so I didn't get the obviousness of the two in the rooms, nor do I watch the Simpsons.
          Same here. I've never watched the Simpsons from Day 1. It had too much of an attitude hype coming from too many smart-mouths (with snotty, bad attitudes) where I worked at the time.

          Being that I liked # 1 and # 3 Indiana Jones films, and those short lived TV adventure programs on UPN and the WB, I liked the archeology puzzle aspect (what archeological adventure doesn't usually have something of that sort in it?). But I'm not sophisticated enough to figure out puzzles as fast as Danny and Cameron had to do it.

          Originally posted by Bobthespirit, at post # 3:
          Okay, what the heck? Those tests look like they were designed for any reasonably intelligent thirteen year old to be able to solve them. It's good to know that the puzzle that Merlin used to guard his massive treasure trove is the same one that Lisa Simpson had trouble solving that made her doubt her intelligence. The lameness of the puzzles really hurts the episode because it breaks suspension of disbelief.
          I hate say this, but there still are *some* people on this planet who don't know how to to properly connect the dots between the puzzles. When the puzzle is finally resolved, it becomes an *amazing* WOW! that's cool! Maybe it's a dyslexic thing...

          Aside from my not seeing "The Simpsons" ep mentioned, as for commenting that a 13-year old could solve this puzzle, I find it a bit short-sighted to consider Stargate's resolving of the puzzle in "Avalon," parts 1 and 2 *Lame*, especially when most 18-year old and older folks can't even count at cashiering at a grocery or department store!

          I laughed (mostly in disbelief!) the first time I encountered such situations, because the cashiers with automatically computerized calculators just can't figure it out when they're given an odd numbered amount in change (different from an even numbered total that the register shows them), and then they give me that really DUMB look, like "What's this?" -they've come to rely too much on letting their computers do it for them! When I see 9 out of 10 people unable to do simple math...that's both lazy and LAME. (When I was their age, I had to cashier, and we didn't have computers to calculate for us!)


            leave it to me to miss this one...

            anyone know when it will air again?
            Daniel: You..stupid son of a *****
            Jack: Hey, you're welcome...


              you know what my fave part of the ep was? mitchell fighting the hologram. he wasn't doing so well, and i respected that. and when he was getting his butt kicked and it looked like was going to give in, he flashed back to how hard he'd fought to regain his legs working. bang, he got mad (at himself) and fought back. i almost cried out 'yes!'. i did feel melancholy that it wasn't jack, though.

              (wish the show would have put this much creativity and effort into seasons 7 and 8)




                Originally posted by Seshat

                I look forward to Sam's return. I kept wondering what her comments would have been throughout the ep. She would have had a few choice words in the cave, to be sure, and been right there with Dr. Lee trying to figure out the device. I miss Amanda. I bet they did, too.

                (((((amanda & sam))))))




                  re what your saying about them trying too hard to sell Mitchell and Vala. I think they're trying too hard to make Mitchell into a Hero. All he did (that I could figure out anyway!) in Lost City was lead the group of fighters that helped in the fight. And crashed. And recovered. Um, so what? Like Landry said: what's his kryptonite? He's a little too perfect for me.


                  with the exception of mitch lacking 'naturally curly red hair' he passes the litmus test for being a mary sue, umm, marty

                  sacrifices himself to save the 'cool kids'
                  admires all the 'cool kids'
                  all he ever wants is to join the 'cool kids'
                  three separate bedside visits from said 'cool kids', including the 'we owe you'
                  and then his medal and now him selflessly working to put the team all back together

                  i mean, ok, he's the new star. we get it. he's the new male lead, he's the new jack. it's not like they have to convince us to like him or he gets voted off the island. he's there to stay. stop with the hard sell. to me, they're not validating his presence, they're pushing too hard and making me wonder 'ok, so dare i wonder just what is hiding behind the wizard's curtain cause if it's too good to be true, it probably is'

                  stop selling him, simply write him and let us get to know him.

                  we're not idiots and we dont' need to be force fed something to get it
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by SGLAB
                    I'm one of the few who likes the Jaffa eps. I think the direction they're taking this season looks very interesting and I look forward to how Teal'c will be dealing with being pulled in two different directions.
                    i'm looking forward to how things go for teal'c in this too. i'm especially looking forward to lou gossett jr appearing. that man's acting talents have no limits. when i found out he was going to play a jaffa, i was so thrilled. most of the jaffas are so one-dimensional, and their stilted dialog/acting doesn't help. lou will raise the bar!




                      CRAP INDEED!
                      ROFL! LMAO

                      These Asgards are getting funnier now!

                      Servatis a periculum. Servatis a maleficum.


                        I really liked this episode - I got really into it and the ep sped past for me. I'm loving the character of Vala. Her and Daniel's characters really complement each other. The only slightly irritating thing was another "To be continued" but that's just me being impatient and wanting to know more about the Orii already!!


                          Ooh, go Mitchell. You go kick that hologram! Lexa's character was very cool, straight-forward Doc, no messing around, to the point. I like. The General and the Doc... I wonder how big the gap is between them.

                          The Ancient Communication Terminal... how cool yet it looks like we just saw the an outcome of aftermath of the fall of the Ancients on another galaxy. Why would the Ori be so mean? I can't help but feel our "God" may be an Ori... ROFL!

                          I was so glad that Vala was alright, she maybe a crook but looks like she has changed her ways after a quick lesson in death.

                          Not as entertaining as Atlantis' "Intruder", but this is a cool story, an easy-gentle, flowing one. I'm expecting something big propping up, I think it's time we saw this evil race, the Ori.
                          Go SG-1! Go ATLANTIS!

                          <<Amanda Tapping's the only sweet hunny bunny for me>>


                            Originally posted by DavidNetk
                            CRAP INDEED!
                            ROFL! LMAO

                            These Asgards are getting funnier now!
                            Uhh...wrong show, dude.

                            And it was a really good episode; toning down a lot of the humour of part 1, packing in a lot of new story, and posing some questions that will probably form the backbone of Season 9.
                            But the best part, just like The Intruder, was the character development that we saw - mainly their reactions to the bad situations that they're finding themselves in. Mitchell with the Knight (wannabe), summoning the reserves of willpower that got him walking again. Vala's death and resurrection, and how her whole attitude changed. Daniel's reaction to Vala's death was very sad and profound; not the classic "NOOOOOO!", but just gently holding her charred body - and this considering how much affection he's shown for Vala previously. Teal'c coming back to Dakara only to find that he has lost the vote to Gerak, described as a militaristic and anti-Tau'ri opponent; from his reaction, we can tell that this won't bode well for the Jaffa or for Earth. And Landry's reaction to Dr. Lam (told ya O'Neill appointed her!); outwardly pleasant yet akward and strange. Spoiler-reading poeple will understand this better than others.
                            Landry wanted to know Mitchell's kryptonite; it seems we've discovered some in the whole cast for this episode.

                            Next episode will kick ass. No questions.

                            If TPTB are reading; give yourself a pat on the back and a well earned beer. And then throw the empty beer bottles at the Sci-Fi network headquarters until they agree to restore the long opening credits. You've made some outstanding television.


                              Originally posted by White Knight
                              If TPTB are reading; give yourself a pat on the back and a well earned beer. And then throw the empty beer bottles at the Sci-Fi network headquarters until they agree to restore the long opening credits. You've made some outstanding television.
                              Heh, I second that!

                              Banner by angelfire east


                                So far, the Orii don't seem that evil. I mean, we know they're powerful and people worship them, but we've not yet seen their really dark side. They are kinda creepy and they do seem to have power over life and death, but I have a feeling that next week we'll see what they're really like.

