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Avalon, Part 1 (901)

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    Well I surprised myself totally with this .... I LIKED IT!!!

    With all the cast changes etc I really hadn't been looking forward to the new season starting. I only ever saw a few episodes of Farscape and hadn't thought a great deal of Ben Browder ... but in this, I think he kinda works. Well if he's going for the "hapless new recruit trying to get 'the team' back together".

    I did like the beginning back story to who he actually was (though the music was a bit more Star Wars than Stargate!) and the way it was cut into the original ending of Season 7. That really did make it feel like he wasn't so much the "who the hell is this guy?" character.

    The jury is still out for me on Landry though. I'm going to have to see a bit more before I can pass judgement. No one (not even Jack) could ever replace Hammond for me ... he's the original and the best. Time will tell, but I think his 'old style' of command will grow on me.

    Vala .... "BLEURGH!!!!!!!" Ditch her, please ditch her!! The sexual innuendo (and bluntness) isn't what Stargate is about and it just feels wrong. We've had the subtle stuff before and I feel that's more the tone. I mean please .... "ooh yeah lets make babies" ... does she have the mental IQ of a 14 year old chav??

    Now that might sound like I'm pulling the new season apart, but in all honesty I was left at the end of the first episode wanting more!! I love the way they've brought the Arthurian mythology into it. I didn't think it would sit right, but it somehow does (maybe cos of the back story of Atlantis feeding it etc). Though is Glastonbury really only 125 miles from London?

    But nitpicking apart ... it's great to have Daniel, Teal'c (and a lil Jack and Sam) back. We're getting lots of the "original" Teal'c back with the way he's reacting to Mitchell and I just love that!!

    Bring on Episode 2!!!


      Originally posted by Jacksbabe
      Though is Glastonbury really only 125 miles from London?
      Yes it is - more or less. I Googled it (how sad is that? ) and found another estimate which suggested around 127 miles, so 125 does very nicely as a straight round figure, I reckon.


        Originally posted by Chaka's_Mum
        Yes it is - more or less. I Googled it (how sad is that? ) and found another estimate which suggested around 127 miles, so 125 does very nicely as a straight round figure, I reckon.
        Oh thanks for that! It did stick out to me during the episode as not being right (didn't seem far enough) and I hadn't got around to "Googling it" (see, if your sad, then so am I!! )
        Last edited by Jacksbabe; 14 October 2005, 10:13 AM.


          Originally posted by Chaka's_Mum
          ...However, just for the sake of true cheesiness, I would have liked to have seen the following exchange (just for my own personal enjoyment, I hasten to add):

          Mitchell: I guess this is the moment when the hidden door drops down and shuts us in.
          Hidden door drops down and shuts them in.
          Teal'c: Indeed.
          Ha! That would have been great!!!


            Glad to see that y'all are getting to watch the new episodes and I'm doubly glad that the results are mostly positive! Cool. I hadn't visited these episode threads in a while, but I'll be keeping an eye out now that we're getting a bunch of new comments! [Not that you care, haha, it's just that I'm excited about reading more comments - especially positive ones.]


              The little comment by Teal'c towards the end was nice, interesting to see they wont be all buddy buddy straight off. Liked Dannys beard BTW.
              Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


                Just saw this episode on Sky One - was at college during the week

                Landry - Well I'm not sure what I think Gen. Landry was weird - I mean I heard about him but the way he sounded and acted was just strange not sure I actually like him.

                Vala - Ok a didn't particularly annoying or funny kinda ambivalent

                Mitchell - Like him well enough he was funny when he was trying to get directions at Dakara. Nice to see a newbie on SG-1 after all the nothing fazes us anymore attitude thats been around the last couple of seasons.

                Daniel - irritated and short with people, understandable, he was impatient to get to Atlantis and then dissapointed but not the Daniel we all know

                Teal'c - talked really quickly, but he was his cool old self

                Sam - She was suprisingly in this alot but the scenes she was in were all kind of Carter in offical mode so her presence wasn't really felt.

