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Avalon, Part 1 (901)

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    Originally posted by Dani347
    Sing it!

    That made the episode for me.

    I think once you get the idea that it's a puzzle, the rest isn't hard to follow. And, since it didn't get them out, we don't really know that he was supposed to do anything with them
    With regard to the puzzles, maybe Cam should have asked Indiana Jones or his Dad. They did pretty well with the 3 riddles posed in The Last Crusade....remember? The whole last part of the episode reeked of Indiana Jones, with the riddles and descending cave roof bits. I would think the writers could have been a tad more imaginative and original.

    In fact, Vala And Jackson screwed up too, and should have asked Indie for help. They were BOTH tests, period. Just like in the "movies" mentioned. Think next they will find a bunch of "Holy Grails" and have to "choose wisely"?
    On fighting:
    Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
    Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."


      Originally posted by KatG
      People keep watching because they hope that somehow the magic that they first noticed will be recaptured once again. And when it's not they're dissapointed and they want to express their disappointment. Last I checked this wasn't the "I love Stargate, it can do no wrong" forum. It was a discussion forum, for people to express their opinion good or bad as to how they feel about a certain episode or the way the show is going.

      You say don't watch the show if you don't like it, I say, don't read the negative opinions if you don't like them. It's easy to do. People usually say right at the beginning of a post that they either loved it, hated it, or felt neutral about it. Just hit that down arrow key and skip the ones that said they hated it. Even the ones who feel neutral if that bothers you.

      I'm not saying you can't have negative opinions and I certainly don't expect it to be a gushfest -- however, don't you think it odd for people who write how much they hate it to still be watching? I just don't need to hear week after week how it's the pits since Jack is gone etc. It hasn't happened yet, since we are only at week 1, but I don't want to see it happen. Those people can go to the Season Nine stinks thread (which I don't read) The premise for this forum, in my mind, is for fans of this show to gather and talk about the eps and characters. People who come on and constantly put the show down, and no-one has done this yet - but I've seen it on other forums, bring the mood of this site down. Yes, there are eps that just aren't "on", but it does bother me when people don't give new characters a chance - now when I stopped watching during season 6, I didn't go on and say really negative things about Jonas and say the show was going downhill or call him a poor imitation of Daniel. I just left.

      I am for discussing how the Cameron etc characters should develop or where they are thin, but I don't like to read blanket - Jack wannabes, lame imitation, remarks when they've only seen one show.

      But in the long run, no matter how we feel, it's just a show and when it ends, the world will keep on turning. So I believe we should just enjoy the ride for as long as it lasts and not take ourselves too seriously.


        Originally posted by mtee1958
        I'm not saying you can't have negative opinions and I certainly don't expect it to be a gushfest -- however, don't you think it odd for people who write how much they hate it to still be watching? I just don't need to hear week after week how it's the pits since Jack is gone etc. It hasn't happened yet, since we are only at week 1, but I don't want to see it happen. Those people can go to the Season Nine stinks thread (which I don't read)
        This thread is for discussing the episode which means positive as well as negative opinions are allowed here. If it bothers you to read too many negative opinions then I suggest you do the same with the posters that you do with the Anti S9 thread: ignore them!


          Hey, all !

          I loved the ep, laughed myself silly. BB is definitely not a 'replacement Jack'. He has his own unique character that I'm quickly taking to.

          That said, does anyone else think Landry was a bit weak? I mean, is he running the SGC, or is that being done by Walter and SG-1?

          Sorry, if it's been discussed, but I don't have time to scan 5 pages.


            Well, I think it's safe to say I approached this with equal degrees of anticipation and trepidation. In fact, so much trepidation that I've had the episode dl for over 24 hours now and only psyched myself up to watch it just now. I was so afraid I'd hate it.

            I was a bit worried. Jack's departure eliminated at a stroke so much of what made Stargate unique and enjoyable for me. Not just Jack himself and his humour, but J/S ship, those wacky J/D conversations...even Jack's relationship with Teal'c. And spoilers I've read over the past few months have made my heart sink lower and lower.

            I especially was convinced that I'd find Vala very annoying. I really enjoyed PU last year, but I didn't really think Vala was an interesting enough character to bring back. Certainly not for five whole episodes. And bits and pieces I'd heard about Avalon I from those who'd seen it made me even more convinced she'd grate on my nerves pretty quickly.

            Well, I'm delighted to say I was wrong. I really enjoyed her banter with everyone. I didn't have any real qualms about Mitchell and wasn't disappointed there. I think I'm glad I never really got into Farscape though, so I don't have any echoes of other characters from BB and CB, but can come to them fresh. I never got any Jack vibes from Mitchel though, as I watched. I think he's definitely his own man. Just because he has a sense of humour and is quick with a quip or two, doesn't equate to 'Mitchell is a Jack clone' for me. It was a different kind of humour imo. Talking of which, I did enjoy Jack's cameo and his attempts to retract on the possibly reckless promise that Cam could do 'anything'. LOL.

            I liked the way the four of them gelled and am really looking forward to seeing more of that in the coming episodes. I did really miss Sam, but it was a lovely surprise to see her cameos, which I wasn't expecting.

            And much as I enjoyed Jack's tenure as General, it is nice to get back to a more 'normal' <g> CO in charge of the SGC. Someone no-nonsense, who wears dress uniform, more in the mould of Hammond. And Landry was very likeable. I'm looking forward to watching him interact with the others in the season. One moment that was very telling to me was during the briefing room scene, when Landry got frustrated and impatient and interrupted Daniel's wandering explanations of Arthurian myth. When he stood up, so did Mitchell of course. Landry's absent wave at him to sit down again told me a lot about this guy. He's someone who's not going to stand on too much ceremony.

            Walter was hilarious as ever. The 'psychic' bit was hysterical. And the interviews - ROTFL! Poor Cam.

            I just found this a whole lot of fun from start to finish. Heck I didn't even mind Vala's costume! How much of a turnabout is that?! It just seemed...right for her. And where I thought I'd find the obvious sex talk irritating and pandering to the lowest common denominator, I laughed like a drain to be honest. It just seemed more about what Vala was like as a character, her doing what came naturally, than any grafted on, over the top attempt at the teen male demographic. And so it was easy for me to accept.

            The jury's still out on the rest of the season -
            it'll all depend on whether the spoilers I've seen are misleading about what episodes are about. Which they could well be, of course. Right now they seem to indicate too many episodes being heavily involved in elements of the SG universe which have usually bored me rigid in the past. But there could be balancing elements that the spoilers just haven't mentioned, so I'm hoping that's the case.

            For now - the new characters are engaging and I had great fun watching them. Daniel and Teal'c are their usual selves. The 'bullets bounce' scene and Teal'c's obvious amusement at Mitchell's reaction was definitely a classic SG moment.

            In conclusion - can't wait till next week!

            Last edited by Albion; 18 July 2005, 07:31 AM.
            Listen, we had General Ryan come on and do a little cameo for us, and he's a real live four star, one of the big guys. And I had to ask him point blank, because there's a certain irreverence that I bring to the character, and denseness, but while we were doing this scene, I just looked at him and said, "Do you have guys like me in...?" and he stopped me and said, "Yes, and worse, and you're doing a fine job, son."

            Richard Dean Anderson


              I had not enjoyed an episode this much since season 4, the exchanges between Daniel and Vala had me on the floor several times. And SG-me's new leader appeared a cross between Jack and Shepard, his insecurities made him very believable.
              The enemy has spoken


                Re-watching the episode on Friday night made me realize, I actually like the new general! He's not Hammond nor Jack, but in his own character, I like him.
                Yes, I really do look like (a younger) Daniel. Don't believe me? Look for yourself.

                Hey, Mitchell! You want a turn?


                  I loved the new episode! Browder is awesome! Cant wait for next week!