                Jack - seemed... tired. Lacked his usually sparky self.

                Random things - I didn't really find the jokes all that funny or the finale in the caves that exciting but Mitchell recruiting members andc the action sequence in Antartica was cool


                  Anyone else think Teal'c looks like he had a comb over? A greecy one at that?
                  Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


                    I really enjoyed Avalon part 1, thought the introduction of the Mitchell and Landry was handled very well, felt like they were already established characters.

                    But I got very frustrated towards the end at the implication that Vala or anyone could turn up on British soil and help themselves to treasure found in Avalon or anywhere else! It's always been my understanding that anything of value found without an owner automatically to the Crown (as head of state) and I'm sure that other countries have similar rules. I don't think that a visiting alien would qualify for exemption from this!

                    Also, why didn't anyone from the British army accompany them? Even allowing for the fact that it was discovered by the Stargate programme the site is in England for heavens sake! The whole King Arthur thing is a major part of British history/folklore so if Avalon was ever discovered, it would be massive over here and any prime minister would want to milk it for all the publicity! If it ever became known that the pm had allowed foreigners first dibs at one of our major historical sites he'd be lynched and more importantly voted out of office very quickly!

                    Okay okay i know its only television ......and you never know but in part 2 Vala might actually find out that she can't have the loot.....even if she does have an impeccable English accent! Arthur was my dad's name and also I studied the whole Round Table thing at university so maybe I'm just too emotionally attached to the whole King Arthur legend, hopefully I can watch next weeks episode without getting frustrated....


                      Originally posted by Elite Anubis Guard
                      Anyone else think Teal'c looks like he had a comb over? A greecy one at that?
                      I had hoped it was just the angle of the promotional shots that made Teal'c look a little effeminate, but I have to say its something about the "shiney" hair ... it does something to his eyes!


                        Originally posted by Arthur
                        I really enjoyed Avalon part 1, thought the introduction of the Mitchell and Landry was handled very well, felt like they were already established characters.

                        But I got very frustrated towards the end at the implication that Vala or anyone could turn up on British soil and help themselves to treasure found in Avalon or anywhere else! It's always been my understanding that anything of value found without an owner automatically to the Crown (as head of state) and I'm sure that other countries have similar rules. I don't think that a visiting alien would qualify for exemption from this!

                        Also, why didn't anyone from the British army accompany them? Even allowing for the fact that it was discovered by the Stargate programme the site is in England for heavens sake! The whole King Arthur thing is a major part of British history/folklore so if Avalon was ever discovered, it would be massive over here and any prime minister would want to milk it for all the publicity! If it ever became known that the pm had allowed foreigners first dibs at one of our major historical sites he'd be lynched and more importantly voted out of office very quickly!

                        Okay okay i know its only television ......and you never know but in part 2 Vala might actually find out that she can't have the loot.....even if she does have an impeccable English accent! Arthur was my dad's name and also I studied the whole Round Table thing at university so maybe I'm just too emotionally attached to the whole King Arthur legend, hopefully I can watch next weeks episode without getting frustrated....
                        Hopefully. BTW, welcome to the forum!
                        Yes, I really do look like (a younger) Daniel. Don't believe me? Look for yourself.

                        Hey, Mitchell! You want a turn?


                          I saw it a second time, and I still found it fun.

                          The biggest difference the second time was Landry. I didn't like how his part was written or how it was acted. I think it did both him and Mitchell a disservice that they had Landry telling the audience Mitchell's character for us, in case we wouldn't be able to work it our ourselves. "Self depreciating humour"... "expresses himself poorly"... AAAARGH, we're watching it! 'Show, don't tell' has become 'Show... and then tell too in case your audience is too dim to have noticed the Show' and I don't like it.