                  Say hello to my little friend!!


                    Originally posted by Feli
                    This thread is for discussing the episode which means positive as well as negative opinions are allowed here. If it bothers you to read too many negative opinions then I suggest you do the same with the posters that you do with the Anti S9 thread: ignore them!

                    Well, I seemed to have made some people upset. Didn't mean to do that -- I guess there was a reason I was a lurker for so long. I have read some posts where people didn't like the show, but they had specific reasons - and that I can understand and that's great. I reacted, obviously badly, to the people who have already made a decision to hate a character just because they aren't Jack. So they vent ---- and I reacted defensively. I guess I don't like unfair criticism of something I find fun and entertaining. That's why I read the forums, to be able to share the fun.

                    Anyway -- enough -- I will return to lurking. I sure didn't expect to have this become a big thing. I just replied (positively actually) to someone else's reply.


                      Hello all:

                      I'm a longtime lurker, this is my first time to post my opinion about an episode.

                      At last, another SG-1 episode. It's been sooooo long.

                      Overall, I am very pleased. I like Col. Mitchell, love his southern accent, and I like his enthusiasm for SG-1. He calls Daniel by his last name, "Jackson". I noted it right away, it kind of sounded odd since we're used to his teammates calling him Daniel or DanielJackson.

                      The flashbacks of the battle over Antartica, this time from the perspective of an F-302, were superb.

                      I did have one major disappointment: the new general is a jerk. I didn't like, at all, his reference to Walter as a 'little sergeant'. I also did not enjoy the general's exagerated impatience at Daniel's presentation. I miss Hammond. A lot.

                      I also wish Daniel had not been speaking so fast that I missed half the words during his presentation. An irritating habit of Dr. Jackson's.

                      Vala and her breasts were like 3 guest stars. Her outfit was way too sexual for my taste. She was often funny, but a couple of her jokes were cringe-worthy (let's have babies, haven't been so disappointed since Daniel and I had sex, pregnant and Daniel is one of 10 possible fathers). yuck.

                      Rak'nor is alive! I was happy to see Obi Ndefo in the guest star credits, and happy to see him -- but his appearance was all too brief. I hope he'll be back again soon.

                      Teal'c looked great. He had a few subtle funny moments with Mitchell, I look forward to more. I always liked the Jack and Teal'c comedy moments, it is what I'll miss most about losing RDA. So I'm pleased to see Teal'c starting over, getting to know a new smart-guy human -- lots of good humor potential.

                      Poor Daniel, he missed his ride on the Daedelus. He's just not fated to reach Atlantis.

                      The new credits are ridiculously brief, I don't like them at all. Not worth getting upset about, though. I just hope the DVDs come with a better opening credit sequence.

                      Looking forward to next week! And I'm hoping that the general becomes more likeable.
                      The very young do not always do as they are told


                        Originally posted by Noxchild

                        I also did not enjoy the general's exagerated impatience at Daniel's presentation. I miss Hammond. A lot.
                        You know, as much as I like Daniel, and especially like Daniel in lecture/ scholar mode, you'd think I'd also have a problem with Landry's reaction, but I actually liked it. I thought it was realistic. It showed how they had different views on what was important. Landry wanted Daniel to get to the point, which was what Daniel was doing. Only thing is, Daniel had a different idea of what the point was.

                        Plus, as much as I happen to like Daniel rambling on about things, I can imagine some other people might not. I thought it was interesting to see the different reactions. Teal'c, being used to this, listening, and asking questions. Mitchell just eating it up, probably having imagined himself in a situation like this, hearing Dr. Jackson give a briefing like this. Landry just wanting to know what they need to do, how they will be able to do it, and all that superfluous (in his mind) just wasting time. And, Vala, just wanting to know the quickest way to get rich.
                        I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                        Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                        Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                        Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                        Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                          Originally posted by rnwhocares
                          Ok, what were the farscape jokes?
                          1. winking at Mitchell about not knowing who the father of the baby is (in Farscape, there was a plotpoint of not knowing if it was Crichton's baby) (this was most likely in the script by the writers, since the camera angle has to switch to make the line-wink-reaction work.
                          2. "play hard to get!" "thats funny coming from you..." (approx, and probably an ad lib by the actors as they walked off screen, not written by the writers... was the most obvious of the night, because Cameron's "thats funny coming from you" line doesnt really make sense in any other context but a joke. He doesn't know Vala well-enough to know if she ever plays hard to get... and besides, I don't think she does play hard to get, unless beating the hell out of you = "hard to get")

                          1. "I've never seen you before . . . I would have remembered" (approx)
                          2. "Nice outfit"... a line from an ep, but is also enough of a generic line that might not be a reference.

                          NOT Farscape, but some think they are:
                          1. "Whoa! Bullets bounce!" We can expect Mitchell to freak out quite a bit as he begins his intergalactic travels... and every time he does it he is going to sound a little like John Crichton freaking out... in the same way that O'Neill being sarcastic sounded a little like MacGyver being sarcastic. Doesn't make it a Farscape reference.
                          2. "Limited genepool" line: this was a joke bc of the apparent likeness of Michael and Ben, not a Farscape joke. It has been brought up in interviews with both cast members, as well as writers and producers, and talked about fans everywhere. Like the many, many jokes in "Citizen Joe" meant to be a shout-out to the fan community, the "limited genepool" was a shoutout to us aknowledging that we have been talking about how the two guys look alike for months.

                          And that's my analysis.


                            Originally posted by Dr. Weir's Hair Gel

                            He doesn't know Vala well-enough to know if she ever plays hard to get

                            I can see how he would assume that. Vala comes in wearing her outfit, making blatant sexual commments, grinning when she sees Daniel and teasing him. I think she was doing the exact opposite of playing hard to get. If she had been, she would have been much cooler to Daniel. So, when she told Mitchell to play hard to get, it was like, "Look who's talking, Miss Practically Throw Yourself at the Guy."
                            I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                            Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                            Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                            Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                            Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                              Not that it was funny... but my favorite line of the episode was:

                              "It doesn't matter what there doing or where there going... it's SG-1 and were going to cover their asses!"

                              Great line... shows just how important SG-1 is to the entire world. If anybody is going to save the day... it's these guys and we need to cover them in order for them to do their job!

                              "Good Morning Dr. Silberman. How's the knee?" - Sarah Connor 1994


                                Originally posted by Ironman1957
                                Ben Browder I can deal with but Vala? Her character has to be refined! For a person who gave Daniel Jackson such grief in last season & as a person who you know can't be trusted they allow her into SG Command and what does she do? She screws Daniel again. Her character alone is aggravating & idiotic! Where are these writers brains at? I'm sorry but once Jack O'neil left the show that's a negative. I know it's only the first episode but if this is what you can look forward to then the show is doomed.
                                Bravo! Bravo! You must have been reading my mind! I was just going to post the same darn thing.

                                Ben Browder - Liked him more than I thought I was going to.Did like the hole flash back deal....reminded me of the old SG-1.

                                Vala -Aggravating Indeed.....I mean Holy smokes Batman,talk about OVER THE TOP! she bugged the crap out of me in this episode.TPTB should tone down Vala....She is just to much!

                                Jack - I can't help but be sad about the leave of General Jack O'neill. Thats the only thing I wasn't looking forward to this season.But there is hope for some Sam and Jack this season!!!!yippie!

                                Landry - All in all I really did like this new general. Hes like Hammonds evil twin.I liked it when he said he "Likes to yell at people but everyone is just so damn good at there job."(or something like that). I think it gives SG a new twist on things.....I think he did a great job!

                                Daniel - I like him Fuzzy.And I hope the boy finally gets to go to Atlantis!

                                Teal'c - Who in the hell did your hair???? *I like my teal'c bald*

                                Just my review on the new season....