                          The other thing I disliked was how he hangs his mouth open whenever he's waiting for a reaction. I don't like it when people hang their mouths open. I can't think of many people who do it, only small infants, Alex Fergusson, and my husband when he's in a vile mood. And it's irritating in anyone over the age of three. If Landry keeps it up I may have to have a crossword or something handy for when he's onscreen.

                          Other than Landry I still liked everything. Cam's infomercials were too long overall, but it wasn't bad, and it probably worked better in the 90min version. Cam himself was amiable as a character from the start, and second time around he improved cos I had more empathy for him when I watched it liking him already. (Is there a word for the opposite of a vicious circle? Fluffy circle, perhaps?)

                          Daniel was good, all flustered and moody; Vala was mostly good, but sometimes just okay. I saw moments of depth, which I hope are harbingers rather than accidents. Teal'c was interesting, and I'm wondering what made him actually go along. We didn't get much of him and I'm keen for that to be rectified soon. Sam and Jack were alright but didn't have much to do. Walter is great unless he's doing his Radar shtick which is a pretty pathetic ripoff. Okay, I lied about liking everything but Landry.

                          Still, I think I could stand to watch Avalon I a few more times and still enjoy the experience



                            Originally posted by Arthur
                            But I got very frustrated towards the end at the implication that Vala or anyone could turn up on British soil and help themselves to treasure found in Avalon or anywhere else! It's always been my understanding that anything of value found without an owner automatically to the Crown (as head of state) and I'm sure that other countries have similar rules. I don't think that a visiting alien would qualify for exemption from this!

                            Hi Arthur - nice to meet you!

                            If Not-Yet-SG-1 do find anything then they will have to check whether it meets the definition of 'Treasure' as set out in the Treasure Act 1996 (true! check it out at

                            I don't imagine Vala would find the concept of 'Treasure Trove' particularly problematic. She'd just ignore it. Whether she could whip any tasty goodies out from under the noses of her companions is another matter. I can't see her managing to TWOC the Prometheus again!

                            On the issue of jurisdiction, I expect there are carefully worked out protocols and agreements covering issues like this following on from the events of 'Disclosure'. Chances are the S.G.C. (and, it follows, I guess, the US Government) have first refusal on any technology/weaponry that can be used in the defence of Earth - even if it lies within the borders of an allied nation. Anything else will remain UK property (Vala permitting ). Not that Wessex Archaeology will be able to get their mitts on it without using Rings, of course.

                            Speaking for myself, I'm quite happy at the moment that, context-wise, they seem to be hanging on to the Post-Galfridian-Romantic version of the main legend and giving it a new gloss. Okay, they've popped Ambrosius Aurelianus into the mix - but given that we are reasonably confident that a) Mount Badon actually did happen and b) Gildas actually attributes the victory to Ambrosius, it adds a nice little whiff of historicity to proceedings.


                              Hey, only just seen this cos I live in the cold damp land of England. Just wanted to say how much I loved this episode to someone cos my parents have threatened to gag me if I don't stop talking about Stargate.

                              Now I'm here I feel like joing the discussion (soz that I'm totally uninvited but whatever). Vala is a thief, I highly doubt she gives a rat's arse about stealing artifacts. My brother will probably kill me now (he wants to be an archaeologist).

                              Sheyna-isms: Like normal words, but better!

                              Pop into my myspace profile and leave me a message! If you wanna add me, message me letting me know your from gateworld first!!!




                                Originally posted by Pyscho-veggie-freak
                                Hey, only just seen this cos I live in the cold damp land of England. Just wanted to say how much I loved this episode to someone cos my parents have threatened to gag me if I don't stop talking about Stargate.

                                Now I'm here I feel like joing the discussion (soz that I'm totally uninvited but whatever). Vala is a thief, I highly doubt she gives a rat's arse about stealing artifacts. My brother will probably kill me now (he wants to be an archaeologist).
                                LOL. Nobody will gag you here, so you can babble on about Stargate to your heart's content! And welcome!

